I'm trying to remember which of my old RPs wound up in Tharbad.

I'm more inclined to just have people start an inn they think is good. If it clicks, good. If it don't, no loss. So what if there is more than one? I'm guessing there are only a hand full of people interested in roleplaying? I wouldn't want any momentum to do this bog down in the decisionmaking about the year, location, etc. Don't mind a generic inn that doesn't state a year or location, but I find they get a bit AUish (Alternate Universe).
No I don't. I think they were a collab-creation for an RP that never got off the ground on the old Arwen Undomiel board circa 2016. I went back to look to see if any character info was posted, and after digging through pages of spambot shit, I discovered no further info was given. I think they were a fragment idea that I salvaged the Rhudaurian lineage story for another character I'm writing in another roleplay.
Yes! My character is falling asleep on her feet.
I got a start on it but I'm having some few interruptions at the moment. I'll finish up my post when things quiet down here.