The Middle-earth 1200

An exhaustive compilation of the characters of Tolkien's legendarium, in order of importance, by Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

It did make me wonder how many of the 1200 are plant life, instead of animal. And for that matter, mineral. ;)
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party

Speaking of plants & minerals (see posts above), there’s appropriately one of each among the next 8 characters (with some justification added to both). And btw, VtF, there are 23 trees & tree-like entities on this list, as well as 6 stone/metal/textile entities.

We now begin our 13-pointers with a character that has 0 indexed pages:

#639 Durin II King of Khazâd-dûm
An enigma, really, that happens to get entries in Foster’s Guide, Wikipedia, and Day’s A-Z Tolkien, with a sliding scale of repute attached to each. However, he’s also given an entry in ‘Tolkien Gateway’ which I did not utilize for this list, but provides an estimable biography paralleling Foster & Day: that he was King of Durin’s Folk & Lord of Khazâd-dûm probably in the 8th century S.A. at the time of the building of the West-gate. Incidentally, not all Durins appear on this list. Durin II gets 3pts from Foster, 1pt from Wikipedia, & 9pts from Day.

The next 4 characters have 1 indexed page each, and the following 3 have 2 pages:

#638 Halfred Greenhand
He’s the son of Holman the greenhanded of Hobbiton, and the first to adopt the surname Greenhand. Like his father, Halfred was a gardener by profession, passing this on to his son, grandnephew, & grandnephew’s descendants. He gets 3pts from Foster, 4pts each from Tyler & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#637 Bard II 4th King of (new) Dale
Bard II, the son of Brand son of Bain son of Bard the Bowman, led the army that broke the siege of Erebor during the War of the Ring, along with Thorin III. His father was slain in the Battle of Dale just 10 days before. Bard II gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 5pts from Tyler, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#636 Iorlas of Gondor, uncle of Bergil
He's presumed by some sources to be the brother of Bergil’s father, Beregond son of Baranor. But he could also be Bergil’s mother’s brother, or an in-law. The name Borlas, rather than Iorlas, might have given more weight to the former theory. Certainly Jackson’s Irolas lends no weight. Iorlas gets 2pts from Foster, 1pt from LotR, and 5pts each from EoArda & Wiki (although the Wiki entry consulted for this list seems to have been supplanted by an entry for Irolas, which coincidentally also has about 100 words, thus 5pts anyway).

#635 Anguirel sword of Eöl
Anguirel, unlike its ‘mate’ which will appear much later, has no speaking role, and is thus included only by association. But since it was one of a pair of swords forged by Eöl the Dark Elf from an iron meteorite, there was little reason for excluding it, while including Anguirel's paranormal twin. And like William Huggins’ talking purse, anything with a speaking role, or hint of sentience, makes this list. Anguirel's history is enigmatic, as Eöl kept it for himself rather than giving it away as he did Anglachel, but it was stolen by his son Maeglin probably as he & Aredhel fled to Gondolin. Its ultimate fate is unknown. Anguirel gets 1pt each from the Sil, CoH, & Wiki, 3pts from Foster, 2pts from Tyler, and 5pts from EoArda.

#634 Party (Mallorn) Tree 2nd of the Party Field
From mineral above, to vegetable; the original Party Tree appeared very recently on this list, so it’s more illustrious, if not more sentimental, replacement, rightly appears near. And since we rightly include Ents, angry Willows, rowan-trees, a divine lineage of White Trees, not to mention a Golden one & a Great Pine; we won’t discriminate against any of their named & indexed lesser cousins. This Mallorn-Tree gets 9pts total from Foster & Tyler, same as the original; 2pts from Wiki, same again; but gets 2pts for HoMe9, rather than the 1pt the original got for LotR. (I must admit that I totally neglected to include the entry in EoArda which would have propped both Trees into the top half of the list to the chagrin of the tree-haters, ha, so a fortunate error - much like the Hobbit 2nd edition).

#633 Ferumbras III Took 30th Thain of the Shire @
He was son of Thain Fortinbras Took II & Lalia Clayhanger, and was himself Thain at the time of Bilbo’s Party. According to Letters Ferumbras III “had no wife, being unable (it was alleged) to find anyone willing to occupy apartments in the Great Smials, under the rule of Lalia”. He was succeeded by his cousin Paladin II, father of Pippin & Pearl, and he gets 4pts each from Foster & EoArda, 3pts from Wiki, and 1pt each from LotR & Letters.

#632 Valandur 8th King of Arnor
He was born in 462 T.A., lived 190yrs, ruled for 50yrs, died a violent and mysterious death, and was succeeded by his son Elendur. Valandur gets 3pts each from Foster, Wiki & EoArda, 2pts from HoMe12, and 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Dân o Nandor on Anduin wrote:Speaking of plants & minerals (see posts above), there’s appropriately one of each among the next 8 characters (with some justification added to both). And btw, VtF, there are 23 trees & tree-like entities on this list, as well as 6 stone/metal/textile entities.
Cool. I would guess that most of the latter are named swords; come to think of it, I'm surprised that there aren't more than that! My hope is that Anglachel would be the highest ranked. I presume that there would be one entry for Anglachel/Gurthang, and for that matter Narsil/Anduril? Or would the latter be two different entries since the sword was remade, not just renamed?
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Well VtF, Narsil/Anduril doesn't qualify, sorry to say. I haven't included all weapons or items, even if named & indexed. Sentience, implied or hinted, is the premium qualifying factor. Gurthang is indeed the highest ranking 'mineral' to let you know, just edging out another. And you can guess at the highest ranking 'vegetables' of course, if we're playing the animal/vegetable/mineral game; which means that 1171 'animals' make this list. Anyway...

*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party

The next seven 13pt characters have 3 indexed pages:

#631 Beleg 2nd King of Arthedain
The son of Amlaith 1st King of Arthedain, Beleg was born in T.A. 811 in Arnor and witnessed the dispute between his father & uncles, and division of the realm. He lived 218yrs, reigned 83yrs, and was succeeded by his son Mallor. Beleg gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 3pts from Wiki, 4pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.

#630 Arveleg II 12th King of Arthedain
The son of Arvegil was born in T.A. 1633, lived 180yrs, reigned 70yrs, and was succeeded by his son Araval. His grandfather granted the Shire to the Hobbits. Arveleg II gets 4pts each from HoMe12 & Wiki, 2pts from Foster, and 1pt each from LotR, Tyler & EoArda.

#629 Aravir 4th Chieftain of the Dúnedain
He succeeded his father Aranuir in T.A. 2247 and reigned 72yrs during the waning years of the Watchful Peace. He named his son & successor Aragorn, known later of course as Chieftain Aragorn I. Aravir gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 4pts from Wiki, 3pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.

#628 Aragost 8th Chieftain of the Dúnedain
He was the son of Arahad I, born as the Watchful Peace came to an end. Aragost lived 157yrs during some critical events, reigned 65yrs, and was succeeded by his son Aravorn. He gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 2pts each from HoMe12, Tyler & Wiki, and 1pt from LotR.

#627 Tarciryan father of Eärnil I
He’s a son of King Siriondil of Gondor, and younger brother of the 1st Ship-king Tarannon Falastur. Tarannon’s Queen Berúthiel was exiled, so without a child Tarannon’s successor was Tarciryan’s son Eärnil, the 2nd Ship-king of Gondor. Tarciryan gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 4pts from Tyler, 3pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#626 Calimehtar younger brother of King Romendacil II
He’s a son of King Calmacil, and grandfather to Castamir, who used his lineage to usurp the throne of Gondor during the Kin-strife. Calimehtar gets 2pts each from LotR, HoMe12 & Tyler, 3pts from Foster, and 4pts from EoArda.

#625 Erellont companion of Eärendil
One of 3 mariners accompanying Eärendil on his historic voyage, and “who had sailed all the seas beside him”. I do regret not tweaking enough to keep these 3 together. However, Erellont gets 2pts each from Foster, HoMe4 & HoMe5, 4pts from Tyler, 2pts from the Sil, and 1pt from EoArda.

The following 2 characters have 4 indexed pages:

#624 Isumbras III Took 23rd Thain of the Shire
He was the 11th Thain of the Took line, succeeding his father Isengrim II. Isumbras III had 2 sons, the elder Ferumbras II 24th Thain, and the younger Bandobras the ‘Bullroarer’ Took. He gets 4pts each from HoMe6 & EoArda, 3pts from Foster, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#623 Bowman ‘Nick’ Cotton 3rd son of Tolman
He’s the 4th child of Farmer Tom Cotton, and a younger brother of Rose. Nick turned 33, coming of age, during the War of the Ring, and like his brothers and father, rebelled against the intrusion. Bowman gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts each from Tyler & HoMe9, 4pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

These two 13pt characters have 6 indexed pages:

#622 Donnamira Took>Boffin 2nd daughter of the Old Took
She’s the 10th child of the Old Took, and one of his 3 ‘remarkable daughters’, the first in fact to appear on this list. Donnamira had 2 children, Jago & Jessamine, and her descendants include Frodo’s friends Folco Boffin & Fatty Bolger. She gets 2pts from Foster, 4pts from HoMe6, 5pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#621 Hathol ‘the Axe’ 4th Lord of the 3rd House
He was ‘the Axe’, his father Magor ‘the Sword’, and his son Hador Lórindol ‘the Warrior Goldenhead’; so goes the main genealogy from the ‘Folk of Marach’ family-tree, which also states that Hathol was the last of the House to serve no Elf-lord, as Hador served the Elf-lords of Hithlum. He gets 2pts each from Foster & Tyler, 4pts from HoMe11, 3pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Dân o Nandor on Anduin wrote:Well VtF, Narsil/Anduril doesn't qualify, sorry to say. I haven't included all weapons or items, even if named & indexed. Sentience, implied or hinted, is the premium qualifying factor.
How, then, do the party trees qualify?
you can guess at the highest ranking 'vegetables' of course
I assume so, although I wonder whether an argument can be made as to whether they qualify as "vegetable".
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Post by Morwenna »

That's a good question. Are Ents animals or vegetables? How about huorns? Is there a difference in the long run? Are our categorizations just so much dust? These are serious questions, at base. I'm remembering some ancient science class in school where there is one protozoan with characteristics of both kingdoms.

Anyway, I'm greatly enjoying this list. I had been following it on TORC a few years ago but I had forgotten it till I found it here.
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Post by Smaug's voice »

:scratch: I too, am a bit confused. How do the Party trees qualify?
Morwenna wrote:I'm remembering some
ancient science class in school where there is one protozoan with characteristics of both kingdoms.
That'll be Euglena. :D
I wonder. Can Ents be the Euglenoids of middle earth? :P
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Okay, how do I say this and keep my composure... Trees are alive my friends! Even in our world. I don't know what more to say, but that if you disagree with this, maybe you shouldn't be reading Tolkien at all. His love and commemoration of trees is frankly undeniable, and I have stood by his favourite, which is STILL ALIVE. Handbags & swords, yes, need some dialogue to qualify, as normally THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, but trees, huorns, rowan-trees, willows, ents, where do you want to draw the line? There are people I know that believe trees, in our world mind you, have a degree of sentience. Should Treebeard not be on this list? Orofarne? Old Man Willow? Please tell me, I await a logical answer.

:help: :)
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »


As someone who has spent literally hundreds of hours in awe in the presence of beings hundreds or even thousands of years old, so vastly tall, so unimaginably beautiful that they still take my breath away, and never fail to render me properly aware of my own relative insignificance, I have no problem with that.

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Post by yovargas »

I might make some quibble that there's a difference between being alive and being a "character", which is what this list lists. But I guess I wouldn't make too much of a quibble. :)
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

And I might make a quibble that there is a difference between being sentient and being awesome (in the most literal sense of the word), but it also would not be much a quibble.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Post by Smaug's voice »

Being from a religion which has worshipped trees for practically thousands of years and from a country where once people died while protecting trees from being felled , I know this very well of course.
But yovi has exactly asked I was finding a bit confusing. :D
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

I digress, and maybe was a bit harsh questioning the very reading of Tolkien. Apologies. But understand that inclusion, not exclusion, was my primary goal. When the list was over 1100, I chose to start including even more, and either way lines had to be drawn. Whether Gurthang, Anguirel, the Purse, Hirilorn, the rowan-trees, or the White Trees, got included, paled in comparison to the decision on whether to include Túrin & Nienor's unborn child! That's a debate I certainly would not want to have...

However, trees, unlike swords, are alive, and I've included them if named & indexed. We can happily debate their sentience till the Entwives, sorry, till the Cows come home...

Nearing the half-way mark!

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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

As far as I am concerned, you have earned the right to be the absolute arbiter of this list, and I have no real quibbles, just excitement. As interesting as the first half has been, I expect the second half to be that much more so!
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Post by kzer_za »

Do you think you could put a short version of the list so far (with no annotation) in the original post for easy reference?
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

k_z, have you seen that there is an updated master list that is a sticky thread at the top of the forum, for easy reference? It does have the annotation, but it is pretty easy to go through. Frankly, I think it is a lot to ask of DoNoA (or of me) to go through the entire list and strip out all of the annotation.
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Post by kzer_za »

Oh, I missed it! Never mind, that will be fine.
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party

The next 9 complete our 13pt characters, the following 3 having 8 indexed pages:

#620 *Ulrad outlaw companion of Túrin
He was friends with a man killed by Túrin, and opposed Túrin's joining the band. Ulrad earned the dislike of Mîm by doubting the Petty-Dwarf’s faithfulness, so Mîm passed him over when dealing out 'earth-bread'. After Ulrad spoke harsh words at Mîm’s back, Túrin said to him “the Dwarf spoke the truth in one point at least, calling you a fool”. He gets 4pts from UT, 5pts from Wiki, and 2pts each from CoH & EoArda.

#619 Baran 2nd Lord of the 1st House
He’s better known as Bëor the Young, elder son of Bëor the Old, and he took up the lordship of the 1st House in Estolad when his father accompanied Finrod to Nargothrond. Baran gets 4pts from HoMe11, 3pts from Tyler, 2pts each from Foster & Wiki, and 1pt each from the Sil & EoArda.

#618 Sancho Proudfoot grandson of Odo @
He’s the great-grandson of Bilbo’s aunt Linda, and the 3rd of 3 generations of Proudfeet attending Bilbo’s Farewell Party when he was 11yrs old. Sancho was one of the hobbits that came to Bag-End after the Party, where he went searching for Bilbo’s reputed treasure. He started excavating in one of the pantries before Frodo put a stop to his treasure-hunt. Sancho gets 4pts from Foster, 5pts from EoArda, 2pts from HoMe6, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

The next 5 have from 10 to 17 indexed pages:

#617 *Tombo, Gong of the Children
Gongs were, at various times in the Lost Tales, ‘false-fairies’ or Kaukareldar, and/or goblins of some sort (playing a role in the Ruin of Doriath & death of Thingol), and/or things somehow akin to gongs that ring & make sound or music. In one segment (outline 5 in notebook C), Gongs are listed equally with Men, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs & Trolls. Whatever their nature, Tombo was in fact the Gong that awoke the Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl (see #757) at the arrival of Eärendil’s Vingilot; then came under the care it seems of Littleheart son of Voronwë. Tombo was still ringing at Littleheart’s behest when Eriol visited Tol Eressëa. With much deliberation, I’ve classified him/it racially as an ‘animal/creature’ rather than an ‘entity of stone/metal/fabric’, and chosen to list him/it with the occupation of ‘herald’. All of his/its 13pts come from HoMes 1&2, including name-lists.

#616 Bob, ostler of the Prancing Pony
He is of course one of the hobbit worker-servants of Barliman Butterbur at the Prancing Pony in Bree. Bob was apparently an ostler or stablehand, since his duties seem to always involve the stabling of horses & ponies. He gets 2pts each from LotR, HoMe6, Tyler & EoArda, 4pts from Foster, and 1pt from Wiki.

#615 *Omar brother of Salmar
“Last of all came Omar who is called Amillo, youngest of the great Valar, and he sang songs as he came”. He was the youngest Vala in the earliest writings, who knew all tongues, according to Rúmil. Garth likens his presence to Tolkien’s brother Hilary, as he does Ilmarë/Erinti with Edith, and Salmar/Lirillo with Tolkien himself; noting that February, the month of Hilary’s birth, is named Amillion, while Erintion & Lirillion honour the birthdays of Edith & Tolkien. I’ve classified him as a Maia, as I’ve done with other early Valar siblings & children, since Salmar & Ilmarë were eventually ascribed Maiar status and appear in the Sil. Omar gets 12pts from HoMes 1&2, and 1pt from Garth.

#614 *Hengest eldest son of Eriol
Hengest here completes the extended family of Eriol. In the earliest cycle of the framing of the legendarium, Hengest & Horsa were the sons of Eriol & Cwén in Heligoland prior to Cwén’s death and Eriol’s seafaring, whence he wedded elf Naimi who bore them Heorrenda. Hengest is somewhat propped in points due to the unavoidable spilling over of indexed references to the historical figure; however, let it be noted, he rightly remains within the 1st half of this list. He gets 8pts from HoMes 1&2, 3pts from Drout, and 2pts from Garth.

#613 Mablung of Ithilien
Mablung was encountered by Sam & Frodo on their journey to Cirith Ungol. He’s one of Faramir’s soldiers and, along with Damrod & Anborn, a Ranger of Ithilien. It may be assumed, though not specifically stated, that they are all Dúnedain. Mablung gets 3pts from Foster, 4pts from HoMe8, and 2pts each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda.

This last 13pt character in fact has 67 indexed pages:

#612 *Nicholas Guildford
The framing-cycle of the Notion Club will see 3 more members make it into the top half of this list, the top of which certainly not being unimportant as an ultimate conduit of Middle-earth languages, at least within that community of scholarship. Regarding ‘Nick’, as CT notes, “the mediaeval dialogue from which the name Nicholas Guildford is derived is The Owl and the Nightingale, a debate in verse written between 1189 and 1216. To the Owl’s question, who shall decide between them, the Nightingale replies that Maister Nichole of Guldeforde is the obvious choice, since he is prudent, virtuous, and wise, and an excellent judge of song”. The bio of his Notion Club namesake reads: “Lincoln. Born 1937. Archaeologist. The Club reporter; because he likes it and knows shorthand. [He is seldom recorded as reading anything to the Club, and it is then not reported; but he appears to have written several novels]”. ‘Nick’ gets 12pts from HoMe9 and 1pt from Drout.

The next 11 will bisect our 14pt characters and complete the 1st half of this list, which I’ll appropriately submit by March 25th. And forgive the prior delay, but I’ve been stewing about factoring Tolkien Gateway into the top half of the list. It seems, in hindsight, like a natural inclusion, but would of course slightly obfuscate the 600 that have already appeared. Plus, I admit, I do like the order in which the list now falls. So bear with me as I evaluate how this would ultimately affect things…
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Take your time.

Within reason
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party

We have a new #1!

The Tolkien Gateway website is now the 36th resource used in compiling this list & its stats will be included for the top 600. I’ve done a wordcount (character-count/100) of each remaining character’s main entry there, to get the quickest & most reasonable way of inclusion into the spreadsheet. It shuffles the previous order of the list somewhat, but for the better I think. Like Wikipedia, it’s open to constant editing, but so be it, its thoroughness cannot be denied.

These eleven 14-point entities wrap up the 1st half of this list:

#611 Boar of Everholt
The great boar of the Firienwood, hunted & slain by King Folca of Rohan, who himself died later of the wounds inflicted by the beast. It gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 7pts from Tyler, and 1pt from Wiki, and has 0 indexed pages.

The following have 2 to 3 indexed pages:

#610 & 609 Horn & Harding of Rohan
2 Riders of Rohan, killed in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and commemorated in the song of the Mounds of Mundburg. They get 2pts each from Foster, Tyler & HoMe8, 6pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#608 Muzgash
A Cirith Ungol orc slain in the fight with the Morgul orcs over Frodo’s appropriated items. He gets 3pts from Foster, 5pts from Tyler, 2pts each from HoMe9 & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#607 Carnimírië
Yes, a tree folks. Just a rowan tree. Though mourned by Quickbeam after being slain – sorry, after it was cut down – by orcs. Named ‘Red-Jewelled’, and having a head, hair, & crown, Carnimírië “shone” with a “voice cool & soft”, according to Bregalad’s lament of his ‘dead’ compatriots of the “people of the Rose”. Carnimírië, the poor rowan [please look away, those who see only firewood & 2-by-4’s represented by this entry] gets 3pts from Foster, 5pts each from Tyler & EoArda, and 1pt from LotR.

#606 Fastred of Greenholm, 1st Warden of the Westmarch
Sam’s son-in-law, who married Elanor, moved the family to Undertowers, and founded the line of the Wardens of the Westmarch. Their son Elfstan was the 1st of the ‘Fairbairns of the Towers’. Fastred gets 5pts from Foster, 6pts from Tyler, and 1pt each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda.

#605 Húrin I, 5th Ruling Steward of Gondor
Húrin I, son of Belegorn, ruled for 40yrs during the Watchful Peace. Named for more illustrious forebears, his son naturally became Túrin I. This Húrin gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 7pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR, Tyler & Wiki.

#604 Belecthor I, 15th Ruling Steward of Gondor
He was the son of Húrin II, succeeding him at 83yrs of age, and ruling for 27yrs. He is notable for providing 2 lines of Stewards when his grandson Ecthelion I did not produce an heir, and the line passed through Belecthor’s daughter Morwen to her grandson Egalmoth. The points of Belecthor I are apportioned identically to his forebear above.

#603 Rosa Baggins>Took grandmother of Paladin II
She was the daughter of Bilbo’s great-uncle Ponto, and she became the wife of Hildigrim, 4th son of the Old Took. Thus she was great-grandmother to both Merry & Pippin. Rosa gets 3pts from Foster, 6pts from EoArda, 2pts each from HoMe6 & Wiki, and 1pt from LotR.

#602 Lóni, companion of Balin
He accompanied Balin on the expedition to reclaim Moria in 2989, and perished there, alongside companions Náli & Frár, defending the Second Hall. Lóni gets 3pts each from Foster & Tyler, 4pts from EoArda, 2pts from HoMe7, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#601 Targon, cook in Minas Tirith
He was a cook in charge of the storehouses for the Third Company of the Guards of the Citadel in Minas Tirith during the War of the Ring. Targon gets 3pts from Foster, 4pts each from Tyler & HoMe8, 2pts from EoArda, and 1pt from LotR.

There were 13 more 14pt characters, ranging from 3 to 76 indexed pages. But, as the next half of the list will include Tolkien Gateway, eleven of those 13 have been bumped up, leaving 2 Europeans as the last two 14-pointers. (Which tells you that the more obscure ‘asterisked’ characters will suffer slightly at the expense of those appearing in the main books & movies from here on in – which I know will not see too many tears shed).
Last edited by Dân o Nandor on Anduin on Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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