The Arda 300

An exhaustive compilation of the characters of Tolkien's legendarium, in order of importance, by Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

I’m beginning a new thread for this list (from the Middle-earth 1200) because I'm introducing a slightly new format, linking to Tolkien Gateway instead of summarizing each character, and I want to call it by its more appropriate name, the Arda 300. Further, I’m adding a twist, by paralleling the top 300 Tolkien characters with corresponding classic rock songs that in my opinion do approximate a top 300 rock list. I hope you enjoy!

#300 Roäc, son of Carc – raven messenger
The top 300 begins with 2 Hobbit characters, and like all characters in that book, they get no points from its index as it has none. However, Roäc owes a 5th of his points to David Day’s A to Z. While Day may be controversial, it’s the only book of his I use as a source, because it gives necessary weight to Tolkien’s animals, dwarves, not to mention Khamûl the Easterling, who wouldn’t have been close to making the top 300 otherwise. The point Roäc gets from Drout’s Encyclopedia comes from Marjorie Burns’ entry ‘Old Norse Literature’, likening him to Odin’s news-bringing ravens Hugin & Munin. Roäc’s father Carc was character #671.

#299 William Huggins – stone-troll thief
'Bill' is, not surprisingly, the highest ranking Troll on the list; in fact the only one to crack the top 800, no doubt due to his unique surname. Lower ranking characters appearing on the list that I’ve grouped in the giant-class were trolls Bert & Tom, the Lonely Troll & the Cave-Troll of Moria; the giants Gilim & Nan; and the ogress Ulbandi. I’ve classified Bill as a thief, well, because he apparently was.

#298 Wulf, son of Freca – dunlending warrior (usurper-king)
He had mixed blood, but I classify him as a Dunlending, dominant gene being the rarer race.

#297 Uolë Kúvion, the Man in the Moon – elf explorer
The Man-in-the-Moon of the nonsensical poems of LotR & Bombadil has a long history. In fact 19 of his points come from the Book of Lost Tales I, including an entry in the lexicons under Uolë Kúvion, containing translations of the name as ‘Moonking’, ‘crescent Moon’ and ‘the orbed Moon, name of the Moon-elf’. The first Man-in-the-Moon poem was written in March 1915, and according to CT it was meant to be sung by Eriol of the Lost Tales. In the original ‘Tale of the Sun and Moon’ it’s said “an aged Elf with hoary locks stepped upon the Moon unseen… and a little white turret has he builded on the Moon where often he climbs and watches the heavens, or the world beneath, and that is Uolë Kúvion who sleepeth never. Some indeed have named him the Man in the Moon, but Ilinsor is it rather who hunts the stars”. The last phrase confirms that this character isn’t equated with Tilion, Steersman of the Moon. Way back, Tolkien had a thing for relating many of his main characters to the celestial bodies of the cosmos. The transition strictly to the whimsical character of the poem seems to have occurred when the poem was published at Leeds in 1923, and we hear no more of the elf. Nonetheless, this list constitutes the entire legendarium, and absorbs all points towards each individual character.

#296 Lorgan the Easterling – easterling warrior
Brodda, his fellow Easterling, didn’t quite make the top 300, being back at #318, but Lorgan, more importantly, is the one who had the youthful Tuor as his thrall until his escape. Tuor will appear near the top of this list, and Lorgan, being his slave-master, no doubt deserves his place in the top 300.

#295 Gilraen the Fair (f) – arnorian dúnadan
Her points all mainly arise from the ‘Tale of Aragorn and Arwen’, but mothers of important characters tend to do well on this list. Belladonna Took & Primula Brandybuck didn’t quite make the cut, being back at #313 & #320. But Aragorn will appear near the top as both of their sons do.

#294 Glóredhel, daughter of Hador Lórindol (f) – 3rd house adan
Characters that appear in Tolkien's many versions have an advantage on this list, as they’re indexed more frequently. Glóredhel appears in the Sil, UT, HoMe5&11, and CoH. The point she gets from Kane’s index, nudging her into the top 300, is regarding his noting that the Narn is in fact the only reference to the double-wedding of her & Haldir, and Galdor & Hareth.

#293 Nerdanel the Wise, wife of Fëanor (f) – noldo
This mother of 7 cracks the top 300 because she appears both in Jason Fisher’s ‘Fëanor’ article in Drout’s Encyclopedia, as he speculates “Fëanor wedded Nerdanel, probably with the explicit purpose of learning from her father Mahtan, a great craftsman and favorite of Aulë”; and her many references in Kane’s Arda Reconstructed. In it, Kane notes that Nerdanel “was not among the fairest of her people… strong, and free of mind, and filled with the desire of knowledge”, and that they met ‘because, like him, she loved to wander by the sea and in the mountains, and they were companions on many journeys’. Kane goes on to say “These details regarding Fëanor and Nerdanel’s relationship and her character are important, showing that Fëanor was not one to be influenced by surface charms; they give more depth to their relationship by showing how they met and what he saw in her. It is just the kind of character development that would have greatly added to the story”. Alas, due to CT’s omissions, she is merely #293.

#292 Belegund, brother of Barahir – 1st house adan warrior
He’s another character that appears in many versions, going back to the Lays in HoMe3, and including CoH. Kane has many references to Belegund, most notably pointing out that on the Sil’s family tree, Belegund misleadingly appears to be the older brother, not Baragund; not to mention the fact that their older sister Beleth doesn’t even appear. Only 3 more of Barahir’s outlaw band remain on the list, all others have already appeared.

#291 Valandil, 1st Lord of Andúnië – númenórean lord
[TG:29,EoA:10,Wik:3,RF:2,JT:3,LR:1,UT:4,LoE:1,H12:2=55pts,8indx.pgs] ... Ani%C3%AB)
Ah, if only the laws were different at the time, Valandil would’ve been King. As it was, he removed to Andúnië on the seaside, producing a line that would become the Faithful. In time, the people of Númenor would turn away…so far away…


*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party
(f)=female (n)=neutral

POINTS - for ENTRIES: TG=Tolkien Gateway,EoA=Encyclopedia of Arda,Wik=Wikipedia,RF=Robert Foster’s Complete Guide to Middle-earth,JT=J.E.A. Tyler’s Tolkien Companion,DD=David Day’s A-Z of Tolkien; for INDICES: LR=Lord of the Rings,Sil=Silmarillion,UT=Unfinished Tales,HX=History of Middle-earth Vol.X,LT=Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,HC=Humphrey Carpenter’s Biography,JG=John Garth’s Tolkien and the Great War,JR=John Rateliff’s History of The Hobbit,DK=Douglas Kane’s Arda Reconstructed; for both ENTRIES & INDICES: MD=Michael Drout’s Tolkien Encyclopedia; for NAME-LISTS: CoH=Children of Húrin,B1 or B2=the ‘Qenya & Gnomish Lexicons’ from Book of Lost Tales Vols.1&2,FoG=the ‘Fall of Gondolin’ from BoLT Vol.2,LoE=the ‘Line of Elros’ tree & list from UT; MISC: HoF=votes from the Hall of Fire thread that initiated this project + a composite of selected favourite character lists.
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Awesomeness! I particularly enjoyed the entry on Uolë Kúvion.

I think, with your permission, though, I will continue the master list as one list, rather than start a new one.
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Shouldn't be too much longer before I appear on the list, I wouldn't think. Although ironically I will probably raise my own standing!
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Your son will appear first... ;)
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Unlike the other sons that you just mentioned, who are much higher than their parents. ;)

But it is interesting that he is in the top 300. I would not have thought that, necessarily.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Ilverin Littleheart will appear very soon, 10th last of the asterisked characters. He had quite a presence in the early tales. You won't appear till very near the top 100.

Also, I've expanded the 'Arda 300' to the two One Ring websites, linking them to the Master List here. Hope you don't mind.
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Of course I don't mind! It should have a wide audience.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

#290 Skinbark/Fladrif – ent
He gets significant points from Day, but again his A-Z was necessary to bring any ents & animals in good position. Skinbark also gets a point from Matthew Dickerson’s ‘Treebeard’ entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia.

#289 Narmacil I, 17th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
J.E.A. Tyler gives this king many of his points with his wordy entry: “although Gondor still seemed all-powerful by the time he came to the Throne, most of his family did little to preserve this power, being for the most part hedonists who surrounded themselves with luxury and ignored their first duty: to govern…”, etc.

#288 Eärwen the swan-maiden, Princess of Alqualondë (f) – falmari princess
One of this Olwë’s daughter’s points comes from her mention in Michael Drout’s own article on ‘Finrod’ in his Encyclopedia. Unrelated, but in that very article Drout mentions that Finrod collaborated to create the Nauglamír, “composed of jewels brought back from Valinor”. Oops. Yet another article Mr. Drout should have left to me…

#287 Guilin of Nargothrond – noldo lord
His son Gelmir appeared at #507; his son Gwindor will appear near the top 100. Gelmir was mutilated and strung in front of Gwindor’s elven host prior to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

#286 Hirilorn, Tree of the Lady (n) – beech-tree
I have to give a disclaimer here, as I’ve had detractors: trees are included in this list, as long as they are named, indexed & or appear in an entry. Tolkien had a special affinity for trees; his favourite was cut down very recently, and we have ents, huorns, willows, & rowan-trees in his secondary world to attest for their place. I’ve attempted to include anything approaching a sentient character on this list: including a purse, a sword, the 2 watchers of Cirith Ungol, and a couple others yet to appear. There are those - check the internet - that will swear by the hormonal sentience of trees in our world, so I certainly won’t deny them their place in Tolkien’s! And I have a better song for Old Toby, coming soon, so I chose this one here in a literal translation…

#285 Araphant, 14th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
His reign saw a rapprochement with Gondor, needing help to combat the surrounding evil forces…

#284 Grimbold of Grimslade – rohirrim marshal
He was acting marshal, and no doubt a witness to the lighted beacons…

#283 Bregolas, 6th Lord of the First House & 3rd Lord of Ladros – 1st house adan
It’s his sons Belegund & Baragund that are reversed in the Sil genealogies, as Kane notes in Arda Reconstructed. Nonetheless, he fell beside Angrod & Aegnor during the Dagor Bragollach…

#282 Vardamir Nólimon, 2nd King of Númenor – númenórean king
Most of his points come from Unfinished Tales, particularly the ‘Line of Elros’ list.

#281 Durin III, King of Durin’s Folk & Khazâd-dûm – dwarf king
Thankfully he owes David Day a fifth of his points, being the initial ringbearer of the dwarves, thus deserving his place in the top 300. Only one Durin remains…


*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party
(f)=female (n)=neutral

POINTS - for ENTRIES: TG=Tolkien Gateway,EoA=Encyclopedia of Arda,Wik=Wikipedia,RF=Robert Foster’s Complete Guide to Middle-earth,JT=J.E.A. Tyler’s Tolkien Companion,DD=David Day’s A-Z of Tolkien; for INDICES: LR=Lord of the Rings,Sil=Silmarillion,UT=Unfinished Tales,HX=History of Middle-earth Vol.X,LT=Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,HC=Humphrey Carpenter’s Biography,JG=John Garth’s Tolkien and the Great War,JR=John Rateliff’s History of The Hobbit,DK=Douglas Kane’s Arda Reconstructed; for both ENTRIES & INDICES: MD=Michael Drout’s Tolkien Encyclopedia; for NAME-LISTS: CoH=Children of Húrin,B1 or B2=the ‘Qenya & Gnomish Lexicons’ from Book of Lost Tales Vols.1&2,FoG=the ‘Fall of Gondolin’ from BoLT Vol.2,LoE=the ‘Line of Elros’ tree & list from UT; MISC: HoF=votes from the Hall of Fire thread that initiated this project + a composite of selected favourite character lists.
Last edited by Dân o Nandor on Anduin on Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Michael, Michael, Michael. :roll:
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

I am loving, by the way, all the musical choices, but I think Nerdanel might be the best (and not just we owe her inclusion in the top 300 solely to my references to her). [Edit: but special mention to Bregolas for reminding me of how great the Talking Heads were)
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

First, VtF, if I can please, please, ask you again to wait, if not a day, then several hours at least before posting these on the master-list. I noticed again that Durin III hasn't his proper song-entry on the master-list, though I edited it on this list. The master-list is slowly becoming obsolete - just check Veanne's entry on both at #841. Much thanks. :)

#280 Will ‘Old Flourdumpling’ Whitfoot, Mayor of the Shire – hobbit mayor
J.E.A. Tyler’s lengthy entry supplies much of his points, second only to Tolkien Gateway (above).

#279 *Ilverin ‘Littleheart’, gong-warden of Mar Vanwa Tyaliéva, son of Voronwë – noldo explorer/warden
Only 10 asterisked characters remain (as per UT’s index – those characters not appearing previously in Hobbit/LotR/AdvsTB/Sil), and Littleheart is the first (or 10th last). His standing may be considered a bit of an anomaly since he receives a lot of his points due to the number of names he had in the early mythology (but I count all names & epithets, indexed & entried, as I do with Aragorn, Túrin, Thingol, Sauron, etc., to register a proper tally). However, since he sailed with Eärendil and awoke the Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl; was the gong-warden in Tol Eressëa at the time of Eriol and told the tale of ‘The Fall of Gondolin’, the only full tale we have of it; and, as Gilfanon states, was the last survivor to have seen “that most glorious thing”, the Nauglafring, then he rightly deserves place #279! And I rest my case if you ask what is the Nauglafring? To note, in the early tales high elves were often called fairies, and with all of Littleheart’s seafaring, it might be assumed that he utilized requisite footwear…

#278 & #277 Eluréd & Elurín, twin sons of Dior – sinda princes
Each [TG:21,EoA:2,Wik:2,RF:3,JT:2,DK:2,Sil:2,H4:6,H5:6,H11:4,H12:8=58pts,26indx.pgs]éd
Kane notes that it was not until ‘The Problem of Ros’ (HoMe12) that the names Eluréd & Elurín were established, morphing from earlier names Elrún & Eldún, used as late as the ‘Tale of Years’. They had a brief life and little impact, but as victims a Kinslaying, the ‘cruelest of the slayings of Elf by Elf’, and as uncles of Elrond, with their sister surviving to her lofty station, they deserve their place, and remain hallowed brothers. Some of the songs here can adopt an ‘American Pie’ lyrical analysis, with similar accuracy: to wit, the following, as Mark Knopfler sings as Elwing from on high in Aman, remembering the tragic events at the Havens in the First Age.…
And another solemn requiem, as there were 2 brothers…

#276 Halbarad, standard-bearer of Aragorn – arnorian dúnadan ranger/herald
Picture this as a plea sung to his lord’s lady as he packs her banner before setting out with her brothers & the Grey Company, not knowing truly what her plans are for the future…

#275 Amlaith of Fornost, 1st King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
You can tell Steve Perry’s a little dazed here - he means to say ‘broken in three, in three, in three!’…

#274 Argeleb I, 7th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
With Amlaith, 1st King of Arthedain, directly followed by his great-great-great-great grandson Argeleb, arguably the last King solely of Arthedain, I can’t resist the double-shot and new beginning - the lands of Arnor having become strangers along the East-West road, with Angmar now bringing their shadows searching in the night, but the success of the line going on and on… (Oprah, I can’t explain, just like Bombadil)

#273 Bolg of the North, son of Azog – orc warrior
He probably owes David Day more of his points than Peter Jackson (as Tolkien Gateway comprises the movies as well). But rightly so; Tolkien and The Hobbit ultimately place him here, and many orcs yet remain, including his father. But, yes, Jackson did influence this song choice, but then I’m Canadian…

#272 Indis the Fair, 2nd wife of Finwë (f) – vanya queen
Kane notes the removal of this passage from the published Sil, “In Indis was first proved true the saying: The loss of one may be the gain of another; but this saying also she found true: The house remembers the builder, though others may dwell in it after”. Moving on, I’ve heard them called the elder kings before, but the Eldar Kings? Sure, Stephen Stills makes a fabulous Finwë; as for the others, I have my own thoughts on who are Ingwë, Elwë, & Olwë…

#271 Thuringwëthil, messenger of Sauron (f) – vampire-bat messenger
[The link, at this point, is not being accurate in its denial, if that's what you are getting. I've tried & tried again, but if you go directly to Tolkien Gateway, there is a page for this being. So who knows, but this is beyond me!]
She's the first 60-point character, clearly averaging more than a point from every resource I used. Yes, most of her points come from Day, again being a creature, but surely no one argues with the placing. And I think I can stop over-building-up the musical interludes. From here on in you can do your own ‘American Pie’ type lyric analysis…


*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party
(f)=female (n)=neutral

POINTS - for ENTRIES: TG=Tolkien Gateway,EoA=Encyclopedia of Arda,Wik=Wikipedia,RF=Robert Foster’s Complete Guide to Middle-earth,JT=J.E.A. Tyler’s Tolkien Companion,DD=David Day’s A-Z of Tolkien; for INDICES: LR=Lord of the Rings,Sil=Silmarillion,UT=Unfinished Tales,HX=History of Middle-earth Vol.X,LT=Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,HC=Humphrey Carpenter’s Biography,JG=John Garth’s Tolkien and the Great War,JR=John Rateliff’s History of The Hobbit,DK=Douglas Kane’s Arda Reconstructed; for both ENTRIES & INDICES: MD=Michael Drout’s Tolkien Encyclopedia; for NAME-LISTS: CoH=Children of Húrin,B1 or B2=the ‘Qenya & Gnomish Lexicons’ from Book of Lost Tales Vols.1&2,FoG=the ‘Fall of Gondolin’ from BoLT Vol.2,LoE=the ‘Line of Elros’ tree & list from UT; MISC: HoF=votes from the Hall of Fire thread that initiated this project + a composite of selected favourite character lists.
Last edited by Dân o Nandor on Anduin on Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

I'll try to wait, although if I don't do it when I see it right away, I can't guarantee that it will get done
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

I fixed Durin III, but for some reason I can't find the original post that includes Veanne's entry. Edit: It definitely doesn't exist here, nor does it exist at TORN or TORC, as it appears you abandoned the lists there just before that entry.
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Inanna »

I am looking forward to seeing all the videos! :)

Please bear with my typos & grammar mistakes. Sent from my iPhone - Palantirs make mistakes too.
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Thanks Inanna! And I can't wait for the top 100.

VtF, I don't mean to be difficult, my friend :)

But entries #850-#841 exist on the master-list, Veanne's shortchanged entry remains. I know for a fact I edited it on the main list, requested that you edit the entry (check right now under entry #801), and it was never changed. Not something I ever got worked up about. What happened to it (the whole bunch of 10) I certainly can't say. If I ever have time, I'll try and copy & paste the master-list #'s 850-841, onto the main-list, and then redo Veanne, to correct this blip. I do have my spreadsheet list, after all, as it appears all other lists are compromised. I've also added characters, if you remember, to #1206, and will be furthering this, as the "Wife of Valandil" cropped up (finding her in the UT indices, under Valandil) while I recently did his character. And I'm now considering adding 2 more, the unnamed, unindexed, brothers of Amlaith. That was part of the reason for starting the Arda 300, so I could add to the Middle-earth 1200 and those posts will remain as the last posts there for me to perpetually consult, since those additions don't appear on the master-list either.

You can even see that I was still editing my post while you responded above. Thuringwëthil is not providing a linkable page for Tolkien Gateway, yet a full entry exists there, and I was still in the process of trying to fix this unexplainable (to me) blip. I'm extremely far from perfect, so unfortunately I do need editing time. But I find everything else in our technical world to be even further from perfection. I need requisite time to deliver a product that I hope is slightly entertaining, especially for people like Inanna above. If you're placing it upon me that you absolutely must transfer the post immediately or you can't guarantee it getting done, well so be it.

Peace folks! :)
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

It's a mystery where that post went to. Obviously, it existed at some point, or I would not have been able to add it to the master list. Where it went to, I doubt we will ever know. Unfortunately, I too am not perfect, but I do the best that I can. If you have the correct information you can provide it to me (even by PM if you would like) and I will edit it into the master list.

Can I go ahead and add 271-280?

Edit: I did find and add 1201-1205, and renamed the master list.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Thanks for the edits & changes! Didn't expect them, just the time necessary. How easy would it be to simply transfer the previous post once a new post appears? Just a thought. :)

#270 Fimbrethil ‘Wandlimb’ (f) – entwife
Naturally she’s the only Entwife on the entire list. Without Day’s A-Z she’d be just shy of the top 400, let alone #270. Justifiable, I think, considering how much literature & speculation has been amassed due to her presence (or rather lack thereof).

#269 Tar-Ciryatan ‘the Shipbuilder’, 12th King of Númenor – númenórean king
Several kings represent the various stages in the corruption of Númenor, most yet to appear. However, Tar-Ciryatan is generally considered the one to initiate the onset of the Shadow, as he first spoke openly against the Ban of the Valar.

#268 Atanatar II, ‘Alcarin the Glorious’, 16th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He reigned at the plateau of Gondor’s power, due to the victories & expansion of his father (and the preceding 3 Ship-kings). Atanatar II was first after the line of Ship-kings, and (similar to the king above of a different realm & age) he initiated, if not a growing shadow, then certainly a decline due to his lethargy.

#267 Ghân-Buri-Ghân, Chieftain of the Woses – drúadan chieftain
As Tolkien’s later writings suggest, I’ve classified one other, yet to appear shortly, as a Druadan (or will classify him with a dual status, we’ll see), by the rule that the rarer gene is dominant, all things being equal.

#266 Haldir, 4th Chieftain Of the Haladin – 2nd house adan chieftain
[TG:13,EoA:4,Wik:7,RF:6,JT:7,DK:1,Sil:3,CoH:3,UT:4,H11:12=60pts,24indx.pgs] ... e_Haladin)
Kane references Haldir, as he did his wife Glóredhel (#294 above), due to the Narn being the only text that appears to mention the double-wedding. Speaking of doubles, the double death of Haldir, in battle, and Glóredhel in grief shortly afterwards, leaving behind a son Handir, and a 7yr old grandson Brandir, is notable.

#265 Gorbag – uruk captain
The point he receives from Drout’s Encyclopedia comes from a mention in Brian Rosebury’s entry ‘Race in Tolkien Films’. That, and a little bit in Tolkien Gateway, establishes that Jackson does manage to squeak in some influence on this list here & there. As for the song, well there’s gonna be some here that are a bit of a stretch, but sometimes it’s just to witness that every legend makes at least one appearance…

#264 Bill Ferny, the ‘Chief’s Big Man’ – northman ruffian/gatekeeper
Here’s why sometimes this list is appropriately spot on. Under some of Ferny’s indices in HoMe comes a semi-coloned section of additional indexed pages after “(his pony)”. In most cases of other characters where this happens, such as “(his sword)” or “(her gifts)”, I readily include them in their totals; and so I did in Ferny’s case. CT normally shows separate characters who don’t garner their own index entry, italicized after a period-stop under the main character, such as the Wife of Valandil under Valandil in UT. However, Bill the Pony, despite his listings by CT as moreless a ‘possession’ of Ferny, certainly qualifies as a separate character on this list; and so Bill Ferny was probably awarded some points that should’ve been extracted from his total. But note, as I carefully double-check this list on its final run through, characters can be upgraded, but it’s far too late to downgrade them. (Continued with Bill the Pony below).

#263 Bill the Pony – pony
(See Bill Ferny above). So there is some duplication in proper points resulting in Ferny’s placement, but not of Bill the Pony’s, in fact he may actually be owed some. However I certainly don’t want to further any duplication of points, thus they both sit at their 60 points from my previous calculations. Going to my first tie-breaker on this final run-through, I tally the total # of indexed pages each character has in all of the source books used. When I did this, I properly separated each indexed page for both Bills, and amazingly the total for each was 44! My next tie-breaker is the # of books used, and again they were the same for both Bills: LotR + HoMe’s 6-9. However, although HoMe8 added points to Ferny (erringly in hindsight), it added no indexed pages since the index line reads thus - “Ferny, Bill 219 (his pony).” – which is 1 for the Pony, and 0 for Ferny. Thus on a legit technicality, after the 2nd tie-breaker, Bill the Pony just edges his former master. How apropos is this to the tale!

#262 *Oropher, 1st King of the Woodland Realm – sinda king
Most of his points arise from Tolkien Gateway which is likely unique in giving such a thorough biography of this father of Thranduil and grandfather of Legolas, who founded his realm & city in Greenwood (at the time) the Great. In none of this line of 3 do we know anything of their women, yet procreation obviously took place. What we do know is that Oropher was a Doriath survivor who presumably escaped to the Havens of Sirion with the rest of the survivors, including those from Gondolin. Legolas Greenleaf of the House of the Tree of Gondolin was also a survivor at the Havens. Oropher’s son Thranduil was quite likely born at the Havens before their eastern migration led them both to Greenwood; he has golden hair, a rarity for the Sindar, but not the Noldor; and his son he named Legolas. Do the math…

#261 Araphor, 9th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
Succeeding his father at age 18, when he died in battle; and then avenging his father in victories, to live & rule for another 180 years, certainly makes Araphor worthy of his place.


*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party
(f)=female (n)=neutral

POINTS - for ENTRIES: TG=Tolkien Gateway,EoA=Encyclopedia of Arda,Wik=Wikipedia,RF=Robert Foster’s Complete Guide to Middle-earth,JT=J.E.A. Tyler’s Tolkien Companion,DD=David Day’s A-Z of Tolkien; for INDICES: LR=Lord of the Rings,Sil=Silmarillion,UT=Unfinished Tales,HX=History of Middle-earth Vol.X,LT=Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,HC=Humphrey Carpenter’s Biography,JG=John Garth’s Tolkien and the Great War,JR=John Rateliff’s History of The Hobbit,DK=Douglas Kane’s Arda Reconstructed; for both ENTRIES & INDICES: MD=Michael Drout’s Tolkien Encyclopedia; for NAME-LISTS: CoH=Children of Húrin,B1 or B2=the ‘Qenya & Gnomish Lexicons’ from Book of Lost Tales Vols.1&2,FoG=the ‘Fall of Gondolin’ from BoLT Vol.2,LoE=the ‘Line of Elros’ tree & list from UT; MISC: HoF=votes from the Hall of Fire thread that initiated this project + a composite of selected favourite character lists.
Last edited by Dân o Nandor on Anduin on Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Dân o Nandor on Anduin wrote:How easy would it be to simply transfer the previous post once a new post appears? Just a thought. :)
That's exactly what I had decided to do! Glad we are back on the same wavelength.

I would have been most disappointed if Ferny had been higher than Bill.

Edit: I think Gorbag is my favorite musical reference so far (although "Papa's Got a New Coat" would have worked too ;)). Interested to see that you decided to make my other old alter ego a Drûg. I never could imagine how that would work, despite Tolkien's clearly stated intention.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Re: The Arda 300

Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

#260 Vorondil the Hunter, 3rd Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan steward
One has to be patient to acknowledge the connection with this song, unless of course one is already a Zeppelin fan (& here they go east to Denmark, as Vorondil did to the Sea of Rhun).

#259 Gamling the Old – rohirrim lieutenant
His point from Kane is due to an omitted passage from the Akallabêth describing the Númenóreans teaching language to the Men of Middle-earth, who “were fallen into brutishness, and they cried like harsh birds, or snarled like savage beasts”; and how this sounds much like the passage in LotR, ‘in which Gamling recognizes the tongue of the Dunlendings, while to Éomer “they are only the screams of birds and the bellowing of beasts”.’

#258 Tarannon Falastur, 12th King of Gondor & 1st Ship-king – gondorian dúnadan king
It’s not known exactly when, in his 259 years, he cast his “nefarious, solitary, and loveless wife” Berúthiel adrift at sea; but he never did land a second wife, and was the first king to die without an heir.

#257 Urwen Lalaith, daughter of Húrin Thalion (f) – 3rd house adan
This song was a likely candidate for this sister of Túrin, even before Rod the Mod’s dedicating it to his 3 children, thereby sealing it…

#256 Landroval, brother of Gwaihir – eagle vassal
Day supplies much of his points, while Kane’s points derive from the history that both Gwaihir & Landroval have going back to the First Age. His name means ‘broad-winged’, roval meaning ‘wing’ in Sindarin; but he is the lesser of the 2 brothers.

#255 Marach, 1st Lord of the 3rd House – 3rd house adan lord
He’s the progenitor of the 3rd House, the largest house of the Edain in the 1st Age of the Sun; and was a contemporary of Bëor of the 1st House, both fulfilling the destiny of the Secondborn of the Music of the Ainur in their westward migration.

#254 & #253 Alatar & Pallando, the Blue Wizards – maiar istari
[TG:38,Wik:18,MD:1,UT:2,H12:4=63pts,6indx.pgs each]
Also known as Morinehtar ‘Darkness-slayer’…
And Rómestámo ‘East-helper’… ... wSZvHqf9qM

#252 Telumehtar Umbardacil, 28th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He got outta town goin’ on a boat south to Umbar…

#251 Fréaláf Hildeson, 10th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
When the Dunlendings attacked, he took refuge in Dunharrow. But the death of King Helm & sons left nephew Fréaláf as heir, who then launched a surprise attack that recaptured Edoras.


*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party
(f)=female (n)=neutral

POINTS - for ENTRIES: TG=Tolkien Gateway,EoA=Encyclopedia of Arda,Wik=Wikipedia,RF=Robert Foster’s Complete Guide to Middle-earth,JT=J.E.A. Tyler’s Tolkien Companion,DD=David Day’s A-Z of Tolkien; for INDICES: LR=Lord of the Rings,Sil=Silmarillion,UT=Unfinished Tales,HX=History of Middle-earth Vol.X,LT=Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,HC=Humphrey Carpenter’s Biography,JG=John Garth’s Tolkien and the Great War,JR=John Rateliff’s History of The Hobbit,DK=Douglas Kane’s Arda Reconstructed; for both ENTRIES & INDICES: MD=Michael Drout’s Tolkien Encyclopedia; for NAME-LISTS: CoH=Children of Húrin,B1 or B2=the ‘Qenya & Gnomish Lexicons’ from Book of Lost Tales Vols.1&2,FoG=the ‘Fall of Gondolin’ from BoLT Vol.2,LoE=the ‘Line of Elros’ tree & list from UT; MISC: HoF=votes from the Hall of Fire thread that initiated this project + a composite of selected favourite character lists.
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