#40 Varda Elbereth, Lady of the Stars (f) – valier queen
She drops a bit from the last run-through of this list, because well, Tolkien Gateway awards her no more points than Tyler. But she is still the highest ranking Vala outside of he who possibly ultimately became evil incarnate because of her rejections of him. You don’t suppose, had Varda been a bit shallower and less discerning, Arda would have been a world of bliss from the beginning. There wouldn’t be much stories to tell, however! (As it is, from Manwë's standpoint, she’s definitely the Lady…)
#39 Éowyn, White Lady of Rohan and the Lady of Ithilien (f) – rohirrim lady
I’m glad she chimes in as the top person of Rohan, her brother just on the other side of the top-40. She’s also the highest-ranking person to have no hint of extraneous life: all dúnedain and númenoreans of course have extended lifespans; Húrin & Túrin early in the cosmology are painted as immortals of the sky, like Eärendil; and Tuor is hinted at being accepted as an Elf, in the end. Then there’s Éowyn, who gets 30pts, not from votes on the initial thread of ‘important’ characters that inspired this list, but on the several favourite-character lists that I included way back (making her the 8th favourite, in fact). Well-earned and deserved I say. (Her song, while conceived to be derogatory, I think appropriately encapsulates her love-life…)
#38 Eru Ilúvatar, the One – god all-father
God being at #38 proves this is not the list of the most important entities of the Legendarium. He plays a significant role, but lacks of course in stage presence! Where he would be #1 on such another list, and is called The One, and ‘One’ is a song by both U2 and Metallica (different songs) that usually rank high, and I considered them both for the longest time; there was only ONE choice for the #38 classic rock song of all time, and that comes from the quiet Beatle…
#37 Elendil the Tall, High King of Arnor & Gondor – arnorian dúnadan king
Who surpasses God in the Legendarium? Well, 37 characters apparently, that the Story could not have been told without! Elendil’s father was back around #120; his son is still to come; as is a distant descendant. (When the Island sinks, we’ve got somewhere to go…)
#36 Melian the Maia, Queen of Doriath and mother of Lúthien (f) – maia queen
I can only assume, as a mother, that you would want a daughter to be all she could be, and more than you. Consider that fulfilled. But Melian was much more important to the Story than just that. She was a Maia who entered Middle-earth, waylaid and married one of the 3 Elf ambassadors on his way to Valinor, was a Queen and Protector of Doriath until it fell, advising against the Silmaril-seduced leanings of her husband and King, ultimately witnessing a dwarf-lord parade into her chamber bearing his decapitated head, and finally escaping Middle-earth in heartache as her daughter and son-in-law were dealing with life, death, immortality, a Silmaril, and the Fate of the World!
#35 Gil-galad, 2nd High King of the Elves of Middle-earth – noldo king
His lineage, and the controversies, probably boost his standing, rather than detract from it. He did however become High King of the Elves in Middle-earth after Thingol for an Age (parts of 3), however you want to do the math; was an original Ring-bearer, possibly a holder of 2 of the 3 for a time; fought Sauron in combat, perishing; and even made it into Jackson’s movies! Not a bad résumé. (For almost all of his life, his homes have been, well you know the geography…)
#34 Glaurung the Golden, Father of Dragons and the Great Worm of Morgoth – fire-drake
Yes, right here at #34! If he can’t be any higher, he certainly shouldn’t be any lower. (Speaking to any member of the family of Húrin…)
#33 Fingolfin, 2nd son of Finwë and 4th King of the Noldor – noldo king
His 35pts from the favourite-character lists I used way back rank him 6th place on that account. He isn’t ignored either by all resources, including Rateliff, Kane, Day, Drout, Foster, and especially Tyler, who gives him the most points (3pgs in my copy), the first sentences of each paragraph reading thusly: “Fingolfin was accounted by the Noldor the bravest of the three sons of Finwë… The long story of the deeds of the Elves’ first High King in Exile is stirring, yet ultimately tragic and wasteful… Fingolfin was proclaimed High King of the Noldor in the first Year of the Sun…Fingolfin and his people now occupied Hithlum and Mithrim as their realm… Alone of the High-elven kings of old, Finwë wedded twice…”. And the concluding sentence: “And in the deeds which followed [Finwë’s] murder (for such it was) Finwë’s house was laid low, and two of his three sons were slain, even as he had been, and by the same foe, and for the same cause – the Silmarils”. (An exception to a top-100 ranking, I couldn’t resist this band having not appeared yet, though it being at the risk of editing-out by some parties
#32 Thorin II Oakenshield, King of Durin’s Folk and King Under The Mountain – dwarf king
He’s the first character to accumulate 400pts here, almost averaging 10pts per resource I used. Well, one dwarf remains, so no surprise who it will be…
#31 Círdan the Shipwright, Lord of the Falathrim – sinda lord/mariner
Most of what I said of Gil-galad almost applies to this legend. (But a better, and more appropriate song than Gil-galad’s, I’ve had pegged for this Lord waiting by the Sea for 3, 4, 5(?) Ages…)
*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party
(f)=female (n)=neutral
Tolkien Gateway,
Encyclopedia of Arda,
RF=Robert Foster’s
Complete Guide to Middle-earth,
JT=J.E.A. Tyler’s
Tolkien Companion,
DD=David Day’s
A-Z of Tolkien,
HC=Humphrey Carpenter’s
JG=John Garth’s
Tolkien and the Great War,
JR=John Rateliff’s
History of The Hobbit,
DK=Douglas Kane’s
Arda Reconstructed,
MD=Michael Drout’s
Tolkien Encyclopedia,
Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,
Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, Children of Húrin,
Unfinished Tales, History of Middle-earth,
HoF+=votes from the
Hall of Fire thread that initiated this project + a composite of selected favourite character lists.