The Middle-earth 1200 (plus 5) - master list (Completed!)

An exhaustive compilation of the characters of Tolkien's legendarium, in order of importance, by Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Voronwë the Faithful
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The Middle-earth 1200 (plus 5) - master list (Completed!)

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

[Note: I'm compiling a full master list of Dân o Nandor on Anduin's extraordinary Middle-earth 1200 list -- updating it as he adds new entries -- so that I and anyone else interested can easily search through the full list - VtF]

#1205 The Lord of Eagles>King of all Birds
This list has been about providing a closure, in this year of 2014, alongside ‘The Hobbit’ movies. As such #1200 started us off with Gollum’s grandmother. With these 5 retrofits, it seems again appropriate to begin with the inclusion of an unindexed entity that some actually believe is a separate Eagle than Gwaihir, thus belonging only to The Hobbit, and who’ll undoubtedly appear in the upcoming end to the prequel trilogy of movies. He wears a golden crown, becomes the ‘King of all Birds’, and does this all apparently while Gwaihir the Windlord, survivor of the First Age, descendant of Thorondor, falls into the position of Lord of Eagles by default at the promotion of the unnamed King of all seagulls, robins, pelicans, barn-owls, etc! If you so choose…

#1204 Captain of the Black Ship in ‘Tal-Elmar’
He’s retrofitted as an unindexed addition, after my exposing a personal theory that this could be none other than one of the 3 Black Númenórean Ringwraiths that became Lord of the Nazgûl. A black captain, before he was the ‘Black Captain’? In fact this entity is, even within the tale, mysterious but commanding. He’s the captain of a contingent of 4 ships, his being “black-winged”, landing in Middle-earth in a bygone era, which CT posits is Anfalas at the time Númenor is attempting to establish permanent havens, several centuries before the Ringwraiths are said to first appear, and Umbar & Harad become Númenórean strongholds. The Captain surmises that Tal-Elmar and his people are distant relations of the Númenóreans. In the end, the men of the ships say to Tal-Elmar that the “black sails of our captain have passed further up the water… your time of dwelling in these hills is come to an end”. At this “Tal-Elmar offers himself as a hostage”, which are the last words of text in the whole of The History of Middle-earth, ironically following the penultimate chapter ‘The New Shadow’.

#1203 Herumor the New Shadow
He would’ve got 2pts from HoMe12 if he hadn’t been overlooked and now retrofitted. But even more than the Captain above, he is a mystery in an enigma wrapped in a riddle, or however Churchill put it. Who is this “Old Evil” that was remembered by Borlas “before the Great Peace”, and could be “smelt” in a subterranean lair in 4th Age Gondor? Harry Turtledove never answered this particular question, but read his essay in Meditations on Middle-earth and the answer may present itself!

#1202 & #1201 Queen Elizabeth I of England & Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
Speaking of 2014, the 2nd Elizabeth, and last retrofitted character of the legendarium, should, godwilling, see us through this watershed year in Tolkienia. These 2 earn a place on this list, as many Europeans do, some of the 20th century, simply because Tolkien gave us the conceit, till the end, in all of his works, that his tales were transmitted, down the line, by a modern-day narrator (see #1000 on this list). Elizabeth II barely post-dates steam engines! In ‘Ælfwine & Dírhaval’ (HoMe11), the 1st text A concludes with “Though a Man, [Túrin] spoke like an Elf of the Hidden Kingdom… whose speech and schooling until manhood had been that of some secluded country where the English had remained nearer that of the court of Elizabeth I than of Elizabeth II”. These 2 would have garnered 2pts each, with one indexed page. Thus the last 3 would've chimed in near #1110.

#1200: Gollum’s grandmother
I begin, appropriately, with a character from The Hobbit. In ‘Riddles in the Dark’ we learned that Gollum lived “with his grandmother in a hole in a bank by a river”. Then in LotR we learned that she, wise and stern, ruled a wealthy family on the Anduin; and after Gollum’s descent, she, “desiring peace, expelled him from the family and turned him out of her hole”. Probably more influential in the scheme of things than #1200, but that’s what the lack of a recorded name will do for an elder hobbit lady, the 1st of 271 halflings on the list, and the 1st of 3 Anduin Stoors – the other 2 being much closer to #1.

#1199: Great Grey Wolf, chieftain of the Wargs of the Edge of the Wild
Another Hobbit character, this wolf stands out as the leader who spoke “in the dreadful language of the Wargs”, which Gandalf understood, and to whom his wolves in the glade circle answered in unison. It was he, of course, who delivered Thorin’s party from the frying-pan into the fire; but when Gandalf set an especially large pine-cone alight and whizzed it, he hit the chief on the nose, leaping him 10 feet in the air, causing him to bite the other wolves. He is the 1st of 11 canines on the list, and the 1st of 4 wolves.

#1198: Halfast of Overhill's Northfarthing Elm-tree Ent
Only legendary, possibly, but just wait till the turtle-fish appears later. They’re all fictional, so I don’t discriminate. And a perfect debut for the 24 trees that appear.

#1197: the Purse of William Huggins
“’Ere, ‘oo are you?” it squeaked when Bilbo thought he’d pick the pocket of the giant who will rank highest on this list. “Mischief” is how Trolls’ pursues are described in the text. What more can be said of this unique character, that will be classified as a ‘textile-entity’ with the occupation of ‘handbag’, and the first of 7 inanimate objects?

#1196: Chieftain of the Lossoth
About time a man appeared, as nearly half will be – 532 in total. This one appears of course in the LotR appendices, where he is given the Ring of Barahir by Arvedui before he perishes in the Bay of Forochel; and keeps the Ring for his people, to be ransomed later. He is the only Snowman to appear, but the 1st of 2 Forodwaith.

#1195: Ox of the Kine of Araw, provider of the Stewards’ Great Horn
The first of 7 oxen to appear... just kidding, the only one of course, but I couldn’t resist its inclusion. Killed by Vorondil the Hunter, Steward from 1998 to 2029 of the 3rd Age, this animal plays a significant, however indirect, role in LotR.

#1194: Orc-chieftain of Moria
It was he, not the Cave-troll, who nearly slew Frodo with a spear-thrust that “would have skewered a wild boar”, despite Jackson’s movie. Clad from head to foot in black mail, he was “almost man-high”, and bore a huge hide shield. He of course fell with a cloven head thanks to Aragorn, and is the 1st of 26 orcs on the list.

#1193: Black horse of the Mouth of Sauron
If horse it was, indeed, “huge and hideous, and its face was a frightful mask, more like a skull than a living head, and in the sockets of its eyes and in its nostrils there burned a flame”. Lacking a known name, unlike the other 23 horses to appear, adding this LotR creature to the list was a no-brainer.

#1192: Cold-drake of Ered Mithrin
Specifically the great one that slew Dain I at the doors of his hall in 2589 of the 3rd Age, driving out Durin’s Folk. The 1st of 2 cold-drakes on the list and 1st of 5 dragons, and another no-brainer.

#1191: Marh-? lord of the Eotheod
In ‘Cirion and Eorl (1) The Northmen and the Wainriders’ we’re given the ultimate forebears of the Rohirrim: Forthwini son of Marhwini son of Marhari (the latter dying in 1856 of the 3rd Age). But this writing abruptly breaks off, at which time the leader of these Northmen, “whose name is indecipherable after the first element Marh-“, came to the rescue of Faramir son of King Ondoher in 1944 TA. Though not said, the timeline is such that he could be the son, or grandson, of Forthwini. He is the 1st of 59 Eotheod making the list, and with half a name, he has more identity than others in this initial 10.

#1190, #1189, #1188: Lazy Lob, Crazy Cob, and Old Tomnoddy
Back to The Hobbit we go. Although the names from Bilbo’s poems probably don’t refer to 4 specific spiders from the text, Attercop is indexed by Rateliff and will appear later, so I naturally added the 3 other spiders that Bilbo was apparently chastising – bringing the total spiders on the list to 6.

#1187 the Fell Beast slain by Éowyn
A prime representative of the Nazgûl’s (pterodactylic) steeds squeezed in between the black steed of the Mouth of Sauron (back at #1193), and the unindexed Ringwraiths & 3rd Balrog, should have been a no-brainer. That I had to fit him in, replacing Eriol’s Translator, was a convenient oversight.

#1186, #1185, #1184, #1183, #1182, #1181: the 6 unindexed Nazgûl
The Winged Messenger, brought down by Legolas over the Anduin, and indirectly indexed in LotR, shows up in his own entry in Foster’s Guide and thus will appear later this year. (If any recent theories exist concluding that this was either the Lord or Lieutenant of the Nazgûl, I’ll adjust the list). Otherwise, 6 Ringwraiths remain unindexed, but should obviously be included on the list, half of the total of the Undead Men to appear.

#1180: the Balrog of the Echoriath
Completing the 9 Ringwraiths can only be trumped by including the 3rd Balrog that can be specifically identified. The Elf brought down with this one will appear nearly as close to #1 as this demon is close to #1200!

#1179 the thinking Fox
Which is exactly how he's indexed: "Fox, thinking". Appropriately, the least of all indexed characters. “Well, what next... there’s something mighty queer behind this”.

#1178 Old Man at the Door of the Dead
“The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes.” Before acknowledgement of the S&H index, this guy was going to be an inclusion on my part, thanks to one N.E. Brigand’s suggestion. However, here he is legitimately, back from the dead, so to speak.

#1177 Hound of Sauron
This is the title in which Gandalf addresses the sole dark wolf (the 2nd on the list) that Legolas slays early in the night just before the great Warg-host attacks the Fellowship west of Moria.

#1176 Captain of the Haven at Umbar (at the time of Ecthelion II)
The way he is indexed, I might have overlooked this Corsair, since it refers merely to a title, not necessarily a character. However, the text is specific enough about an individual that is overthrown “in battle upon the quays” by Thorongil/Aragorn, to give him the nod for inclusion. The 1st of 3 southrons appearing!

#1175 Cave-troll of Moria that Frodo stabs
He didn’t spear Frodo in the text, but he’s still enough of a presence to warrant an index reference by S&H, unlike the orc-chieftain (back at #1194). The 1st of 5 trolls, and the 1st of 8 of the giant-class on the list.

#1174 Mr. Boffin of Overhill
The only one named (albeit just a last name) of the above 6, thus the last listed here. Hal Gamgee, of Ent-sighting fame (see #1198), worked for this businessman in Overhill.

#1173, #1172 the (right & left?) Silent Watchers of Cirith Ungol
They are the only 2 statues (sorry Argonath lovers), and the 1st of 6 stone/metal inanimate objects, to appear. The nature of their independent sentience may be called into question, but not enough to exclude them I deem. In fact they barely made it, as no points were awarded on this list for anything indexed in the plural (ie. Balrogs, Nazgûl, Two Trees, Silent Watchers). But at one time there was only 1 Silent Watcher (in HoMe’s LotR vols), therefore a viable indexed character that I split, including HoMe’s 2pts per index line.

The next are 3 of 6 unnamed female characters in UT indexed under their male counterparts (the 2nd half coming next week), and thus only awarded a point:

#1171 the daughter of Larnach
Here we have the 1st character of the story of Túrin Turambar. Following Túrin’s slaying of one of her rapists, “She looked at the blood and she looked at Túrin, and there was delight in her eyes. ‘Kill him, lord!’ she said. ‘Kill him too! And then come with me. If you bring their heads, Larnach my father will not be displeased. For two wolf-heads he has rewarded men well’.” Túrin responds, ‘Tell your father to keep you better. But I will not cut off the heads of my fellows to buy his favour, or aught else’. When Beleg questioned her later, she said ‘Very proud he was, with bright eyes that scarcely deigned to look at me. Yet he called the Wolf-men his fellows, and would not slay another that stood by’. I just couldn't resist reciting all of this!

#1170, #1169 the wives of Hunthor and Dorlas
They were willing to go with Nienor because their husbands were off with Túrin. Later Dorlas’ wife has some dialogue with Túrin, rebuffing Brandir: ‘Pay no heed to him, lord! For he is crazed. He came crying that you were dead, and called it good tidings. But you live’.

#1168 Ulbar’s wife
Aldarion gave her “a jewel red like fire upon a band of gold... from the King of the Elves (Gil-galad)”, for her husband’s 6-year service abroad as one of his mariners. Ulbar was previously a shepherd, before joining the navy. She, “garlanded, was dancing with him to the playing of pipes” upon his return, before receiving the jewel.

#1167 Wife of Valandil
Her claim to fame, other than siring the line of all the Lords of Andúnië after the 1st (her husband), is sitting next to Erendis at a great feast, when Valandil names Aldarion’s wife a “Daughter of Uinen, the new Lady of the Sea”; to which Erendis responds, “Call me by no such name! I am no daughter of Uinen: rather is she my foe”.
#1166 Isildur’s wife
I said 15 Númenóreans, but I actually classified this one under Arnor Dúnedain, knowing very little about her except that she remained in Rivendell with her youngest son (another Valandil – born there), when Isildur left for the Last Alliance. To her, of course, he never returned.

The next 12 appear only on UT’s ‘Line of Elros’ family-tree, thus represent names only:

#1165 Nessanië eldest child of Hallatan of Hyarastorni
#1164 Írildë elder sister of Hallatan of Hyarastorni
#1163 Ardamir son of Axantur
#1162 Lindissë daughter of Axantur
#1161 Caliondo grandson of Tar-Amandil
#1160 Oromendil nephew of Tar-Amandil
#1159 Mairen daughter of Tar-Amandil
#1158 Aulendil 2nd son of Vardamir Nólimon
#1157 Vardilmë daughter of Vardamir Nólimon
#1156 Atanalcar son of Elros
#1155 Manwendil son of Elros
#1154 Tindómiel daughter of Elros

#1153 Tosto Boffin son of Griffo @ - Frodo’s 2nd cousin, 20yrs his junior
#1152 Bruno Bracegirdle son of Blanco @ - older brother of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
#1151 Gerda Boffin daughter of Uffo @ – married Adalbert Bolger
#1150 Gruffo Boffin son of Uffo – father of Griffo, and grandfather of Tosto
#1149 Jessamine Boffin>Bolger - mother of Odovacar, and grandmother of Fredegar “Fatty”
#1148 Blanco Bracegirdle - father of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
#1147 Primrose Boffin>Bracegirdle - mother of Bruno and Lobelia
#1146 Druda Burrows – married Rollo Boffin, they had “various descendants”
#1145 Sapphira Brockhouse – married Uffo Boffin, and mother of Gruffo and Gerda
#1144 Uffo Boffin 2nd son of Otto the Fat – father of Gruffo and Gerda
#1143 Lavender Grubb>Boffin – sister of Laura Grubb, married Otto the Fat
#1142 Otto ‘the Fat’ Boffin son of Bosco – great-great-grandfather of Fatty Bolger
#1141 Briffo Boffin 3rd son of Buffo – “removed to Bree” in 1210 SR
#1140 Basso Boffin 2nd son of Buffo – “reputed to have ‘gone to sea’ in 1195” SR at age 26
#1139 Bosco Boffin father of Otto the Fat – and eldest son of Buffo
#1138 Ivy Goodenough – married Buffo Boffin, they are great-great-grandparents of Bilbo
#1137 Buffo Boffin – progenitor of the Boffins of the Yale

#1136 Nora Bolger daughter of Wilibald @
#1135 Heribald Bolger 2nd child of Wilibald @
#1134 Wilimar Bolger eldest son of Wilibald @
#1133 Adalbert Bolger son of Rudibert
#1132 Herugar Bolger son of Rudigar
#1131 Nina Lightfoot>Bolger mother of Wilibald
#1130 Theobald Bolger son of Gundabald
#1129 Amethyst Hornblower>Bolger mother of Adalbert
#1128 Rudibert Bolger 2nd son of Adalgar
#1127 Adalgar Bolger son of Gundahar
#1126 Gundahad Bolger 3rd son of Gundolpho
#1125 Cora Goodbody>Bolger mother of Fastolph
#1124 Rudolph Bolger 2nd son of Gundolpho
#1123 Dina Diggle, married Gundahar Bolger
#1122 Gundahar Bolger son of Gundolpho
#1121 Alfrida 'of the Yale’, married Gundolpho Bolger
#1120 Gundolpho Bolger of Budgeford, progenitor of the Bolgers

#1119 Attercop
As promised, the 4th of the Mirkwood Spiders, the one indexed by Rateliff; and before you say, well there’s really no “character” Attercop, let’s wait for the upcoming movie, which I’ll just bet will have Bilbo point to, and chastise, a different spider for each uncomplimentary epithet he bestows; and Wikipedia will probably have a pictured entry for each one. Further, not only do I think there should be representatives of these greater/lesser arachnids that dominate a whole chapter of the Story, but they will be but 4th on the list of all races/sub-races with the largest gaps between successive characters, exceeded only by Anduin Stoors, Stone-entities, and Balrogs. And, let’s face it, should the 2 spider-like pseudo-Maiar beings, appearing well within the top 100, be the only suppliers of arachnophobia here? I think not.

The next 3 are follow-ups to the earlier names appearing only on the ‘Line of Elros’ in UT; however, these 3 seem to warrant a line each in Wikipedia, and also just happen to bridge the line between Vardamir Nólimon son of Elros Tar-Minyatur, and Hallatan of Hyarastorni father-in-law of Tar-Ancalimë. (There will be yet one more appearing from this family-tree without textual reference, who achieved 2pts from Wikipedia, apparently due to her name).

#1118 Cemendur father of Hallatan of Hyarastorni
Born in 575 S.A., he was the youngest child of the next entrant, had 2 children, a daughter first (see #1164), and his grandson married the first Ruling Queen of Númenor.

#1117 Axantur father of Cemendur
Born in 395 S.A., he was likewise the youngest child of the next entrant, and had 3 children, a daughter first (see #1162), and an elder son (#1163).

#1116 Nolondil son of Vardamir Nólimon
Born in 222 S.A., he was a grandson of Elros Tar-Minyatur, and had 3 children, a daughter & eldest son (to come), and Axantur.

The next 7 come from The Adventures of Tom Bombadil poems, each getting 2 lines in Foster’s Guide. Four of them, all animals, come from Bombadil Goes Boating: the first 3 of 11 birds appearing on the list, as well as the first of 2 weasels. (On TORN not too long ago there was an interesting thread speculating the precise evening and circumstances which may have inspired this Buckland poem, written, it is said, following Frodo’s visit with Maggot. Maybe, NEB, you can link us all to it, if you happen to see this?)

#1115 Willow-wren the Little Bird
This is the first of the animals, and only female, Tom encounters on his way to the Brandywine. She teases Bombadil, and speculates why he’s boating down the Withywindle, but ends up flying away after Tom threatens to roast her on a willow-spit.

#1114 Fisher Blue the King’s fisher
The second animal (and 2nd bird) in the tale; this kingfisher is the ‘gay lord on his bough, at home a dirty varlet, living in a sloven house, though his breast be scarlet’. It was he from whom Tom snatched a blue feather, which he wore in his cap.

#1113 Whisker-lad
The 3rd animal of the poem, an otter-lad, apparently has a mother, father, sister and brother, whom I should have considered for my unindexed characters. Or maybe not. Nonetheless, Tom threatens him in numerous ways, including turning his skin over to Barrow-wights, before the otter splashes him, rocks his boat, and dives away.
#1112 Old Swan of Elvet-isle
Animal #4 of the poem, and bird #3, merely sailed past Tom proudly, giving him a black look, and snorting at him loudly. Bombadil then sends a slew of insults the swan’s way, including wishing the branding of his bill by the King, if one day he should return. The King of course did return, but I doubt Bombadil was able to follow through on this threat.

The next three, 2 hobbits and a dog, come from Sam Gamgee’s poem, Perry-the-Winkle, set in Michel Delving.

#1111 Grip, pet of Bill Butcher
Another edit will have to be made, as I never thought to classify the Fox as a canine. That will be done, and so here we have the 4th of 11 canines that will appear, and of course the 1st pet dog. This Grip, not to be confused with Maggot’s, “turned his tail and ran to save his life” when he caught sight of the Lonely Troll.

#1110 Peeping Jack
This hobbit of Michel Delving espied where Perry-the-Winkle went to have his fulsome tea and cramsome bread: “he went upon the old Troll’s back to the hills of Faraway”. Thus the townspeople were tipped off to the Troll’s bakery. He also happens to be the 1st of 2 characters I’ve classified as spies.

#1109 Old Pott the Mayor
Presumably the name of a real Mayor of Michel Delving at some time in Sam’s youth, or prior to Will Whitfoot at any rate. When the Lonely Troll came to Delving in the morning, Pott happened to be “strolling near; when he heard that awful sound, he turned all purple and pink with fear, and dived down underground”. (Pott was the 2nd hobbit that the Troll came across in the poem. The 1st was old Mrs. Bunce, who did not get her own entry in Foster, as she only fell under the Bunce surname. But really, just as I included the wives and daughters way above, I shouldn’t have overlooked Mrs. Bunce, who should get 3pts for the 3 lines of her separate paragraph under the Bunce entry. And so, there’s edits a-plenty to be made. Characters with 3pts will extend to #971 at present, and I’m quite sure there are many within that stretch that will be open to criticism for their inclusion. So have at it. Old Mrs. Bunce is knocking at the door with her umbrella and basket in hand.)

#1108 Old Mrs. Bunce
To Michel Delving the Lonely Troll “came in the morning light, when folk were just astir, he looked around, and who did he meet but old Mrs Bunce and all, with umbrella and basket walking the street; and he smiled and stopped to call: ‘Good morning, ma’am! Good day to you! I hope I find you well?’ But she dropped umbrella and basket too, and yelled a frightful yell.”

The following 7 all take up one line only in the indices of the LotR volumes of HoMe, and obviously didn’t make the final cut into the novel. (However, just to be clear, these don’t represent the only characters left on the LotR’s cutting room floor, just those with minimal appearance. Others will show up, even in the 800’s, including the dwarves who helped at Bilbo’s Farewell Party - unnamed in LotR, but named in the drafts, thus legitimate characters).

#1107 Díriel
“Ancient name used in Gondor” is how [s?]he’s indexed. Within the chapter ‘Faramir’, it is said in Christopher’s commentary: “And Faramir, giving examples of names taken ‘from tales of the Elder Days’, adds Díriel to those he gave before”. That’s it, no textual reference given. A mystery for sure, and so here she’s listed at #1107, and a subject for future fanfics. I classified Díriel as a female of unknown race.

#1106 Benrodir Prince of Anárion
Benrodir was, at one time, one in the list of leaders mentioned, who came to the aid of Minas Tirith. Anárion is never clearly written, so is only an educated guess, according to Christopher; but does appear as such on the ‘First Map’ of Gondor/Mordor given in HoMe 7, to the south of Minas Tirith. Inram and Nosdiligand are 2 other leaders of a like kind, though they both take up more than 1 index line, and thus appear later. But, as Christopher states, “So far as I know, neither Harns (presumably Haradwaith, Haradrim), nor the names of the rulers in Southern Gondor, Inram the tall of the Morthond Vale (? – see note 23), Benrodir prince of Anárion(?), Nosdiligand of the people of the Delta, ever appear again.”

#1105 Guthrond
As foreshadowed in the ‘Middle-earth & Tolkien Trivia’ thread on TORC, here is Guthrond. Written in “fine ornate script” on the back of a page describing Aragorn’s journey from the Stone of Erech, found in HoME 8, is this: “Then spoke Elessar: Many Guthrond would hold that your insolence merited rather punishment than answer from your king; but since you have in open malice uttered lies in the hearing of many, I will first lay bare their falsehood, so that all here may know you for what you are, and have ever been. Afterwards, maybe, a chance shall be given to you to repent and turn from your old evil.” Nothing more is known about this passage, but it does appear in the drafts of ‘The Last Debate’, or may have been intended (as speculated by one Roccondil of TORC) for incorporation in the chapter “The Steward and the King” where, in the days after the crowning of Aragorn, as King Elessar, he gave his judgments. Roccondil goes on to speculate, the “character of Guthrond (the answer to the question) is a puzzle as he is presumably a subject of Gondor, perhaps a spy, but his whole name is not Sindarin. The first element is presumably Old English (= Rohirric) while the second element may be Sindarin, unless an Old English scholar (or student?) can provide a complete meaning from this language?” I classified him as a normal man of Gondor of unknown occupation, although this may be changed to another spy, if Roccondil’s words have some merit.

#1104 Farmer Puddifoot
As we continue to list characters of very contentious applicability, here is the first farmer to appear. He was, admittedly, the prior identity of Farmer Maggot for a time, but once, after Maggot was established, Farmer Puddifoot re-appeared, and we do have the Puddifoots of Stock surviving into LotR. So for those reasons, unashamedly I put forth the 1st of 7 farmers that will appear.

#1103 Adam Hornblower blacksmith of Hobbiton
“But old Adam Hornblower the smith down the road could not melt it in his furnace. They say only dragonfire can melt them”, so said Gandalf in ‘Of Gollum and the Ring’, forerunner to ‘The Shadow of the Past’, in HoMe 6. Unlike the farmer above, I maybe see no contention by keeping this Shire smith as a legitimate character. And he is the first of 9 smiths on the list.

#1102 Folco Burrows
Highlighting The Hobbit once again, from its pages emerged the law firm of “Messrs Grubb, Grubb, and Burrowes”, selling Bilbo’s belongings, thinking him deceased. In the LotR drafts, certain interlopers were ejected from Bag End by “Messrs. Iago Grubb and Folco Burrowes (Bingo’s [>Frodo’s] lawyers)”: presumably two-thirds of the prior existing firm. So we can ostensibly ascribe first-names to the last-names of the firm from The Hobbit. What happened to the other Grubb is not clear, but I have a strong feeling it is none other than Primo (of the drafts, who had a few former incarnations), described as “the greediest hobbit known to history” as well as a glutton. He is really the only other known Grubb character, in the end, and one who seems was on a self-destructive course that may have even seen him dropped from a law firm. He will appear much later.

#1101 Iago Grubb
The other lawyer of the LotR drafts, and how perfectly named! One more instance of Shakespeare’s subtle influence on Tolkien. Much of his commentary was included above, but I think it quite appropriate to close out our first hundred with him.
Last edited by Voronwë the Faithful on Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#1100 Heden grandfather of Eriol
No corresponding text, merely notebook jottings for this progenitor, but he is an appropriate starting point. Heden ‘the leather and fur clad’ had sons Eoh and Beorn; Eoh’s son was Ottor; and Ottor’s sons, by his 1st wife, were Hengest and Horsa. Ottor of course was later given the name Eriol, and will appear much later in this countdown.

#1099 Oswin Lowdham grandfather of Arundel Lowdham
Likewise, this progenitor appropriately comes next, and appears only in a semi-speculative footnote by Christopher Tolkien. He is, nonetheless, the first Notion Club character to appear, though not a Club member proper; and his grandson, the highest ranking of the Notion Club Papers, will also appear much later.

#1098 Gorgumoth hound of Mandos
Only a note in a notebook, but at one time Mandos had a hound, with no discernable connection to Huan. Gorgumoth guarded Melkor, bound in a place called Lumbi, after he was overthrown in battle by Tulkas. Classified as a ‘guard’, he’s already the 5th of 11 canines on the list.

#1097 Torhir Ifant maker of the Dorgannas Iaur
Within the development of the chapter ‘Of Beleriand and its Realms’, its stated that “these matters [were] taken from the Dorgannas Iaur (the account of the shapes of the lands of old that Torhir Ifant made and is kept in Eressëa)”. This was possibly meant to be the Beleriand version to Rúmil’s 'Ambarkanta', as Pengolođ’s ‘Annals of Beleriand’ were to Rúmil’s ‘Annals of Aman’. Nevertheless we have the 1st Elf to appear, classified speculatively as a Noldo loremaster, and probably a member of the Lambengolmor of Eressëa, as was Pengolođ.

#1096 Morwen daughter of Húrin of the Keys
She it was, that at one time was to be wedded to Éomer. Of course Éomer married Lothiriel, daughter of Imrahil; while Théoden’s mother was named Morwen; and in the end Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys, has no mentioned daughter. However, there is nothing that I know of to deny a daughter named Morwen to Húrin of the Keys, so here she is.

#1095 Duilin father of Saelon
Saelon , the young man of Gondor who helped discover the ‘new shadow’ in the story of that name, disappeared at one point, fleeing “northward to the house of his father”. In a footnote, its stated that in draft A its written "his father Duilin". Where exactly he dwelt in this northward direction (or what he did) is of course anybody’s guess, so he’s classified here as a Man of Gondor of unknown occupation.

#1094 Colombo Arditi, Tempestosa Professor of Italian
The first member of the Notion Club proper to appear; many more will follow soon. They’re all classified as Europeans, and most as loremasters/professors/writers. This one doesn’t appear to have attended any of the recorded meetings of the Notion Club, thus no textual reference other than the biographical members list; which states that he was born in 1940, is of St. John’s College, and is “fond of (and not unskilled in) singing (basso), swimming, and the game of bowls, [and] collects books and cats.”

#1093 Elulindo son of Olwë
In ‘the Genealogies’ that belong with the earliest ‘Annals of Beleriand’ its stated that Olwë “Lord of the Teleri (who is called ‘Lord of Ships’), has a son Elulindo”. There’s no corresponding text, but there’s also been nothing written since (that I know of) which explicably overturns his existence. In fact, an heir to the King of the 3rd House in Aman, other than Eärwen wife of the King of the 2nd House, might just be more palatable, no?

#1092 Poldor, a Númenórean boy
Appearing only in a 'Lost Road' footnote providing original text, he is one of the “foolish friends” of the young son of Elendil (Herendil>Isildur?). In a second-hand reference only, this Poldor apparently called him Eärendel, mockingly, the day before; to which Elendil of course responds that this is not at all an insult. (The other 3 names in this brief episode naturally all appear well within the top 50).

#1091 Galhir of Brethil
Again, appearing only in a footnote, Galhir was at one occurrence an emendation of the name Sagroth, a Man of Brethil. This alone would have disqualified him for this list, simply being absorbed by the character of Sagroth. However, in this footnote Christopher Tolkien speculates, due to the eventual reinstatement of Sagroth, that “Galhir was perhaps intended to be another member of Manthor’s company, rather than a replacement of the name”. If so, then possibly (story-wise) we can speculate from this that Manthor debated whether to leave Galhir or Sagroth in charge, and in the end settled on Sagroth.

#1090 Langon servant of Morgoth in Utumno
Sent by Morgoth to entreat the Valar descending within his halls to capture him, this servant says to them “Behold, he was rejoiced and in wonder to see the Gods before his gates. Now would he gladly welcome them, yet for the poverty of his abode not more than two of them could he fitly entertain; and he begged that neither Manwë nor Tulkas be of the two...”. For the rest, consult the richly elaborate ‘Lost Tales’. (I classified him as a miscellaneous Maia soldier).

#1089 Orlin of Hísilómë
Call it irony, but 2 [see below] of the most minor characters (sharing the same 1st syllable, and whose 2nd syllables form a palindrome), separated in Tolkien’s writings by 4 centuries, conveniently pop in to highlight the peaks of Túrin’s rage. Orlin is a Man, of his mother’s kin, that Túrin slew in Brodda’s hall, seemingly needlessly after beheading Brodda, in the Lost Tale ‘Turambar and the Foalókë’.

#1088 Ornil of Nargothrond
Ornil, on the other hand, is an Elf of Nargothrond who, as Túrin was making his way back to that land, and “autumn was passing to a dire winter”, appears literally out of nowhere to exclaim: “Even so fall the people of Nargothrond, but for them there shall come no Spring”. That’s it for Ornil, and right then, on the very same page of the 50’s ‘Grey Annals’, Glaurung and the hosts of Morgoth are breaking down the Gates. Was this the price for Orlin’s slaying in Tolkien’s chronology? Or was OrLIN’s death the price for OrNIL’s prophetic doom within Middle-earth chronology?

#1087 Gereth, Noldo guide of Elwing
Near the end of the tale of ‘the Nauglafring’, after the final ruin of Doriath and death of Dior by the sons of Fëanor, the few survivors fled the destruction, escorting Elwing and the Silmaril out with them. It is said in this Lost Tale (the only detailed authorial narrative of this event), “Evranin the nurse of Elwing [the next entry], and Gereth a Gnome, took her unwilling in a flight swift and sudden from those lands...”. Presumably Gereth was one of the loyal Noldo smiths of Doriath, present in this tale (which would comply, of course, with Galadriel’s later presence).

#1086 Evranin nurse of Elwing in Doriath
See above. (I’ve classified her as a Sinda healer). Interestingly, Eärendil also has a personal nurse in the ‘Fall of Gondolin’, who will appear soon.

#1085 Ceola of Somerset, companion of Ælfwine
This mariner appears in the ‘second sketch’ of Night 70, Thursday, 2 October, 1987 (the last recorded meeting of the Notion Club), the minutes of which Tolkien provided in 2 “brief texts, written very fast in pencil but fortunately just about legible, which give a glimpse of what he had in mind” for the further progress of the NC Papers; that is, “the further tales of Ælfwine and Tréowine” (the last words of Night 69). See more below.

#1084 Geraint of West Wales, companion of Ælfwine
The 2nd of 2 mariners hired by Ælfwine and Tréowine on the night the Danes attack Porlock, when Ælfwine decides to sail away to seek the land “whence King Sheaf came”, or to other parts unknown. These episodes come from the musings of Alwin [Ælfwine] Arundel Lowdham, along with Wilfrid Trewin [Tréowine] Jeremy of the Notion Club.

#1083 Dr. Abel Pitt, Bishop of Buckingham
A member of the Notion Club, although not recorded as having attended any meetings. His biography, given in the members list, states he was born in 1928, and is of Trinity College of which he was formerly Chaplain. He is listed as a scholar and occasional poet (but I’ve classified him as a healer – one of 7 on the list).

#1082 Sir Gerald Manface, Lawyer
Also a member of the Notion Club, and not recorded as having attended any meetings. He is given as being of All Souls College, as well as a much travelled mountaineer. He has many children, for whom he has written many (unpublished) books and tales. It also says that he seldom appears, is not resident in Oxford, but is a special friend of regular member Philip Frankley. (I’ve classified him as a lawyer – one of 5 on the list).

#1081 Elmar, mother of Hazad Longbeard
She was the forced wife of Buldar [see #971], and “a woman of few words while her life lasted, save only to her children [and to] them she spoke much when none were by, and she sang to them many songs in a strange fair tongue; but they heeded her not, or soon forgot [s]ave only Hazad, the youngest; and though he was, as were all her children, unlike her in body, he was nearer to her in heart”. She gets 2pts for 1 index line in HoMe12.

#1080 Gilbarad great-grandfather of Aragorn
In the draft of the ‘Tale of Aragorn and Arwen’, Ivorwen’s father, Aragorn’s great-grandfather on his mother’s side, was named. Left on the cutting-room floor, but neither replaced or dismissed in any textual capacity, you decide in your mind if he’s still on the ‘tree’. If you decide he’s not, that’s absolutely wonderful, but he’s #1080 on this list.

#1079 Narthseg, a wild Elf
In the tale of ‘The Nauglafring’, Narthseg “whose name is bitter to the Eldar yet”, tipped off Naugladur, lord of the ‘bad’ dwarves of Nogrod, to Thingol’s hunting schedule, which eventually led to ruin of the kingdom. Of the 3 destructions of the Elven kingdoms - the Sack, Ruin, and Fall – it’s fitting, I think, to have one of them free of either Morgoth’s or Túrin’s direct involvement; and to have Elves, Men, and Dwarves at each other’s throats, complete with carnage and bloodshed, playing into the attitude between the 3 peoples in LotR (ie. Celeborn & Gimli). Narthseg was but a bit-player in the original (and only) full and bloody story. (I’ve classified Narthseg as Avari, the 1st of 10 who will appear).

#1078 Nielthi handmaid of Melian
“Wherefore, O Lady, art thou sorrowful at the hightide of the king?” asks the 4th character to appear here from ‘The Nauglafring’, to which Melian answers, “Evil seeks our land, and my heart misgives me... I wish never to have wandered forth from Valinor”. Nielthi asks “hast thou not woven great magic all about us, so that we fear not”, to which Melian again responds “there is a rat that gnaws the threads and all the web has come unwoven”. At that, Naugladur struts into the chamber in front of Melian wearing the Necklace of the Dwarves (with the Silmaril), bearing Thingol’s decapitated crowned head. Ah, the ‘Lost Tales’...

#1077 Nan the Giant
Speaking of Thingol, in the ‘Lay of Leithian’, after being imprisoned high in the tree Hirilorn by her father, Lúthien sang her magic song of escape. In it, she sang of “all names of things tallest and longest on earth”, which included the tail of Draugluin, the body of Glaurung, the hair of Uinen, and as it happens, the sword of Nan.

#1076 Ithilbor father of Saeros
We’ve so far introduced the Noldor, the Sindar, and the Avari, so now the 1st of the 4 Nandor, the least-appearing of the Elf clans on the list. In the ‘Narn’ in UT, it was established that Saeros “was of the Nandor, being one of those who took refuge in Doriath after the fall of their lord Denethor... they were no friends to the Edain since their passage through Ossiriand”. And Ithilbor’s son was certainly no friend to Túrin.

#1075 Finntann the oldest man
I previously forgot to mention Finntan with the 3 names crossing over from real-world pseudo-history to Tolkien’s Story. But Ælfwine of England, back from Eressëa, was eventually to settle in Ireland, leading to the story of Finntan the “oldest man in the world... according to mediaeval Irish annalists”.

#1074 Céolwulf father of Tréowine
Tréowine, a companion of Ælfwine of England, appeared last week, mentioned under their listed hired hands. His father was Céolwulf, who “claimed to come of the kin of the kings that sat at Tamworth [in Mercia] of old; but Tréowine had come south many years before”.

#1073 Almáriel a Númenórean girl
We had Poldor, the boy, 2 weeks ago. Now is a girl, in which the chastised son of Elendil compares himself simply for height: “I stand barely to the shoulder of Almáriel, whose hair is of shining gold, and she is a maiden, and of my own age.” She also appears, due to her name, under the listing GALA- (‘thrive, prosper’; almárea ‘blessed’), in the ‘Etymologies’.

#1072 Othrondir of Gondor
Othrondir is a man of Fourth Age Gondor who “had spoken of” rumours that Borlas had remembered in his conversations with Saelon: “It was he who had used the word ‘canker’.” I ask you, what would the legendarium be without Othrondir of Gondor? The New Shadow would never have been aptly described as a canker!

#1071 Cwén 1st wife of Eriol
Cwén is Old English for ‘woman/wife’. She was also the mother of Hengest and Horsa, and died an early death. Eriol then left his 2 sons, who “avenged Eoh and became great chieftains”, to depart for se uncú Þa holm, ‘the unknown island’.

#1070 Orontor of Númenor
From the ‘Lost Road’, he is the father of #1061, listed last here. He happened to be away “on a long voyage... a mission from which he might never return”, which Christopher Tolkien footnotes: “seems like a premonition of the voyage of Amandil into the West”. Elendil loved Orontor, and some Númenoreans said he “fled the displeasure of the king”. But as a result, he left his daughter behind to dwell within Elendil’s household. More on her down the list...

#1069 Tareg the Ilkorin
For this (and the following) Elf, we go back to the ‘Book of Lost Tales I’ where Ilkorins (Úmanyar) 1st appear. At this time, they were comprised of “some [who] fell out upon the way [of the March], or were lost... but the most were those who left not [Cuiviénen] at all”. Thus, I’ve classified Tareg (and Mablon below) as Avari, since they appear at the end of the tale of the ‘Awakening of Men’ in the east, which came on the heels of the tale of Nuin the Dark Elf. Here it is said that the “hosts of Tareg the Ilkorin marched North-west hearing a rumour of the [Noldor]; and many of the lost kindreds joined him... [and they] found the [Noldor] at the Feast of Reunion”; which leads to a mention of Tareg and his Ilkorins in an early account of the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

#1068 Mablon the Ilkorin
In this early account, according to CT, nearing the end of said Battle, “Turgon was pursued, and there is a reference to ‘Mablon the Ilkorin’s sacrifice to save the host’... [in the later outline, Melkor] sent his host of Balrogs after them, and Mablon the Ilkorin died to save them”. Both Mablon and Tareg are classified as soldiers.

#1067 Rosamunda wife of Alboin the Lombard
(The list of semi-historical characters crossing over to Tolkien’s Story keeps growing, so I’ll just stop the count). Rosamunda is not only the 1st character on this list from the ‘opening chapters’ cycle of the ‘Lost Road’, but she’s from the story-within-the-story: that is, the story of the 6th-century Lombards (taken from Paul the Deacon’s Historia Langobardorum), told by one Oswin Errol to his son Alboin Errol. In it, Alboin the Lombard King tries to poison his wife Rosamunda, who in turn murders him in his bed and buries his body under a staircase. Oswin apparently “ended the story, and did not tell his son how Rosamunda exacted her revenge“, applying some parental discretion to this bedtime story it seems.

#1066 Norman Keeps
(The next 2 entrants should technically be reversed, as Norman has 3 indexed pages, and Oswine only 2, but I couldn’t resist him at this #). Indexed as an “uninstructed barber” in the ‘Notion Club Papers’, CT footnotes: “Norman Keeps was an historical person, who expounded to my father the view of English history here recounted by Philip Frankley while plying his trade at the barbering establishment of Weston and Cheal in the Turl Street”. As Notion Club-member Frankley says, “Norman Keeps is our barber, [a]t least that’s what Arry and I call him: no idea what his real name is. Quite a nice and moderately intelligent little man: but to him everything beyond a certain vague distance back is a vast dark barren but utterly fixed and determined land and time called The Dark Ages”.

#1065 Óswine Prince of Gwar
Old English for ‘god-friend’, Óswine is the Prince of Kortirion, also known as Gwar (and Warwick), in the earliest story of Ælfwine of England. He was “a lover of songs and no enemy of the Elves” who lingered yet about Gwar. Déor, father of Ælfwine, came to seek him and “the companies of the Fading Elves”, having married Éadgifu (see #1062 below). But Men of the North came down and sacked the town, killing Ælfwine’s parents, leaving the boy a thrall, and “none of Elves or Men were left in his old halls to lament the fall of Óswine Prince of Gwar”.

#1064 Great Pine of Tavrobel
When the Vanyar settled Tol Eressëa, they were given a seed from Yavanna but it “must be guarded, for great tidings would one day come of its growth. But it was forgotten, and cast in the garden of Gilfanon, and a mighty pine arose that reached to Ilwë and the stars”. Eventually the sons of Tulkas and Ingwë pursue an escaped Melkor up the tree to the stars and guard him, and then the Great Pine is “cut down to keep him out of the world”. It is said that in Tavrobel (Great Haywood) “grows still the child of the child of the Pine” of Yavanna.

#1063 Zamîn
She was in the service of Erendis in Númenor, “an old country-woman, free-tongued, and not easily daunted, even by the White Lady”. She is termed “an old crone” in the text when she meets Aldarion and his mariners back from their ventures, saying “There is no lodging for you here. Go down to the homestead at the hill’s foot!” To Ulbar’s rebuff and query, she says “Your son has eaten himself out of your memory. But go, and find your own answers! You’ll be warmer there than your Captain”. She later helps Ancalimë, the daughter of Aldarion and Erendis, “into hiding at a farm on the borders of the lands of Hallatan of Hyarastorni, where she lived for a time the life of a shepherdess”. The results of this are open to speculation, and can be consulted at the end of ‘The Mariner’s Wife’ tale in UT.

#1062 Éadgifu of Lionesse
She’s the mother of Ælfwine of England, from the west, who married the singer Déor of the south of England. As said above, she was killed in the sack of Gwar.

#1061 Fíriel of Númenor
See above. Fíriel was a fair maiden of Elendil’s household in Númenor, left to dwell there after her father departed. She “sang an even-song in the Eressëan tongue, but made by men, long ago... Ilu Ilúvatar en káre eldain a fírimoin / ar antaróta mannar Valion: númessier... [The father made the World for elves and mortals, and he gave it into the hands of the Lords, who are in the West]. So sang Fíriel on high, until her voice fell sadly to the question with which that song ends: man tare antáva nin Ilúvatar, Ilúvatar, enyáre tar i tyel ire Anarinya qeluva? [What will Ilúvatar, O Ilúvatar, give me in that day beyond the end, when my Sun faileth?]”. A CT footnote gives a much longer verse and description.

#1060 Elentir brother of Amandil
In ‘The History of the Akallabêth’ Christopher T notes, “The significance of Amandil’s brother Elentir will be seen in the texts given here: so far as I am aware he appears nowhere else”. Elentir loved Tar-Míriel and they were to be betrothed, but in these drafts she actually had eyes early on for the Golden One: “when [Tar-Míriel] saw Pharazộn in the splendour of his young manhood come riding in... Suddenly [her] heart turned towards him”. CT says these sketches “in fact followed the writing of the long rider to the Akallabêth, and they represent the emergence of a doubt in my father’s mind whether the marriage [of Ar-Pharazộn to Tar-Míriel] was indeed ‘against her will’, and the sketching of a new story on the subject”.

#1059 Eädwine son of Ælfwine
Ælfwine’s son appears in notes for the ‘Lost Road’, and was to be a part of the father-son storyline of legendary times. In the sketches, Ælfwine awaits Eadwine’s return on the night of the attack of the Danes on Porlock in the autumn of 915, at which time they converse about the possibility of a Straight Road. “In the end they go off with ten neighbours” and have adventures, but unlike Eriol, they only apparently glimpse visions of the Straight Road and Eressëa.

#1058 Mogru the Master of Agar
The 1st character to appear here from the tale of ‘Tal-Elmar’, the last tale in HoMe, which tells of the coming of the Númenóreans from the point of view of the Men of Middle-earth. Mogru, “a fat man with eyes like a lizard”, is Master of the town of the young Tal-elmar, who says Mogru “will be a master without people, or a bag of bones on the hillside, if he scorns the wisdom of Hazad” father of the boy, who brings news of the ships off the coast. At this Mogru, who hates the boy and his father, becomes enraged but is begrudgingly led to see the ships for himself. The Master then sends Tal-elmar alone to spy on the ships at close range, to which the boy thinks it “might well be that I who am a stranger in my own people should find them more pleasing than Mogru and all others like him”. Tal-elmar meets the strangers, but unfortunately the tale goes unfinished.

#1057 Oikeroi thane of Tevildo
In the ‘Tale of Tinúviel’, Sauron was in his early incarnation as Tevildo Prince of Cats, and one of his thanes was Oikeroi “a fierce and warlike cat... [who] had aforetime been much about the halls of Melko”. He bore Lúthien on his back, but met his fate by the jaws of Huan, and his skin was kept as a trophy by those two. Admittedly, much of his role was transferred to Draugluin, but as a cat and thane I deem his character stands enough apart to warrant inclusion; and since I deleted the Cat of the Shire poem, I’ve kept all 3 cats of Tevildo!

#1056 Borlas of Pen-arduin
‘Old Borlas’ is one of the 2 main characters of ‘The New Shadow’, along with young Saelon, and dwells in a “small grey-stone house” with a garden, in the hills of Ithilien. The story that emerges is largely dialogue between the 2, during which Borlas looks “with amazement and fear” when Saelon utters the name of ‘Herumor’ while discussing the potential return of Evil to Gondor. Borlas it was also who, at the very end of this unfinished tale, “smelt the old Evil and knew it for what it was".

#1055 Barrow-wight waiting for Frodo
“Here! I am waiting for you” says the first 3pt character, awarded 2pts for 2 indexed pages in Drout’s Encyclopedia, as well as a single point for the 3 lines indexed as Barrow-wight(s) in LotR: 2 lines I’ve offset for the plural, which I discount. This “tall dark figure like a shadow against the stars [with] two eyes, very cold though lit with a pale light that seemed to come from some remote distance” is the 7th of 12 Undead Men that will appear, and the 1st non-Nazgûl. “Cold be hand and heart and bone, and cold be sleep under stone...

#1054 the Lonely Troll
An earlier version of Shrek, this Troll who ‘steals no gold, drinks no beer, and eats no kind of meat’ finds himself alone and weeping outside the Shire’s Lockholes gate, when little Perry-the-Winkle shows up. They go back to Winkle’s home, where the Troll bakes pikelets, cakes, and beautiful cransome bread. He teaches bakery and feeds the young one until he “grew so fat through eating of cransome bread, his weskit bust, and never a hat would sit upon his head”. The 2nd of 5 trolls to appear gets his 3pts for 3 lines in Foster’s Guide.

#1053 Kuruki the magician
In notes for the Lost Tale of ‘Turambar and the Foalókë’, it was Kuruki that induces Morwen and Nienor into forgetfulness with a “baneful drink”. Though his essential role was taken over by Glaurung, as with Oikeroi/Draugluin, I’ve also opted to keep this one due to his uniqueness of character. The extra point awarded, beyond the 2pts for 1 HoMe index line, is for being listed in the ‘Names in the Lost Tales’ Appendix for the etymology of his name: kuru ‘magic, wizardry’. (I’ve classified him as a miscellaneous Maia wizard).

#1052 Yávien niece of Tar-Amandil
This eldest child of Nolondil, younger brother of Tar-Amandil, receives a point for her appearance on the ‘Line of Elros’ family-tree, as well as 2pts for a paragraph in Wikipedia, which speculates that “the prefix yáv means fruit, so Yávien was probably named after Yavanna”. She completes the non-narrative names found only on that tree.

#1051 Meleth nurse of Eärendil
In the ‘Fall of Gondolin’, Meleth was Eärendil’s nurse who is said to have woven him tales “concerning fiery Melko at times of his waywardness” which troubled the boy. For this reason, Idril gave her son the “tiny coat of mail that she had let fashion in secret”. An extra point was awarded to her for her name appearing in the ‘Names in the Lost Tales’ Appendix, although it is simply etymological. She is one of 7 healers appearing.

#1050 Mr. Mugwort
Mr. Mugwort, a hobbit of Bree and apparent frequenter of The Prancing Pony, saw Frodo disappear, “or leastways I didn’t see him, if you take my meaning”. Several Mugworts, “an odd name to [the Fellowship’s] way of thinking” were present in the Pony in the LotR drafts. He gets 1pt for being indexed in LotR, as well as 2pts for being indexed in HoMe 6.

#1049 Hiril sister of Beren Erchamion
A controversial entry, no doubt, this daughter of Barahir and Emeldir appears in changes made to ‘Bëor table II’, the final tree we’re given on the genealogy of the 1st House of the Edain composed at the end of the sub-section ‘Of the Kindreds and Houses of the Edain’, found at the end of the chapter ‘Of the Coming of men into the West’ in the ‘Later Quenta Silmarillion’. Thus, unlike Idis daughter of Théoden, no final publication exists to warrant discounting Hiril’s late (post-LotR) appearance in the working cosmology.

#1048 Maidros father of Finwë
Likewise, back in ‘Lost Tales I’, before Fëanor’s son was in existence, his grandfather was named simply as the father of his father. Nothing more to the narrative than that, and since there’s no reference to a father of Finwë anywhere else, one could posit that Fëanor named his firstborn after his grandfather, a ubiquitous progenitor of the Noldor. Or not.

#1047 Amrothos son of Imrahil
The 3rd son of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, found only on the ‘Line of Dol Amroth’ tree in HoMe 12.

#1046 Erchirion son of Imrahil
The 2nd son of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, found only on said line (see above).

#1045 Sagroth
A “woodsman somewhat older and wiser” than Avranc son of Dorlas, and the first person to recognize Húrin after his wanderings, beyond Morwen’s passing. He “looked at him in wonder and was afraid, for he thought he knew who this old man was... ‘Look here! It must be Húrin. The incomers spoke truly. He has come!” “Trust you to find trouble, as ever, Sagroth!” said Forhend, another man of Brethil. It was Sagroth who Manthor left in charge, rather than Galhir (see #1091).

#1044 Gorgol the Butcher
We’re overdue for another orc, and who better than this victim of Beren. “Of hunters hunted, slayers slain / they sang, of Gorgol the Butcher hewn, / of ambush in Ladros, fire in Drun, / of thirty in one battle dead, / of wolves that yelped like curs and fled, / yea, Sauron himself with wound in hand.” CT says of line 519 of the 'Lay of Leithian': “Gorgol the Butcher. He is named nowhere else”. Pity!

#1043 Eoh father of Eriol
Eoh, “a word of the Old English poetic vocabulary meaning ‘horse’”, was a son of Heden (see #1100). His son was Ottor (later to be named Eriol), but Eoh was slain by his brother Beorn. Eriol named the two sons of his 1st marriage, Hengest and Horsa “after his father... to avenge Eoh”. Along with the 2pts for being indexed in HoMe 1, he receives 1pt for being indexed in Drout’s Encyclopedia.

#1042 Gilwen sister of Barahir
She is the 3rd daughter and 4th child of Bregor of the 1st House of the Edain, and older sister of Barahir, thus aunt of Beren Erchamion. Like her younger sister (below) she appears only on the family tree mentioned above.

#1041 Hirwen sister of Barahir
See above. Hirwen is the 2nd daughter of Bregor.

#1040 Mrs. Maggot
Called a “queen among farmer’s wives” by Frodo, presumably for her gift of mushrooms, along with graciously serving the hungry and thirsty hobbits; she had one line in LotR: “You be careful of yourself, Maggot! Don’t go arguing with any foreigners, and come straight back!” She’d rank higher if The Adventures of Tom Bombadil had an index, in which she did more serving and laughing and was illustrated by Pauline Baynes. She also had further lines in the LotR drafts (HoMe 6), and receives a 3rd point for her appearance in LotR’s index.

#1039 Beril of the 1st house, younger sister of Andreth
From the family-tree of the House of Bëor, she appears as the youngest child of Boromir 4th Lord of the 1st House of the Edain. She was born in 365 of the First Age of the Sun.

#1038 Hiril of the Haladin, daughter of Halmir
4th child and only daughter of the 3rd Chieftain of the 2nd House of the Edain; she exists solely in the ‘Wanderings of Húrin’, referenced primarily as being Húrin’s aunt, and grandmother to Hunthor and Manthor. The 2 brothers are said to be of “great spirit” due to being descendants of Hiril, unlike their mutual (the brothers’, & Húrin’s) cousin Hardang, the conspicuous villain of this tale of the fall of Brethil.

#1037 Enthor, younger brother of Hunthor & Manthor
The status of Enthor, ‘the captain of the guards near Brithiach’, is admittedly another dubious one. He doesn’t appear in the final tree of the 2nd House, and Tolkien at times used his name for Hiril’s husband (see above), as well as substituting him with a “chief henchman, called Ebor” who appears on his own in the main text in the end. CT writes that it is suggested that “my father intended to cut out the words ‘younger brother of Hunthor and Manthor’, but omitted to do so”. Thus he makes the cut at #1037.

#1036 Ausir, boy of Mar Vanwa Tyaliéva
He was a boy - presumably one of the children who took the Path of Dreams, Olórë Mallë, to the Cottage of Lost Play - who listened in and commented on the ‘Tale of Tinúviel’, as told to Eriol by Vëannë, an elf-child of Tol Eressëa. Of note, Ausir proclaimed: “knowest thou not, O Eriol, that that ancient mariner beside the lonely sea was none other than Ulmo’s self, who appeareth not seldom thus to those voyagers whom he loves”.

#1035 Arachon, brother-in-law of Barahir
He, of unknown origins, married Bregil, the eldest child of Bregor 5th Lord of the 1st House of the Edain, and older sister of Barahir; thus Arachon was uncle to Beren Erchamion. Beldis, his 2nd child, married Handir the 5th Chieftain of the Haladin; his first child is next...

#1034 Brandir, uncle of Brandir the Lame
He is the 1st child of the 1st child of the 5th Lord of the 1st House of the Edain; so if his mother was male, he would have been the 7th Lord of the House of Bëor instead of Barahir. As it was, his sister married Handir the 5th Chieftain of the 2nd House, thus Brandir’s only discernible contribution was giving his name to his nephew, the 6th Chieftain of the Haladin.

#1033 Nuneth, mother of Erendis
She who bore Erendis makes her most significant statement in an entire paragraph in the tale of ‘The Mariner’s Wife’: “All or nothing, Erendis. So you were as a child. But you love this man, and he is a great man, not to speak of his rank; and you will not cast out your love from your heart so easily, nor without great hurt to yourself. A woman must share her husband’s love with his work and the fire of his spirit, or make him a thing not loveable. But I doubt that you will ever understand such counsel. Yet I am grieved, for it is full time that you were wed; and having borne a fair child I had hoped to see fair grandchildren; nor if they were cradled in the King’s house would that displease me”. Of course she did witness the birth of a fair grandchild, “most beautiful, as old tales tell, that ever was born in the line of Elros, save Ar-Zimraphel, the last”, who will appear much much later.

#1032 Aglahad the 19th Prince of Dol Amroth
The great-grandfather of Prince Imrahil appears as the least of the line of named Princes, having not appeared on the family-tree bearing the name of his son, Angelimir (see HoMe 12). Aglahad lived to be 105 years.

#1031 Gilmith sister of Galador 1st Prince of Dol Amroth
She appears only in the note on the tree of ‘Dol Amroth from the time of Angelimir the twentieth prince’. She was the princess, daughter of Imrazộr the Númenórean and the Elven-lady Mithrellas, and was the younger sister of Galador the 1st Ruling Prince.

#1030 Elboron, son of Faramir & Éowyn
He only appears on the ‘Princes of Dol Amroth’ family-tree (HoMe12), being the great-grandson of Adrahil the 21st Prince, through Finduilas mother of Faramir. “Second Prince [of Ithilien]” is how he’s referenced, but no dates are given. CT comments on him in the last paragraph of ‘The House of Dol Amroth’ section: “Faramir’s son Elboron likewise only appears in this genealogy. In him an old name reappears. Elboron and Elbereth were the orginal names of the young sons of Dior... Later the sons of Elrond were named Elboron and Elbereth, before they became Elladan and Elrohir”. 3rd time was a charm for the name of Elboron.

#1029 Belegor, 2nd son of Lord Boron of the 1st House
He’s the great-grandson of Bëor the Old and uncle of Andreth. Anything more will require fanfic...

#1028 Rohald
It’s been a while since an animal’s appeared here, so here’s Gandalf’s white horse in The Hobbit, receiving all 3pts from Rateliff’s History of the Hobbit index. Tolkien’s notes in the drafts say this: “the white horse Róhald belonged to Rivendell, & had been lent by Elrond to Gandalf”. To which Rateliff responds, “This final point should perhaps be taken to indicate that Rohald would be left behind in Rivendell when Thorin & Company set out again to attempt the mountain-passes. Certainly it is disquieting enough to think of all the ponies being eaten by the goblins in Chapter IV, now that they have been given a sort of corporate personality and even pseudo dialogue (cf. Page 795), much less an elven horse such as Rohald”. Indeed.

#1027 Eldalótë, mother of Orodreth
She appears in the ‘Names of Finwë’s descendants’, an excursus appended to the ‘60’s ‘Shibboleth of Fëanor’ (HoMe12). She’s the wife of Angrod and mother of Orodreth, according to the later (and arguably definitive) genealogy, and it states “Eđellos translated Eldalótë according to sense: ‘Elven-flower’”. Since the former name is Sindarin, I’ve classified her as such due to this phrasing.

#1026 Gildis, wife of Hador Lórindol
She only appears on the ‘Folk of Marach’ family-tree (HoMe11), “later & usually called the ‘House of Hador’”. Thus, she’s essentially the matriarch of the 3rd House of the Edain, and grandmother of Húrin and Huor. Too bad we don’t know more about her.

#1025 Bregil, 1st child of Lord Bregor
Mentioned in her son’s entry (#1034), that if she was male she would have been 6th Lord of the 1st House, and Brandir the Lame may have been the rightful heir of both of the first 2 Houses. As it turned out, Barahir and son Beren became 7th and 8th Lords of the 1st House. Chalk one up for male primogeniture, at least in this case.

#1024 Agathor, husband of Meleth
“Meleth’s husband is apparently named Agathor”, is how Agathor, of unknown origin, enters the cosmology, in CT’s notes following the last tree given for the 2nd House of the Edain. Thus he’s the father of Hunthor, Manthor, and Enthor, and husband of the next entry...

#1023 Meleth of the Haladin
She appears on the same last family-tree of the 2nd House, but also appears, without being named, in ‘The Wanderings of Húrin’ when her son Manthor, acting legal counsel for Húrin, was answering to Avranc, the prosecutor: “It is so indeed. The mother of Húrin was Hareth daughter of Halmir, once Halad of Brethil, and Hiril her sister was the mother of my mother. But this lineage does not prove me a liar. More, if Húrin of Dorlómin be akin to me, he is kinsman of all the House of Haleth. Yea, and of all this Folk. Yet he is treated as an outlaw, a robber, a wild man without honour!”

#1022 Naimi, 2nd wife of Eriol
Back to the earliest ‘cycle’, Eriol the Angle was gripped by sea-longing after the death of Cwén, his 1st wife (and mother of Hengest & Horsa), and sought se uncúpa holm, ‘the unknown island’. There, “in Tol Eressëa he wedded, being made young by limpë (here also called by the Old English word líÞ), Naimi (Éadgifu), niece of Vairë, and they had a son named Heorrenda”. Along with 2pts for BoLT2, her 3rd point comes from being indexed in Garth.

#1021 Déor, father of Ælfwine of England
Likewise, the father of the mariner Ælfwine of England, earns 2pts for BoLT2 as well as a pt for being indexed by Drout. He was a minstrel, and “wedded to wife a maiden from the West, from Lionesse as some have named it since, or Evadrien ‘Coast of Iron’ as the Elves still say”. She died in a Viking raid, and “Déor fell before the walls even as he sang a song of ancient valour for the raising of men’s hearts. That was a desperate sally, and the son of Déor was Ælfwine, and he was a boy left fatherless”.

#1020 & #1019 Elphir & Alphros, the 23rd & 24th Princes of Dol Amroth
They’re the son & grandson of Prince Imrahil, born in 2987 & 3017 TA respectively, and living to be 100 & 98 yrs old according to the Dol Amroth Princely-tree & table (HoMe12). This would make the death-date of Prince Alphros (3117 TA cont.> 94 FO) one of the latest recorded dates in the cosmology. (Note: CT explains the given 4th Age date of 95 is an error, as it assumes the Age began in 3021, not 3022).

#1018 Hunleth daughter of Hundar of the Haladin
She appears only on the family-tree ‘The Haladin or the folk of Haleth’ and has no listed husband or children. Born in 443 FA, she’s the niece of Haldir, the 4th chieftain of the Haladin, and the aunt of Hardang, the 7th chieftain. CT says, concerning alterations made to this tree: “Hundar’s daughter Hunleth was an addition, though probably of the time of the making of the table”.

#1017 & #1016 Morwë & Nurwë
They appear, post-LotR, in the ‘Annals of Aman’ (HoMe10) under the Valarian Year of the Trees 1105, the year the Great March began: “But the kindreds of Morwë and Nurwë were unwilling and refused the summons, preferring the starlight and the wide spaces of the Earth to the rumour of the Trees... These are the Avari, the Unwilling, and they were sundered in that time from the Eldar, and met never again until many ages were past”. Conjecture (& logic) may suggest, according to sub-section C, ‘The Clan-names’, of ‘Quendi & Eldar’ (HoMe11), that Morwë led the Tatyar-Avari apart from the Tatyar-Eldar (or Finwë’s Noldor), and Nurwë led the Nelyar-Avari apart from the Nelyar-Eldar (or Elwë’s Lindar>Teleri), since the Minyar (or Ingwë’s Vanyar) imparted no Avari in the end.

#1015 Baranor 2nd son of Bëor the Young
Born in 317 FA, he’s the father of Bereg, one of the leaders of dissension in Estolad along with Amlach grandson of Marach. Baranor’s older brother Boron became 3rd Lord of the 1st House.

#1014 Belen 2nd son of Bëor the Old
2nd son of the Young, is followed by 2nd son of the Old: born in 292 FA, Belen is the great-great-grandfather of Emeldir the Manhearted, mother of Beren Erchamion. His son and grandson appear next...

#1013 Beldir son of Belen
Born in 316 FA, he’s the only listed son of Belen, and the father of Belemir, listed next...

#1012 Belemir son of Beldir
Marrying into the 3rd House, he’s the husband of Adanel the 1st child of Malach Aradan, and it’s said (though subsequently crossed out) that “he joined the people of Aradan”. Nonetheless, their 5th child was Beren, whose 3rd child was Emeldir, whose husband was Barahir 7th Lord of the 1st House and father of Beren Erchamion.

#1011 Gimilzagar, Prince of Númenor, 2nd son of Tar-Calmacil
Gimilzagar is the forebear of Inzilbêth mother of Tar-Palantir and “secretly of the Faithful”. He only appears in a footnote in ‘The Line of Elros’ chapter in UT, with this clarification by CT - “In two genealogical tables her [Inzilbêth’s] father is shown as Gimilzagar, the second son (born in 2630) of Tar-Calmacil, but this is clearly impossible: Inzilbêth must have been descended from Tar-Calmacil at more removes”. Granddaughter or great-granddaughter she possibly is - conjecture will be required here as well...

#1010 Fíriel, daughter of Elanor Gamgee and Fastred of Greenholm
She’s the first of Sam’s descendants to appear, and only exists in a footnote in the Preface to The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. Wikipedia gives her last name as Fairbairn, being that of her brother Elfstan progenitor of the Fairbairns of the Towers. Tolkien’s footnote in question leaves it ambiguous if the Fíriel of the Bombadil poem ‘The Last Ship’ refers to the Princess of Gondor of earlier that Age, but he makes it clear that both the poem and the name must ultimately derive from Gondor. However, not knowing the supposed date of this collection of poems, in my mind this doesn’t preclude the possibility that the poem itself refers to Sam’s granddaughter visiting Gondor as a guest of Elessar late in her life, and witnessing a ‘Last Ship’ depart with 3 ‘Elven-kings’ (Celeborn, Thranduil & Círdan?). Nonetheless, all 3 Fíriels appear on this list. (2 of her pts come from Foster’s Guide and 1 from Wikipedia).

#1009 Ebor, liege of Manthor
In ‘The Wanderings of Húrin’ he was the chief henchman of Manthor and a captain of the guards the North-march of Brethil, who captured and blindfolded Asgon of Dorlómin and Húrin’s former companions, leading them to Hardang of Brethil. It was then Ebor also who, feeling ill-pleased of their treatment by the Lord, gave them back their weapons and “more courteously” sent them on their way, for “so would my lord Manthor do, at the least”.

#1008 Forhend, a guard of Brethil
Later in the same tale, he was one of Manthor’s men who first found Húrin slumbering after Morwen’s passing. Forhend suggested he simply be thrust out of Brethil’s borders, to the alarm of Avranc son of Dorlas who wanted him slain. Manthor overruled them both, leading Húrin to the house of Lord Hardang; Forhend being the only other of the company that was brought along with the two of them.

#1007 Morwen, sister of Orodreth the 16th Ruling Steward of Gondor
She’s mentioned within the line of ‘The Ruling Stewards of Gondor’ [B-text] in the chapter ‘The Heirs of Elendil’ of HoMe12, significant only because Orodreth’s son, Ecthelion I, “had no children and was followed by Egalmoth, grandson of Morwen sister of Orodreth”. She’s noted later by CT as having originally been written as the sister of Belecthor I, the 15th Ruling Steward; clearly a mistake due to “the rapidity with which my father sketched out the dates and relations of the later Stewards in this earliest [A] text”.

#1006, #1005 & #1004 Enelyë, Tatië & Iminyë
They’re the spouses of Imin, Tata & Enel, the first 3 Elves to awaken according to the ‘Cuivienenyarna’: “Imin, Tata and Enel awoke before their spouses, and the first thing that they saw was the stars, for they woke in the early twilight before dawn. And the next thing they saw was their destined spouses lying asleep on the green sward beside them... And being impatient they could not wait but woke up their spouses. Thus, the Eldar say, the first thing that each elf-woman saw was her spouse, and her love for him was her first love; and her love and reverence for the wonders of Arda came later. Now after a time, when they had dwelt together a little, and had devised many words, Imin and Iminyë, Tata and Tatië, Enel and Enelyë walked together, and left the green dell of their waking, and they came soon to another larger dell and found there six pairs of Quendi, and the stars were again shining in the morrow-dim and the elf-men were just waking”. Iminyë then has an extra mention when she and Imin set out with their first 12 companions.

#1003 Winged Messenger of the Nazgûl
His only 3pts come from Foster’s Guide, simply being cited as “One of the Nazgûl, whose steed was shot by Legolas over Anduin during the Quest”; even though he’s also indirectly indexed in LotR (in parentheses under ‘Nazgûl’). Thus, he could either be the last 3pt character to appear, or the first 4pt one, depending; but he’s definitely the 8th of the Undead Men to appear, with 4 more to go well on down the line.

#1002 Lúsion son of Telimektar son of Tulkas
A controversial 4-pointer, before we enter the top 1000. His points come from being indexed twice in HoMe2, under his names ‘Lúsion’ and ‘Lúthien (2)’, with one line each. Lúthien (1) is Ælfwine of England, or rather a name given to him by the Elves of Eressëa. Lúthien (3) is England itself, or Luthany. Lastly, Lúthien (4) was given to Tinúviel. CT says, “I have been unable to find any trace of the process whereby the name Lúthien came to be so differently applied afterwards... a note of this period explains the name quite otherwise: ‘Lúthien or Lúsion was son of Telumaith (Telumektar)...”. And so the only known 'grandchild' of the Valar, if one can stomach such a thing.

#1001 Old Professor Rashbold, Anglo-Saxon scholar of Pembroke College
Described as “a grumpy old bear” by Arundel Lowdham of the Notion Club, this 2nd 4-pointer is quite likely the father of the 2nd-last 4-pointer [see #940]. At this, CT notes the “hidden puns and jokes in the list of members”.
Last edited by Voronwë the Faithful on Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#1000 Narrator of ‘The Hobbit’
Whether the conceit is that he’s J.R.R. Tolkien in the end is no matter, he’s the only ultimate translator appearing on the list, solely due to Rateliff’s index. According to Rateliff he is “an essential element in establishing the overall tone of the story and hence of the book’s success... [and] blends seamlessly in and out of the story, leaving his mark behind everywhere... one of the most important characters in the tale”. But he does acknowledge that critics, taking their cue from Tolkien’s own afterthoughts, “have almost universally condemned the narrative interpolations”. Love him or hate him, he chimes in as character #1000.

#999 & #998 Ermon & Elmir, the first Men
The first 2 Men to awaken appear appropriately just inside the top 1000. In the later outline of ‘The Awakening of Men’ (BoLT2): “Nuin [the Dark Elf] ‘Father of Speech’... woke Ermon and Elmir, and taught them speech and many things else. Ermon and Elmir alone of Mankind saw the Sun arising in the West, and the seeds of Palúrien [Yavanna] bursting forth into leaf and bud. The hosts of Men came forth as sleepy children, raising a dumb clamour at the Sun; they followed it westward when it returned, and were grievously afraid of the first Night. Nuin and Ermon and Elmir taught them speech... The folk of Ermon alone stood by the fairies in the first war of Goblins and Elves...”

#997 Salgant, Lord of the House of the Harp of Gondolin
This 1st of 12 Lords of Gondolin on the list was strangely “a craven [who] fawned upon M[a]eglin... and he was heavy and squat”. During Gondolin’s fall, Salgant opted to stay hid within the city and guard its treasures, rather than join the battle. Maeglin instructed him to delay Tuor before “egging him... into the fight”, but Salgant instead fled in terror to his bed, later disregarding an order from the King to send his men to the aid of Glorfindel. In the end they broke from Salgant in time to save Glorfindel’s host “and utterly redeemed the cravenhood of their lord”. It’s said Salgant either burned to death in his bed, or “was taken captive to the halls of Melko[r] and made his buffoon – and this is an ill fate for a noble of the good race of the [Noldor]”. When young Eärendil heard this he was sad, for Salgant often visited the house of Tuor “loving the good wine and fair repast he there received”, playing with the boy and telling him tales.

#996 Marhari, Leader of the Northmen in the Battle of the Plains
He’s the ultimate progenitor of the Rohirrim, courtesy of the UT tale ‘Cirion and Eorl’. His son, Marhwini, was the ally of Gondor against the Wainriders, who settled in the Vales of Anduin after the Battle of the Plains 1856 TA, thus spawning the Éothéod. Marhari himself “fell in the rearguard” in that battle. In a footnote, CT explains “the names of the early kings and princes of the Northmen and the Éothéod are Gothic in form, not Old English... Marhwini and Marhari contain the Gothic word marh ‘horse’, corresponding to Old English mearh... the names of the ancestors of the Rohirrim are cast into the forms of the earliest recorded Germanic language”.

#995 Shagram of Cirith Ungol
Shagram exists only in the drafts of LotR, but he isn’t Shagrat also of Cirith Ungol. He actually appears within an answer of Shagrat’s: “Tired! You’ve said it. Waiting for nothing, except to be made into Shelob’s meat. But we’ve got orders, too. Old Shagram’s in a fine taking. Your lot’s to blame”. CT states, “Who ‘old Shagram’ was is not clear, but he is evidently ‘old Nûzu’ of the original draft (p.212), also reported to be ‘in a taking’, apparently because the garrison of the Tower of Kirith Ungol had been depleted. Possibly he was the actual captain of the Tower, until this point, when Shagrat asserts that he himself is the commander of the pass”. Shagram’s 4pts are split between his, and Nûzu’s, indexed lines in HoMe6.

#994 J.R. Titmass, Historian of Oxford
From ‘The Notion Club Papers’, here’s “the well-known historian of twentieth-century Oxford, who has given all possible assistance to the present editor”. The editor in question, Howard Green, states “Mr. Titmass informs me that he cannot find any record in the nineteen-forties of the names given in the list. If therefore, any such club existed at that earlier period, the names remain pseudonyms. The forward dating might have been adopted as an additional screen. But I am now convinced that the Papers are a work of fiction; and it may well be that the predictions (notably of the Storm), though genuine and not coincidences, were unconscious: giving one more glimpse of the strange process of so-called literary “invention”, with which the Papers are largely concerned”.

#993 Rollo Boffin, 3rd son of Otto the Fat
An actual hobbit should appear in this 1st instalment of the top 1000, so here’s Rollo Boffin. Rollo Bolger, an acquaintance of Bilbo’s in the drafts (and an early husband of Primula Brandybuck), was to receive a feather-bed at Bilbo’s going-away Party. In the end, Rollo Boffin appears on the Boffin family-tree, and Rollo Bolger disappeared, so I’ve combined them due to the unique name, the dates lining up, & the absence of any overlap – 2pts for the latter in HoMe6, and 1pt each for the former in Wikipedia and LotR index.

#992 Fangluin ‘Bluebeard’ the Aged of Nogrod
[With him, and the next entry, I find no evidence in hindsight that he should have a total of 4pts, rather than 2; but at one time I did, and it may be legit, so here they are.] In ‘The Nauglafring’, the first (and really only) version of the ‘Ruin of Doriath’, Fangluin counselled the Dwarves of Nogrod “never to return the king’s loan... but at that time this seemed not policy to Naugladur their lord, who desired not warfare with the Elves... Fangluin jeer[ed] at them mightily on their return, saying they had flung away their labour for a botcher’s wage and a draught of wine and gotten dishonour thereto, and he played upon their lust’.” He’s the 1st Dwarf on the list, classified as a Broadbeam, being from Nogrod (that theory can wait for another time).

#991 Miaulë, Tevildo’s cook
He’s the 2nd of 3 cats that appear, since removing the Cat of the Bombadil poem. Sauron (Tevildo) announced in the original ‘Tale of Tinúviel’, when Beren was being held, “and Beren methinks is being soundly scratched by Miaulë my cook in the kitchens of my castle for his clumsiness”.

#990 Snaga of Isengard
This lesser Orc of Uglúk’s band, slain by Éomer’s men, gets 3pts from Foster’s Guide and 1pt from Wikipedia. Foster admits the name is likely an epithet, also given to an Orc of Cirith Ungol, as ‘snaga’ means ‘slave’. Nonetheless he’s indexed in these 2 places, and even made it into Jackson’s movies.

#989 Ainairos of Alqualondë
He gets all 4pts from BoLT1. Ainairos survived the Kinslaying, though his brother didn’t; and he emerged as a leader of the victims’ kin, who “sought unceasingly with his words to persuade the Elves to greater bitterness of heart”. When Manwë held council, Ainairos “laid before the Gods the mind of the Elves concerning the Noldo[r] and of the nakedness of the land of Valinor toward the world beyond”.

#988 Lanorac Brandybuck
CT notes “a Brandybuck with the Arthurian name of Lanorac (changed from Bercilak), a cousin of Merry’s, ‘has been ordered to have all ready’ in Buckland”. In the text of the draft it says Frodo “was removing to Buckland, and actually did ask his Brandybuck cousins, Merry and Lanorac and the rest, to look out for a little place for him to live in”. Lanorac in the end didn’t make it into LotR. [Since Lanorac replaced Bercilak, not the other way around, I chose not to meld him with Berilac, Merry’s cousin on the family-tree; despite similarities existing in name, relation & chronology].

#987 D.N. Borrow of the Institute of Occidental Languages
He and W.W. Wormald of the School of Bibliopoly “found their curiosity aroused by the published extracts [of the ‘Notion Club Papers’], and asked Mr. [Howard] Green for permission to examine the manuscript of the Papers”. They send in a joint report, suggesting “well-founded suspicions of the paper, the hand, and the idiom... that some person or persons in the nineteen-forties possessed a power of ‘prevision’.”

#986 Gárulf of Rohan
He was Hasufel’s “late-master”, said to have met with ill fortune; presumably killed by Uglúk’s Orcs, before his steed was given to Aragorn by Éomer. His pts come only from Foster’s Guide (3) and Wikipedia (1), as he seems to have escaped any LotR indexing.

#985 Badger-brock
He’s the head of the Badger-folk in the Old Forest in the poem The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. He has a snowy forehead, dark blinking eyes, and a wife & many sons, who helped pull Tom into their tunnels. 3 of his pts come from Foster’s Guide, and 1 from Drout’s Encyclopedia index, where he appears in the ‘Old Man Willow’ entry as one of the 4 hostile forces threatening Bombadil in both the 1934 & 1962 versions of the poem.

#984 Ragnir the tracker, companion of Asgon
In ‘The Wanderings of Húrin’ he’s the youngest of Asgon’s company “and remembered little of the days before the Nirnaeth”, displaying some youthful pessimism. He says of Húrin, “The old man’s wits are wild”; and of Brethil, “Men there do not love strangers”. When Asgon suggests they go to the Crossings of Teiglin, for “we may hear news”; Ragnir replies, “Or bow-strings”. CT notes that he’s called ‘Ragnir the tracker’ in one of the drafts.

#983 Amnon the Prophet
“Then said the king: ‘Great is the fall of Gondolin’, and men shuddered, for such were the words of Amnon the prophet of old; but Tuor speaking wildly for ruth and love of the king cried: ‘Gondolin stands yet, and Ulmo will not suffer it to perish!’.” CT speculates [in BoLT1] that Amnon was a servant of Mandos, commenting on the ‘Flight of the Noldor’ and the Prophecy of the North, where the following was included in draft notes: “Prophecy of Amnon. Great is the fall of Gondolin’ and ‘When the lily of the valley withers then shall Turgon fade’.” I’ve classified him as a Maia.

#982 Isilmë, daughter of Tar-Elendil
She, and her nephew-in-law below, earned their pts from the ‘Line of Elros’ tree in UT (1pt), the UT index (2pts), & Wikipedia (1pt). Her only mention in the text (‘Aldarion & Erendis’) is for being the younger sister of Silmarien, mother of the Lords of Andunië, & the older sister of Tar-Meneldur. Isilmë has no listed descendants.

#981 Orchaldor, father of Soronto
Likewise, Orchaldor’s only textual mention is lineage-based. He married Tar-Aldarion’s 1st younger sister Ailinel, and fathered Soronto, who challenged Ancalimë’s claims to the throne. Of note, he was a "descendant of the House of Hador".

#980 Inram the Tall of the Morthond Vale
In the drafts, he was among those who led armies to Minas Tirith, but as CT notes is among names to never appear again. His compatriots in that aspect are Benrodir of Anárion (back at #1106), and Nosdiligand of the Delta (appearing soon). As a rule, they’re on the list because they weren’t replaced or negated for any substantial reason; they simply don’t appear in the published text. So there’s no reason to discount (unless you fervently wish to do so) a leader of the people of the Morthond Vale, bringing troops to the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, by the name of Inram the Tall.

#979 Eomund, chief captain of Eorl’s Éothéod
All of his 4pts come from the UT index. At the time of the Ride of Eorl, he accompanied Steward Cirion and Eorl, along with the Prince of Dol Amroth [9th?], to a meeting, and “sat together and defined the boundaries of the authority of the King of the Éothéod and the Steward of Gondor”. Of this select meeting, the unnamed Prince doesn’t appear on this list; the Steward does, in the top 200; and said King will appear in the top 100.

#978, #977, #976 Lug, Othrod & Orcobal
In ‘The Fall of Gondolin’, in the heat of the fray, specific Orcs briefly become the focus: “Now the Orcs again take heart... and they assail the Gondothlim grievously. There Tuor slew Othrod a lord of the Orcs cleaving his helm, and Balcmeg he hewed asunder, and Lug he smote with his axe that his limbs were cut from beneath him at the knee, but Ecthelion shore through two captains of the goblins at a sweep and cleft the head of Orcobal their chiefest champion to his teeth”. Blacmeg won’t appear for awhile, as he also has a listing in the Gnomish/Qenya name-lists (BoLT2); the others are arranged by their hierarchical descriptions.

#975 W.W. Wormald of the School of Bibliopoly
[See #987, D.N. Borrow]. These 2 conclude that ‘The Notion Club Papers’ were not written in the late ‘80’s, as documented, but by “some person or persons in the [1940’s possessing] a power of ‘prevision’.” In addition, W.W. Wormald is included in a footnote: “Mr. Wormald himself, something of an expert in such matters [pen-habits], before he proposed his ‘probable solution’, ventured the opinion that the handwriting of the Papers in general character went with the old-fashioned idiom and belonged to the same period. The use of a pen rather than a typewriter would indeed, in itself, already have been most unusual for a man of 1990, whatever his age”. No prevision of computers, I guess, although late ‘80’s...

#974 Old Farmer Hogg
In the Bombadil poem ‘Perry-the-Winkle’, he was one of those who reacted to the Lonely Troll’s early morning visit to Michel Delving’s market-place. Old Farmer Hogg’s reaction was to spill his ale, which may say much about him. He also accompanied the townsfolk to the Troll’s home at the hills of Faraway, when Hogg was told to go home, along with Peeping Jack, Mrs. Bunce & Mayor Pott (#’s 1110-1108).

#973 Captain of Morgoth in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad
Foster, from which he gets all 4pts, describes him as “one of the commanders of the armies of Morgoth, specifically the leader of the western forces during the first stage of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad [Battle of Unnumbered Tears]. By butchering Gelmir he induced the forces of Fingon to leave their fortified positions”. Foster’s only source was CT’s Sil, but the Captain [always capitalized] actually arises from similar paragraphs in the ‘Grey Annals’ and Children of Húrin. Arda Reconstructed is the premier source, as usual, to analyze the differences of these 2 texts, and to deconstruct what appears in the published Sil.

#972 Indor of Dor-lómin, father of Aerin
He’s mentioned only as Aerin’s father in the ‘Narn’. After Sador and all the Easterlings were slain in the hall in Dor-lómin, Aerin begs Túrin to leave and seek his mother: “Rash are your deeds, son of Húrin, as if you were still but the child that I knew”. Túrin responds: “And faint heart is yours Aerin Indor’s daughter, as it was when I called you aunt, and a rough dog frightened you... You were made for a kinder world’. Indor gets 2pts from UT index, 1 from CoH name-list, and 1 from Wikipedia.

#971 Buldar, father of Hazad Longbeard
He’s the grandfather of Tal-elmar in the story of the same name. Buldar “had been in the army... and he brought back from the war as booty a wound, and a sword, and a woman... [h]e was a man of wealth and power in those days”. Elmar, his acquired well-spoken wife, would never show him love, though she predicted to him that “in thy kin one shall arise who is mine alone [and with him] shall come the end of thy people and the downfall of your king”. So his people “had waned with the years, what with ill weathers and with pests, and most of all were Buldar and his sons afflicted; and they had become poor, and other kindreds had taken their power from them. But Hazad knew naught of the foreboding of his mother, and in her memory loved Tal-elmar, and had so named him at birth”.

#970 Jago Boffin, son of Hugo & Donnamira Took
Unlike many who appear on the Boffin/Bolger family-trees [#’s 1153-1120], Jago is also indexed in HoMe6 due to his place on the draft of the Took family-tree; from which he got 2pts, plus 1pt from the LotR index, & 1pt from Wikipedia.

#969 Marhath, 4th Marshall of the Mark
In LotR & UT, there are 3 Marshalls of the Mark: the 1st, Théoden; the 2nd, Theodred; the 3rd, Éomer. In the drafts, Marhath was the 4th, a leader of “other Riders” that Aragorn, after coming across Éomer, may have met; in fact “Éomer gives him token to show Marhath”. All of his 4pts come from HoMe7.

#968, #967, & #966 Nár, Anar, & Hannar
In LotR, 3 unnamed dwarves emerge from Bilbo’s rooms before departing the Shire with him. Jackson’s movies leave them out, but they were present at Bag End from the time of Gandalf’s visit, helping with the crates of fireworks, etc. In the HoMe drafts they had slightly more of a role, and even had names: “ ‘Nár, Anar, Hannar, are you ready? Right. Off we go... Goodbye Gandalf!’ [Bilbo] cried, and made off into the night. Nár, Anar, and Hannar followed him”. A 4th dwarf Lofar, apparently their leader, and set apart from their movements, will appear early in the 2nd quarter of the countdown. Each of their 4pts come from HoMe6.

#965 Bill Butcher of Michel Delving
In the Bombadil poem ‘Perry-the-Winkle’, when the Lonely Troll comes to town, Bill Butcher’s reaction is to throw a knife. Foster, from whom he gets all 4pts, says “Bill Butcher was perhaps a historical character, but his surname may be more of an epithet than a true family name”. His dog Grip was #1111.

#964 Berelach, son of Borlas the Old
In ‘The New Shadow’, Borlas & Saelon were the old & young protagonists. Borlas of Pen-arduin [#1056] was suffering from loneliness since his son “had gone away again in April – he was in the Ships, and now lived mostly near Pelargir where his duty was”. Berelach in fact “had been [Saelon’s] constant companion at one time, though they seemed seldom to meet nowadays”. Borlas says, “I spoke to Saelon of Pelargir, quoting Berelach. There has been some small disquiet down at the Ethir: a few shipmen have disappeared, and also a small vessel of the Fleet”. And, as they say, the plot thickens...

#963 Alexander Cameron of Exeter College
Born in 1935, this “Modern historian, specially interested in Spanish and South American history [c]ollects coins and stamps... [& p]lays a pianola”. His biography also states that “No one remembers his being invited to join the Club, or knows why he comes; but he appears from time to time”, as his infrequent appearances to ‘Notion Club’ meetings attest.

#962 Hendor, house-carle of Idril
This Elf, from ‘The Fall of Gondolin’, gets 2pts from the name-list: “Hendor ‘was a house-carle of Idril’s and was aged, but bore Eärendel down the secret passage’." His other 2pts come from the BoLT2 index & the text: “Tuor shouted to the men about Eärendel to stand and flee not, for the wolfriders were scattering them and slaying them piecemeal, and the child was upon the shoulders of one Hendor, a house-carle of Idril’s, and he seemed like to be left with his burden. Then they stood back to back and Hendor and Eärendel amidmost; but Tuor soon came up, though all his troop were breathless”. Of course the young hero soon after declared to his father that “Hendor need not bear me”.

#961 Îbal, son of Ulbar of Númenór
Older than Tar-Ancalimë, he knew her in childhood, when a servant of Erendis scolded him; to which he replied, “No need for a watch-dog where you are, mother Zamîn!” Young Ancalimië asked, “What noisy thing was that?” Zamîn [#1063] says, “A boy... A fine lad his father will find when he comes back; but if that is not soon, he’ll scarce know him”. His father Ulbar, a shepherd of Hallatan, who became a mariner of Aldarion, did return; and when the Lord later came to his house, “Ulbar cried out ‘The Great Captain!’ and Îbal his son ran forward to Aldarion’s stirrup. ‘Lord Captain!’ he said eagerly... ‘how old must a man be, before he may go over sea in a ship, like my father?’ ‘As old as the hills, and with no other hope in life,’ said Aldarion. ‘Or whenever he has a mind!’.”

#960 Isembold Took, 5th son of the Old Took
The least of the 12 Lords of Gondolin, Salgant, chimed in a few weeks back [#997]. Also at 4pts appears here the least of the 12 children of the Old Took (2pts from Foster, 1pt from LotR index & 1pt from Wikipedia). Why is he the least? Well, he has no other appearance, not even in HoMe; and in the family-tree, he’s without any extraordinary circumstance to expound upon, and the only child to have his “many descendants” left unknown.

#959 Barach, a forester of the Haladin & friend of Aghan the Drûg
He’s the 1st of 2 characters appearing from ‘the Faithful Stone’, a story in UT’s ‘The Drúedain’. It begins, “there was a Drûg named Aghan [that] had a great friendship with Barach, a forester of the [Haladin] Folk, who lived in a house in the woods two miles or more from the nearest village... and he spent most of his time with Barach and his wife, and was much loved by their children”. To sum up, Barach was to keep tabs on the watch-stone while Aghan was gone, but attacking Orcs spoiled things. Aghan will appear very soon.

#958 Nosdiligond, Lord of the people of the Delta
He completes a troika of leaders [see Benrodir at #1106 & Inram the Tall at #980] who failed to make it into the text of LotR, but came to defend Minas Tirith during the War of the Ring in the drafts.

#957 Forthwini son of Marhwini, & Lord of the Éothéod
His grandfather Marhari was #996; his father Marhwini will appear early in the countdown’s 2nd quarter; and his (possible) son Marh-? was #1191. This son of the leader of the Northmen who settled in the Vales of the Anduin after the Battle of the Plains, was the leader of those Éothéod in the time of Ondoher of Gondor. Forthwini warned the King “that the Wainriders of Rhovanion were recovering from their weakness and fear, and that he suspected that they were receiving new strength from the East, for he was much troubled by raids into the south of his land that came both up the river and through the Narrows of the Forest”.

#956 Hatholdir father of Orchaldor, & friend of Tar-Meneldur
He owes his 4pts (as the next 2 entries owe half their pts) to 1 early paragraph in UT’s ‘Aldarion & Erendis’: “The son of Meneldur and Almarian was Anardil, afterwards renowned among the Kings of Númenor as Tar-Aldarion. He had two sisters, younger than he: Ailinel and Almiel, of whom the elder married Orchaldor [#982], a descendant of the House of Hador, son of Hatholdir, who was close in friendship with Meneldur; and the son of Orchaldor and Ailinel was Soronto, who comes later into the tale [& the countdown]”.

#955 & #954 Almiel & Ailinel daughters of Tar-Meneldur
Along with their 2pts from the UT index [see above], these 2 get a point each from the ‘Line of Elros’ tree in UT, and from Wikipedia.

#953 Andvír son of Androg, & outlaw companion of Túrin
He gets 2pts each from Wikipedia & from the index of HoMe11’s ‘Ælfwine & Dírhaval’, an introductory note to the ‘Narn i Chîn Húrin’. Dírhaval, the Mannish poet who composed this work, “lived at the Havens in the days of Eárendel and there gathered all the tidings and lore that he could of the House of Hador, whether among Men or Elves, remnants and fugitives of Dorlómin, of Nargothrond, or of Doriath... and by fortune also he found a man named Andvír, and he was very old, but was the son of that Andróg who was in the outlaw-band of Túrin, and alone survived the battle on the summit of Amon Rûdh”. In a footnote stating “Andvír son of Andróg appears nowhere else”, CT confirms that it must have been the father, not the son, who was this lone survivor of Amon Rûdh.

#952 Hazad Longbeard father of Tal-elmar
The son of Buldar and Elmar [see #971] was, at the time of the story of ‘Tal-elmar’, “an old man, by name Hazad Longbeard... 2 prides he had: in the number of his sons (17 in all), and in the length of his beard (5ft without stretching); but his joy in his beard was the greater... it remained with him, and was soft, and ruly to his hand, whereas his sons for the most part were gone from him, and those that remained, or came ever nigh, were neither gentle nor ruly... much as Hazad himself had been in the days of his youth: broad, swarthy, short, tough, harsh-tongued, heavy-handed, and quick to violence”.

#951 Bior of the Ythlings, companion of Ælfwine of England
In BoLT2’s ‘Ælfwine of England’, Ulmo brought Ælfwine’s broken ship & crew to Eneadur, the island of the Ythlings, Shipmen of the West, and bid them “with great speed fashion a new ship for Ælfwine and his fellows”. When they departed “with them went also Bior of the Ythlings, a man of mighty sea-craft... and one who above any of that strange folk was minded to sail at times far from the land of Eneadur”. As this new ship approached Eressëa, Bior pointed over the stern and said “behold... the Elves are kindling candles in their silver dusk’.

#950 Perry-the-Winkle, boy of Michel Delving
All 4 of his pts come from Foster’s ‘Guide’, which states: “Young Hobbit of Michel Delving, in the poem of the same name. Also called the Winkle. The character of Perry-the-Winkle may have been based on a real Hobbit”. In this poem, one of Sam Gamgee’s own, the Winkle was the only one to show friendship to the Lonely Troll, and thus became his protégé as a baker: “The Winkle a Baker great became, as still is said in song; from the Sea to Bree there went the fame of his bread both short and long”.

#949 Enerdhil, jewel-smith of Gondolin
He appears in UT’s ‘The Elessar’ in ‘The History of Galadriel and Celeborn’: “There was in Gondolin a jewel-smith named Enerdhil, the greatest of that craft among the Noldor after the death of Fëanor... [a]nd it came into his heart to make a jewel within which the clear light of the sun should be imprisoned, but the jewel should be green as leaves... Enerdhil gave [it] to Idril the King’s daughter, and she wore it upon her breast; and so it was saved from the burning of Gondolin”. Thus it came to Eärendil, who bore it beyond Middle-earth. Tolkien left us 2 theories for the Elessar: (1) Gandalf brought it back to Middle-earth; (2) Celebrimbor made another for Galadriel. Overwhelmingly most prefer the latter, according to a past poll. 2 of his pts come from the UT index, 1 from Wikipedia, and 1 from Drout’s ‘Encyclopedia’ (under the ‘Elessar’ entry). [Theories that he’s Rog Lord of Gondolin, who appears early in the 2nd quarter of the countdown, have been ignored here].

#948 Henderch of the Westlands of Númenor, mariner of Tar-Aldarion
He and Ulbar were Aldarion’s only 2 companions when he rode to meet Erendis in Emerië so belatedly. She was justifiably cold upon the Lord’s arrival, and Ulbar soon departed for his own home, so Henderch was Aldarion’s sole companion during his unpleasant stay. Before departing for Armenelos, Aldarion tells him to “Ride now home with my thanks. I have a mind to go alone”; to which Henderch responds out of duty that “It is not fitting, Lord Captain”. “It is not” says Aldarion, “But that is the way of it. Farewell!”

#947 James Jones of Oxford, retired schoolmaster
His bio states: “Born in 1927. He has been a schoolmaster, journalist, and playwright. Is now retired, living in Oxford, and divides his time between producing plays and his hobby of private printing. A very silent man, but assists the Reporter with his retentive memory”. Indeed, he only enters into the recorded Notion Club conversation once, “breaking in, to our surprise” at Ramer’s discussion of deep dreams; but also assists once in a footnote recalling exactly what Ramer said regarding mind-travel during dreams.

#946 Ælfheah ‘the fatherless’, companion of Ælfwine of England
Ælfwine set out from a harbour in the west of Britain where “he set his ocean-paths wider than most of those men... and there were few in the end who dared to go with him, save Ælfheah the fatherless who was with him in all ventures until his last voyage... and Ulmo Lord of the Sea afterward took them to himself and their names are now forgotten, save Ælfheah only”. After fruitless journeying, “said Ælfheah who held the helm: ‘Now, O Ælfwine, is the trysted time! Let us do as the Gods and their winds have long desired – cease from our heart-weary quest for nothingness, a fable in the void, and get us back if the Gods will it seeking the hearths of our home.’ And Ælfwine yielded”.

#945 Saelon of Gondor
He’s the 2nd of the 2 main characters of ‘The New Shadow’ to appear, as old Borlas was back at #1056. Saelon was the young man of Gondor, “usually gay and often half mocking... humming softly, while he trimmed a whistle of green willow with a sharp nail-knife”. Saelon goaded Borlas, especially when he knew the whispered name of Herumor, leading to the unfinished conclusion. In the end, CT says “it will never be known what Borlas found in his dark and silent house, nor what part Saelon was playing and what his intentions were”.

#944 Aghan the Drûg
Likewise, he’s the 2nd of the 2 main characters of UT’s ‘The Faithful Stone’ to appear, as Barach was back at #959. After showing Barach the watch-stone, Aghan “laid his hand upon it, and after a silence said: ‘See, I have left with it some of my powers. May it keep you from harm!’.” He’s the 1st of 3 Drúedain to appear, the others being well into the top quarter, one of which was a late consideration as a Drûg by Tolkien. All of Aghan’s 4pts come from the UT index.

#943 Ranulph Stainer, of University College, Oxford
His bio states “Born 1936. Professionally an expert in banking and economics; privately devoted to the history and practice of music, and has composed several works, major and minor, including one (moderately successful) opera: Midas”. CT says “Ranulph Stainer appears in Part Two as a sceptical and rather superior onlooker at the strange proceedings”. And indeed he questions Lowdham at one point, “I find this rather hard to follow, or to swallow... [c]ouldn’t you give us something a bit clearer, something better to bite on than this algebra of A and B?”.

#942 Nuin the Dark Elf, Father of Speech
In ‘Gilfanon’s Tale’, in BoLT1, he’s described as “very wise, and he loved much to wander far abroad, for the eyes of the [Dark Elves] were become exceeding keen, and... [o]n a time did Nuin wander far to the east of [Cuiviénen], and few of his folk went with him... now curiosity overcame Nuin, and journeying far he came to a strange and wonderful place... treading softly by reason of some unknown wonder that possessed him, and lo, beneath the trees he saw the warm dusk full of sleeping forms, and some were twined each in other’s arms, and some lay sleeping gently all alone, and Nuin stood and marvelled, scarce breathing... overcome by curiosity, he awakened two [Ermon & Elmir #’s 999 & 998]... they were dumb and very much afraid, but he taught them... for which reason he is called Nuin Father of Speech”.

#941 Tal-elmar, son of Hazad Longbeard
The main character of the tale of the same name, set in 2nd Age Middle-earth at the 1st arrival of the Númenoreans, appropriately rounds out the last 10-block of 4pt characters (only 3 more next week). Tal-elmar is a boy forced to encounter the strange Black Ship, and crew, anchored along the southern coast of Gondor. 2 of his pts come from HoMe12 index, 1 from Wikipedia, and 1 from Drout’s ‘Encyclopedia’.

#940 John Jethro Rashbold, of Magdalen College
His bio states: “Born 1965. Undergraduate. Classical scholar; apprentice poet. [Introduced by Frankley, to whom he is much attached.]” CT says “The surname of the apparently speechless undergraduate John Jethro Rashbold is a translation of Tolkien... see Letters no. 165”. [Indeed, but Roccondil of tORc, recently put forth within the ‘M-E & Tolkien Trivia’ thread (pg32) that John Jethro (due to his age) more likely represents Christopher, whereas an ‘old Professor Rashbold’, who cameos in Part 2, surely represents the old man. For whatever reason, the latter didn’t make my list, but since I haven’t excluded any NC members, and since he nicely earns the requisite 4pts, he’ll hereby vanquish any children of Fingon from this list – appropriately done by JRRT himself!]

#939 Penlod the Tall, Lord of the Pillar & Tower of Snow of Gondolin
He’s the 2nd of the Lords of the Houses of Gondolin to appear. In the ‘Fall of Gondolin’ it states, “There too were the folk of the Pillar and of the Tower of Snow, and both these kindreds were marshalled by Penlod, tallest of Gnomes... [& later] Then did dread fall more heavily still upon the Gondothlim at the death of Rog and the loss of his battalion, and they gave back further yet into the city, and Penlod perished there in a lane with his back to the wall, and about him many of the men of the Pillar and many of the Tower of Snow”.

#938 Wilcome ‘Will’ Cotton, 2nd son of Holman ‘Long Hom’ Cotton
All 5 hobbits appearing here get 3pts from Foster’s ‘Guide’, along with a point each from Wikipedia & the LotR index. This Wilcome Cotton, as opposed to Wilcome ‘Jolly’ Cotton (who’ll appear late in the 2nd quarter of the countdown), “was usually called Will” according to Foster; though he only appears on the ‘Longfather-Tree of Master Samwise’.

#937 Zimrahin Meldis, wife of Malach Aradan
She only appears on HoMe11’s ‘Folk of Marach/House of Hador’ family-tree, where a note states “Malach [son of Marach] took the Elvish name of Aradan. His descendants all could speak the Elvish names; but their own ancient tongue was not forgotten. Malach dwelt in Hithlum from 322-336 [1st Age]. In 337 he wedded Zimrahin who then took the Elvish name Meldis”. She’s spawned virtually all of Mankind’s heroes: great-grandmother of Hador Lórindol; gt-gt-grandmother of Beren Erchamion; g-g-g grandmother of Húrin & Huor; gt(x4) grandmother of Túrin & Tuor; gt(x5) grandmother of Eärendil; etc. I wonder if Aragorn ever contemplated his 69th-great grandmother’s unprecedented adoption of an Elvish name?

#936 Berilac Brandybuck, son of Merimac
“Hobbit of the Shire, son of Merimac Brandybuck and a guest at the Farewell Party” is Foster’s description of Merry’s 1st cousin, found only on the ‘Brandybuck of Buckland’ family-tree.

#935 Gorbulas Brandybuck, nephew of Gorbadoc
Likewise, this “Hobbit of the Shire, son of Orgulas Brandybuck” is only found on the same tree, and his son & 3 grandchildren were at the Party.

#934 Eofor, 3rd son of King Brego
He appears in a footnote in UT’s ‘The Battles of the Fords of Isen’ Appendix (i): “Here [Aldburg in the Folde] Eorl had his house; it passed after Brego son of Eorl removed to Edoras into the hands of Eofor, third son of Brego, from whom Éomund, father of Éomer, claimed descent. The Folde was part of the King’s Lands, but Aldburg remained the most convenient base for the Muster of the East-mark. [Author’s note.]”

#933 Ferdibrand Took son of Ferdinand
He’s a great-great grandson of the Old Took, and a 2nd cousin of Fatty Bolger, and was a guest at the Farewell Party.

#932 Ivriniel, daughter of Prince Adrahil of Dol Amroth
This older sister of Finduilas and Imrahil, who appears on the ‘Dol Amroth’ family-tree, gets 2pts from the HoMe12 index, and 3pts from Wikipedia (although a recent check there failed to call-up her character, even though she's highlighted as a legitimate link – but at 1 time she apparently had a 56+ word entry, so we’ll go with that). Yo, Ivriniel...

#931 Griffo Boffin, husband of Daisy Baggins
He has 2 indexed pages because he appears on 2 family-trees. He married Frodo’s 1st cousin, and was a guest at the Farewell Party.

#930 Sigismond Took son of Hildibrand
He’s Bilbo’s 1st cousin, born in the same year of 1290. He only appears on the Took family-tree, lives to be 101 years, and his points (as are Fastolph’s below) are as follows: 2 from Foster’s ‘Guide’, 1 from the Encyclopedia of Arda (EoA hereafter), 1 from Wikipedia, & 1 from the LotR index.

#929 Beren, grandfather of Beren Erchamion
This 1st person to go by the name of Beren made it into Foster’s ‘Guide’ because of the family-tree in the published Silmarillion. He’s the father of Emeldir, and the namesake for her renowned son. His own father was Belemir, a great-grandson of Bëor the Old, and his mother was Adanel, eldest child of Malach Aradan of the 3rd House. He gets 2pts from Foster, 2pts from the HoMe11 index, and 1pt from Wikipedia.

#928 Minohtar, King Ondoher’s sister-son, and Captain of Gondor
This nephew of King Ondoher of Gondor only appears in the UT tale ‘Cirion And Eorl’. He was Captain of the Right Wing in the battle with the Wainriders in 1944 TA. When Ondoher and son Artamir were slain, “Minohtar took command [as] he was a man both valiant and war-wise... [and he], raising his own banner, rallied the remaining men of the Centre and those of his own command... [and] sent messengers to Adrahil of Dol Amroth, the Captain of the Left Wing”. It was at this point that the tale breaks off into illegible notes, and Marh-? leader of the Eothéod [see #1191] joined Minohtar, thus “the beginnings of the friendship of Gondor and the Rohirrim”. However, Minohtar was slain in Ithilien by an arrow, and “his men carried him out of the fray”.

#927 Fastolph Bolger son of Rudolph
He married Pansy Baggins, younger sister of Bilbo’s grandfather Mungo, and they had “various descendants”. He appears on both the Bolger & Baggins family-trees.

#926 Beldis, mother of Brandir the Lame
She, the younger sister of Brandir of the 1st House, married Handir 5th Lord of the 2nd House. Their son, “named after his mother’s brother”, will appear well into the top 200. Beldis gets 4pts from the HoMe11 index, and 1 from Wikipedia.

#925 Orm, Sea-captain of the Forodwaith
He gets 4pts from the BoLT2 index, and 1pt from Drout’s ‘Encyclopedia’, where he’s cited in Tom Shippey’s ‘Old Norse Language’ entry. He was the slayer of Déor, and brief master of son Ælfwine. Orm’s ship was later wrecked, and discovered by Ælfwine, at which time Orm’s “locks were white with age and his face was pale in death, still a proud man and a fierce he looked”. Responding to Ulmo, now a companion of his crew, Ælfwine says “him I know well with those white locks, for he slew my father; and long was I his thrall, and Orm men called him, and little did I love him”. CT says the “Forodwaith are of course Viking invaders from Norway or Denmark; the name Orm of the dead ship’s captain is well-known in Norse... all this is a mise-en-scene that is historical only in its bearings, not in its structure”. Thus, I’ll re-classify Orm as a European, not of the Forodwaith of Middle-earth.

#924 Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
He’s named in Lúthien’s ‘lengthening spell’, trapped in her father’s tree Hirilorn. As is said in CT’s notes, “Of the ‘longest things’ named in this spell... ‘the sword of Nan’ and ‘the neck of Gilim the giant’, seem now lost beyond recall, though they survived into the spell in the Lay of Leithian, where the sword of Nan is itself named, Glend, and Gilim is called ‘the giant of Eruman’. Gilim in the Gnomish dictionary means ‘winter’... which does not seem particularly appropriate: though a jotting, very difficult to read, in the little notebook used for memoranda in connection with the ‘Lost Tales’ seems to say that Nan was a ‘giant of summer of the South’.” Gilim gets 2pts each from HoMe2 & 3 indices, and 1pt from BoLT2 appendix name-list.

#923, #922, #921 Enel, Tata, & Imin, the Fathers of the Elves
The ‘Cuivienyarna’ states, “These three Elf-fathers are named in the ancient tales Imin, Tata, and Enel. They awoke in that order, but with little time between each; and from them, say the Eldar, the words for one, two, and three were made: the oldest of all numerals.*[footnote to the text] The Eldarin words referred to are Min, Atta (or Tata), Nel. The reverse is probably historical. The Three had no names until they had developed language, and were given (or took) names after they had devised numerals”. They each get 4pts from HoMe11 index, and 1pt from Wikipedia.

#920 Hundad of the Haladin, father of Hardang
He emerges in the Haladin family-trees of the ‘Later QS’ & ‘Wanderings of Húrin’, and is only referenced textually as being the father of Hardang, the 7th (& last) Chieftain of the 2nd House. Although in a note, Tolkien says the “descendants of Hundar [2nd son of Halmir the 3rd Chieftain]: Hundad, Har[dang] had not been men of mark or gallantry”. He gets 4pts from the HoMe11 index, and 1 from Wikipedia, with a total of 7 indexed pages.

#919 Howard Green, Editor of the Notion Club Papers
The Foreward to the NCP begins: “These Papers have a rather puzzling history... found after the Summer Examinations of 2012 on the top of one of a number of sacks of waste paper in the basement of the Examination Schools at Oxford by the present editor, Mr. Howard Green, the Clerk of the Schools... who removed them and scrutinized them”. He gets 4pts from the HoMe9 index, and 1pt from Drout’s ‘Encyclopedia’ from Flieger’s ‘Frame Narrative’ entry; with a total of 10 indexed pages.

#918 Oswin Errol, father of Alboin
In ‘The Lost Road’, Oswin and his young boy Alboin were to be a modern version of the recurring father-son theme of Tolkien’s time-travel story. CT states the “name Oswin is ‘significant’: ós ‘god’ and wine ‘friend’.” He also appears in several footnotes to the NCP. Oswin gets 2pts each from the HoMe5 & HoMe9 indices, and 1pt from Drout’s ‘Encyclopedia’ from the ‘Lombardic Language’ entry; with a total of 17 indexed pages.

#917 The Lonely Mountain Thrush
“There on the grey stone in the grass was an enormous thrush, nearly cool black, its pale yellow breast freckled with dark spots”. All its 5pts come from Rateliff’s ‘History of the Hobbit’, with 25 indexed pages. Rateliff concludes, “of the many thrush species native to England, the Lonely Mountain thrush is clearly a song thrush (T.philomelos), a species particularly noted for its diet of snails and its habit of crushing their shells on a rock... song thrushes in fact choose a favorite rock as their ‘snail anvil’ and return to it again and again... [and] are also, as the name suggests, noted singers, whose voices can carry a half-mile, and often hold their head to one side as if listening”.

6-point characters now begin. The 9 hobbits that follow each get 3pts from Foster’s ‘Guide’, 1pt from Wiki, 1pt from EoA, & 1pt from the LotR with only 1pg being cited (i.e. they appear only on 1 family-tree).

#916 Lily Baggins>Goodbody, youngest child of Balbo Baggins
She’s Bilbo’s great-aunt, and an ancestor of “various Goodbodies”.

#915 Chica Chubb>Baggins, wife of Bingo
She’s Bilbo’s aunt through marriage, and lent her name to her son Falco Chubb-Baggins.

#914 Linda Baggins>Proudfoot, mother of Odo
She’s one of Bilbo’s natural aunts, and the mother of Odo ProudFEET!

#913, #912, #911 Marmadas Brandybuck & children Mentha & Merimas
All 3 were at Bilbo’s Party, along with 3rd child Melilot, who will appear further down the list due to her predilection for dancing on tables...

#910, #909 Pimpernel & Pervinca Took, older sisters of Pippin
Both attended Bilbo’s Party, along with the eldest sister Pearl, who will appear further down the list due to her predilection for pushing people down staircases...

#908 Tanta Hornblower>Baggins mother of Fosco
Her son will appear soon, with no known predilections; her grandson will appear further down the list due to his predilection for drowning (and/or being drowned by) his wives; her great-grandson will appear in the top 10 due to his predilection for saving worlds...

#907, #906, #905 Ruby, Robin, & Tolman (Tom) Gamgee, youngest children of Samwise
So the children of Sam Gamgee begin their appearances with the 11th, 12th, & 13th, and won’t end until we’re close to the top 200.

#904 Carl, the 2nd son of Cottor
Foster describes him as a “[w]orking-class Hobbit of the Shire”. He’s a son of the progenitor of the Cotton family, but not an ancestor of Rose’s family. He gets 2pts from Foster, 3pts from EoA, and 1pt from the LotR index with 1pg cited.

#903 Hending, the 3rd son of Holman ‘the greenhanded’
Like Carl, he’s the youngest son of a progenitor of a working-class family (in this case the Greenhand family of gardeners), with no listed descendants; his sister Rowan, the oldest child, married into the Gamgee family, and his sister Rose, the youngest child, married into the Cotton family, both from whom Sam’s children descend.

#902 Arroch, horse of Húrin Thalion
Illustrated by Alan Lee at the end of Chapter 1 of The Children of Húrin, Arroch is only mentioned in the text because of Morwen dreaming of hearing his neighing signalling Húrin’s return. He gets 2pts from the UT index, 3pts from Wiki, and 1pt from the Children of Húrin name-list.

#901 Gamil Zirak the Old, smith of Nogrod
To close out the 1st quarter of the list, how about this old Dwarf, the master of Telchar who wrought Narsil. Introduced in the ‘Narn’, Gamil Zirak is noted for forging much of the wealth of weapons stored in Doriath, a stash seemingly overlooked when Thingol selects from it the Helm of Hador to present to Túrin “as though his hoard were scanty”. He gets 4pts from the UT index, 1pt from Wiki, and 1pt from the Children of Húrin name-list.
Last edited by Voronwë the Faithful on Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#900 Elatan of Andúnië, husband of Silmarien
By marrying the eldest child of Tar-Meneldur, this titled Númenórean of the northwest haven became the father of the 1st Lord of Andúnië, thus progenitor of the line of Faithful extending through King Elessar. He’s mentioned only in the 1st paragraph of ‘Aldarion & Erendis’, and gets 4pts from the UT index (1pg indexed), 1pt from the ‘Line of Elros’ family-tree, & 1pt from Wiki.

#899 Pansy Baggins>Bolger, wife of Fastolph
She’s Bilbo’s great-aunt, and the ancestor of 'various descendants'. She, as well as the following 3 hobbits, gets 3pts from Foster’s ‘Guide’, 1pt from EoA, 1pt from Wiki, & 1pt from the LotR index (with 2pgs indexed). Pansy appears on 2 trees, as do the next 2 hobbits.

#898 Belba Baggins>Bolger, wife of Rudigar
She’s Bilbo’s natural aunt, and the great-grandmother of Fatty Bolger.

#897 Ruby Bolger>Baggins, grandmother of Frodo
She’s the younger sister of Rudigar Bolger, and married Fosco Baggins. Their children were Dora, Drogo, & Dudo.

#896 Bingo Baggins, uncle of Bilbo
Bingo, unlike the 3 hobbits above, appears on only 1 family-tree, but is also indexed from the text in my 2005 Hammond & Scull edition (although I find him nowhere within ‘A Long-Expected Party’). Whether it’s an honest mistake, or an ode to Frodo’s former name in the drafts (or a bit of both), Bingo appears early in the 2nd quarter, rather than late in the 1st.

#895 Umuiyan, doorkeeper of Tevildo
This 3rd & last cat to appear (see Miaulë #991 & Oikeroi #1057) is described as having yellow eyes & a large ugly head. When Lúthien approaches him to see Tevildo, Umuiyan says “Whither away, little maid – dost not know that you trespass on the sunning ground of his highness Tevildo and his thanes?” Then she pets him, “and seizing Tinúviel suddenly by her garments at the shoulder to her great terror he tossed her upon his back and... led her along that terrace to... the horrible form of Tevildo himself”. Umuiyan then whispers in his ear “A maiden awaits thy pleasure, my lord, who hath news of importance to deliver to thee”; and after they converse, as the doorcat stumbles bearing away Lúthien, Tevildo says “What ails thee, Umuiyan, thou clumsy-foot? It is time that thou left my employ if age creeps on thee so swiftly”. The old cat responds, “Nay, lord, I know not what it is, but a mist is before mine eyes and my head is heavy”, and it’s said he staggered as one drunk, “so that Tinúviel slid from his back”, and he laid down “as if in a dead sleep”. Umuiyan gets all 6pts from the BoLT2 index, with 2 indexed pgs.

#894 Daurin, Noldo of Valinor
In ‘The Lost Tales’, when Morgoth & Ungoliant destroy the 2 Trees in Valinor, a wandering Noldo named Daurin, wielding a blade “from the forge of Aulë... steeped in miruvor”, intercepts their plans; and although he cleaves one of Ungoliant’s legs, he is soon succumbed and stabbed to death by the 2 assailants. Daurin gets all 6pts from the BoLT1 index, with 3 indexed pgs.

#893 Ulbar, shepherd of Númenor
He’s been foreshadowed on this list by Henderch of the Westlands at #948; Îbal, Ulbar’s son, at #961; & Ulbar’s Wife back at #1168. Ulbar is indexed as the “Númenórean, a shepherd in the service of Hallatan of Hyarastorni who became a mariner of Tar-Aldarion”. He gets all 6pts from the UT index, with 3 indexed pgs.

#892 Vigo Boffin son of Jago
He gets 4pts from the HoMe6 index, 1pt from Wiki, & 1pt from the LotR index, with 3 indexed pgs. He appears only on the Boffin tree, thus isn’t listed by Foster or Tyler. But a son of Jago (and grandson of Hugo & Donnamira Took) exists in the drafts, a Fosco Boffin, who no doubt became Vigo, thus I’ve combined their points. However, this Fosco in the drafts is also the businessman of Overhill (see #1174 & HoMe6); but Vigo & Mr. Boffin are both indexed in H&S’s 2005 LotR, so I’ve kept them as separate characters without adding any of Fosco’s pts to Mr. Boffin of Overhill. (If any of my faithful followers has a different angle on this, I’ll listen).

#891 Galdor, seneschal of Edoras
At first in the drafts he was simply “the old seneschal of Edoras in Eastfold (Dunharrow)”; but becomes Ealdor, then Galdor, still the old seneschal of the Eastfold, in the drafts to the ‘Muster of Rohan’. He never did make the cut for LotR, but gets all 6pts from the HoMe8 index, with 4 indexed pgs.

#890 Rochallor, horse of Fingolfin
In ‘The Grey Annals’, he’s mounted by Fingolfin before they ride to confront Morgoth after the Battle of Sudden Flame; and it’s said the “great steed... stayed beside the king until the end, but the wolves of Angband assailed him, and he escaped from them because of his great swiftness, and ran at last to Hithlum, and broke his heart and died”. Rochallor gets 3pts from Wiki, 1pt from the Sil index, & 2pts from HoMe11, with a total of 4 indexed pgs.

#889 Fanuin, son of Aluin
He’s the 1st to appear here (though, last to appear in ‘The Lost Tales’) of the family of Aluin, the Ainu of Time. Fanuin (or ‘Year’) bore the Rope of Years through the Door of Night to Manwë to secure the Moon & Sun. He’s no doubt a controversial entry, along with his father & brothers to come, due to their appearances in the early cosmology only; but Tolkien may very well have needed all of them to incorporate his time-travel stories, so I’ll keep their spirit alive! Fanuin gets all 6pts from BoLT1: 2pts from the name-list & 4pts from the index, with 5pgs indexed.

#888 Marhwini, son of Marhari
He’s effectively the 1st leader of the Eothéod, gathering together surviving Northmen after the Battle of the Plains (1856 TA) who wished to join him in settling in the Vales of the Anduin. He also planned & assisted Gondor in the subsequent revolt against the Wainriders, laying the foundation for the future alliance. His son Forthwini & his father Marhari were back at #’s 956 & 996 respectively. All of Marhwini’s 6pts come from UT, with 5 indexed pgs.

#887 Old Noakes of Bywater
This frequenter of The Ivy Bush needs no introduction or explanation. He gets 3pts from Foster’s ‘Guide’, 2pts from HoMe6, & 1pt from LotR, with a total of 5pgs indexed.
#886 & #885 Faniel & Findis, eldest daughters of Finwë
They both get 1pt from Wiki, 1pt from the Arda Reconstructed index, & 2pts from each of HoMe10 & 12; Findis (a combination of her parents' names) has a total of 6 indexed pgs, while Faniel has only 5 as she doesn’t appear in the late ‘Shibboleth of Fëanor’. However, in both the earliest and later versions of ‘Finwë & Míriel’, it clearly states 3 daughters for Finwë & Indis: “in this order - Findis, [Fingolfin], Faniel, [Finarfin], and Irimë”; the youngest of which will appear later on this list, as she bore alternate names and followed Fingolfin into exile. All 3 sisters are mentioned by Kane as yet another example of females inexplicably excluded from even a mention, or family-tree appearance, in CT’s Sil.

#884 Valandil, brother of Elendil
This controversial entry appears in ‘The Fall of Númenor II’, where its “said that the brethren Elendil and Valandil escaping from the fall of Númenor came at last to the mouths of the rivers” of Middle-earth; and Valandil then sails up the Anduin, helping to establish the Southern Realm, before Sauron wages war upon him specifically. It may be that Isildur, after acquiring the Ring, purged his uncle from the history books – if so, poetic justice, since he already named and left behind his youngest son. This Valandil gets 2pts from each of HoMe5, 6 & 7, with a total of 6 indexed pgs.

#883 Lofar
Nár, Anar & Hannar were back at #’s 968-966. They were the dwarves (unnamed, but present, in LotR) who helped Bilbo with his Farewell Party and accompanied him to Rivendell. Lofar was their apparent leader, a companion of Gandalf at times, who remained behind at Bag-End after Bilbo left. His 6pts come from HoMe6 & 7, with 8pgs indexed.

#882 Beregar, father of Erendis
A man of the Westlands of Númenor, Beregar, as his name suggests, “came of the House of Bëor by ancient descent, though not of the royal line of Elros”. He gave to Erendis her ‘dark hair, slender grace, and clear grey eyes’. He gets all 6pts from UT, with 8 indexed pgs.

#881 Primo Grubb
Back at #’s 1101 & 1102 we had Iago Grubb & Folco Burrows, 2-thirds of the Law Firm Messrs Grubb, Grubb, and Burrowes who were auctioning off Bilbo’s belongings at the end of The Hobbit. In the LotR drafts, Iago & Folco were named as Frodo’s lawyers, of a firm called Grubbs and Burrows, employed to remove the Sackville-Baggins’s from Bag-End. I put forth that the logical candidate for the 3rd partner is one Primo Grubb, a contemporary of such a Firm, described in the drafts as “the greediest hobbit known to history” & a “great glutton”, and the recipient of a ‘complete dinner-service’ gift by Bilbo at his Party – no doubt ousted because his gluttony was consuming profits. He gets all 6pts from HoMe6, with 10pgs indexed.

#880 Audoin Errol son of Alboin
Only appearing in Ch.2 of The Lost Road, Audoin, born in Sept 1918 to a father born 4 Feb 1890, parallels CT & JRRT. Concerning his father & his dreams, Audoin muses “Just pictures, but not a sound, not a word. Ships coming to land. Towers on the shore. Battles, with swords glinting but silent. And there is that ominous picture: the great temple on the mountain, smoking like a volcano” (paraphrased in NCP & quoted in the HoMe9 index). Rateliff says, “Tolkien was much interested in the Langobards’ history and legend; in his unfinished time-travel story... he gave the main characters Lombardic names (Alboin and Audoin) and planned a chapter set in Lombardic times [&] recast an episode from Beowulf into an alliterative poem he called ‘King Sheave’, presenting it as the mythical history of the Lombards”. Concerning Bilbo’s dreams, Rateliff says “More importantly, it places Bilbo firmly in the tradition of Tolkien’s dreamers, alongside Eriol, Alboin and Audoin Errol, Michael Ramer and Arry Lowdham, Faramir, and Frodo Baggins”. Not bad company. Audoin gets 2pts from each of HoMe5, 9, & Rateliff, with 13 indexed pgs.

#879 Dom Jonathan Markison of the Notion Club
His biography reads: “Order of St. Benedict. New College, Master of St. Cuthbert’s Hall”. CT states, “The polymathy of the monk Dom Jonathan Markison extends to some very recondite knowledge of Germanic origins”. Of note, Markison says in NCP, “Sketchy characters are more true to life than fully studied ones. There are precious few people in real life that you know as well as a good writer knows his heroes and villains”; and argues with Guildford once “about Corn-gods and the coming of divine kings or heroes over the sea”. And (appropriate to the entry above) he says to Lowdham, “Don’t forget the connexion of the Langobards with King Sheaf”; and later, “I suppose you are trying to say that you’ve discovered Eärendel or something like it in some strange language... Odd how the Langobards crop up”; and later still, asks him, “But why Elven-latin?” Outside of the Senior-6 members & 1 of their fathers, this critically inquisitive fellow is the highest-ranking NCP character, and gets all 6pts from the HoMe9 index, with 19pgs indexed.

#878 Vairë, wife of Lindo of Mar Vanwa Tyaliéva
She and her husband are the Elven master & mistress of the Cottage of Lost Play. They greet Eriol in their home on Tol Eressëa, after he takes the Straight Road to the Lonely Isle. She’s at least half Noldor , as her father Tulkastor “was of Aulë’s kindred, but had dwelt long with the [Falmari], and so came among the earliest to the island”. Lindo & Vairë, he in a deep chair and she on a cushion at his feet, serve the drink limpë, and host story-telling in their Room of Logs around the magic Tale-fire. And “dearly did [the children] love those times when Vairë was the teller of the tale”; and she says “Lo, tales I tell of the deep days”. Indeed she tells the tale of ‘The Hiding of Valinor’ to Eriol. Vairë gets all 6pts from BoLT1 & 2, with 33 indexed pgs, the highest-ranking 6pt-character.

#877 Galion, butler of Thranduil
Our first 7-pointer will get his chance to shine next year (godwilling) when The Hobbit comes to the big screen. How Jackson will successfully sauce-up Galion & the Chief of the Guards to oblivion, considering Legolas’ über-tolerance to alcohol in his TTT, should be interesting - no doubt the heady-vintage, great-garden, Dorwinion stock will be played-up to the max. He’s called ‘old Galion’, ‘the old slowcoach’, and ‘the old villain’; and Bilbo has both his foolishness & authority to thank. Anderson, in his Annotated Hobbit, states, “The elf-name Galion appears to be of Sindarin Elvish origin, but its meaning is uncertain. The name could derive from GAL- ‘shine’ or GALA- ‘thrive (prosper, be in health – be glad)’. The ending –ion could be related to YO, YON- ‘son’... The behaviour of the Elvenking’s butler is similar to that of the king’s butler in Chapter 17, ‘The Wine Cellar’, in George Macdonald’s The Princess and Curdie: both like to drink the king’s best wines in the king’s own cellar”. Galion gets 2pts from Foster’s ‘Guide’ and 5pts from EoA, with 0 indexed pgs.

#876 Tom the Troll
Another Hobbit character, this time the least of the 3 Trolls. Tom was the last to be introduced by name, and the last to be suspected of speaking by the 3 when Gandalf was mock-voicing them. However, Bert will be chiming-in right around the corner. The following narrative might best highlight Tom: “Bilbo did his best. He caught hold of Tom’s leg – as well as he could, it was thick as a young tree-trunk – but he was sent spinning up into the top of some bushes, when Tom kicked the sparks up in Thorin’s face. Tom got the branch in his teeth for that, and lost one of the front ones. It made him howl, I can tell you”. He gets 3pts from Foster’s ‘Guide’, 3pts from EoA, and 1pt from Wiki, with 0 indexed pgs.

#875 Eärendur, son of Tar-Amandil
He only garners a mention in ‘Aldarion & Erendis: The Further Course of the Narrative’, concerning royal succession: “It was understood that if there were no son, the nearest male kinsman of male descent from Elros Tar-Minyatur would be the Heir. Thus if Tar-Meneldur had had no son, the Heir would not have been Valandil his nephew (son of his sister Silmarien), but Malantur his cousin (grandson of Tar-Elendil’s younger brother Eärendur)”. He gets 2pts from Wiki and 5pts from UT (4pts from the index, & 1pt from the ‘Line of Elros’ family-tree), with 1pg indexed.

#874 Anson Roper, son of Andwise of Tighfield
Born in 1361 SR, he was likely alive during the War of the Ring. Foster says, “He probably lived in Tighfield, and was probably a roper” since ‘Anson’ on the Longfather-Tree is all Tolkien gives us of this 1st-cousin of Sam. He gets 3pts from Foster, 3pts from EoA, and 1pt from the LotR index, with 1 indexed pg.

#873 Orleg, companion of Túrin
As indexed in UT, he is a “man of Túrin’s outlaw-band, slain by Orcs on the road to Nargothrond”. He was selected by Túrin as his only companion to spy on Orcs, leaving Andróg in charge of the band; but the 2 were discovered, and the one not wearing elven-mail was pierced by arrows. Orleg gets 1pt from the Children of Húrin name-list, 2pts from Wiki, & 4pts from the UT index, with 1pg indexed.

#872 Tom Pickthorn of Bree
As Foster says, Tom was a “Man of the Bree-land , killed in the fight between the Bree-landers and Bill Ferny & his friends”. Of the 5 killed in that skirmish (3 big folk & 2 little), only 3 get entries in the ‘Encyclopedia of Arda’ – the unnamed Underhill of Staddle obviously doesn’t, nor does he appear on this list, but “little Tom Pickthorn from over the Hill” seems to have been overlooked by EoA for some reason. Chalk it up, I guess, to being ‘little’ & ‘over the Hill’. He does, however, get 3pts from Foster’s ‘Guide’, 3pts from Tyler’s ’Companion’, and 1pt from the LotR index, with 1pg indexed; Mat, Rowlie, & Willie will all appear before July.

#871 Rose, mother of ‘Long Hom’ Cotton
She is Rosie Cotton’s great-grandmother, and possibly her namesake. And is also the youngest daughter of Holman ‘the greenhanded’ of Hobbiton, which is how she’s indexed in LotR, worth 2pts. Her other points are 3 from Foster, and 1 each from EoA & Wiki, with 1pg indexed.

#870 Erling, son of Holman ‘the greenhanded’
Erling is the 2nd son (& 3rd of 5 children) of the progenitor of the gardeners (>Gardners) of Hobbiton, according to the Longfather-Tree. He gets 2pts each from Foster, EoA, & the LotR index, and 1pt from Wiki.

#869 Ponto Baggins ‘the elder’, son of Balbo
He is likewise the 2nd son (& 3rd of 5 children) of a progenitor, according to the family-trees. However, Ponto is also the great-great grandfather of Merry & Pippin. He gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts from EoA, 1pt from Wiki, & 1pt from the LotR index.

All of the following get 2pts from Foster, 3pts from EoA, 1pt from Wiki, & 1pt from the LotR index:

#868 Togo Goodbody, husband of Lily Baggins
Lily is the younger sister of Ponto above. She & Togo are the ancestors of ‘various Goodbodies’.

#867 Hanna Goldworthy>Brandybuck, mother of Marmadoc
She married Madoc ‘Proudneck’, and their son was Marmadoc ‘Masterful’, the 2 Masters of Buckland after Gormadoc ‘Deepdelver’. Hanna is Merry’s great-great-great grandmother.

#866 Amaranth Brandybuck, daughter of Gorbadoc
She’s the 2nd of 7 children of Gorbadoc ‘Broadbelt’, and one of Frodo’s natural aunts.

#865 Marroc Brandybuck, son of Gormadoc
He’s the youngest of 3 sons of Gormadoc ‘Deepdelver’, and had ‘many descendants’.

#864 Ferdinand Took, son of Sigismond @
He’s Fatty Bolger’s only known uncle. He & his son Ferdibrand were at Bilbo’s Farewell Party.

#863 Bodo Proudfoot, father of Odo
He married Linda Baggins, Bilbo’s aunt.

#862 Olo Proudfoot, son of Odo @
He was at the Farewell Party, along with his son Sancho, and his father Odo Proud-FEET!

#861 Firefoot, horse of Éomer
EoA actually has his best bio: “The horse ridden by Éomer of the Rohirrim, at least on the journey from Edoras to Helm's Deep (during which Gimli was also a passenger on Firefoot's back). Firefoot is never specifically described, but we can probably gain an impression of the animal's appearance from the other horses of Éomer's éored: large and grey-coated with a braided mane and a long tail”.

#860 Ragnir, servant of Morwen Edhelwen
When Morwen sent her young son away, Túrin said “But I shall leave you only with Sador, and blind Ragnir, and the old women”. In a footnote in ‘The Wanderings of Húrin’, referring to Ragnir companion of Asgon, it says “The name Ragnir is found also as that of a blind servant of Morwen’s in Dor-lómin”. Thus this Ragnir gets 2pts from each of the UT & HoMe11 indices, 1pt from Wiki, & 2pts for the Children of Húrin name-list.

#859 Baranor, father of Beregond
Not indexed, for some reason, in LotR, this grand-sire of Bergil who lives in Lossarnach, gets 3pts from Foster & 4pts from the HoMe8 index.

#858 & #857 Dodinas & Dinodas Brandybuck @, sons of Gorbadoc
As the 2 youngest sons of Gorbadoc, they were named Theodoric & Athanaric in the draft family-tree; but became Dodinas & Dinodas for the ‘Brandybuck of Buckland’ family-tree. For whatever reason, Dinodas was at the Farewell Party but apparaently not Dodinas. They each get 3pts from Foster, 2pts from the HoMe6 index, 1pt from Wiki, & 1pt from the LotR index.

#856 Bert the Troll
“Not till he says what he means by lots and none at all... I don’t want to have me throat cut in me sleep! Hold his toes in the fire, till he talks!” are the words of Bert which I’m sure we’ll be hearing on the big screen next year. “You’re a fat fool... I won’t take that from you, Bill Huggins”, he says before he “puts his fist in William’s eye”. Bert gets 3pts from Foster, 1pt from each of EoA & Wiki, and 2pts from the HoMe6 index in which we learn that “Bert has got a bird’s nest behind his ear”.

#855 Poppy Chubb-Baggins>Bolger @, wife of Filibert
She’s Bilbo’s 2nd cousin & was at the Farewell Party. Poppy, as well as Hilda below, gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts from EoA, 1pt from Wiki, & 1pt from the LotR index.

#854 Hilda Bracegirdle>Brandybuck @, wife of Seredic
She and Seredic had 3 children, and all 5 were at the Farewell Party.

#853 Salvia Brandybuck>Bolger, wife of Gundabald
She’s a granddaughter of Gormadoc ‘Deepdelver’, and the mother of Theobald Bolger. Salvia, as well as Berylla below, gets 2pts from Foster, 3pts from EoA, 1pt from Wiki, & 1pt from the LotR index.

#852 Berylla Boffin>Baggins, great grandmother of Bilbo
She’s the 4th child of Buffo Boffin & Ivy Goodenough, and married Balbo Baggins.

#851 Primrose Gamgee, daughter of Samwise
Born in 1435 SR, she’s the 9th child of Sam, and 4th to appear on the list. She gets 2pts from Foster, 1pt each from EoA & Wiki, 1pt from the LotR index, and 2pts from HoMe9 where she appears in the ‘Epilogue’ to LotR “still in her cradle”.

#850 Algund, outlaw companion of Túrin Turambar
He was the oldest member of the outlaw band that Túrin joined, and actually escaped the Battle of Unnumbered Tears (a footnote has it that Algund recalled Húrin and noticed the resemblance in his son). He claimed Túrin to be the “best man among us... [and] may bring us home in the end”; and also advised against killing Beleg while Túrin was away. (He gets 4pts from the UT index, 1pt from Wiki, & 2pts from the Children of Húrin name-list, with 4 indexed pgs).

#849 Adrahil ‘of Dol Amroth’, Captain of the Left Wing of Gondor
As Captain of the Left Wing, he commanded half of the forces of Gondor against the Wainriders following the Battle of the Camp in TA 1944 (Minohtar, King’s nephew, was Captain of the Right Wing). This Adrahil (not the father of Imrahil a millennium later) is said by CT to be “clearly an ancestor” of the Princes of Dol Amroth, and probably “was not called ‘of Dol Amroth’ at that time”, due to the, still decades away, death of the Elven-king Amroth and inception of Dol Amroth’s 1st lord (see #847 below – but this Adrahil gets 6pts from the UT index, & 1pt from Wiki, with 5pgs indexed).

#848 Númendil, 17th Lord of Andúnië
He’s mentioned in the ‘Line of Elros’ section of UT under the entry for his cousin Tar-Palantir. In the ‘History of the Akallabêth’, Númendil is said to be “one of the chief councillors of the Sceptre [who] dwelt often in Armenelos”. His sons are Amandil & Elentir. (He gets 2pts from each of the UT & HoMe12 indices, and 3pts from Wiki, with 5 indexed pgs).

#847 Galador, 1st Lord of Dol Amroth
It’s said, according to the traditions of their house, that the 1st Lord “received the elven-name of Galador [as he] was the son of Imrazôr the Númenórean, who dwelt in Belfalas, and the Elven-lady Mithrellas... one of the companions of Nimrodel... of the lesser silvan race”. He lived 125 years, from 2004-2129 TA. (Galador gets 4pts from the UT index, 2pts from the HoMe12 index, & 1pt from Wiki, with 5pgs indexed).

#846 Ranuin, son of Aluin
Ranuin (Month) is the 2nd of 4 controversial entries still appearing, as his ‘brother’ Fanuin (Year) was back at #889. This entity (that I’ve classified as miscellaneous Maia) appears in Verlyn Flieger’s article on ‘Time’ in Drout’s Encyclopedia, along with Danuin (Day) & father Aluin (Time), both of whom will appear very soon. (Ranuin gets 6pts from the BoLT1 index, 1pt from Drout, & has 6pgs indexed).

#845 Elemmakil, Captain of the Guard of Gondolin
The “high and noble” Elemmakil met Tuor & Voronwë with his elven-lantern as they approached the Guarded Gate of Gondolin, and when Voronwë recognized his voice, Elemmakil led them through the 7 Gates until they were met by Ecthelion lord of the Fountains. (He gets 4pts from the UT index, 3pts from Wiki, & has 7 indexed pgs).

#844 Rog, Lord of the House of the Hammer of Wrath of Gondolin
In ‘The Fall of Gondolin’, Rog exclaimed in a great voice, “Who now shall fear the Balrogs for all their terror? See before us the accursed ones who for ages have tormented the children of the Noldoli, and who now set a fire at our backs with their shooting. Come ye of the Hammer of Wrath and we will smite them for their evil”. Of what happened next apparently “the Noldoli sing yet”, and the story of the fury of Rog and his men to their last breath is contained in the aforementioned Lost Tale. Questions of whether his name would have lasted are not considered here, and jewel-smith Enerdhil of UT is thus listed as a separate character. (He gets 2pts from the BoLT2 index, 1pt from the BoLT2 name-list, 2pts from the HoMe4 index, 2pts from Wiki, & has 8pgs indexed).

#843 Edwin Lowdham, father of Alwin
‘Arry’ says of his father: “An odd sort of man… tall, powerful, dark… was wealthy, and combined a passion for the sea with learning of a sort, linguistic and archaeological… studied Anglo-Saxon and other North-western tongues; for I inherited his library and some of his tastes… was always going off at a moment’s notice… sailing about Norway, Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, and sometimes southward to the Azores… I did not know him well, though I loved him as much as a small boy can, and used to dream of the time when I could go sailing with him… he disappeared when I was only nine… just vanished into the Atlantic… the end of The Earendel… my father had some queer fancies about names… just before he went off for the last time… I had begged to go with him… ‘Not yet, AElfwine,’ he said”. Edwin’s son would become the principal element of the Notion Club, irrevocably tying him in linguistically with the legendarium. He’ll appear far ahead. (Edwin gets 6pts from the HoMe9 index, 1pt from Wiki, & has 12pgs indexed).

#842 Treowine, companion of Ælfwine of England
He is indexed in Drout’s Encyclopedia under ‘Oral Tradition’, because of his companionship with the aforementioned minstrel. (He gets 6pts from the HoMe9 index, 1pt from Drout’s Encyclopedia, & has 12 indexed pgs).
#841 Vëannë Melinir, elf-child of Tol Eressëa
Look her up, I’m pressed for time. (She’s the last 7-pointer, as she has 16pgs indexed, and gets 6pts from BoLT2 index, 1pt from the BoLT2 name-list).
#840 Isengar Took youngest child of The Old Took
#839 Doderic Brandybuck eldest son of Seredic
#838 Minto Burrows youngest child of Milo
#837 Moro Burrows 2nd son of Milo
#836 Mimosa Bunce>Baggins mother of 2
#835 Ponto Baggins son of Posco
#834 Daisy Baggins>Boffin mother of Tosto
#833 Filibert Bolger husband of Poppy Chubb-Baggins
#832 Prisca Baggins>Bolger mother of 3
#831 Wilibald Bolger husband of Prisca Baggins
#830 Falco Chubb-Baggins son of Bingo
#829 Polo Baggins son of Ponto
#828 Dudo Baggins younger brother of Drogo
#827 Mosco Burrows eldest son of Milo
#826 Rowan ‘greenhanded’>Gammidge mother of Hobson
#825 Sadoc Brandybuck 2nd son of Gormadoc
#824 Bilbo Gardner 5th son of Samwise
#823 Daisy Gardner 4th daughter of Samwise
#822 Orgulas Brandybuck younger brother of Gorbadoc
#821 Malva Headstrong>Brandybuck mother of Madoc
#820 *Caramella Chubb
An unpunctual, but likable niece of Bilbo, who made it through most of the drafts of Bilbo’s parting gifts list. She was a Took, Bolger, lastly Chubb, before not making the final cut, but as you know that doesn’t prevent her inclusion on this list. Her gift was a clock with the inscription, “For Caramella… with kind remembrances from her uncle”. She pushed her likability over the limit with Bilbo when she showed up for tea late declaring his clock was fast. “Bilbo’s clocks were never either slow or fast, and he did not forget it”. All her 8pts come from HoMe6.

#819 *Colombo Hornblower
He shares an identical path with Caramella above. He was given a barometer with the inscription “treat it as your own”, since he “used to bang it with a large fat finger whenever he came to call”, and “was afraid of getting wet, and wore a scarf and macintosh all year round”. Ditto on the pts above.

#818 Hildibrand Took 8th son of The Old Took
Two of Gerontius’ sons (see below) that lived lived long & prospered. Hildibrand, Fatty Bolger’s great-grandfather, lived to 85.

#817 Isembard Took 7th son of The Old Took
Isembard, had at least 4 great-grandchildren, and lived to 99.

#816 Hildifons Took 6th son of The Old Took
Hildifons, on the other hand, apparently “went off on a journey and never returned”.

#815 May Gamgee daughter of Hobson
As Roper Gamgee’s daughter, she was of course Sam’s aunt. However, she’s given no listed descendants or death date.

#814Halfred of Overhill younger brother of Hamfast Gamgee
And as The Gaffer’s brother, he was Sam’s uncle.

#813 Cottar father of Cotman
Progenitor of the Cottons of Bywater, and Rosie’s great-great grandfather.

#812 Bell Goodchild>Gamgee mother of Samwise
The Gaffer’s wife is the lowest ranked mother of the 5 hobbits – Bilbo & the Fellowship. Even Rosie’s mother is ahead soon.

#811 The Widow Rumble
This mystery woman looked after Gaffer in his elder days. Except for her 1pg index in LotR, her only pts come from the internet (EoA & Wiki) – strangely absent from Foster & Tyler (other than the former listing her family name).

#810 Fastred rider of Rohan
The 1st of 2 entries found only in verse in LotR, Fastred is listed among the dead in the ‘Song of the Mounds of Mundberg’. Despite his brevity of reference, he gets 2pts from each of LotR, Foster, Tyler, & HoMe8 – because, well, it’s the Mounds of Mundberg!

#809 Orofarnë rowan-tree of Fangorn
Likewise, Orofarnë is listed among the dead in ‘O Orofarnë, Lassemista, Carnimirië!’ - 3pts each from Foster & EoA, 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.

#808 *Irimë daughter of Finwë
Finwë’s elder 2 daughters appeared earlier on the list, and Tolkien’s history with all 3 is slightly confusing. However, describing his father’s genealogies of the early ‘60’s, CT says “in all these tables there are still three daughters… Findis, Faniel, and Irimë”; and notes it ‘strange’ that the later Shibboleth mentions only 2 daughters. However, the youngest there is still named Irimë or Irien, who goes into exile with Fingolfin. I make the connection in the name, thus her slightly higher station. Points from HoMe’s 10 & 12, and of course Arda Reconstructed (footnoting the same oddity as CT above).

#807 *Hallacar Lord of Hyarastorni
He is son of Hallatan, the sheep-lord of Hyarastorni in the Mittalmar (Inlands) of Númenór, and a descendant of Elros. Hallacar is in fact the youngest child x 5 after Vardamir Nólimon. His attempts to win heiress Ancalimë’s hand in marriage, met long with rejection. He was eventually successful, but in no version of the story, was it through love. Their union, ending in hatred, nonetheless continued the royal line through their son Tar-Anárion.

#806 *Danuin, son of Aluin
Danuin (Day) is the 3rd of 4 controversial entries from the Lost Tales, whom I’ve classified as miscellaneous Maia. He appears in Verlyn Flieger’s article on ‘Time’ in Drout, along with brother Ranuin & father Aluin (Time). Danuin gets 7pts from the BoLT1 index, & 1pt from Drout.

#805 *Larnach the Woodman
One of the Woodmen in the lands south of Teiglin. In the Narn & CoH it was his daughter (found near the beginning of this list) whom Túrin saved from being raped by 2 of his Outlaw companions, one he slew. In bloodlust she declared her father would reward the bringing of both their heads. Later Beleg, seeking Túrin, ran into Larnach & daughter, thus hearing the tale. He gets 2pts each from UT & CoH, and 4pts from Wiki.

#804 *Ulbandi the ogress
She was the mother of Gothmog Lord of Balrogs, Morgoth the father, at least in the Lost Tales. Ulbandi gets 2pts from HoMe1, 5pts from HoMe2, including the name-list, & 1pt from Wiki.

#803 Squint-eyed Southerner
Little I need or should say of this character, except that upon further investigation I think I’ll add a 17th racial classification to my list – that of half-orc – despite CT’s statements in HoMe6 (and the blatant D&D reference). He gets all 8pts straight from JRRT & CT, indexed in LotR, HoMe6 & 7. It seems all compendium-compilers steered clear away!

#802 Angrim father of Gorlim the Unhappy
Paternity is his only claim to fame, when Gorlim is introduced as a companion of Barahir. His points are spread out 2 each from Foster, Tyler, HoMe5, and 1 each from the Sil & Wiki.

#801 Aranwë father of Voronwë
Likewise above, is this elf of Gondolin of the House of Fingolfin, whose name means ‘Kingly’ as Tyler speculates. His pts are also spread out: 2 each from UT & EoA, and 1 each from Foster, Tyler, Wiki, & the Sil.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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#800 *Angelimir 20th Prince of Dol Amroth
He was the grandfather of Prince Imrahil, and 20th in line from Galador, 1st Lord of Dol Amroth, himself son of Imrazôr the Númenórean of Belfalas, and Mithrellas the sylvan lady of Lórien. He lived to 111. His points are evenly split between UT & HoMe12.

#799 *Isilmo son of Tar-Súrion
As the younger brother of unwed & long-lived Tar-Telperiën, Isilmo’s son became Tar-Minastir. Some speculation exists that he may have become the Witch-King due to the perfect timing and possible desire for a Kingship denied him by new laws. However, Tar-Telperiën’s death would have made him King regardless, a prospect neither he nor Sauron would have resisted. For this reason I easily keep their entries separate (and he won’t be the last character for which such a decision is made). He gets 2pts for his simple reference in UT, and 6pts by Wiki (& WiKi).

#798 *Beleth daughter of Bregolas
Incorrectly identified in UT as ‘Bereth’, the elder sister of Baragund & Belegund is identified as an ancestress of Erendis of Númenor. Kane cites her on the list of CT’s female exclusions. She gets 4pts from HoMe11, 2pts from UT, 1pt each from Arda Reconstructed & Wiki.

#797 *Adanel the Wise-Woman
She was the 3rd House’s equivalent to Andreth, and in fact married Belemir of the 1st House, becoming the great-grandmother of Beren Erchamion. Her ‘Tale of Adanel’ was said to be preserved together with the ‘Athrabeth’ in the historical records of Númenor. The latter document incorrectly identifies her as sister to Hador instead of Magor. She gets 4pts from HoMe10, 2pts from HoMe11, 1pt each from Kane & Wiki.

#796 *Ban father of Blodren
Ban is the father of Blodren the traitor, an Easterling imprisoned by Morgoth and released to search for and betray Túrin. He gets 2pts each from HoMe’s 3, 4, 5, 11.

#795 Golasgil Lord of Anfalas
From the Anfalas, or Langstrand, Golasgil brought a long line of ‘scantily equipped’ men, hunters & herdsmen, to the defense of Minas Tirith in the War of the Ring. He gets 2pts each from Foster, EoArda, & HoMe8, and 1pt from LotR & Tyler.

#794 *Tulkastor father of Vairë of Eressëa
He’s the father of Vairë, & father-in-law of Lindo, who are the master & mistress of the Cottage of Lost Play at the time of Eriol. Lindo speaks of Tulkastor in the past tense, saying he “was of Aulë’s kindred” but dwelt a long time with the Teleri, “and so came among the earliest to the island”. He gets all 8pts from HoMe1, including the name-list.

#793 *Rupert Dolbear
‘Ruthless Rufus’, as he was known to the other members of the Notion Club, was a Research Chemist with interests in philosophy, psychoanalysis & gardening. CT states “with his red hair and beard and his nickname in the Club he can be seen as a sort of parody of” the Inkling Dr. Robert Havard. All 8pts come from HoMe9.

#792 *Ufedhin gnome-smith of Doriath
This renegade Noldo Elf, along with the Dwarf below, conspire to make the original tale of the Ruin of Doriath the bloody treat that it is. Ufedhin wore a “tunic of golden web and a belt of gold set with tiny gems; and his sword was damasked in strange wise, but a collar of gold and silver interlaced most intricate was round his neck”. Thingol’s “raiment could in no wise compare with that of the wayfarer in his halls”, who boldly inquires as to the manner in which the King guards the Silmaril. And so it begins… Thingol’s ‘ensnarer’ gets all 8pts from HoMe2, including the name-list.

#791 *Naugladur Lord of Nogrod
Then there’s Naugladur! “By his deeds have the Dwarves been severed in feud for ever since those days with the Elves”. Conspiring with renegade Elves, Belegost Dwarves, and even Orcs, this lord of the Nauglath hatches the plan to ambush Thingol while hunting. Later, with Melian upon her throne and Ufedhin laughing, “behold, Naugladur entered [and] he bore the head of [Thingol] crowned and helmed in gold; but the necklace of all wonder was clasped about [his] throat”. Melian: “Thief and murderer, child of Melko, yet art thou a fool, for thou canst not see what hangs over thine own head”. “Then did Naugladur laugh till his beard shook, and bid seize her: but none might do so…” Beren eventually rescues the Silmaril, slaying Naugladur with his own sword: “I will not sully my bright blade with thy dark blood”. Rateliff devotes 3pgs to this episode in History of the Hobbit. He gets 4pts from HoMe2, 3pts from Rateliff, & 1pt from Drout.

#790 Princess Mee
The subject of a nonsense poem apparently scribbled by an anonymous hand in a margin of the Red Book of Westmarch. Her only points come from compendium-compilers Foster & Tyler.

#789 *Aluin the Time-weaver
His sons Fanuin, Ranuin & Danuin appeared within the past 100 on the list. Finally Father Time chimes in. He gets 7pts from HoMe1, name-list included, & 1pt for Flieger’s article in Drout.

#788 *Beorn uncle of Eriol
Beorn, in siege with Eoh, slew his brother and destroyed his castle, leaving Eriol a wandering orphan, embarking on a seafaring path. Thus Beorn is indirectly responsible for bringing us the Lost Tales! All 8pts are from HoMe’s 1 & 2.

With 9pt characters I get back to the practice of ranking characters of equal points by the total # of pages indexed; & if equal still, then by the total # of sources used. So from here on in, virtually objective standings:

These hobbits appear only on 1 family-tree & without added info; their other 8pts come from Foster, EoArda & Wiki:

#787 Gilly Brownlock>Baggins mother of Ponto @
#786 Rufus Burrows husband of Asphodel Brandybuck
#785 Porto Baggins son of Posco @
#784 Reginard Took son of Adelard @
#783 Isumbras IV Took 28th Thain of the Shire
#782 Fortinbras II Took 29th Thain of the Shire
#781 Celandine Brandybuck daughter of Seredic @
#780 Ilberic Brandybuck son of Seredic @
#779 Seredic Brandybuck son of Saradas @
#778 Merimac Brandybuck 2nd son of Rorimac @
#777 Madoc ‘Proudneck’ Brandybuck Master of Buckland

These hobbits also appear only on 1 tree, WITH added info (by Tolkien on tree, or other compiler), Tyler being the only additional source:

#776 Hildigard Took 2nd son of the Old Took
He was born sometime between 2833 & 2837 T.A., but “he died young”, date unrecorded.

#775 Longo Baggins husband of Camellia Sackville
The indirect progenitor of the Sackville-Bagginses, having married Camellia - their son Otho adopting the hyphenated name.

#774 May Gamgee older sister of Samwise
She’s the 2nd daughter and 4th child of Hamfast, and named after the Gaffer’s only sister.

#773Halfred Gamgee older brother of Samwise
He’s the 2nd son of Hamfast, and “removed to the Northfarthing”.

#772 Wiseman Gamwich son of Hamfast
The son of Hamfast of Gamwich, progenitor of the Gamgee family. Wiseman “removed to Tighfield, where he was probably a Roper, as Foster speculates.

#771 Calimmacil grandfather of Eärnil II
He was son of Arciryas, younger brother of King Narmacil II of Gondor. Through this line, Eärnil son of Siriondil son of Calimmacil was awarded the crown after his military victories following the deaths of King Ondoher & sons. He gets 1pt from LotR; and 1, 3 & 4pts from Wiki, Foster & Tyler respectively.

#770 Mat Heathertoes
A man of Bree killed in the fight between Bill Ferny’s gang & Bree-landers. He gets 1pt from LotR; and 3, 3 & 2pts from Foster, Tyler & the Encyclopedia of Arda respectively.

#769 Gálmód father of Gríma Wormtongue
Mentioned only once, by Gandalf, his name means ‘lewd, wanton, or sour-natured’ from Old English. He gets 1pt from LotR; and 2, 3, 1 & 2pts from Foster, Tyler, Wiki & EoArda respectively.

These 7 are the 9-pointers with 2 indexed pages:

#768 Gundabald Bolger husband of Salvia Brandybuck
He appears on both the Bolger & Brandybuck family-trees. He gets 1pt from LotR; and 2, 1 & 5pts from Foster, Wiki & EoArda respectively.

#767 Lily Brown>Cotton mother of Rosie
Also known as Mrs. Cotton, and as such she is indexed from the text, along with her spot on the Longfather-Tree. She gets 1pt from LotR; and 3, 2, 1 & 2pts from Foster, Tyler, Wiki & EoArda respectively.

#766 *Estelmo esquire of Elendur son of Isildur
He was one of the last to fall at the Gladden Fields, being stunned by a club and found alive under Elendur’s body by the Woodmen routing the Orcs. As CT notes, Estelmo was implied to be the 3rd man to come “back over the mountains”, along with Ohtar & companion sent away with Narsil by Isildur. He gets 4pts from UT & 5pts from Wiki (at least when I collected info several years ago – Wiki seems to be having current issues with their Estelmo & Gladden Fields entries – but the info from the time of collection stands, for all characters).

#765 *Galadhon father of Celeborn
Galadhon is the son of Elmo, younger brother of Elwë & Olwë, but “beloved of Elwë with whom he remained” in Doriath. Since Celeborn & Galadriel “escaped the sack of Doriath” we might assume that both Celeborn’s father & grandfather suffered the same fate as his great-uncle Thingol. He after whom Caras Galadhon may have been named, gets 2, 3 & 4pts from UT, Wiki & EoArda respectively.

With the next 2, the official ruling lines begin to appear - first the least of the Ruling Stewards of Gondor:

#764 Eradan 2nd Ruling Steward of Gondor
He’s the son of Mardil Voronwë the 1st Steward to rule Gondor. Eradan ruled for 36 years and was succeeded by his son (below). Both of their reigns were the first entirely within the Watchful Peace.

#763 Herion 3rd Ruling Steward of Gondor
See above. Herion ruled for 32 years and was succeeded by his son Belegorn (see next post). Both father & son get 1pt each from LotR, Tyler & Wiki, and 2pts each from HoMe12, Foster & EoArda.

#762 Belegorn 4th Ruling Steward of Gondor
He has 1 more indexed page than his father & grandfather (see above) due to a name-change note, but he also lived longer (130yrs) and ruled longer (56yrs) than any of the first 6 Ruling Stewards. His points are apportioned identically to his 2 predecessors.

#761 *Gimli gnome-thrall of Tevildo
Not that Gimli (or that Gloin below). From the Lost Tales, this Gimli is an aged Noldo and fellow prisoner with Beren in the kitchens of Tevildo/Sauron; and his hearing “was the keenest that has been in the world”. He gets 2pts from HoMe2 index, 4pts from the HoMe2 name-list & 3pts from Wiki.

#760 Gloin King of Dúrin’s Folk son of Thorin I
He would have been a young 74 when his father led a large part of Dúrin’s Folk from Erebor to the Grey Mts - slightly younger than Kili on the Quest of Erebor. In an earlier draft of the appendix ‘Dúrin’s Folk’, it was actually Gloin who led the expedition. He gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler & HoMe12, and 1pt each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda.

#759*Ivárë Minstrel of the Elves
In the ‘Tale of Tinúviel’ this minstrel “who plays beside the sea” is said to be the 2nd of “the three most magic players of the Elves”: the others being Tinfang Warble and Daeron. Drafts of the ‘Lay of Leithian’ eventually see Maglor supplant Ivárë in this list of 3. [NOTE: but not necessarily replace Ivárë - an example of a character on the fence for inclusion, as I could have had Maglor absorb his pts (a-la Trotter>Aragorn), but they appear independently in LT, if only in mention, and never share anything in common; plus Tinfang also disappears from the final version, thus the whole thing easily explained by an Eressëan vs Beleriandic bias of tale-tellers, if you will].

#758 *Fankil servant of Morgoth
Fankil (Fúkil/Fangli) appears early in LT as a child/servant of Melkor. He ‘escaped into the world’ at the time of his chaining, and helps corrupt wild Men into battling Elves & faithful Men. Rateliff in his History of The Hobbit discusses his place in the legendarium in his section ‘The Necromancer’. 6 of his pts come from HoMe1, the other 3 from Rateliff.

#757 *Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl
This mysterious entity was one of the first to spring out of Tolkien’s imagination and into the legendarium. What little can be gleaned comes from a sentence in ‘The Cottage of Lost Play’, along with note (xii) of Notebook C from the unwritten ‘Tale of Eärendel’, and a 1915 poem. In short, on Eärendil’s voyage to Valinor, when Vingilot is mired in the Shadowy Seas, Ilverin Littleheart son of Voronwë rang his gong and “awoke the Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl that stands far out to west in the Twilit Isles”. This Sleeper, thought at first to be Idril, is in fact “a messenger that was despatched years ago by Turgon and enmeshed in magics […so] he cannot leave the Tower and warns them”. The poem ‘The Happy Mariners’ was “in fact ‘the song of the Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl’” according to CT. He gets 8pts from HoMe’s 1, 2 & 4, and 1pt from Garth’s Tolkien and the Great War.

#756 *Audoin King of the Lombards
His son Alboin will appear as the highest ranking 10pt character. They represent an episode of the father-son narratives of the ‘Lost Road’. As CT notes, their names “show an exact correspondence, are historically the same name” as Eädwine & Ælfwine. Their real tale comes from the Historia Langobardorum by Paul the Deacon, behind which, CT notes, “there lies a heroic lay, as early a vestige of such ancient Germanic poetry as we possess”. In short, Audoin declined, by custom, to “give his son the rank of a companion of his table” despite recent valour in battle, until Alboin was gifted weapons from the King whose son he slew. The outcome of this strange quest will be revealed in Alboin’s entry shortly before #700. They are also mentioned in some Notion Club meetings, as well as by Rateliff in History of The Hobbit, referencing the Lombard/Longbeard relationship & the ‘Lost Road’. Audoin the Lombard gets 4pts each from HoMe’s 5 & 9, and 1pt from Rateliff.

#755 *Hallatan Lord of Hyarastorni
He is “the great lord away south: the Sheep-lord… a kinsman of the King”, as first described in ‘Aldarion & Erendis’. His house, at least once when Aldarion visited, displayed “the sound of music… shepherds making merry… with many marvellous tales”. Hallatan is the youngest child x 4 after Vardamir Nólimon, and his youngest child (#807 above) wedded Ancalimë. Thus Hallatan was grandfather to Tar-Anárion. Like son Hallacar, he gets 7pts from UT, including his appearance on the ‘Line of Elros’, but 2pts from Wiki, and has 13pgs indexed.

#754 *Almarian Queen of Númenor
Almarian is the daughter of Vëantur, Captain of the King’s Ships, and the wife of Tar-Meneldur & mother of Tar-Aldarion. She was “a woman of great beauty” and “supported her son in all that he did”, but “loved ships and the sea no more than most women of the land”. It is described how “by contrivance of the Queen”, Erendis & Aldarion were brought together; and how Almarian tried to discourage her son from so many voyages abroad. She also “took a great liking to” Ancalimë; but her granddaughter would one day say “must I become like Queen Almarian, and dote upon” a husband? She gets 5pts from UT, including the ‘Line of Elros’, & 4pts from Wiki, and has 15pgs indexed.

#753 Menegilda Goold>Brandybuck wife of Rorimac
She’s the wife of Old Rory ‘Goldfather’, mother of Saradoc ‘Scattergold’, and grandmother of Meriadoc. As the Encyclopedia of Arda notes, Menegilda is the only Goold on record, the name probably derived from ‘golden-haired’. She gets 3pts from Foster, 5pts from EoArda, and 1 each from LotR & Wiki.

#752 Hamfast of Gamwich
He’s the progenitor of the Gamgee line, being Sam’s great-great-great grandfather. He gave his name to the Gaffer, & also Sam’s 4th son. His pts are apportioned identically to Menegilda.

#751 Holman ‘Long Hom’ Cotton of Bywater
The father of Tolman ‘Farmer Tom’ Cotton probably farmed the same land down South Lane. Holman son of Cotman son of Cottar was the first of the line to adopt the Cotton last name. He gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 2pts from Tyler, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#750 Hamson Gamgee eldest sibling of Samwise
The eldest son of the Gaffer didn’t follow his father into gardening, but took up with his uncle Andy in Tighfield and became a Roper. He gets 3pts from Foster, 4pts from Tyler, and 1pt each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda.

#749 Camellia Sackville>Baggins mother of Otho
Otho took on the hyphenated name of both parents for reasons and circumstances open to speculation, as is the source of the traits exhibited by this family. Obviously Lobelia brought her own to the table, but Camellia is a likely suspect as well. She gets 3pts each from Foster & Tyler, 2pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#748 *Tar-Anducal usurper King of Númenor
Tar-Vanimeldë was the 3rd Ruling Queen of Númenor. Her consort Herucalmo, a descendant of Tar-Atanamir, was 9 years her junior. The Queen “gave little heed to ruling, loving rather music and dance”, so Herucalmo served as her regent, wielding power. When she died, he usurped the throne under the name Tar-Anducal "Light of the West" for 20yrs. Their son Tar-Alcarin finally gained his rightful throne upon his father’s death. Tar-Anducal is not recognized in the official Line of Kings. He gets 6pts from UT & 4pts from Wiki.

#747 Bumpkin pony of Merry
One of 5 ponies, provided by Merry, used by the hobbits to ride from Buckland to Bree. They were named by Bombadil after the encounter with the barrow-wight, & answered only to those names thereafter. They were driven off in Bree by the Black Riders, & find their way to Bombadil, but are sent back to Butterbur to be looked after. Bumpkin gets 1, 5 & 4pts from LotR, Foster & Wiki respectively.

#746 Strider pony of Frodo
Frodo’s pony from Minas Tirith back to the Shire after the War of the Ring, and to the Grey Havens in the Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings. Doubtful he followed his master over Sea. This Strider gets 1, 2, 3 & 4pts from LotR, Wiki, EoArda & Foster respectively.

#745 Lightfoot sire of Snowmane
“Faithful servant yet master’s bane / Lightfoot’s foal, swift Snowmane” reads the epitath of his offspring, and is his only reference. He is likely a Meara, along with Snowmane. Lightfoot gets 1pt each from LotR, Tyler & Wiki, 2pts from Foster & 5pts from EoArda.

#744 *Malantur great-grandson of Tar-Amandil
He would have been King, following Tar-Aldarion, under the old laws prior to Númenor's Law of Succession changes, as he was the most senior direct descendant of Elros Tar-Minyatur of a male-line. He is indexed incorrectly in UT, which describes him as a descendant of Tar-Elendil. In fact he was descended from Tar-Elendil’s younger brother Eärendur. Malantur gets 3pts from UT, including the ‘Line of Elros’, & 7pts from Wiki, which elaborates on the issues of succession.

#743 *Balcmeg
He was one of the named Orcs killed in the ‘Fall of Gondolin’. Balcmeg was in fact “hewed asunder” by Tuor. It is the name-list which provides most information about this Orc: “Balcmeg ‘was a great fighter among the Orclim… who fell to the axe of Tuor’ – ‘tis in meaning ‘heart of evil’… GL has balc ‘cruel’”. He gets 8pts from HoMe2, including 6 from the name-list, & 2pts from Wiki.

#742 Peony Baggins>Burrows wife of Milo @
The youngest child of Posco Baggins, and distant cousin of Bilbo. She had 4 children with Milo. Peony gets 4pts each from Foster & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#741 Rosamunda Took>Bolger mother of Fatty @
Daughter of Sigismund Took, she married Odovacar Bolger and they had 2 children, Fredegar & Estella. Rosamunda’s points are apportioned identical to Peony (above).

#740 Tim uncle of Tom
Tom’s ‘nuncle’ in Sam’s poem ‘The Stone Troll’, long dead but his shinbone, which Tom recognized, was being gnawed on by a Troll. Attempts to avenge his uncle by kicking the Troll proved fruitless. The Encyclopedia of Arda weighs the possibilities that these 2 hobbits were either borne from Sam’s imagination, came from Hobbit folk-legend, or were based on real events. Tim gets 3pts from Foster, 6pts from EoArda, & 1pt from LotR.

#739 *Galathil son of Galadhon
Galathil was grandson of Thingol’s brother Elmo & the brother of Celeborn. His daughter was Nimloth, who married Dior Thingol's Heir. Thus Galathil is included amongst the direct ancestors of both Arwen & Aragorn. One may assume that he, along with his father & grandfather, perished in the Ruin of Doriath. He gets 4pts from UT & 6pts from Wiki.

#738 Asphodel Brandybuck>Burrows daughter of Gorbadoc @
Her younger sister was Primula, thus she was Frodo’s aunt, but died before the War of the Ring. According to a draft family-tree, ‘Bellissima’ was the original name of the direct older sister of Primula. Asphodel gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 2pts from HoMe6, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#737 Saradas Brandybuck 2nd son of Gorbadoc @
He was an uncle of Frodo, but died a decade before the War of the Ring. ‘Alaric’ seems to be the original name in his place on the draft-tree. His points are apportioned identically to his younger sister (above).

#736 Eglantine Banks>Took mother of Pippin @
She’s the 2nd mother of the Fellowship to appear. Eglantine married Paladin Took before he was in line to be the 31st Thain of the Shire. Her children were Pearl (see bottom of post), Pimpernel & Pervinca (back in the #900’s), and of course Pippin (much ahead). She gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts from HoMe6, and 1pt each from LotR, Tyler, Drout, Wiki & EoArda.

The lines of the Kings of the Men now begin, starting with the least of the Kings of Arnor:

#735 Eldacar 4th King of Arnor
He was Isildur’s grandson, and son of Valandil. Eldacar lived to be 252 & reigned 90yrs. He’s not to be confused with the more illustrious Eldacar of Gondor. Arnor’s Eldacar gets 2pts each from Foster, HoMe12, Wiki & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.

#734 Arantar 5th King of Arnor
The son of Eldacar lived to be 250yrs & reigned 96yrs. His points are apportioned identically to his father above.

#733 Elendur 9th King of Arnor
Elendur, not to be confused with the son of Isildur, succeeded his father Valandur who was violently slain. He lived 225yrs & reigned 125yrs. His son Eärendur would be the last King of a united Arnor. His points are apportioned identically to the 2 Kings above.

#732 Arciryas brother of King Narmacil II
The younger brother of Narmacil II, and great-grandfather of Eärnil II. He gets 4pts from Tyler, 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#731 Gléowine Minstrel of Rohan
He was Théoden’s minstrel, and composed a song about his glorious death on the Pelennor Fields. It is said he made no song ever after. ‘Joy-lover’ is how Tyler translates his name. Gléowine gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts each from Tyler & HoMe9, and 1pt each from LotR, Drout, & Wiki.

#730 Pearl Took eldest sister of Pippin @
Pearl was the eldest of Pippin’s 3 older sisters. According to Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien it is ‘widely rumoured’ that she was the caretaker, or rather ‘clumsy attendant’, of the Took matriarch Lalia the Fat, when her wheelchair tipped from the threshold of the Great Door of the Smials and she tumbled into the gardens to her death. Pearl was excluded from a later family celebraton for Lalia’s son Thain Ferumbras; but after a time, likely when her father was Thain Paladin II, it was noticed that she bore ‘a splendid necklace of her name-jewels that had long lain in the hoard of the Thains’. Pippin’s naughty sister gets 3pts from Foster, 4pts from Wiki, and 1pt each from LotR, Letters, & EoArda.

#729 *Lalia Clayhanger>Took wife of Fortinbras II
One of the few asterisked hobbits, appearing only in a draft to fan A.C Nunn in Letters. When Lalia ‘the Great’, or ‘the Fat’, died in 1402 S.R. (see Pearl above) she had been a widow & the Took matriarch for 22yrs, while her unmarried son Ferumbras III was Thain. She was “great and memorable, if not universally beloved… but was prevented from attending [Bilbo’s Farewell Party] rather by her great size and immobility than by her age”. Along with the 1pt Lalia gets from Letters, the rest of her pts, no surprise, come from online sources: 5pts from Wiki, 4pts from EoArda.

#728 Ferumbras II Took 24th Thain of the Shire
It would have been coincidentally appropriate if this were Ferumbras III following Pearl & Lalia, but no, this is Pearl’s great-great-great-great grandfather, Ferumbras II. He gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 2pts from HoMe6, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#727 Hildigrim Took 4th son of the Old Took
Completing this quad of Tooks is the great-grandfather of Pearl & Pippin. His points are apportioned identically to his great-grandfather above.

#726 Siriondil father of Eärnil II
Not to be confused with the 11th King of Gondor, this Siriondil’s father & grandfather have recently appeared on this list. His namesake, along with his son, won’t appear for a while however. As Tyler states, “being the grand-nephew of Narmacil II… this kinship was the constitutional basis of Eärnil’s claim to the Throne”. He gets 5pts from Tyler, 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, and 1pt from LotR.

The next 3 characters have 4 indexed pages and 10pts.

#725 *Borondir the Stirrupless
From ‘Cirion and Eorl’, Borondir Udalralph emissary of Gondor was “a great rider of a family that claimed descent from a captain of the Northmen in the service of the Kings of old”. It was he, along with a slain companion, who brought Cirion's message, after 15 days, the last 2 without food, to Eorl asking for his aid. Borondir “was so spent that he could scarce speak”. He gets 6pts from UT & 4pts from Wiki.

#724 Fosco Baggins grandfather of Frodo
He married Ruby Bolger and they had 3 children, Dora, Drogo, & Dudo. Togo was his name in early drafts. Fosco gets 4pts from HoMe6, 2pts each from Foster & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#723 Nielíqui
The daughter of Oromë & Vána in the Lost Tales, described as a “little maiden” who danced about the woods in the gardens of Oromë. Nielíqui is referenced in Tolkien and the Great War as a maiden of the Valar “whose laughter brings forth daffodils and whose tears are snowdrops”. Along with 1pt from Garth, 9 of her pts come from HoMe1, including the name-list.

These Hugo’s are the two 10-pointers with 5 indexed pages:

#722 Hugo Boffin son of Otto
He was the eldest son of Otto the Fat, and married Donnamira Took, the middle of the “three remarkable daughters of the Old Took”. This Hugo is the great-grandfather of both Folco Boffin & Fatty Bolger. He gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe6, 4pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#721 Hugo Bracegirdle son of Bruno @
This Hugo, “a great borrower of books, and worse than usual at returning them”, was a listed recipient of a parting gift from Bilbo. His points are identical to the Hugo above, except Foster & EoArda equal out at 3pts.

#720 Hamfast Gamgee 4th son of Samwise
Hamfast, or Baravorn in the King’s invitation in Elvish, was the 7th child of Sam & Rose. Outside of the Longfather-Tree, Ham appears only in the Epilogue. He gets 2pts from Foster, 4pts from HoMe9, and 1pt each from LotR, Tyler, Wiki, & EoArda.

#719 Valwë father of Lindo of Eressëa
He went with Salmar to find the Noldor in Beleriand late in the 1st Age, and, according to the Lost Tales, they get overwhelmed in the Land of Willows. “Noldorin escapes from the defeat of the Land of Willows and takes his harp and goes seeking in the Iron Mountains for Valwë and the Gnomes until he finds their place of imprisonment”. Valwë is the father of Lindo, the master of the Cottage of Lost Play in the Lost Tales. He gets all 10pts from HoMe’s 1 & 2.

#718 Folco Boffin son of Vigo @
Folco was a friend of Frodo’s, but along with Fatty Bolger, not as close as a friend as Pippin & Merry. Thus he only helped pack for Frodo, and didn’t venture off with the three hobbits bound for Buckland. Folco gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts each from HoMe9, Wiki, & EoArda, & 1pt from LotR.

#717 Mithrellas wife of Imrazôr the Númenórean
She was a Sylvan Elf of Lórien, and handmaiden of Nimrodel, with whom she fled to the coasts when evil arose in Moria. There she was ‘harboured’ and taken to wife by Imrazôr the Númenórean (see below), but after she bore him a son Galador & daughter Gilmith, “she slipped away by night and he saw her no more”. Mithrellas gets 6pts from UT, 2pts from HoMe12, and 1pt each from Rateliff & Wiki.

#716 *Imrazôr the Númenórean father of Galador
He, along with wife Mithrellas (above), were the progenitors of the line of the Princes of Dol Amroth; as their son, Galador, became the 1st Lord of the Line. Númenórean is obviously a nickname. Imrazôr gets 4pts each from UT & HoMe12, and 1pt each from Rateliff & Wiki.

#715 Daisy Gamgee eldest sister of Sam
Daisy was the 3rd child of the Gaffer. She gets 2pts each from LotR & Foster, 4pts from HoMe9, and 1pt each from Wiki & EoArda.

#714 Rose Gamgee 2nd daughter of Samwise
Rosie-lass, or Meril in the King’s invitation in Elvish, was the 3rd child of Samwise & Rose. She’s predicted by Frodo to be a child of Sam, and appears throughout the Epilogue, where she is “very anxious about Entwives [&] looks for them whenever she goes in a wood”. Her points are apportioned identically as her aunt above.

#713 *Alboin King of the Lombards
Began in Audoin’s entry not long ago, the story of Paul the Deacon in Historia Langobardorum continues with Alboin slaying Thurismod, son of the Gepid King, in single combat amidst a great battle. Audoin, against popular opinion, would not give Alboin “the rank of companion of his table” until he received weapons from the opposing king. On this, Alboin went forth with a host to King Thurisind, and, after some prolonged unpleasantries, he came back to the safety of his father’s kingdom with the necessary weapons. When Alboin became King, a 2nd battle was fought in which Alboin slew the Gepid King Cunimond, and took his daughter Rosamund captive. At a following banquet Alboin gave Rosamunda a cup of wine to drink from the skull of her dead father. Rosamunda eventually had her revenge as “Alboin was murdered in his bed”. His real world fame/infamy is expounded upon not only in ‘The Lost Road’, but by Flieger & Rateliff as well. He gets 4pts from HoMe5, and 2pts each from HoMe9, Drout, & Rateliff. Alboin has 15pgs indexed.

#712 Myrtle Burrows daughter of Milo @
The 3rd child and only daughter of Milo Burrows & Peony Baggins. She would’ve been 8yrs old at Bilbo’s Party, most likely one of the hobbit-children mentioned. Myrtle gets 6pts from EoArda, 3pts from Foster, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#711 Posco Baggins son of Polo
His wife, 3 children, 5 grandchildren, son-in-law & sister, all attended Bilbo’s Party. Posco did not, but would’ve been 99yrs old at the time. With no recorded death date, he had either passed on, or was probably in poor health. His points are apportioned identically to his granddaughter Myrtle above.

#710 Marigold Gamgee>Cotton younger sister of Samwise
She married ‘Young Tom’ Cotton, thus Sam & Rose were in-laws twice over. Marigold gets 5pts from Tyler, 3pts from Foster, and 1pt each from LotR, Wiki, & EoArda.

#709 Holfast Gardner grandson of Samwise
The son of Frodo Gardner, eldest son of Samwise, would have inherited & most likely lived in Bag-End. He gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts from Tyler, 4pts from EoArda & 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#708 Harding of the Hill great-grandson of Samwise
His date of birth is one of the last dates on record. Foster speculates his full name was Harding Gardner ‘of the Hill’. Along with 1pt from LotR, he gets 1, 2, 3 & 4pts from Wiki, EoArda, Tyler & Foster respectively.

#707 Elfstan Fairbairn 2nd Warden of the Westmarch
Completing a quad of Gamgees born after Sam is the son of Fastred of Greenholm & Elanor Gamgee. When Elfstan was 8yrs old his father became the 1st Warden of the Westmarch and the family moved to Undertowers on the Tower Hills. He succeeded his father as Warden, and took on the name Fairbairn, establishing the line of the Fairbairns of the Towers, Wardens of Westmarch, inheritors of the Red Book. Elfstan gets 2pts each from Foster & Tyler, 1pt each from LotR & Wiki, and 5pts from EoArda.

These 9 characters have 2 indexed pages & 11 points:

#706 Marmadoc ‘Masterful’ Brandybuck Master of Buckland
He’s the son of Madoc ‘Proudneck’, the father of Gorbadoc ‘Broadbelt’, and is Merry’s great-great grandfather. He married Adaldrida Bolger, and so also appears on the Bolger family-tree. He gets 1, 2, 3 & 5pts from Wiki, LotR, EoArda & Foster, respectively.

#705 Laura Grubb>Baggins grandmother of Bilbo
She married Mungo Baggins and had 5 children, the oldest being Bungo father of Bilbo. She appears in Letter 214, the same as Lalia & Pearl (see a couple posts above), but is not indexed (at least not in my ’81 ed.). It states Laura became head of the Baggins family after Mungo’s death, and held it for 16yrs until she died at 102yrs, when Bungo became the head. She gets 3pts each from Tyler & EoArda, 2pts each from Foster & Wiki, & 1pt from LotR.

#704 *Ciryatur admiral of Númenor
He commanded the fleet sent by Tar-Minastir in 1700 S.A. to the aid of Gil-galad against Sauron, whose “host was heavily defeated and driven back”. Ciryatur (‘Ship-lord’) “sent part of his ships to make the landing further south” at the Númenórean harbour of Gwathló. “In the Battle of Gwathló Sauron was routed utterly and he himself only narrowly escaped”. Ciryatur gets 4pts from UT & 7pts from Wiki.

#703 Barahir 8th Ruling Steward of Gondor
He was the son of Hador 7th Ruling Steward, an unnaturally long-lived Gondorian who ruled 117yrs. Barahir succeeded him at the age of 105 and ruled a mere 17yrs during the waning years of the Watchful Peace. He gets 1pt each from LotR, Tyler, & Wiki, 2pts from HoMe12, & 6pts from EoArda.

#702 Herubrand of Rohan
Herubrand (‘Sword of Fire’) was a Rider of Rohan who fell in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and his name is recorded in the ‘Mounds of Mundburg’. He gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler, & HoMe8, 4pts from EoArda, & 1pt from LotR.

#701 Wídfara of the Wold
Wídfara (‘Wide-traveller’) was a Rider of Rohan who, on the ride to battle in Minas Tirith, noticed a change in the wind, auguring well. To which Théoden says “if you speak truly, Wídfara, then may you live beyond this day in years of blessedness!” His points are apportioned identically to Herubrand above.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#700 Adamanta Chubb>Took wife of the Old Took
She was the mother of 12 children, surpassed only by Rosie Gamgee. Bilbo, Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Folco Boffin & Fatty Bolger, could all trace their ancestry back to Adamanta: 2 of her sons would become Thains, 2 others left on mysterious adventures, and her 3 daughters were, of course, “remarkable”. Adamanta gets 2pts each from Foster, HoMe6, & Wiki, 4pts from EoArda, and 1pt from LotR.

#699 Daddy Twofoot
A neighbour of the Gaffer in Bagshot Row, and a patron of the Ivy Bush Inn. He doesn’t appear to be well-travelled, as he considers Buckland a strange land. The Encylopedia of Arda speculates on his name: ‘Daddy’ a nickname probably inferring age, and ‘Twofoot’ an acquired surname possibly inferring short stature. Along with 1pt from LotR, Daddy gets 1, 2, 3 & 4pts from Wiki, HoMe6, Foster & EoArda.

#698 Tarondor 7th King of Arnor
Not to be confused with the King of Gondor later in the 3rd Age, this Tarondor inherited the throne of Arnor in 515 T.A. on the death of his father Tarcil. His reign was a time of peace before troubles began, and he ruled 87yrs to the age of 230. He gets 2pts each from Foster, HoMe12, & EoArda, 3pts from Wiki, and 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.

#697 Tom nephew of Tim
‘Nuncle’ Tim came in a bit ago on this list. Now Tom appears, who encounters a Troll gnawing the shin-bone of his uncle & understandably enraged, kicked the Troll but earned only a lame leg. There's no suggestion that Tom existed outside Sam’s imagination, but it's not entirely impossible that he based his rhyme on real events or personages. Tom gets 4pts from Foster, 6pts from EoArda, & 1pt from LotR.

#696 Flambard Took son of Isembard
A grandchild of the Old Took, & 1st cousin of Bilbo. Though born just 3 years apart, & living 102yrs, Flambard didn’t survive for Bilbo’s Party. As the Encyclopedia of Arda states, “Flambard's name has military connections: a flambard is a large sword with a waved or flame-shaped blade”. He gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe6, 1pt each from LotR & Wiki, and 5pts from EoArda.

#695 Herefara of Rohan
A Rider of Rohan who fought and fell on the Pelennor Fields, and whose name was recorded in the Song of the ‘Mounds of Mundburg’. According to the Encyclopedia of Arda, his name seems to mean 'one who goes to war'. Herefara has an extra indexed page than Herubrand (see last post) due to his name-change in the drafts from ‘Herufare’. He gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler, & HoMe8, 4pts from EoArda, & 1pt from LotR.

The line of the Chieftains of the Dúnedain now begin to appear:

#694 Aranuir 3rd Chieftain of the Dúnedain
His grandfather Aranarth, the 1st Chieftain, had seen Arthedain fall to the Witch-king, who was subsequently driven out of the North. Aranuir son of Arahael, was born about a century later, near the beginning of the Watchful Peace, which continued throughout his life. Aranuir became Chieftain at 91yrs old & ruled for 72yrs, until age 163, when he was succeeded by his son Aravir. He gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler, & HoMe12, 3pts from EoArda, & 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#693 Anairë wife of Fingolfin
Anairë is the mother of Fingon, Turgon, Aredhel, and Argon. She remained in Aman due to her friendship with Eärwen, wife of Finarfin. Wiki states her name means ‘Holiest’ in Quenya. She gets 6pts from HoMe’s 11 & 12, and 5pts from Wiki.

#692 Imlach 2nd son of Marach
Imlach is the younger brother of Malach Aradan. Nothing is known about him, except that he was the father of Amlach, who was among the leaders of dissension in Estolad. Imlach gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler, & HoMe11, 3pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from the Sil & Wiki.

#691, #690 & #689 Wolf, Fang, & Grip, dogs of Farmer Maggot
I’ll unabashedly quote the Encyclopedia of Arda here: “The folk of the Marish near the Shire’s eastern borders were untrusting of strangers and cautious of intruders. Farmer Maggot of Bamfurlong was one of these, and to protect himself from unwanted visitors he kept three large dogs – Grip, Fang, and Wolf. All three dogs were wolf-like in appearance, which is doubtless the source of Wolf's name. Of the three, circumstantial evidence suggests that Wolf was the largest, and the one who threatened Frodo when he encountered Maggot while travelling to Buckland”. Nonetheless, after slightly tweaking their points to keep them together, they get 2pts each from Foster & HoMe6, 1pt each from LotR & Wiki, and 5pts from EoArda.

#688 Wilcombe Cotton 2nd son of Farmer Cotton
Wilcombe ‘Jolly’ Cotton is the 3rd child of Farmer Tom Cotton. He was actually born in the same year as his older sister Rosie. Jolly helped scour the Shire with his brothers & father. He gets 4pts each from Foster & EoArda, 2pts from LotR, & 1pt from Wiki.

#687 Mungo Baggins grandfather of Bilbo
He married Laura Grubb (see post above) and they had 5 children. Mungo gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts each from Tyler, HoMe6, & Wiki, and 1pt each from LotR & EoArda.

The Lords of the Houses of the Edain now begin to appear:

#686 Boron 3rd Lord of the 1st House of the Edain
As the son of Baran & grandson of Bëor the Old, Boron was the heir of the 1st House. His son Boromir, as well as inheriting the Lordship the House, became the 1st lord of Ladros. Boron gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler, & HoMe11, 3pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from the Sil & Wiki.

#685 *Soronto nephew of Tar-Aldarion
Soronto is the grandson of Tar-Meneldur, being the son of Tar-Aldarion’s sister Ailinel & Orchaldor, a descendant of the House of Hador. Because of the change in Númenor's laws of succession, Tar-Ancalimë, daughter of Tar-Aldarion, became the 1st Ruling Queen. If she had refused the Sceptre, or died childless, Soronto would've inherited the Throne; & it’s said she married only to take away Soronto's opportunity for inheritance. He gets 5pts from UT, including the 'Line of Elros', & 6pts from Wiki.

#684 *Vëantur Captain of the King’s Ships under Tar-Elendil
He was the father of Almarian, who married Tar-Meneldur. Vëantur passed his love of ships & the sea on to his grandson Tar-Aldarion, as he was the 1st Númenórean to voyage to Middle-earth, reaching the Grey Havens in his ship Entulessë ('Return') in S.A. 600. There he befriended Gil-Galad & Círdan, and formed an alliance between Númenor & the Elves of Lindon. Vëantur took a young Aldarion on his first voyage to Middle-earth in S.A. 725. His points are nearly identical to Soronto above except UT & Wiki are reversed.

#683 Angelica Baggins daughter of Ponto @
Bilbo considered her his niece, though they were more distant cousins. Because of her youthful vanity she received a round convex mirror as a parting gift. Along with 1pt from LotR, she gets 1, 2, 3, & 4pts respectively from Wiki, HoMe6, EoArda & Foster.

#682 Tolman ‘Young Tom’ Cotton son of Farmer Cotton
He was the 1st child of Tolman the elder & married Marigold Gamgee, thus brother-in-law to Sam twice over. He acted as Deputy Mayor for a year while Sam went to Gondor in S.R. 1442. Young Tom gets 5pts from Foster, 2pts each from LotR & HoMe9, and 1pt each from Wiki & EoArda.

#681 *Bodruith Lord of Belegost
He appears in the Lost Tale of the Ruin of Doriath as leader of the dwarves of Belegost. Bodruith brings the news of Mîm’s death & Glaurung’s treasure to Doriath, but receives a tryst-offering of “a bloodstained knife” from Naugladur Lord of Nogrod, to help gain revenge on Thingol. He accepts, but is slain as he attempts to prevent the murder of Naugladur by the traitorous Elf Ufedhin, who “pierced the vitals of Bodruith”. He may have been the son of Azaghâl Lord of Belegost that wounded, but was slain by, Glaurung in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Bodruith appears about a hundred places on this list after both Naugladur & Ufedhin, because his name is listed & interpreted extensively in the ‘Gnomish Lexicon’. In his History of The Hobbit, Rateliff mentions Bodruith a couple times in his section on the Dwarves. He gets 2pts each from HoMe’s 2 & 4, 4pts from HoMe2’s name-list, & 3pts from Rateliff.

#680 Annael of Mithrim foster-father of Tuor
Rían, wife of Huor who perished in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, gave her newborn son to be fostered & raised by the Grey-Elves of Mithrim before she went to the ‘Mound of the Slain’ and laid herself down to die. Annael was the lone survivor of his people to return from the Nirnaeth, and delivered the news to Rían that Huor was dead. It was Annael who advised young Tuor about the Gate of the Noldor into Gondolin. He gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler, UT & HoMe11, and 1pt each from the Sil, Wiki & EoArda.

#679 *Hundar 2nd son of Lord Halmir
He went with his older brother Haldir, 4th Lord of the Haladin, to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and both were slain. In Tolkien’s final genealogy of the 2nd House, Hundar is the grandfather of Hardang. He gets 10pts from HoMe11, & 1pt from Wiki.

#678 & #677 Anborn & Damrod, Rangers of Ithilien
Mablung of Ithilien will appear soon enough as he has a name worthy of a little more introspection. These 2 get their points thus: Anborn 4pts from HoMe8, 2pts each from Foster & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR, Tyler & Wiki; Damrod gets 2pts each from LotR, HoMe8, Foster, Tyler & Wiki, & 1pt from EoArda. They have 10 & 12 indexed pages respectively.

#676 Merry Gamgee 2nd son of Samwise
Merry, or ‘Gelir’ in the King’s invitation, was the 4th child of Sam & Rosie. He was predicted to exist in namesake by Frodo in LotR. Merry gets 1pt each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda, 2pts each from Foster & Tyler, and 4pts from HoMe9; and has 12 indexed pages.

#675 *Nornorë Herald of the Gods
Here is a good example of a character who did not get absorbed by another on this list, ie. Fionwë/Eonwë. The latter was a child of the Valar in the Lost Tales, while Nornorë was the actual Herald of the Gods, and they both existed in the narrative at the same time. Nornorë possibly got replaced as official Herald by nepotism; not beyond the Valar, I think ;). He gets 9pts from HoMe1, including the name-list, & 2pts from HoMe2.

#674 *Horsa brother of Hengest
He, of course, is one of the few actual personages appearing on this list. Horsa, in this case, is the 2nd son of Eriol, the 1st being the more renowned Hengest, and the 3rd being the half-brother, of Elvish descent, Heorrenda, who will appear soon. Horsa appears several times in Drout’s J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: in Thomas Honegger’s article on ‘Ælfwine’; in John Houghton’s article on ‘Bede’; in Joe Christopher’s article on ‘Deor’; as well as Tom Shippey’s article on ‘Old Norse Language’. He gets 4pts each from HoMe’s 1 & 2, 1pt each from Garth, Drout & Wiki, and has 15 indexed pages.

#673 *Blodren the Easterling
Blodren was the son of Ban (who appeared a while ago on this list). In the ‘Grey Annals’ he’s described as “an Easterling… taken by Morgoth, and tormented because he was one of the faithful that withstood Uldor [but] entered the service of Morgoth and was released, and sent in search of Túrin… he entered the hidden company in Dimbar, and served Túrin manfully for two years. But seeing now his chance he betrayed the refuge of Beleg and Túrin to the Orcs, as his errand was. Thus it was surrounded and taken, and Túrin was captured alive and carried towards Angband; but Beleg was left for dead among the slain. Blodren was slain by a chance arrow in the dark”. He is referenced in Arda Reconstructed as yet another oversight by CT. Blodren gets 4pts from HoMe3, 2pts each from HoMe’s 4, 5 & 11, 1pt from Kane, and has 16 indexed pages.

#672 *Michael George Ramer
With Rupert Dolbear having already appeared a little while ago on this list, the 6 main members of the Notion Club are now appearing in due order. Ramer’s full description is: “Jesus College. Born 1929 (in Hungary). Professor of Finno-Ugric Philology; but better known as writer of romances. His parents returned to England when he was four; but he spent a good deal of time in Finland and Hungary between 1956 and 68. [Among his interests are Celtic languages and antiquities]”. He gets 10pts from HoMe9, 1pt from Wiki, & has 110 indexed pages.

#671 Carc father of Roäc
Carc’s son Roäc was a messenger for the Dwarves after Thorin & Company returned to Erebor, and during the Battle of Five Armies. Carc was dead by then, but while he lived he was a chief who dwelt with his wife above the guard-chamber of the dwarves on Ravenhill. Thorin remembers him as being renowned before Smaug drove the dwarves out of Erebor. He gets 5, 2, 1 & 4pts from Tyler, Foster, Wiki, & EoArda respectively.

#670 Isumbras I Took 13th Thain of the Shire
Isumbras became the 1st Thain of the Took line in 740 S.R., when Gorhendad Oldbuck moved to Buckland. He appears only in Appendix B ‘Tale of Years’. Isumbras I gets 6pts from Tyler, 3pts from Foster, and 1pt each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda.

#669 Willie Banks of Bree
One of the 2 Little Folk of Bree killed during the fight between the Bree-landers & Bill Ferny’s band of ruffians. He came 'from up-away' according to Butterbur, maybe Combe or Archet. It’s not known if he’s related to Pippin’s mother Eglantine Banks. Willie gets 3pts each from Foster & Tyler, 5pts from EoArda, and 1pt from LotR.

#668 Rowlie Appledore of Bree
One of the 3 Big Folk of Bree killed during the same fight as mentioned above, and Rowlie’s points are apportioned identically to Willie’s.

#667 Adaldrida Bolger>Brandybuck wife of Marmadoc
Adaldrida appears on both the Bolger & Brandybuck family-trees, as she married into the line of the Masters of Buckland, and is Merry’s great-great grandmother. She gets 3pts each from Foster & Wiki, 5pts from EoArda, & 1pt from LotR.

#666 Windfola horse of Éowyn
Windfola carried Dernhelm & Merry to the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, during which they were thrown from the back of Windfola, who left them behind in fear of the Fell Beast of the Nazgûl. Windfola gets 1pt each from LotR & Wiki, and 2, 3 & 5pts from Foster, Tyler & EoArda respectively.

#665 Tarcil 6th King of Arnor
He was the great-great-grandson of Isildur, born in 280 T.A., reigning 80yrs without event, and dying at the age of 235, succeeded by his son Tarondor. His name, meaning ‘High Man’, can apply to all the Dúnedain. Tarcil gets 2pts each from Foster, HoMe12 & EoArda, 1pt each from LotR & Tyler, and 4pts from Wiki.

#664 Farin father of Fundin
Farin son of Borin, was the nephew of King Dáin I of Dúrin’s Line. He was also the grandfather of Balin and the great-grandfather of Gimli. He gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler & HoMe12, 1pt each from LotR & Wiki, and 4pts from EoArda.

#663 Lagduf
He was an orc soldier in the Tower of Cirith Ungol, and served under Shagrat. Lagduf was slain as he was escaping the fortress in battle with Morgul orcs. He gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 1pt each from LotR & Wiki, and 4pts from HoMe9.

#662 Lindir minstrel of Rivendell
An Elf of Rivendell, whose name implies ‘singer’. Lindir claimed he couldn’t tell which parts of Bilbo’s Song of Eärendil were composed by Aragorn or by Bilbo, as Mortals were so much alike. He gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler & HoMe7, 1pt each from LotR & Wiki, and 4pts from EoArda.

#661 Beechbone
An Ent of Fangorn who burned to death in the assault on Isengard by the flames sent up by Saruman, releasing the destructive fury of the Ents. Beechbone gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler, EoArda & HoMe8, 1pt from LotR, and 3pts from Wiki.

#660 Holman the greenhanded of Hobbiton
Holman was the founder of the Greenhand family of gardeners in Hobbiton, and Sam’s great-great grandfather. He gets 4pts from Foster, 3pts each from Tyler & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#659 *Argon 3rd son of Fingolfin
He was the 4th child of Fingolfin & Anairë. Arakáno, “commander”, was the only name he knew, as he perished in the 2nd Battle of Beleriand before the 1st rising of the Moon. The Sindarin Argon was a late epithet used “in memory of his valour”, and linked him to older brothers Fingon & Turgon. He was the tallest of the 3, “and the most impetuous”. Argon only emerged in the making of the genealogies, and exists only in the ‘Shibboleth of Fëanor’. He splits his 12pts evenly between HoMe12 & Wiki.

#658 Fortinbras I Took 25th Thain of the Shire
He was the father of Gerontius, the Old Took, and the nephew of the Bullroarer. His peaceful 47yr reign began a half-century after the Battle of Greenfields. Fortinbras I gets 3pts from Foster, 5pts from EoArda, 2pts from HoMe6, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#657 Isengrim III Took 27th Thain of the Shire
He was the eldest of the Old Took’s 12 children, thus acquired the title of Thain at 88, holding it for 10yrs. He had no children, and was succeeded by his brother Isumbras IV. Isengrim III gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 4pts from HoMe6, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#656 Arahad II 10th Chieftain of the Dúnedain
He lived 156yrs and was Chieftain for 65yrs during a prosperous time for the Shire under the Rangers protection, as pipe-weed was first planted & digging the Great Smials began. Arahad II gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 1pt each from LotR, Tyler & EoArda, and 5pts from Wiki.

#655 Ivorwen grandmother of Aragorn
A woman of foresight, she’s the wife of Dírhael, and the mother of Gilraen the Fair, and appears only in the ‘Tale of Aragorn and Arwen’. Her father Gilbarad is mentioned only in drafts, and appeared way back on this list. Ivorwen gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler & HoMe12, 1pt each from LotR & Wiki, and 4pts from EoArda.

#654 Fréa 4th King of Rohan
Like Isengrim III at #657, Fréa inherited his throne from a long-lived father, and ruled a relatively short time. Fréa was the great-grandson of Eorl, and was succeeded by his son Fréawine. He gets 2pts each from Foster, Tyler, HoMe8 & EoArda, 1pt from LotR, and 3pts from Wiki.

#653 Gram 8th King of Rohan
He’s the son of Déor and father of Helm Hammerhand. His reign was marked with war with the Dunlendings. Gram’s points are apportioned identically to Fréa above.

#652 The Party Tree
Little needs to be said about this entity, except that its life was extinguished by Lotho Sackville-Baggins during the War of the Ring, and that its distinguished replacement appears on this list very soon. It gets 1, 6, 3 & 2 from LotR, Tyler, Foster & Wiki respectively.

#651 Old Sandyman the Miller
He’s of course the owner of the Old Mill at the time of the Party, whose first name is never revealed, but was an opinionated fellow, unpopular with the Gaffer, and whose son Ted inherited, and then sold, the Mill to Lotho (mentioned above). He gets 4pts each from Tyler & EoArda, and 2pts each from LotR & HoMe6.

#650 *Quennar i Onótimo
He is an Eldarin loremaster most responsible for initiating chronologies, as in the ‘Yénonótië: the Counting of Years’, the various Annals, and the ‘Tale of Years’. He gets 4pts from HoMe10, 2pts from HoMe11, and 6pts from Wiki.

#649 Nellas of Doriath
She was an Elf of Doriath, and friend of Túrin Turambar in his youth. In the trial of Túrin before Thingol, she bore witness against Saeros. Nellas gets 6pts from UT, 2pts each from HoMe5 & CoH, and 1pt from Kane, who slightly bolsters her standing, like so many other females on this list.

#648 *Forweg of Dor-lómin
He was captain of the outlaw-band joined by Túrin Turambar. He was also slain by Túrin not long afterwards, as Forweg was attempting to rape the daughter of Larnach the woodman. For this action, Túrin ‘negotiated’ to become the outlaw-band’s new leader, replacing Forweg. He gets 4pts from UT, 3pts each from Wiki & EoArda, and 2pts from CoH.

#647 Fatty Lumpkin pony of Tom Bombadil
Tom rode him beside the hobbits & their ponies after facing the Barrow-Wight, and a friendship was developed that led the ponies back to Bombadil after escaping from Bree. Lumpkin gets 4pts from EoArda, 2pts each from Tyler, HoMe6 & Wiki, and 1pt each from LotR & Foster.

#646, #645, #644 Borlach, Borthand, & Borlad, sons of Bor
The 3 sons of Bor the Easterling were faithful, and followed Maedhros & Maglor, whereas the 3 sons of Ulfang proved faithless. A footnote in the ‘Grey Annals’ states that of “the people of Bor , who were worthy folk and tillers of the earth… came the most ancient of the Men that dwelt in the north of Eriador in the Second Age and [in] after-days”. They each get 3pts from Foster, 2pts from HoMe5, 2pts from HoMe11, 2pts from EoArda, 1pt from Tyler, 1pt from Wiki, & 1pt from the Sil. (Some minor tweaking was done to keep these 3 together).

#643 Pippin Gamgee 3rd son of Samwise
Pippin, or ’Cordof’ in the King’s letter, was the 5th child of Sam & Rosie, and the last predicted by Frodo except for others “that I cannot see”. He gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts from Tyler, 1pt each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda, and 4pts from HoMe9.

#642 *Heorrenda son of Eriol
Heorrenda is the son of Eriol and an Elven woman Naimi, after Eriol had sons Hengest & Horsa. He was both a poet mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon poem Deor, and in Tolkien’s legendarium was the writer or editor of the ‘Golden Book of Tavrobel’. In Drout’s J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia Heorrenda appears in Thomas Honegger’s entry on Ælfwine, Joe Christopher’s entry on Deor, and Anna Smol’s entry on Anglo-Saxon History, all tying him into Tolkien’s ‘Lost Tales’. He gets 8pts from HoMe2, 2pts from HoMe4, and 1pt each from Garth & Drout.

#641 *Lindo master of Mar Vanwa Tyalieva
Lindo is the master of the Cottage of Lost Play in Tol Eressëa at the time of Eriol’s arrival. His father was Valwë who came to the Isle with Ingil & the Vanyar; and his wife was Vairë. Lindo gets 6pts from HoMe1, 4pts from HoMe2, and 2pts from Garth.

#640 *Alboin Errol father of Audoin
His son was listed back at #880, where parallels were noted between these 2 and the Tolkiens. The Errols appear in Ch.2 of The Lost Road, Alboin born 4 Feb 1890, and his son born Sept 1918. Rateliff says “in his unfinished time-travel story [Tolkien] gave the main characters Lombardic names (Alboin and Audoin)”, and later, concerning Bilbo’s dreams, “it places Bilbo firmly in the tradition of Tolkien’s dreamers, alongside Eriol, Alboin and Audoin Errol, Michael Ramer and Arry Lowdham, Faramir, and Frodo Baggins”. As I said about Audoin, not bad company. Alboin gets 6pts from HoMe5 & 9, and 3pts each from Rateliff & Drout.

#639 Durin II King of Khazâd-dûm
An enigma, really, that happens to get entries in Foster’s Guide, Wikipedia, and Day’s A-Z Tolkien, with a sliding scale of repute attached to each. However, he’s also given an entry in ‘Tolkien Gateway’ which I did not utilize for this list, but provides an estimable biography paralleling Foster & Day: that he was King of Durin’s Folk & Lord of Khazâd-dûm probably in the 8th century S.A. at the time of the building of the West-gate. Incidentally, not all Durins appear on this list. Durin II gets 3pts from Foster, 1pt from Wikipedia, & 9pts from Day.

The next 4 characters have 1 indexed page each, and the following 3 have 2 pages:

#638 Halfred Greenhand
He’s the son of Holman the greenhanded of Hobbiton, and the first to adopt the surname Greenhand. Like his father, Halfred was a gardener by profession, passing this on to his son, grandnephew, & grandnephew’s descendants. He gets 3pts from Foster, 4pts each from Tyler & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#637 Bard II 4th King of (new) Dale
Bard II, the son of Brand son of Bain son of Bard the Bowman, led the army that broke the siege of Erebor during the War of the Ring, along with Thorin III. His father was slain in the Battle of Dale just 10 days before. Bard II gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 5pts from Tyler, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#636 Iorlas of Gondor, uncle of Bergil
He's presumed by some sources to be the brother of Bergil’s father, Beregond son of Baranor. But he could also be Bergil’s mother’s brother, or an in-law. The name Borlas, rather than Iorlas, might have given more weight to the former theory. Certainly Jackson’s Irolas lends no weight. Iorlas gets 2pts from Foster, 1pt from LotR, and 5pts each from EoArda & Wiki (although the Wiki entry consulted for this list seems to have been supplanted by an entry for Irolas, which coincidentally also has about 100 words, thus 5pts anyway).

#635 Anguirel sword of Eöl
Anguirel, unlike its ‘mate’ which will appear much later, has no speaking role, and is thus included only by association. But since it was one of a pair of swords forged by Eöl the Dark Elf from an iron meteorite, there was little reason for excluding it, while including Anguirel's paranormal twin. And like William Huggins’ talking purse, anything with a speaking role, or hint of sentience, makes this list. Anguirel's history is enigmatic, as Eöl kept it for himself rather than giving it away as he did Anglachel, but it was stolen by his son Maeglin probably as he & Aredhel fled to Gondolin. Its ultimate fate is unknown. Anguirel gets 1pt each from the Sil, CoH, & Wiki, 3pts from Foster, 2pts from Tyler, and 5pts from EoArda.

#634 Party (Mallorn) Tree 2nd of the Party Field
From mineral above, to vegetable; the original Party Tree appeared very recently on this list, so it’s more illustrious, if not more sentimental, replacement, rightly appears near. And since we rightly include Ents, angry Willows, rowan-trees, a divine lineage of White Trees, not to mention a Golden one & a Great Pine; we won’t discriminate against any of their named & indexed lesser cousins. This Mallorn-Tree gets 9pts total from Foster & Tyler, same as the original; 2pts from Wiki, same again; but gets 2pts for HoMe9, rather than the 1pt the original got for LotR. (I must admit that I totally neglected to include the entry in EoArda which would have propped both Trees into the top half of the list to the chagrin of the tree-haters, ha, so a fortunate error - much like the Hobbit 2nd edition).

#633 Ferumbras III Took 30th Thain of the Shire @
He was son of Thain Fortinbras Took II & Lalia Clayhanger, and was himself Thain at the time of Bilbo’s Party. According to Letters Ferumbras III “had no wife, being unable (it was alleged) to find anyone willing to occupy apartments in the Great Smials, under the rule of Lalia”. He was succeeded by his cousin Paladin II, father of Pippin & Pearl, and he gets 4pts each from Foster & EoArda, 3pts from Wiki, and 1pt each from LotR & Letters.

#632 Valandur 8th King of Arnor
He was born in 462 T.A., lived 190yrs, ruled for 50yrs, died a violent and mysterious death, and was succeeded by his son Elendur. Valandur gets 3pts each from Foster, Wiki & EoArda, 2pts from HoMe12, and 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.

#631 Beleg 2nd King of Arthedain
The son of Amlaith 1st King of Arthedain, Beleg was born in T.A. 811 in Arnor and witnessed the dispute between his father & uncles, and division of the realm. He lived 218yrs, reigned 83yrs, and was succeeded by his son Mallor. Beleg gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 3pts from Wiki, 4pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.

#630 Arveleg II 12th King of Arthedain
The son of Arvegil was born in T.A. 1633, lived 180yrs, reigned 70yrs, and was succeeded by his son Araval. His grandfather granted the Shire to the Hobbits. Arveleg II gets 4pts each from HoMe12 & Wiki, 2pts from Foster, and 1pt each from LotR, Tyler & EoArda.

#629 Aravir 4th Chieftain of the Dúnedain
He succeeded his father Aranuir in T.A. 2247 and reigned 72yrs during the waning years of the Watchful Peace. He named his son & successor Aragorn, known later of course as Chieftain Aragorn I. Aravir gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 4pts from Wiki, 3pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Tyler.

#628 Aragost 8th Chieftain of the Dúnedain
He was the son of Arahad I, born as the Watchful Peace came to an end. Aragost lived 157yrs during some critical events, reigned 65yrs, and was succeeded by his son Aravorn. He gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 2pts each from HoMe12, Tyler & Wiki, and 1pt from LotR.

#627 Tarciryan father of Eärnil I
He’s a son of King Siriondil of Gondor, and younger brother of the 1st Ship-king Tarannon Falastur. Tarannon’s Queen Berúthiel was exiled, so without a child Tarannon’s successor was Tarciryan’s son Eärnil, the 2nd Ship-king of Gondor. Tarciryan gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 4pts from Tyler, 3pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#626 Calimehtar younger brother of King Romendacil II
He’s a son of King Calmacil, and grandfather to Castamir, who used his lineage to usurp the throne of Gondor during the Kin-strife. Calimehtar gets 2pts each from LotR, HoMe12 & Tyler, 3pts from Foster, and 4pts from EoArda.

#625 Erellont companion of Eärendil
One of 3 mariners accompanying Eärendil on his historic voyage, and “who had sailed all the seas beside him”. I do regret not tweaking enough to keep these 3 together. However, Erellont gets 2pts each from Foster, HoMe4 & HoMe5, 4pts from Tyler, 2pts from the Sil, and 1pt from EoArda.

The following 2 characters have 4 indexed pages:

#624 Isumbras III Took 23rd Thain of the Shire
He was the 11th Thain of the Took line, succeeding his father Isengrim II. Isumbras III had 2 sons, the elder Ferumbras II 24th Thain, and the younger Bandobras the ‘Bullroarer’ Took. He gets 4pts each from HoMe6 & EoArda, 3pts from Foster, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#623 Bowman ‘Nick’ Cotton 3rd son of Tolman
He’s the 4th child of Farmer Tom Cotton, and a younger brother of Rose. Nick turned 33, coming of age, during the War of the Ring, and like his brothers and father, rebelled against the intrusion. Bowman gets 3pts from Foster, 2pts each from Tyler & HoMe9, 4pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

These two 13pt characters have 6 indexed pages:

#622 Donnamira Took>Boffin 2nd daughter of the Old Took
She’s the 10th child of the Old Took, and one of his 3 ‘remarkable daughters’, the first in fact to appear on this list. Donnamira had 2 children, Jago & Jessamine, and her descendants include Frodo’s friends Folco Boffin & Fatty Bolger. She gets 2pts from Foster, 4pts from HoMe6, 5pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#621 Hathol ‘the Axe’ 4th Lord of the 3rd House
He was ‘the Axe’, his father Magor ‘the Sword’, and his son Hador Lórindol ‘the Warrior Goldenhead’; so goes the main genealogy from the ‘Folk of Marach’ family-tree, which also states that Hathol was the last of the House to serve no Elf-lord, as Hador served the Elf-lords of Hithlum. He gets 2pts each from Foster & Tyler, 4pts from HoMe11, 3pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#620 *Ulrad outlaw companion of Túrin
He was friends with a man killed by Túrin, and opposed Túrin's joining the band. Ulrad earned the dislike of Mîm by doubting the Petty-Dwarf’s faithfulness, so Mîm passed him over when dealing out 'earth-bread'. After Ulrad spoke harsh words at Mîm’s back, Túrin said to him “the Dwarf spoke the truth in one point at least, calling you a fool”. He gets 4pts from UT, 5pts from Wiki, and 2pts each from CoH & EoArda.

#619 Baran 2nd Lord of the 1st House
He’s better known as Bëor the Young, elder son of Bëor the Old, and he took up the lordship of the 1st House in Estolad when his father accompanied Finrod to Nargothrond. Baran gets 4pts from HoMe11, 3pts from Tyler, 2pts each from Foster & Wiki, and 1pt each from the Sil & EoArda.

#618 Sancho Proudfoot grandson of Odo @
He’s the great-grandson of Bilbo’s aunt Linda, and the 3rd of 3 generations of Proudfeet attending Bilbo’s Farewell Party when he was 11yrs old. Sancho was one of the hobbits that came to Bag-End after the Party, where he went searching for Bilbo’s reputed treasure. He started excavating in one of the pantries before Frodo put a stop to his treasure-hunt. Sancho gets 4pts from Foster, 5pts from EoArda, 2pts from HoMe6, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

The next 5 have from 10 to 17 indexed pages:

#617 *Tombo, Gong of the Children
Gongs were, at various times in the Lost Tales, ‘false-fairies’ or Kaukareldar, and/or goblins of some sort (playing a role in the Ruin of Doriath & death of Thingol), and/or things somehow akin to gongs that ring & make sound or music. In one segment (outline 5 in notebook C), Gongs are listed equally with Men, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs & Trolls. Whatever their nature, Tombo was in fact the Gong that awoke the Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl (see #757) at the arrival of Eärendil’s Vingilot; then came under the care it seems of Littleheart son of Voronwë. Tombo was still ringing at Littleheart’s behest when Eriol visited Tol Eressëa. With much deliberation, I’ve classified him/it racially as an ‘animal/creature’ rather than an ‘entity of stone/metal/fabric’, and chosen to list him/it with the occupation of ‘herald’. All of his/its 13pts come from HoMes 1&2, including name-lists.

#616 Bob, ostler of the Prancing Pony
He is of course one of the hobbit worker-servants of Barliman Butterbur at the Prancing Pony in Bree. Bob was apparently an ostler or stablehand, since his duties seem to always involve the stabling of horses & ponies. He gets 2pts each from LotR, HoMe6, Tyler & EoArda, 4pts from Foster, and 1pt from Wiki.

#615 *Omar brother of Salmar
“Last of all came Omar who is called Amillo, youngest of the great Valar, and he sang songs as he came”. He was the youngest Vala in the earliest writings, who knew all tongues, according to Rúmil. Garth likens his presence to Tolkien’s brother Hilary, as he does Ilmarë/Erinti with Edith, and Salmar/Lirillo with Tolkien himself; noting that February, the month of Hilary’s birth, is named Amillion, while Erintion & Lirillion honour the birthdays of Edith & Tolkien. I’ve classified him as a Maia, as I’ve done with other early Valar siblings & children, since Salmar & Ilmarë were eventually ascribed Maiar status and appear in the Sil. Omar gets 12pts from HoMes 1&2, and 1pt from Garth.

#614 *Hengest eldest son of Eriol
Hengest here completes the extended family of Eriol. In the earliest cycle of the framing of the legendarium, Hengest & Horsa were the sons of Eriol & Cwén in Heligoland prior to Cwén’s death and Eriol’s seafaring, whence he wedded elf Naimi who bore them Heorrenda. Hengest is somewhat propped in points due to the unavoidable spilling over of indexed references to the historical figure; however, let it be noted, he rightly remains within the 1st half of this list. He gets 8pts from HoMes 1&2, 3pts from Drout, and 2pts from Garth.

#613 Mablung of Ithilien
Mablung was encountered by Sam & Frodo on their journey to Cirith Ungol. He’s one of Faramir’s soldiers and, along with Damrod & Anborn, a Ranger of Ithilien. It may be assumed, though not specifically stated, that they are all Dúnedain. Mablung gets 3pts from Foster, 4pts from HoMe8, and 2pts each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda.

This last 13pt character in fact has 67 indexed pages:

#612 *Nicholas Guildford
The framing-cycle of the Notion Club will see 3 more members make it into the top half of this list, the top of which certainly not being unimportant as an ultimate conduit of Middle-earth languages, at least within that community of scholarship. Regarding ‘Nick’, as CT notes, “the mediaeval dialogue from which the name Nicholas Guildford is derived is The Owl and the Nightingale, a debate in verse written between 1189 and 1216. To the Owl’s question, who shall decide between them, the Nightingale replies that Maister Nichole of Guldeforde is the obvious choice, since he is prudent, virtuous, and wise, and an excellent judge of song”. The bio of his Notion Club namesake reads: “Lincoln. Born 1937. Archaeologist. The Club reporter; because he likes it and knows shorthand. [He is seldom recorded as reading anything to the Club, and it is then not reported; but he appears to have written several novels]”. ‘Nick’ gets 12pts from HoMe9 and 1pt from Drout.

#611 Boar of Everholt
The great boar of the Firienwood, hunted & slain by King Folca of Rohan, who himself died later of the wounds inflicted by the beast. It gets 3pts each from Foster & EoArda, 7pts from Tyler, and 1pt from Wiki, and has 0 indexed pages.

The following have 2 to 3 indexed pages:

#610 & 609 Horn & Harding of Rohan
2 Riders of Rohan, killed in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and commemorated in the song of the Mounds of Mundburg. They get 2pts each from Foster, Tyler & HoMe8, 6pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#608 Muzgash
A Cirith Ungol orc slain in the fight with the Morgul orcs over Frodo’s appropriated items. He gets 3pts from Foster, 5pts from Tyler, 2pts each from HoMe9 & EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#607 Carnimírië
Yes, a tree folks. Just a rowan tree. Though mourned by Quickbeam after being slain – sorry, after it was cut down – by orcs. Named ‘Red-Jewelled’, and having a head, hair, & crown, Carnimírië “shone” with a “voice cool & soft”, according to Bregalad’s lament of his ‘dead’ compatriot of the “people of the Rose”. Carnimírië, the poor rowan [please look away, those who see only firewood & 2-by-4’s represented by this entry] gets 3pts from Foster, 5pts each from Tyler & EoArda, and 1pt from LotR.

#606 Fastred of Greenholm, 1st Warden of the Westmarch
Sam’s son-in-law, who married Elanor, moved the family to Undertowers, and founded the line of the Wardens of the Westmarch. Their son Elfstan was the 1st of the ‘Fairbairns of the Towers’. Fastred gets 5pts from Foster, 6pts from Tyler, and 1pt each from LotR, Wiki & EoArda.

#605 Húrin I, 5th Ruling Steward of Gondor
Húrin I, son of Belegorn, ruled for 40yrs during the Watchful Peace. Named for more illustrious forebears, his son naturally became Túrin I. This Húrin gets 2pts each from Foster & HoMe12, 7pts from EoArda, and 1pt each from LotR, Tyler & Wiki.

#604 Belecthor I, 15th Ruling Steward of Gondor
He was the son of Húrin II, succeeding him at 83yrs of age, and ruling for 27yrs. He is notable for providing 2 lines of Stewards when his grandson Ecthelion I did not produce an heir, and the line passed through Belecthor’s daughter Morwen to her grandson Egalmoth. The points of Belecthor I are apportioned identically to his forebear above.

#603 Rosa Baggins>Took grandmother of Paladin II
She was the daughter of Bilbo’s great-uncle Ponto, and she became the wife of Hildigrim, 4th son of the Old Took. Thus she was great-grandmother to both Merry & Pippin. Rosa gets 3pts from Foster, 6pts from EoArda, 2pts each from HoMe6 & Wiki, and 1pt from LotR.

#602 Lóni, companion of Balin
He accompanied Balin on the expedition to reclaim Moria in 2989, and perished there, alongside companions Náli & Frár, defending the Second Hall. Lóni gets 3pts each from Foster & Tyler, 4pts from EoArda, 2pts from HoMe7, and 1pt each from LotR & Wiki.

#601 Targon, cook in Minas Tirith
He was a cook in charge of the storehouses for the Third Company of the Guards of the Citadel in Minas Tirith during the War of the Ring. Targon gets 3pts from Foster, 4pts each from Tyler & HoMe8, 2pts from EoArda, and 1pt from LotR.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#600 *King Sheave
Or Sheaf, Sceafa, Scyld Scefing, or otherwise “a most astonishing tangle” as Tolkien himself describes this semi-historical inspirational character that was intended to link the Lost Road cycle (“Sheaf ruled the Lombards” pre-6th-century, as depicted in Tolkien’s poem ‘King Sheave’), with the cycle of Ælfwine of England (who sang the poem in a beer-hall in the 9th century), and also with the Notion Club narratives (Arry Lowdham told the tale over tankards on their 69th meeting, the night of Sept.25, 1987). The story goes that a ship is beached, and the Lombards there find a young boy asleep with a "sheaf of corn" as his pillow and a harp beside him. When the boy awoke, he sang a song which drove terror away from all hearts that heard. They crowned him with a garland of golden wheat, making him their King; and he later has 7 sons that according to legend father the various Germanic peoples. Sheave gets 4pts from HoMe5, 2pts from HoMe9, 6pts from Wiki, and 1pt each from Drout & Garth, having 28 indexed pages.

#599 *Philip Frankley
A member of the Notion Club, who was to represent C.S. Lewis, at least at one time. His biography reads “Queen’s. Born 1932. A poet, once well-known as a leader of the Queer Metre movement; but now just a poet, still publishing volumes of collected verse; suffers from horror borealis (as he calls it) and is intolerant of all things Northern or Germanic. [He is, all the same, a close friend of Lowdham]”. ‘Franks’ gets all his 14pts from HoMe9, having 76 indexed pages.

#598 Findegil, King’s Writer
He exists only in the LotR Prologue, with the latest recorded date (S.R.1592), in which he finished his copy of the Red Book that “alone contains the whole of Bilbo’s ‘Translations from the Elvish’”. [TG:5,Eä:3,WK:2,RF:3,JT:6,LR:1=20pts,2pgs]

#597 Hild, sister of Helm Hammerhand (f)
She exists only in LotR Appendix A, as the sister of Helm Hammerhand & mother of Freáláf Hildeson. [TG:6,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,H12:2=20pts,2pgs]

#596 Lugdush
He was one of Uglúk’s Uruk-hai that perished at the hands of the Rohirrim near Fangorn Forest. [TG:4,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:3,JT:6,LR:1,H7:2=20pts,3pgs]

#595 & #594 Marcho & Blanco
From the LotR Prologue, as well Appendix C, these Fallohide brothers of course began the Shire-reckoning when they crossed the Brandywine with the King’s permission. [each - TG:6,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:2,JT:2,MD:1,LR:1,H12:4=20pts,10pgs]

#593 Dervorin of Ringló Vale
He’s the son of the Lord of Ringló Vale, and led his father’s troops on the Pelennor Fields. [TG:5,Eä:3,RF:4,JT:6,LR:1,H8:2=21pts,2pgs]

#592 Grimbeorn the Old
The son of Beorn, lord of the Beornings, who kept the High Pass and Carrock open and free of orcs & wolves during the late Third Age. Foster, and others, speculate that, like his father, Grimbeorn too was a skin-changer, or werebear. [TG:6,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:6,JT:3,LR:1,H7:2=21pts,3pgs]

#591 Largo Baggins, 3rd son of Balbo
He was Bilbo’s grand-uncle, the 3rd son of Balbo Baggins, and Frodo’s great-grandfather. [TG:6,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,H6:6=21pts,4pgs]

#590 Balbo Baggins, great-grandfather of Bilbo
The patriarch of the Bagginses; Bilbo was the 1st son & child of the 1st son & child of his 1st son & child. Balbo was called Inigo in earlier drafts. [TG:6,Eä:1,WK:2,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,H6:6=21pts,6pgs]

#589 *Eltas of Tol Eressëa
He’s a boy who told the ‘Tale of Turambar’ to Eriol. CT says “it would be interesting to know more of the teller… a puzzling figure: he seems to be a Man of [Dor-lómin] after the days of Turambar but before the fall of Gondolin, and he ‘trod Olórë Mallë’, the Path of Dreams”; speculating he’s “one of ‘the children of the fathers of the fathers of Men’, who ‘found [Tirion] and remained with the Eldar for ever’”. [TG:7,WK:8,H1:2,H2:4=21pts,12pgs]

#588 & #587 *Makar & *Meássë (f)
Both Marjorie Burns in Drout’s Encyclopedia, and John Garth in his book, discuss the interesting role these Valar warrior siblings played in Tolkien’s early organic & unpurged mythology. No doubt influenced by the Norse pantheon, they revelled in battle & wine and straddled Melkor’s sway. They didn’t make it into later versions, but then again the handful of greater Balrogs that did, were said to have been Ainur drawn to Morgoth’s splendour and corrupted into his service; and their Lord, Gothmog, was no less than his son at one time. So…? [TG:6,MD:1,JG:1,H1:13=21pts,16pgs each]

#586 Glirhuin, minstrel of Brethil
He prophesied in a song that the Stone of the Hapless, standing above Túrin and Morwen’s grave, would survive even a drowning of Beleriand. And so Tol Morwen did. [TG:7,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:3,JT:6,SL:1,H11:2=22pts,2pgs]

#585 Elfhild, wife of Théoden (f)
Unfortunate in the history of Rohan, she died giving birth to Théodred, and Rohan went 40 years without a queen. [TG:5,Eä:2,WK:5,RF:3,JT:3,MD:1,LR:1,H11:2=22pts,3pgs]

#584 White Tree (Mindolluin sapling) of Minas Tirith
The 4th White Tree of Gondor is the first to appear on the list, primarily because its best days and eventual fate remain unknown. [TG:5,WK:4,RF:2,JT:5,DD:1,LR:1,SL:1,LT:1,H9:2=22pts,9pgs]

#583 White Tree of Minas Anor
The 2nd of the White Trees of Gondor follows right behind the above sapling. It was a seedling of the White Tree of Minas Ithil which Sauron burned, and Isildur planted this one in memory of his brother Anárion. It survived until the Great Plague, after which it provided the seedling for the 3rd (eventually Withered) Tree of Minas Tirith. [TG:7,WK:2,RF:4,JT:4,DD:1,LR:1,SL:1,H12:2=22pts,13pts]

#582 Derufin son of Lord Duinhir
He and his brother Duilin, archers of Morthond, were slain on the Pelennor Fields attacking the Oliphaunts of the Haradrim. [TG:8,Eä:4,RF:4,JT:4,LR:1,H8:2=23pts,4pgs]

#581 Odovacar Bolger, father of Fredegar @
The son of a Boffin, the husband of a Took, and the father-in-law of Merry Brandybuck, he appears in only 2 of a possible 4 hobbit family-trees, with his firstborn of course being a close friend of Frodo Baggins. [TG:9,Eä:5,WK:1,RF:3,LR:1,H6:2,H7:2=23pts,4pgs]

#580 Dírhael, grandfather of Aragorn
Existing only in the ‘Tale of Aragorn & Arwen’, this descendant of Aranarth the 1st Chieftan is most renowned for listening to his wife. [TG:8,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,H12:4=23pts,5pgs]

#579 Everard Took, son of Adelard @
He who danced the Springle-ring with Melilot Brandybuck when they thought Bilbo’s Speech was over, was named Prospero until the 6th draft of ‘A Long-expected Party’. [TG:7,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:3,LR:1,H6:10=23pts,9pgs]

#578 Ulfast, son of Ulfang the Black
His father and 2 brothers will appear scattered further ahead. [TG:9,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:1,SL:2,H4:2,H5:2,H11:2=23pts,18pgs]

#577 Rudigar Bolger, son of Adalgar
He married Bilbo’s Aunt Belba, and became the head of the Bolger family and Fatty’s great-grandfather. [TG:9,Eä:4,WK:1,RF:3,LR:1,H6:6=24pts,5pgs]

#576 *Wilfred Trewin Jeremy
The penultimate member of the Notion Club to appear, ‘Jerry’ was an English Literature University Lecturer, born in 1942, who “specializes in Escapism, and has written books on the history and criticism of Ghost Stories, Time-travel, and Imaginary Lands”. [H9:24=24pts,79pgs]

#575 Minastan, son of King Minardil
His son Tarondor established a new line of Kings of Gondor after Minastan’s brother Telumnar & all his children died during the Great Plague, along with Minastan himself most likely. [TG:10,Eä:3;WK:1,RF:4,JT:4,LR:1,H12:2=25pts,2pgs]

#574 Roheryn, horse of Aragorn
‘The Steed of the Lady’, a gift from Arwen brought to Aragorn in Rohan by the Rangers, and rode by him during the War. [TG:8,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:6,JT:4,LR:1,H8:2=25pts,4pgs]

#573 Haleth, son of Helm Hammerhand
He was Helm’s eldest son, who died defending Meduseld against the Dunlendings. Haleth’s father & brother Háma escaped to Helm’s Deep and Wulf usurped the throne. [TG:9,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,H12:2=25pts,4pgs]

#572 Duinhir, Lord of Morthond
He led 500 bowmen of the Blackroot Vale into Minas Tirith prior to the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, during which Duinhir lost both his sons, overrun by mûmakil. [TG:9,Eä:7,RF:4,JT:2,LR:1,H8:2=25pts,5pgs]

#571 Haldan, 2nd Lord of the Haladin
The son of Haldar son of Haldad, was nephew of Haleth, 1st Chief of the Haladin, who settled her People in Brethil in return for guarding the Crossings, but she left no heir. [TG:9,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:3,JT:1,SL:2,H11:6,DK:1=25pts,6pgs]

#570 Halfast, son of Halfred of Overhill
He’s Sam’s cousin, who worked for a Mr. Boffin in Overhill, and apparently saw an Ent while hunting in the Northfarthing. In the drafts, it was a hobbit named Jo Button who saw the ‘Tree-man’. But the name & incident morphed specifically enough, that there is no Jo Button on this list, and his points were attributed to Halfast. [TG:9,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:4,JT:2,LR:1,H6:6=25pts,7pgs]

#569 Rúmil of Lothlórien
He was a Silvan Elf, the brother of Haldir & Orophin, the 3 wardens of the Golden Wood who met the Fellowship. [TG:8,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:2,LR:1,H7:10=25pts,10pgs]

#568 Cotman, son of Cottar
Born in 1260 S.R., he is the son of the progenitor of the Cotton family of Bywater. [TG:10,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:6,JT:5,LR:1=26pts,1pg]

#567, #566, & #565 Wise-nose, Swish-tail, & White-socks
Named by Bombadil, these were 3 of the ponies provided by Merry to Frodo, driven off in Bree and recovered by Butterbur. Of the others, Bumpkin has already appeared, and Sharp-ears will appear shortly, as he alone had a different name, that of ‘Four-foot’, in the drafts. [TG:11,Eä:6,WK:3,RF:5,LR:1=26pts,1pg - each]

#564 Adalgrim Took, father of Paladin II
He was the son of Rosa Baggins and Hildigrim, 4th son of the Old Took; and was grandfather of both Pippin & Merry. In the draft family-tree, he can be equated with a Faramond, also the son of Rosa, grandson of Gerontius, and grandfather of both Merry & Pippin’s precursor; so Faramond’s points were forwarded to Adalgrim. [TG:11,Eä:5;WK:3,RF:2,LR:1,H6:4=26pts,2pgs]

#563 Faramir I Took, 33rd Thain of the Shire
He was Adalgrim’s great-grandson, and of course the son and heir of Peregrin I and husband of Sam’s daughter Goldilocks. [TG:11,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:4,JT:6,LR:1=26pts,3pgs]

#562 Frumgar, Lord of the Éothéod
He was the 4th known Lord of the Éothéod, descendant of Vidugavia and great-great-grandson of Marhari. He grew up with his people in the Vales of the Anduin, but when Angmar was destroyed, land was freed in the north, and Frumgar led the Éothéod to the northern sources of the Anduin. His great-grandson was Eorl. [TG:10,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:5,JT:3,LR:1,UT:4=26pts,3pgs]

#561 Frór, son of Dáin I
Frór & his father, the King of Dúrin’s Folk, were killed by a Cold-drake in the Grey Mts, so his older brother Thrór became King and returned to Erebor. [TG:12,Eä:1,WK:3,RF:3,JT:4,LR:1,H12:2=26pts,3pgs]

#560 Goldwine, 6th King of Rohan
He lived during the rule of 3 ancestors: his great-grandfather Aldor the Old, his grandfather Fréa, & his father Fréawine, before Goldwine began his 19-year reign at age 61. The latter 3 enjoyed peaceful & prosperous tenures between Aldor’s driving-out of the Dunlendings, and Goldwine’s son Déor’s rule which saw their return. The Encyclopedia of Arda speculates that the name of this King, ‘Gold-friend’, may have been due to his having to buy the friendship of his nobles in order to maintain the peace as long as it lasted. [TG:10,Eä:7,WK:3,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H8:2=26pts,3pgs]

#559 Carl ‘Nibs’ Cotton, son of Tom
The youngest of Farmer Tom’s 5 children, Carl swam often in the Bywater Pool with the Gamgees. He was only 30, not of age, at the Scouring of the Shire, so his father had him guard his mother, sister & house with a pitch fork during the Battle of Bywater.[[TG:12,Eä:5,WK:1,RF:4,JT:2,LR:2=26pts,4pgs]

#558 Ornendil, son of King Eldacar
He was put to death by Castamir the Usurper during the Kin-strife when Osgiliath was besieged. Eldacar escaped and avenged Ornendil by killing Castamir 10 years later. [TG:9,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:3,JT:7,LR:1,H12:2=26pts,4pgs]

#557 Elemmírë, maker of the Aldudénië
A Vanya of Valinor, who probably witnessed the destruction by Melkor while the Elves were celebrating on Taniquetil, for which the Lament of the Two Trees, known afterwards by all the Eldar, was composed. Tolkien Gateway notes that there is no knowing the gender of Elemmírë, and it is only because a very slight margin of sources are in favour of this minstrel being male that I refrain from my inclinations towards it being a feminine name. [TG:9,Eä:4,RF:2,JT:5,SL:2,H10:4=26pts,5pgs]

#556 *Duilin, Lord of the House of the Swallow
He was one of the Lords of the Houses of Gondolin, a master archer & the swiftest of all to run and leap. He fell during the Fall upon the walls, slain by a Balrog’s fiery bolt. According to the Lexicons, his name literally means ‘Swallow’. [TG:5,WK:2,H2:4,B2:15=26pts,5pgs]

#555 Guthláf, banner-bearer of Théoden
He was slain in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields when he rode to the relief of Minas Tirith with his Lord. He fell with his banner in hand, which had to be taken from him after death to give to Éomer. He also earned a mention in the ‘Mounds of Mundburg’. [TG:12,Eä:2,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,H8:6=26pts,6pgs]

#554 Dís, sister of Thorin (f)
Dís was born in Erebor, the daughter of King Thráin II, & sister of Thorin Oakenshield. She was driven into exile, along with them, when Smaug attacked. She was the mother of Fíli & Kíli, and the only female dwarf to be recorded. [TG:12,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:5,MD:1,LR:1,H12:2=26pts,6pgs]

#553 & #552 Fastred & Folcred, twin sons of King Folcwine
They rode to the aid of Gondor, upholding the Oath of Eorl, but both were slain in battle with the Haradrim. They were buried at the crossings of Poros, where they fell, their burial mound called the Mound of the Twins. [TG:9,Eä:3,WK:4,RF:3,JT:4,LR:1,H12:2=26pts,7pgs - each]

#551 Mirabella Took>Brandybuck, wife of Gorbadoc (f)
The youngest of the Old Took’s 3 ‘remarkable daughters’, Mirabella married into the Brandybuck line, and had 7 children, the youngest of which was Frodo’s mother Primula. [TG:11,Eä:4,WK:1,RF:4,LR:2,H6:4=26pts,8pgs]

#550 Gildor, outlaw companion of Barahir
The 1st of Barahir’s outlaws to appear, Gildor fought in the Dagor Bragollach under Barahir. The survivors lived in hiding until Morgoth’s cooperatives captured Gorlim to give the location of their hideaway. Gildor and the other outlaws were killed, and only Beren survived. [TG:11,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:2,SL:2,H3:2,H5:2,H11:2=26pts,8pgs]

#549 Hobson ‘Roper’ Gamgee, grandfather of Sam
The son of Hob Gammidge had 4 children, Andy, Ham, May & Halfred. Hobson was a roper in Tighfield, and after his death, Andy took over the business. [TG:10,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:5,JT:4,LR:1=27pts,2pgs]

#548 Meneldor
He was one of the great Eagles of the northern mountains who flew to the aid of the Captains of the West in the last battle before the Gates of Mordor. With his lord Gwaihir & Landroval, he flew to the rescue of Frodo & Sam. [TG:11,Eä:4,RF:3,JT:6,LR:1,H9:2=27pts,3pgs]

#547 Hama, son of Helm Hammerhand
When the Dunlendings invaded Rohan, Háma took refuge with his father in Helm’s Deep. But during the Long Winter they were besieged, and after Yule, Háma led a group out of the fortress and never returned. [TG:9,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:3,JT:5,LR:1,H12:2=27pts,3pgs]

#546 Duilin, son of Duinhir
Duilin followed his father, Lord of Morthond, to Minas Tirith, and fought in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. He & brother Derufin led their archers against the mûmakil, but both brothers were trampled underfoot. [TG:11,Eä:5,RF:4,JT:4,LR:1,H8:2=27pts,4pgs]

#545 Deorwine, Chief Rider of Théoden
Déorwine & 6 of his knights were slain at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. [TG:10,Eä:4,WK:4,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,H8:2=27pts,4pgs]

#544 Hirluin the Fair, Lord of Pinnath Gelin
Hirluin of the Green Hills was the leader of the people of Pinnath Gelin during the War of the Ring. He brought 300 gallant green-clad men to Minas Tirith and fought in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, rushing to the aid of the Rohirrim, but was slain on the fields before the City. [TG:11,Eä:5,RF:4,JT:4,LR:1,H8:2=27pts,5pgs]

#543 Sytbba, pony of Merry
King Théoden gave Stybba, a pony of Rohan, to Merry, prior to passing from the Hornburg to Edoras; but both Merry & Stybba were ordered to stay at the Courts with Lady Éowyn before marching to Minas Tirith. Only one of them obeyed. [TG:11,Eä:6,WK:2,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,H8:2=27pts,6pgs]

#542 Borin, brother of King Dain I
He was the younger son of King Náin II and lived in the Grey Mts until his brother Dáin I was slain. Borin followed his nephew Thrór to the Lonely Mountain and lived there till his death. [TG:11,Eä:1,WK:2,RF:3,JT:5,LR:1,H12:4=27pts,6pgs]

#541 Goldilocks Gamgee>Took, wife of Faramir I (f)
She was the 3rd daughter of Sam & Rosie. Glorfinniel was Aragorn’s translation of her name, positing that her name was indeed a reflection of her golden hair. She married Thain Faramir son of Pippin. [TG:12,Eä:1,WK:2,RF:3,JT:3,LR:2,H9:4=27pts,10pgs]

#540 Frodo Gardner, son of Samwise Gamgee
The eldest son and 2nd child of Sam & Rosie, and it was his namesake that predicted his birth following sister Elanor. Frodo became the head of the Gardner/Gamgee family and inherited Bag End, passing it on to his son Holfast & grandson Harding. [TG:12,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:4,JT:3,LR:2,H9:4=27pts,14pgs]

#539 *Avranc, son of Dorlas of Brethil
Somewhat strange but only Wikipedia seems to have taken note of this character from ‘The Wanderings of Húrin’; but they do so with a rather large entry which more than makes up for his other omissions. He was of the 2nd House of the Edain, "a young man short and dark, but strong", and by the Men of Brethil he "was not loved for himself; for though he was bold, he was scornful, as was Dorlas his father before him". When Húrin was found unconscious, Avranc suggested killing him, but was overruled by Manthor. Instead Húrin was sent to prison by Lord Hardang and put on trial, to be prosecuted by Avranc. But it was again Manthor that defended Húrin. The result was the Men of Brethil taking sides, leading to the burning of the Hall, the death of Hardang, Avranc’s slaying of Manthor & usurpation of the Lordship, and the eventual ruin of Brethil & House of Haleth. [WK:21,H11:6=27pts,20pgs]

#538 Ufthak
An Orc of Cirith Ungol, Ufthak was poisoned & captured by Shelob in her webs. His commander Shagrat saw him hanging but he & his Orcs made no effort to free him. [TG:9,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:4,JT:7,LR:1,H8:4=28pts,2pgs]

#537 Andwise Roper of Tighfield
The Gaffer’s older brother, and Sam’s uncle, inherited the family trade, as well as acquiring the surname Roper from his father Hobson Roper Gamgee. [TG:10,Eä:7,WK:1,RF:4,JT:3,LR:1,H8:2=28pts,3pgs]

#536 Hob Hayward, gatekeeper of the Eastfarthing
He watched over Buckland’s Hay Gate, but during Lotho’s reign in the Shire, the Shirriffs were reorganized and Hob was to guard the new fence at the Brandywine Bridge. When Frodo & company returned, they found Hob at the gate, who informed them of the changes in the Shire. [TG:11,Eä:7,WK:1,RF:4,JT:2,LR:1,H9:2=28pts,5pgs]

#535 Ibun, son of Mîm
He was the brother of Khîm & son of Mîm, the last of the Petty-Dwarves. When Túrin & the outlaws engaged them, the brothers fled. But Khîm was slain by an arrow, while Ibun survived and shared his father's House with the outlaw band. One day the 2 Dwarves went out, and were captured by Orcs, but Mîm survived by betraying Túrin to them. Ibun's fate isn’t known, but later Mîm told Húrin he was the last of his people, so if true, Ibun may have died at the hands of those Orcs. [TG:12,Eä:7,WK:1,RF:3,JT:1,SL:1,CH:1,UT:2=28pts,5pgs]

#534 Melilot Brandybuck, daughter of Marmadas @ (f)
The youngest child of Marmadas was a distant cousin of Merry & Frodo, and was present at Bilbo’s Farewell Party at the age of 16, where she danced the springle-ring with Everard Took. [TG:14,Eä:3,WK:2,RF:4,LR:1,H6:4=28pts,6pgs]

#533 King of the Dead Men of Dunharrow
The king of the people of the Mountains that swore allegiance to Isildur in the Last Alliance, but broke their oath, so that he & his people were cursed to walk the Paths of the Dead until redemption, achieved at last by aiding Aragorn during the War of the Ring. [TG:9,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:9,LR:2,H8:4=28pts,9pgs]

#532 Haldar, brother of Haleth
He was the son & heir of Haldad, but both were slain by Orcs in a siege of the stockade in Thargelion. Haldar died trying to recover his slain father's body. Haldar's sister Haleth took up the rule of the Haladin, but she died without heir, so Haldar's son Haldan took up the Lordship after her death. [TG:10,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:4,DK:1,SL:3,H9:6=28pts,16pgs]

#531 Sharp-ears, one of Merry’s ponies
He appears slightly later than his counterparts, who all befriended Bombadil’s Fatty Lumpkin and ended up in Butterbur’s care, due primarily to him being the only one to have had a prior original name in the drafts, that of ‘Four-foot’. [TG:14,Eä:5,WK:4,RF:5,LR:1=29pts,1pg]

#530 Thorondir, 22nd Ruling Steward of Gondor
Thorondir was 90 when he succeeded to the stewardship and ruled for only 10 years. His son Túrin II’s rule however would be longer & more influential. [TG:13,Eä:8,WK:2,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=29pts,2pgs]

#529 Mauhúr
Mauhúr led the Orc contingent that joined with Uglúk’s band, in the failed attempt to defeat the Rohirrim outside of Fangorn. [TG:10,Eä:5,WK:3,RF:4,JT:6,LR:1=29pts,3pgs]

#528 Gróin, father of Oin & Glóin
He’s the younger brother of Fundin, & lived 252 years, during which he was part of the exiles of Erebor after Smaug’s descent, and likely participated in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. Gróin was also Gimli’s grandfather. [TG:14,Eä:7,WK:1,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,H12:2=29pts,3pgs]

#527 Orodreth, 16th Ruling Steward of Gondor
He was the father of Ecthelion I, ruled 30 years, and died at the age of 109. Orodreth was no doubt named after the Elf-King of Nargothrond. [TG:13,Eä:4,WK:5,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,H12:2=29pts,3pgs]

#526 Aravorn, 9th Chieftain of the Dúnedain
The son of Aragost ruled for 66 relatively uneventful years after Rohan was newly formed. Aravorn was succeeded by his son Arahad II. [TG:14,Eä:5,WK:4,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=29pts,3pgs]

#525 Náli, companion of Balin
He was part of the mission that reclaimed Moria, successful for nearly 5 years while Balin was Lord before being killed and the colony destroyed by Orcs. Náli died bravely defending the retreat of the colonists after the Battle of the Second Hall. [TG:11,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:3,JT:5,LR:1,H7:2=29pts,3pgs]

#524 Folca, 13th King of Rohan
He was the son of King Walda, and lived 60 years during a time of war with Orcs. In the end Folca cleared Rohan of the Orcs, avenging his father. But he may be better known as the hunter of the Boar of Everholt, which is how he died, from wounds from the beast's tusks. He was succeeded by his son Folcwine. [TG:12,Eä:3,WK:2,RF:5,JT:2,LR:1,H8:2,H12:2=29pts,4pgs]

#523 White Tree of Minas Ithil (n)
This was the 1st of the White Trees of Gondor, a seedling of Nimloth brought to Middle-earth on Isildur's ship, and planted in Minas Ithil. It had a short life as it was burned by Sauron after he returned to Middle-earth and attacked Gondor in 3429 S.A. Isildur again escaped with a sapling planted 14 years later in Minas Anor at the beginning of the 3rd Age. [TG:8,WK:5,RF:5,JT:5,DD:1,LR:1,SL:1,LE:1,H12:2=29pts,10pgs]

#522 Erestor, counsellor of Rivendell
He was the chief counsellor of Elrond’s household, taking part in his Council. Erestor’s preference was to guard the Ring from Sauron, suggesting Bombadil’s aid, instead of destroying it. [TG:9,Eä:2,WK:6,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H6:4,H7:4=29pts,19pgs]

#521 *Gilfanon, Lord of Tavrobel
He was a very ancient Noldo, lord of the region of Eressëa which they called home, and was said to be the oldest Elf of the Isle during Eriol’s visit, “albeit Meril held the title of Lady of the Isle”. In the 1st Age Gilfanon was with the Noldor who came to Hithlum, befriending both Sindar and Men. “To their legends and their memories he added his own knowledge, for he had been deep-versed in many lores and tongues [and] of many very ancient deeds”. It was Gilfanon who told Eriol the ‘Tale of the Sun and Moon’, as well as the tale of the ‘Travail of the Noldoli and the Coming of Mankind’ also known as Gilfanon’s Tale. He lived in the House of a Hundred Chimneys. [TG:6,WK:1,MD:1,JG:1,H1:6,H2:8,H4:4,H5:2=29pts,48pgs]

#520 Hob ‘Old Gammidgy’ Gammidge, the Roper
The son of Wiseman Gamwich, who relocated his family from the village of Gamwich to Tighfield, Hob founded a family tradition as a roper. His son was Hobson ‘Roper Gamgee’, and his grandsons were Andwise Roper & the Gaffer. The nickname Gammidgy would give way to the surname of Gamgee. [TG:8,Eä:9,WK:1,RF:5,JT:5,LR:2=30pts,1pg]

#519 Barahir, grandson of Faramir
The son of Elboron son of Faramir Prince of Ithilien, this Barahir wrote the ‘Tale of Aragorn & Arwen’ in the 2nd century of the 4th Age. An abbreviated version of his work appeared in the Thain’s Book. [TG:11,Eä:9,WK:2,RF:4,JT:3,LR:1=30pts,1pg]

#518 Fuinir, a Lord of Harad
Apparently a Númenórean who fell under the influence of Sauron during the Dark Lord’s time in that land, Fuinir sailed to Middle-earth with a companion named Herumor. They became lords of the southern lands of the Haradrim. Herumor, literally ‘Dark Lord’, will appear a little later. [TG:8,Eä:3,WK:11,RF:2,JT:4,SL:2=30pts,1pg]

#517 Fram, son of Frumgar
He was the 5th Lord of the Éothéod, who lived by the Grey Mountains, troubled by Scatha the Worm. Fram slew the Dragon and claimed his hoard, rebuking the claim of the Dwarves to this treasure. He sent them the teeth of Scatha, along with the message, "Jewels such as these you will not match in your treasuries, for they are hard to come by." Rumour has it the Dwarves killed Fram for this. [TG:10,Eä:1,WK:2,RF:4,JT:12,LR:1=30pts,2pgs]

#516 Atanatar I, 10th King of Gondor
He was the son of Turambar, the conquerer of the Easterlings. Atanatar I ruled 81 years, from 667 T.A. to his death at age 268. His reign was relatively uneventful, and he was succeeded by his son Siriondil. [TG:14,Eä:1,WK:9,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=30pts,2pgs]

#515 Diamond ‘of Long Cleeve’ Took, wife of Pippin (f)
She was from the Northfarthing, and married Peregrin in 1427 S.R. They had one son, Faramir, who became the 33rd Thain of the Shire. Diamond was probably a descendant of the Bullroarer Took, as were the North-Tooks of Long Cleeve. [TG:12,Eä:2,WK:4,RF:4,JT:5,MD:1,LR:2=30pts,3pgs]

#514 & #513 Angamaitë & Sangahyando, of Umbar
They were the great-grandsons of Castamir the Usurper, and followed in his footsteps. They led the Corsairs of Umbar on a raid against Pelargir, where they slew King Minardil and ravaged the city. [TG:13,Eä:5,WK:1,RF:4,JT:2,LR:1,H12:4=30pts,5pgs - each]

#512 & #511 Urthel & Dairuin, outlaw companions of Barahir
After Gildor (back at 550), they’re the next 2 members of Barahir’s band to appear. They fought in the Dagor Bragollach, loyal to their lord Barahir, and survived to form a small band of outlaws in Dorthonion, living in hiding for a time, until Gorlim betrayed their location to Morgoth. Urthel, Dairuin, & the other outlaws were killed; only Beren, away on an errand, survived. [TG:10,Eä:4,WK:1,RF:3,JT:2,SL:2,H3:4,H5:2,H11:2=30pts,5pgs - each]

#510 Estella Bolger>Brandybuck, wife of Merry @ (f)
Fatty Bolger’s younger sister - they being the children of Odovacar Bolger & Rosamunda Took - Estella married Meriadoc after the War of the Ring. She was a late addition by Tolkien, and didn’t appear in the family-trees of the LotR 1st ed. [TG:13,Eä:5,WK:3,RF:4,MD:3,LR:2=30pts,6pgs]

#509 Tar- Anárion, 8th Ruler of Númenor
His mother, Tar-Ancalimë, was the first ruling Queen, and his father was Hallacar son of the Lord of Hyarastorni. Tar-Anárion lived to be 401, and ruled for 114 years, surrendering the sceptre 10 years before he died. His 2 daughters feared & disliked their grandmother, who wouldn’t let them marry, and both declined the throne. Thus Tar-Anárion was succeeded by their younger brother, his son Tar-Súrion. [TG:12,Eä:2,WK:4,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,UT:6,LE:2=30pts,6pgs]

#508 Adelard Took, son of Flambard @
He was the son of Flambard, son of Isembard, son of the Old Took. He and his sons & daughters were all at Bilbo’s Farewell Party, where Adelard received an umbrella as a parting gift the next morning. In the drafts he was Mungo, then Uffo, until finally Adelard. [TG:9,Eä:5,WK:2,RF:3,LR:1,H6:6,H7:4=30pts,6pgs]

#507 Gelmir of Nargothrond, brother of Gwindor
He and his brother were noble Elves of Nargothrond, the sons of Guilin. Gelmir was captured by Morgoth, blinded, and later mutilated and slain before the walls of Barad Eithel in front of the elven host which included his brother Gwindor. That began the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, when Gwindor, upon witnessing this, madly charged the host of Morgoth. [TG:8,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:4,JT:5,DK:2,SL:2,CH:1,H4:2,H11:2=30pts,6pgs]

#506 Lassemista, rowan-tree of Fangorn (n)
The last to appear here of the 3 rowans of Fangorn Forest cut down by Saruman’s Orcs, and mourned & avenged by Bregalad. They’ve chimed in separately simply because their entry-lengths have varied, due to such things as etymological speculation, more than I could reasonably tweak their convergence as I’ve done with some other partnerships. The name of this rowan means "leaf-grey" in High-elven. Some may rest assured that no rowan-trees crack the top 500. [TG:7,Eä:2,RF:2,JT:19,LR:1=31pts,2pgs]

#505 Arathorn I, 12th Chieftain of the Dúnedain
He lived 155 years, ruling for 64 after succeeding his father, Arassuil. His reign was a time of recovery from the Long Winter, and relatively uneventful, although he died a premature death, and was succeeded by his son Argonui. [TG:13,Eä:2,WK:9,RF:3,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=31pts,3pgs - each]

#504 Óin, King of Dúrin’s Folk
He lived 250 years and was King for 103, succeeding his father King Glóin. During Óin's reign, his line continued to dwell in the Grey Mts, but near the end, the Shadow returned to Dol Guldur and Orcs began to infest the Misty Mts. Óin was succeeded by his son Náin II, see below. [TG:16,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:2,JT:3,LR:1,H12:2=31pts,3pgs]

#503 Náin II, King of Dúrin’s Folk
He lived 247 years and was King for 97, succeeding his father above. Náin II’s reign began shortly after the end of the Watchful Peace. During his time, the Éothéod left their northern lands by the Grey Mts to settle in Calenardhon, and near the end, dragons came to assault the Dwarves. [TG:17,Eä:4,WK:1,RF:2,JT:4,LR:1,H12:2=31pts,4pgs]

#502 Freáwine, 5th King of Rohan
Fréawine was the son of Fréa and grandson of Aldor the Old. He lived 86 years, ruling for 21. His reign was a time of relative peace & prosperity in Rohan. Fréawine was succeeded by his son Goldwine. [TG:13,Eä:10,WK:2,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=31pts,4pgs]

#501 Khîm, son of Mîm
His brother Ibun appeared back at #535. Neither crack the top 500, but their father certainly will. Khîm was the son who was struck by a stray arrow fired by one of Túrin’s outlaws as he fled. Though he made it back to Mîm's halls, he died from his wound before his father returned. Túrin & his companions came to dwell in Mîm's house, and so it was known as the House of Ransom. The outlaw who shot him, Andróg, was cursed by Mîm, and forced to break his bow. [TG:11,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:2,JT:3,SL:2,CH:2,UT:4=31pts,4pgs]
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#500 Aunt Dora Baggins @ (f) – hobbit
She was the daughter of Fosco Baggins & Ruby Bolger, and was Frodo’s aunt, as her younger brothers were Dudo & Drogo. She has no recorded husband or children, but Dora apparently enjoyed writing letters of advice, thus her first-cousin Bilbo gave her a waste-paper basket as a parting gift. She was aged 99 at the Party, and died 5 years later. [TG:10,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:4,JT:3,LR:1,H6:6=31pts,4pgs]

#499 Falathar, companion of Eärendil – adan mariner
He’s one of 3 faithful companions of Eärendil who “had sailed all the seas beside him”. Falathar reached the Blessed Realm where he remained aboard Vingilot with his companions, Erellont (who’s appeared already) and Aerandir (appearing soon), while Elwing & Eärendil delivered their message to the Valar. Their fate is unknown, as is their race in some circles, but since they’re never hinted at in Tolkien’s texts as being anything other, I classify them as Edain of unknown house. [TG:13,Eä:4,RF:2,JT:4,SL:2,H4:2,H5:4=31pts,4pgs]

#498 Walda, 12th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
He was the son of Brytta Léofa, serving in his father's army, battling Orcs attempting to invade Rohan. Walda became king after Brytta’s death, but was killed by an Orc in Dunharrow after just 9 years of rule. He was succeeded & avenged by his son Folca. [TG:12,Eä:4,WK:2,RF:3,JT:5,LR:1,H8:2,H12:2=31pts,5pgs]

#497 Flói, companion of Balin – dwarf adventurer
He was a member of Balin’s company who tried to reclaim Moria in 2989 T.A. Flói was killed by an Orc arrow during the clearing of the 1st halls, and was buried ‘under grass’ near the Mirrormere, as he could not yet be lain in a tomb of stone according to Dwarf tradition. [TG:8,Eä:5,WK:1,RF:5,JT:7,LR:1,H6:2,H7:2=31pts,6pgs]

#496 Adrahil II, 21st Prince of Dol Amroth – gondorian dúnadan lord
He was the son of Angelimir, and the father of three: Ivriniel, the eldest; Finduilas, who married Denethor II and bore Boromir & Faramir; and Imrahil who succeeded Adrahil as Prince in 3010 T.A. The former appeared back near #1000, but the latter 2 of course have yet to appear. [TG:14,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,UT:2,H8:2,H12:4=31pts,11pgs]

#495 Snaga of Cirith Ungol – mordor orc warrior
The term Snaga is controversial, as a probable epithet, but it does specifically apply to 2 Orcs in LotR: Snaga of Isengard, who appeared back near #1000; and Snaga of the garrison at Cirith Ungol. This Snaga was one of the few survivors of the Battle of Cirith Ungol, and encountered a Great Elf-Warrior, Sam, on the stairs. After disputing with his superior Shagrat, and lashing Frodo with a whip, Snaga was overcome by Sam and fell through a trap door to his death. [TG:14,WK:5,RF:6,LR:2,H7:2,H9:2=31pts,13pgs]

#494 Ulwarth, son of Ulfang the Black – easterling warrior
Ulfang & sons joined the service of Caranthir, 4th son of Fëanor, after entering Beleriand at Morgoth’s bidding. Their purpose was to betray the Elves, which they did in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, attacking them in the rear. Ulwarth was slain by the sons of Bór, who had stayed loyal to the sons of Fëanor. [TG:9,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:4,JT:1,SL:2,H4:6,H5:4,H11:2=31pts,20pgs]

#493 *Meril-i-Turinqi, Lady of Tol Eressëa (f) – vanya ruling-lady
She was not only of the Vanyar, but of the Inwir, great-granddaughter of Ingwë, High King of all Elves, and granddaughter of Ingil, 1st Lord of Tol Eressëa. It is said the “wiser of the Elves learned the secret speech of the Gods and long treasured it, but after the coming to Tol Eressëa none remembered it save the Inwir, and now that knowledge has died save in the house of Meril”. She was the Lady of the Isle and the Queen of Flowers, and had a company of maidens, who “sang the most beautiful songs that island knew”, at the time when Eriol arrived. He was guided to her white house, and “as he drew near a sound of music came to him, and a fair lady amid many maidens stepped forth as it were to meet him… ‘Welcome, O mariner of many seas – wherefore do you seek the pleasure of my quiet gardens’?”. She was Galadriel on steroids before there was a Galadriel. And nothing contradicts her still ruling the Isle into the 4th Age. [TG:10,JG:2,H1:6,B1:9,H2:4=31pts,32pgs]

#492 Eärendur, 15th Lord of Andúnië – númenórean lord
He lived during the reign of Ar-Sakalthôr, and was a leader of the Faithful when the King’s Men grew in influence. Eärendur was the brother of Lindórië, grandmother of Tar-Palantir, and an ancestor of the line of Elendil & Elessar. [TG:15,Eä:4,WK:1,RF:2,JT:3,SL:1,UT:4,H12:2=32pts,4pgs]

#491 Tar-Telemmaitë, 15th King of Númenor – númenórean king
His name means Silver-handed, as he loved silver, and was always searching for mithril. From his time onwards, the Kings ruled from the death of their predecessor to their own death. Tar-Telemmaitë was succeeded by Tar-Vanimeldë, the 3rd Ruling Queen. [TG:13,Eä:1,WK:2,RF:2,JT:1,MD:1,LR:1,UT:4,LE:7=32pts,5pgs]

#490 Ragnor, outlaw companion of Barahir – 1st house adan warrior
He was part of the group of 12 men (Gildor, Dairuin & Urthel have already appeared here) loyal to their lord Barahir, that survived the Battle of Sudden Flame. They formed a band of outlaws in Dorthonian, living in hiding until Morgoth’s agents captured Gorlim the Unhappy who betrayed their hideaway. Orcs were sent, and killed Ragnor & the other outlaws; only Beren, away on errand, survived. [TG:10,Eä:8,WK:1,RF:2,JT:1,SL:2,H3:4,H5:2,H11:2=32pts,5pgs]

#489 Inzilbêth, Queen of Númenor – númenórean queen
She was the daughter of Lindórië, niece of Eärendur Lord of Andúnië, descendant of Tar-Calmacil. Not a Ruling Queen, Inzilbêth was taken to wife by Ar-Gimilzôr, but was secretly a member of the Faithful, whom her husband opposed. Her elder son, Tar-Palantir, chose her teachings rather than his father's when he became the 23rd King of Númenor, whereas her younger son Gimilkhâd followed his father. [TG:11,Eä:3,WK:2,RF:5,JT:3,SL:2,UT:4,H12:2=32pts,6pgs]

#488 Théodwyn, sister of Théoden – rohirrim princess
She was the daughter of King Thengel and Morwen Steelsheen, and married Éomund of Eastfold. Their children were Éomer & Éowyn, but Éomund was ambushed and slain by Orcs while they were still children. Théodwyn died of illness not long after, and Théoden raised her two children after her death. [TG:9,Eä:4,WK:2,RF:4,JT:4,LR:1,UT:4,H7:2,H12:2=32pts,6pgs]

#487 Éothain, rider of Éomer – rohirrim warrior
Éothain was a member of Éomer’s riders that overran the orcs who captured Merry & Pippin near Fangorn. After encountering Aragorn, Legolas & Gimli, Éothain didn’t believe that hobbits existed and argued against giving the horses to the 3 companions. [TG:13,Eä:3,WK:7,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,H7:2,H8:2=32pts,7pgs]

#486 Calmacil, 18th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He was younger brother of King Narmacil I, who, during his reign, bestowed Regency upon Calmacil’s ambitous and talented son Minalcar. When Narmacil died without heir, Calmacil was old, so he continued to have his son function as Regent. Upon the death of Calmacil, his son became King Rómendacil II of renown. [TG:13,Eä:3,WK:5,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,H12:4=32pts,8pgs]

#485 Bereg, son of Baranor – 1st house adan adventurer
He was the son of Baranor, who was the younger son of Baran son of Bëor the Old. Bereg headed the unrest in Estolad, opposing the Wars of Beleriand, and led 1000 Men of the House of Bëor back into Eriador. Their ultimate fate is unknown. [TG:9,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:4,JT:6,DK:1,SL:3,H11:4,H12:2=32pts,9pgs]

#484 Gundor, youngest child of Hador Lórindol – 3rd house adan warrior
He was the 2nd son of Hador Lórindol, both of whom died, pierced by arrows, in the Battle of Sudden Flame. Gundor was aged 37 when he died, with no recorded wife or children. His 2 older siblings, Glóredhel & Galdor, had a joint wedding with 2 children of Halmir of the 2nd House at a great feast of the Edain. Gundor’s nephews, Handir, Húrin & Huor, were all teenagers when he died. [TG:8,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:4,JT:5,SL:3,H4:4,H5:4,H11:2=32pts,27pgs]

#483 Girion, King of Dale – northman king.
Not much is known about him, other than he possessed a necklace of 500 emeralds, which he gave to the Dwarves of Erebor as payment for forging a coat of dwarf-linked rings for his eldest son. He also witnessed the assault of Smaug, in which Girion was killed, but his wife & child escaped down the River Running. His descendant was Bard of Esgaroth, who of course garnered revenge by slaying the dragon with an arrow, and Girion’s Necklace was found among the dragon's hoard. [TG:18,Eä:2,WK:4,RF:4,JT:5=33pts,0pgs]

#482 Tar-Alcarin, 17th Ruler of Númenor – númenórean king
He was the son of Ruling Queen Tar-Vanimeldë & Herucalmo a descendant of Tar-Atanamir, and his name means ‘the Glorious’. When Tar-Vanimeldë died in 2637 S.A., Herucalmo usurped the Sceptre as Tar-Anducal, who himself appeared as the earliest Númenórean King on this list, although he’s not reckoned in the Line of Kings as the 17th Ruler. Tar-Alcarin waited for 20 years to become King after the death of his father. [TG:13,Eä:7,WK:3,RF:2,JT:3,LR:1,UT:2,LE:2=33pts,2pgs]

#481 Elfwine the Fair, 19th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
He was the 2nd King of the 3rd Line of Rohan, ruling in the early 4th Age. Elfwine was the son of Éomer & Lothíriel of Dol Amroth, and was said to bear a striking likeness to his maternal grandfather Prince Imrahil.

#480 Frár, companion of Balin – dwarf adventurer
Last of the predominant companions of Balin to appear on the list, Frár was one who fell in the battle of the 2nd Hall.. [TG:11,Eä:8,WK:1,RF:3,JT:5,LR:1,H7:4=33pts,3indx.pgs]

#479 Lindórië of Andúnië, mother of Inzilbêth (f) – númenórean
She was the daughter of the 14th Lord of Andúnië, and was born during the dark times of the Númenorian Kings. But she was of the Faithful, and passed her beliefs on to her daughter Inzilbêth, who passed them to her son Inziladún, and when he took the Sceptre, he reverted to the Quenya name Tar-Palantir. [TG:14,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:2,JT:3,SL:1,UT:4,H12:2=33pts,4indx.pgs]

#478 Aerandir, companion of Eärendil – adan mariner
He’s the last of the 3 mariners that accompanied Eärendil, along with Erellont & Falathar, to appear here. See Falathar, back at #499, for questions of race. [TG:11,Eä:4,RF:2,JT:4,SL:2,H4:2,H5:4,H11:4=33pts,4indx.pgs]

#477 Dior, 9th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He was the last Ruling Steward during the Watchful Peace. Dior, named for the son of Beren & Lúthien, was succeeded by his sister Rían’s son Denethor I. [TG:15,Eä:10,WK:1,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,H12:2=33pts,5indx.pgs]

#476 Odo Proudfoot, son of Bodo @ – hobbit
He was the son of Bilbo’s aunt Linda, who married Bodo Proudfoot. Odo was the guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party that insisted on the nominal plural of ‘Proudfeet’. At that time, he was 97 years old, and only lived for a few years after. His grandson Sacho attempted to excavate Bag End for treasure. [TG:17,Eä:6,WK:4,RF:3,LR:1,H6:2=33pts,6indx.pgs]

#475 Ingold of Minas Tirith – gondorian guard
Where the road to Rohan passed through the Rammas Echor, a Gondorian guard was posted, led by Ingold. He gave permission to Gandalf & Pippin to enter Minas Tirith. Later, he retreated back to the city with his men, reporting that the northern road had fallen into the hands of the enemy. [TG:14,Eä:6,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,H8:4,H12:2=33pts,6indx.pgs]

#474 Arthad, outlaw companion of Barahir – 1st house adan warrior
Another of the 12 outlaws to appear, Arthad fought under Barahir, and was part of the band of survivors in Dorthonion, until they were revealed by Gorlim and killed. [TG:10,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:2,JT:5,SL:2,H3:4,H5:2,H11:4=33pts,7indx.pgs]

#473 Robin ‘Cock-robin’ Smallburrow, Shirriff of Hobbiton – hobbit sheriff
Robin was an old friend of the Gamgees, born & raised in Hobbiton. He was a Shirrif, but was reassigned to the 1st Eastfarthing Troop in Frogmorton during Lotho’s reign, and was sent to arrest the 4 returning hobbits, with unsuccessful result. [TG:15,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:5,JT:5,LR:1,H9:4=33pts,8indx.pgs]

#472 Orophin of Lórien – silvan guard
He’s the brother of Rúmil, recently appearing here; & Haldir, who has yet to appear, a fair ways away – testament to Tolkien Gateway’s slight skewing towards the movie-verse. [TG:14,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,H7:8=33pts,10indx.pgs]

#471 Gorbadoc ‘Broadbelt’ Brandybuck, Master of Buckland – hobbit master
He was the son of Marmadoc ‘Masterful’, and succeeded his father as Master in 1310 S.R. Gorbadoc married Mirabella Took, and they had 7 children - the youngest Primula, mother of Frodo. [TG:10,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:6,JT:4,LR:2,H6:4=33pts,10indx.pgs]

#470 Eilinel, wife of Gorlim the Unhappy (f) – 1st house adan
She was killed when Gorlim went to fight in the Dagor Bragollach with his lord Barahir. When they returned from battle, Gorlim found his house plundered, and wife missing. Dorthonion was overrun by Morgoth’s armies, and Barahir’s survivors fled to the hills as outlaws. Gorlim’s love for Eilinel kept him returning home, seeking her. One day he did, but it was a phantom devised by Sauron. Gorlim was then captured and tricked into betraying Barahir’s location with a promise to be reunited with Eilinel. He did betray them, so Sauron kept his word by torturing Gorlim to death. Unhappy indeed! (Eilinel’s phantom is not on this list). [TG:8,Eä:9,WK:1,RF:4,JT:2,SL:1,H3:4,H5:2,H11:2=33pts,14indx.pgs]

#469 Húrin II, 14th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He was born in 2515 T.A., lived 113 years, ruled for 23, and was the 4th Man of note of his name. Húrin II was the grandson of Cirion, and was succeeded by his son Belecthor I. [TG:19,Eä:4,WK:5,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=34pts,2indx.pgs]

#468 Túrin I, 6th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He was born in 2165 T.A., lived 113 years, ruled for 34, and was the 2nd Man of note of his name. Túrin I began 6 generations of Stewards named for 1st Age heroes, himself ruling during the Watchful Peace. He actually married twice, had several daughters, but was succeeded by his youngest child Hador. [TG:18,Eä:9,WK:1,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=34pts,3indx.pgs]

#467 Araglas, 6th Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
Araglas was born in 2296 T.A., lived 159 years, and ruled for 128, the 2nd longest for a Chieftain after Aranarth. He followed his father, Aragorn I, after he was killed by wolves, ruling just 8 years. Araglas ruled during the Watchful Peace, and was succeeded by his son Arahad I. [TG:14,Eä:5,WK:6,RF:3,JT:1,LR:1,H12:4=34pts,3indx.pgs]

#466 Argonui, 13th Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
Argonui was born in 2757 T.A., lived 155 years, ruled for 64, and his reign ended following the Fell Winter, invasion of the White Wolves, and great floods of Eriador. He succeeded his father Arathorn I, and was followed by his son Arador, grandfather of Aragorn. [TG:16,Eä:2,WK:9,RF:3,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=34pts,3indx.pgs]

#465 Eärendil, 5th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He was born in 48 T.A., lived 276 years, ruled 86, and shared his name with Eärendil the Mariner. This Eärendil was the grandson of Meneldil, and the son of Cemendur. He was succeeded by his son Anardil. [TG:16,Eä:7,WK:4,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,H12:2=34pts,3indx.pgs]

#464 Siriondil, 11th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He was born in 570 T.A., lived 260 years, ruled 82, and succeeded his father Atanatar I. Siriondil had 2 children, Tarannon Falastur, 1st of the Ship-kings, and Tarciryan. [TG:14,Eä:3,WK:11,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=34pts,3indx.pgs]

#463 Celebrindor, 5th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
He was born in 1062 T.A., lived 210 years, ruled 81, during a time of relative peace before Angmar. Celebrindor was succeeded by his son Malvegil. [TG:17,Eä:4,WK:4,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,H12:4=34pts,4indx.pgs]

#462 Turgon, 24th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He was born in 2855 T.A., lived 98 years, ruled 39, and was son of Túrin II. Turgon was father of Ecthelion II, and grandson of Denethor II. [TG:13,Eä:10,WK:3,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:4=34pts,4indx.pgs]

#461 Déor, 7th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
He was born in 2644 T.A., lived 74 years, ruled 19, and was a direct descendant of Eorl the Young. In Déor's turbulent time, Dunlendings forced him north to defeat them. But the Dunlendings captured Isengard and couldn’t be dislodged. Help would not arrive, so Déor kept riders in the north of Westfold. He was succeeded by his son Gram. [TG:13,Eä:9,WK:3,RF:3,JT:1,LR:1,H12:4=34pts,6indx.pgs]

#460 Belecthor II, 21st Ruling Steward – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He succeeded his father Beregond, ruled 61 years, and lived to be 120, the last centenarian of his line. Upon his death, the White Tree also died and was left standing. [TG:18,Eä:4,WK:2,RF:3,JT:4,LR:1,H12:2=34pts,7indx.pgs]

#459 Bain, 2nd King of (new) Dale – northman king
He succeeded his father Bard in 2977 T.A., and ruled for 30 years, during which time Balin set out from Esgaroth to reestablish Moria. Bain was succeeded by son Brand in 3007 T.A., whose realm extended far south & east of the Lonely Mountain. [TG:13,Eä:6,WK:2,RF:3,JT:4,LR:2,H6:2,H7:2=34pts,7indx.pgs]

#458 Dúnhere, Lord of Harrowdale – gondorian lord
He was the lord of the folk of Harrowdale, the nephew of Erkenbrand, and fought valiantly in the First Battle of the Fords of Isen under Grimbold. Dúnhere didn’t accompany Gandalf & Erkenbrand to the Battle of the Hornburg, but was sent to muster the Rohirrim in Harrowdale, where the Riders of Rohan gathered a few days later to ride to Minas Tirith. At the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Dúnhere was slain, and was remembered in the Song of the Mounds of Mundburg. [TG:15,Eä:2,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,UT:6,H8:4=34pts,9indx.pgs]

#457 Esmeralda Took>Brandybuck, mother of Merry (f) @ – hobbit
She was the youngest of Adalgrim Took’s 5 children, thus was the younger sister of Thain Paladin II. Esmeralda married Saradoc ‘Scattergold’ Brandybuck and became the Mistress of Buckland. Merry was their only child. [TG:11,Eä:1,WK:2,RF:5,JT:2,MD:1,LR:2,H6:10=34pts,10indx.pgs]

#456 *Boldog – orc captain
He was an Orc captain sent by Morgoth to lead a raid into Doriath, seeking to capture Lúthien, but was slain by Thingol’s warriors, along with the rest of Boldog’s host. He appears in the ‘Lay of Leithien’ and the 1930 ‘Quenta’, but never reappears. [However in an essay on the origin of Orcs (‘Myths Transformed’, text X, HoMe10) c. 1959/60, Tolkien wrote a footnote in which he suggests “it is possible” that Boldog may not have been a personal name, but “a kind of creature: the Orc-formed Maiar, only less formidable than the Balrogs”. Although Wikipedia (& Jackson?) have run with this, it is CT who questions this late footnote, calling it “curious”, not knowing of any other references by his father to the name. After closely re-reading the texts containing Boldog the Orc-captain, I’m forced to keep him included as a singular character, given the standards I’ve used throughout this list, despite Tolkien’s 30yrs-later retro-speculation about a generic title of Boldog. Even if he was a Boldog, he was still the Orc-captain slain while raiding Doriath.] [TG:13,WK:11,JR:2,H3:4,H4:2,H10:2=34pts,21indx.pgs]

#455 Gormadoc ‘Deepdelver’ Brandybuck, Master of Buckland – hobbit master
He’s the head of the Brandybuck family-tree, and descendant of Gorhendad Oldbuck (appearing below). Gormadoc married Malva Headstrong, and had 3 children, the eldest Madoc succeeding his father as Master of Buckland. The nickname 'Deepdelver’ suggests that Gormadoc expanded Brandy Hall’s foundations beyond those of its founder Gorhendad. [TG:10,Eä:15,WK:2,RF:6,LR:2=35pts,1indx.pgs]

#454 Ar-Sakalthôr, 22nd Ruler of Númenor – númenórean king
He ruled Númenor for 69 years, and as was then the custom, he took his royal title in the Adûnaic tongue, rather than the Quenya Tar-Falassion, “Son of the Coast". [TG:10,Eä:6,WK:2,RF:3,JT:4,SL:2,UT:6,LE:2=35pts,2indx.pgs]

#453 Herumor, Lord of Harad – black-númenórean lord
According to ‘Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age’ in the published Silmarillion, he was a renegade Black Númenórean servant of Sauron who, along with Fuinur, “rose to power” among the “great and cruel” Haradrim in the 2nd Age after the Downfall of Númenor. Herumor literally means "Dark Lord" in Quenya. [The name Herumor is also mentioned in 'The New Shadow’, as leader of a growing evil cult in 4th Age Gondor during Eldarion’s reign. This mysterious entity is totally enigmatic, possibly even was to Tolkien himself, but the end of the unfinished tale hints that it was an 'Old Evil' that Tolkien readers would eventually recognize.] [TG:8,Eä:3,WK:9,RF:3,JT:4,SL:2,H12:6=35pts,3indx.pgs]

#452 Radbug – orc warrior
He was stationed in the Tower of Cirith Ungol under the command of Shagrat. Radbug was killed, having his eyes squeezed out by Shagrat, during the Battle of Cirith Ungol, when it seems he refused to obey orders. Shagrat then threatened Snaga with a similar fate if he also refused. [TG:7,Eä:4,WK:1,RF:4,JT:6,DD:10,LR:1,H9:2=35pts,3indx.pgs]

#451 Gorhendad Oldbuck, 1st Master of Buckland – hobbit master
He crossed the Brandywine in 740 S.R., and founded Brandy Hall. Gorhendad changed the family name to Brandybuck, in honour of their new land, and founded the line of the Masters of Buckland. The Thainship of the Shire that they possessed passed to the Tooks due to removing beyond the border, but the family wealth increased. [TG:14,Eä:4,WK:1,RF:6,JT:7,LR:1,H6:2=35pts,4indx.pgs]

#450 Hathaldir the Young, outlaw companion of Barahir – 1st house adan warrior
He’s the first of Barahir’s outlaw band that has an epithet to his name to appear on this list. As he is merely young, not outrageously unhappy, and retains both hands, Hathaldir just cracks the top 450. [TG:12,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:3,JT:3,SL:2,H3:4,H5:2,H11:2=35pts,5indx.pgs]

#449 Edrahil of Nargothrond – noldo warrior
He was the chief of 10 elves who remained loyal to Finrod, joining Beren’s Quest for the Silmaril. Edrahil rescued Finrod's crown and asked that it be given to a steward until the king returned. He died in the dungeon of the original Minas Tirith. [TG:8,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:4,JT:7,DK:1,SL:3,H5:8,H11:2=35pts,5indx.pgs]

#448 Dúrin VII, the Last – dwarf king
He restores the ancient kingdom of Khazâd-dûm to Dúrin’s Folk in the 4th Age, as prophesized at the time of the Battle of Azanulbizar. Only 3 more Dúrins now to appear… [TG:15,Eä:9,WK:2,JR:1,MD:5,LR:1,H12:2=35pts,6indx.pgs]

#447 & #446 Aratan & Ciryon, 2nd & 3rd sons of Isildur – gondorian dúnedain princes
Isildur sent these 2 of his sons to man Minas Ithil and guard Cirith Dúath to prevent an escape route to Sauron in the War of the Last Alliance. After the events of the Seige, Ciryon was the first brother to fall in the Disaster of the Gladden Fields, and Aratan was mortally wounded trying to save him. [TG:14,Eä:1,WK:5,RF:3,JT:2,SL:2,UT:4,H12:4=35pts,6indx.pgs - each]

#445 Dírhaval of Dor-lómin, author of the Narn i Hîn Húrin – 3rd house adan poet
He only composed one poem, but Dírhavel’s legacy is that of a poet. He wrote the ‘Tale of the Children of Húrin’, the longest of all the lays of Beleriand, drawing on the knowledge of all survivors gathered at the Mouths of Sirion. Dírhavel fell there in the 3rd Kinslaying. [TG:11,Eä:10,WK:2,RF:4,UT:4,H11:4=35pts,7indx.pgs]

#444 Faramir, son of King Ondoher – gondorian dúnadan prince
He was supposed to stay in Minas Anor as regent, according to custom, when his father & brother went to war against the Wainriders. But Faramir rode out in disguise and was caught as his party retreated to the Dead Marshes. The Leader of the Éothéod (Marh-?, see #1191) came to their rescue; but Faramir died in his arms, and after his body was searched it was found that he was the Prince of Gondor. [TG:17,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:3,JT:4,LR:1,UT:4,H12:2=35pts,8indx.pgs]

#443 Arador, 14th Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
He succeeded his father Argonui in 2912 T.A. Arador’s rule was uneventful, but that he was captured & killed by Hill-Trolls north of Rivendell. Arador was succeeded by his son Arathorn II in 2930 T.A. [TG:14,Eä:4,WK:5,RF:4,JT:3,LR:1,H12:4=35pts,9indx.pgs]

#442 White (Withered) Tree of Minas Tirith (n) – tree
It’s the 4th of the White Trees of Gondor to appear on the list, and no doubt the most famous. Planted as a sapling by King Tarondor in 1640 T.A., it died in 2872 T.A. with the death of the Ruling Steward Belecthor II. No seedling was found, so it was left standing in the Court of the Fountain after its death. When replaced by the Mindolluin sapling in 3019 T.A., the remains of this Withered Tree were laid to rest in the Tombs of the Kings with royal honours. Life, lineage, station, epithet, fame, death, and honoured burial – and there are those that would deny it its rightful place on this list. Shame! ;) [TG:6,WK:4,RF:9,JT:3,LR:5,H7:2,H8:4,H12:2=35pts,23indx.pgs]

#441 Ar-Zimrathôn, 21st Ruler of Númenor – númenórean king
His father Ar-Adûnakhôr was the first king to take his name in the Adûnaic tongue, and the tradition was continued by Ar-Zimrathôn. His recorded Quenya name, Tar-Hostamir, apparently means "Collector of Jewels". Ar-Zimrathôn held the Sceptre for 71 years, lived to the age of 235, and he was succeeded by his son Ar-Sakalthôr. [TG:12,Eä:9,WK:2,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,UT:6,LE:2=36pts,2indx.pgs]

#440 Narvi, maker of the Doors of Durin – dwarf craftsman
He lived in Khazâd-dûm, and befriended Celebrimbor of Eregion. Together they crafted the Doors of Durin guarding the West-gate of Moria. Narvi’s name was engraved upon the Doors by the Elf-lord. [TG:18,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:2,JT:5,LR:1,UT:4,H7:2=36pts,3indx.pgs]

#439 Aldamir, 23rd King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He was the younger son of King Eldacar, 21st King of Gondor. Aldamir’s older brother, Ornendil, was executed by Castamir who usurped the throne during the Kin-strife. Castamir was subsequently killed by Eldacar, whose line was restored. When Aldamir eventually succeeded his father, he did so as the 23rd King of Gondor. During his rule, kings of Harad rebelled against Gondor and Aldamir was slain. His son Vinyarion succeeded him and avenged his death with victory over Harad, after which he ruled as Hyarmendacil II. [TG:17,Eä:5,WK:5,RF:2,JT:4,LR:1,H12:2=36pts,4indx.pgs]

#438 Beregond, 20th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He succeeded his father Beren in 2763 T.A., ruling 48yrs until his death at the age of 111. Beregond defeated the Corsairs of Umbar, who invaded Gondor’s southern coasts. This provided relief to Rohan which was being attacked by Dunlendings as well as Corsairs. Beregond was succeeded by his son Belecthor II. [TG:18,Eä:1,WK:3,RF:3,JT:6,LR:1,H12:4=36pts,5indx.pgs]

#437 Frerin, brother of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf prince
He was driven into exile from Erebor, along with Thorin, when Smaug attacked. Frerin later took part in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. In the Battle of Azanulbizar, he was in the first assault of the vanguard, led by his father, which was thrown back and defeated near the Mirrormere. Frerin, his kinsman Fundin, and many others, were slain; and after the battle, their bodies were burned on pyres by the surviving Dwarves. [TG:15,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:5,JT:10,MD:1,LR:1,H12:2=36pts,7indx.pgs]

#436 Isengrim II Took, 22nd Thain of the Shire – hobbit thain
He became Thain in 1083 S.R., the 10th Thain of the Took line, and began the excavation of the Great Smials. This was shortly after Tobold first planted pipe-weed in the Southfarthing, and during Isengrim II’s reign the Shire-reform was established in the Shire-Reckoning. He was succeeded by his son Isumbras III. [TG:16,Eä:3,WK:1,RF:4,JT:5,LR:1,H6:4,H8:2=36pts,8indx.pgs]

#435 Egalmoth, 18th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He was the grandson of Morwen, daughter of Belecthor I. Egalmoth succeeded his cousin Ecthelion I (see below) in 2698 T.A. During his reign there was war with the Orcs, and in 2710 T.A. King Déor of Rohan requested aid against the Dunlendings, but Egalmoth was unable to send help. He was succeeded by his son Beren in 2743 T.A. [TG:17,Eä:4,WK:3,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,UT:2,H2:2,H11:2.H12:2=36pts,8indx.pgs]

#434 Ecthelion I, 17th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He succeeded his father Orodreth in 2685 T.A. Ecthelion I rebuilt the White Tower in Minas Tirith, which thereafter bore his name. However he had no children, so was succeeded by his cousin Egalmoth (see above) the grandson of Orodreth's sister. [TG:16,Eä:4,WK:4,RF:2,JT:3,LR:1,H8:2,H12:4=36pts,11indx.pgs]

#433 Galdor of the Havens – sinda counsellor
Sent as messenger by Círdan to Rivendell, he was present at the Council of Elrond. Galdor made inquiries into the absence of Saruman, and the proof that the ring was the One Ring. He later mentioned his knowledge of Bombadil, and agreed he had not the power to keep the Ring; also agreeing the Sea could not hide the Ring forever. Galdor also foreshadowed the return of the Ringwraiths, and predicted no force could stop Sauron from overrunning Middle-earth. These comments led to Elrond’s decision that the Ring must be destroyed in Mount Doom. Tolkien concluded that, unlike Glorfindel, he was not the Galdor of Gondolin. [TG:20,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,H6:2,H7:2,H12:2=36pts,12indx.pgs]

#432 Léod, Lord of the Éothéod – northman lord
He was a great horseman of the Men of the North he ruled. But he tried to tame a proud white foal that he chanced to capture, eventually causing Léod to be thrown, hitting his head on a rock and dying. He was 42, and his son was 16, who would become Eorl the Young, 1st King of Rohan. Eorl later caught & tamed the same horse, itself becoming Felaróf, 1st of the Mearas. [TG:11,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:7,LR:1,UT:4,H7:4,H12:4=36pts,13indx.pgs]

#431 Arassuil, 11th Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
He succeeded his father Arahad II in 2719 T.A., served 65yrs, and died at age 156. His chieftainship saw Orcs invade Eriador, while the Rangers fought many battles to hold them back. The Battle of Greenfields in the Shire occurred during Arassuil’s reign, also the Long Winter. He was succeeded by his son Arathorn I in 2784. [TG:20,Eä:3,WK:7,RF:3,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=37pts,3indx.pgs]

#430 Anardil, 6th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He ruled for 87yrs, from 324 T.A. until his death at age 275. Anardil was the last king to dwell exclusively in the capital of Osgiliath, as his son & successor Ostoher began the tradition of the kings spending the summer at the citadel of Minas Anor. [TG:19,Eä:7,WK:5,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=37pts,3indx.pgs]

#429 Bregor, 5th Lord of the 1st House – 1st-house edain lord
He was the oldest child and only son of Boromir, and thus was the 2nd Lord of Ladros. Bregor’s sisters were Andreth & Beril. His lordship lasted from the death of his father in 432 F.A. to his own passing in 448 at age 89. He had 5 children, and was succeeded by his eldest son Bregolas, who was in turn succeeded by his younger brother Barahir following the Dagor Bragollach. [TG:15,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:3,JT:2,SL:1,CH:1,UT:4,H3:2,H5:2,H10:2,H11:2=37pts,7indx.pgs]

#428 Milo Burrows, son of Rufus @ – hobbit
He was a grandson of Gorbadoc Brandybuck, and married Peony Baggins, a cousin of Bilbo. Their 4 children were Mosco, Moro, Myrtle & Minto, and apart from the youngest, all attended Bilbo’s Farewell Party. Milo was known, at least to Bilbo, for failing to reply to letters; so he was one who found a special gift in Bag End following Bilbo's departure: a golden inkpot & pen. Due to this role, and several name-changes, Milo chimes in just ahead of 2 fathers of the Fellowship. [TG:13,Eä:5,WK:1,RF:3,JT:4,LR:1,H6:10=37pts,9indx.pgs]

#427 Saradoc ‘Scattergold’ Brandybuck, Master of Buckland @ – hobbit master
He was the son of ‘Goldfather’ son of ‘Broadbelt’ son of ‘Masterful’ son of ‘Proudneck’ son of ‘Deepdelver’, but only his son was ‘the Magnificent’. Saradoc married Esmeralda Took, and he attended Bilbo’s Farewell Party, along with his father, brother, wife, son, nephew, and various aunts, uncles & cousins. He became Master of Buckland following his father Rorimac's death in 1408 S.R. Meriadoc was their only child. [TG:8,Eä:7,WK:1,RF:6,JT:2,MD:1,LR:2,H6:8,H8:2=37pts,14indx.pgs]

#426 Drogo Baggins, father of Frodo – hobbit
Drogo, born in 1308 S.R., was the 2nd child and eldest son of Fosco Baggins & Ruby Bolger. He married Primula Brandybuck, and they, like Saradoc & Esmeralda above, had only one, albeit famous, child. Drogo, like most Bucklanders, was fond of good food, and liked boating. The circumstances of his & Primula’s deaths cannot be discussed here due to strict edict from Messrs. Grubbs & Burrowes, but after their unfortunate accident young Frodo was taken under the custody of his uncle Rorimac. [TG:10,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:8,JT:4,MD:1,LR:3,H6:6,H7:2=37pts,24indx.pgs]

#425 River-woman, mother of Goldberry (f) – unknown
Speaking of mysteries, this is one of slightly more grandiosity. As the mother-in-law of Tom Bombadil, she is indeed a riddle inside an enigma, or rather inside the ‘house in the deepest hollow’. And yes, this is one of those rare instances where we have David Day to thank – that is, for her justifiable mid-stationing at #425. I’m satisfied with the simple/complex dichotomy that Tom is a product of the ‘countryside’, and his wife, the ‘river-daughter’. And on a related note, Goldberry, Tom, & Eru himself, will appear in the top-100, to not-so-subtly hint at those 4 - racially classified as, non-Valar, non-Maiar, ‘unknowns’ (although their occupations will be classified as mother, master, mistress, & Creator respectively). [TG:5,Eä:7,WK:1,RF:3,JT:2,DD:19,LR:1=38pts,4indx.pgs]

#424 Bucca of the Marish, 1st Thain of the Shire – hobbit thain
Outside of the Great Years, it’s hard to dispute the half-dozen years as critical as 1974-1981 of the 3rd Age. Of the least important events at the time, was a hobbit taking leadership for his people. Around 4 years after the fall of the North-Kingdom, the Shire-hobbits elected Bucca of the Marish as their 1st Thain. He was to rule the land in the King's stead, and it is said he brought peace and prosperity to the Shire. His family became the Oldbucks, and eventually the Brandybucks. [TG:11,Eä:15,WK:1,RF:3,JT:5,LR:1,H12:2=38pts,4indx.pgs]

#423 Tar-Súrion, 9th Ruler of Númenor – númenórean king
He was the 3rd child but eldest son of Tar-Anárion. His 2 older sisters had claim to the Sceptre, because of the new law, but refused. It’s recorded that the fear of their grandmother, Queen Tar-Ancalimë, was the reason. Thus the Kingship passed by default to Tar-Súrion. His 162-year reign was enveloped by females of the royal line: his inheritance due to his grandmother & sisters, and his eldest child, who was a daughter. She would reign as Tar-Telperiën, Númenor's 2nd Ruling Queen, after he gave up the Sceptre at age 382. [TG:15,Eä:10,WK:2,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,UT:4,LE:3=38pts,4indx.pgs]

#422 Malvegil, 6th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
He was the son of Celebrindor, succeeded his father in 1272 T.A., reigned 77yrs, and died at the age of 205. It was during Malvegil's reign that the Witch-king founded Angmar, and hobbits moved westward towards Bree. He was succeeded by his son Argeleb I in 1349. Malvegil's name, in translation, implies "Sword of Gold". [TG:17,Eä:6,WK:5,RF:2,JT:5,LR:1,H12:2=38pts,5indx.pgs]

#421 Ciryandil, 14th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He succeeded his father Eärnil I in 936 T.A., and ruled 79yrs. Ciryandil ‘Ship-friend’ was the 3rd Ship-king of Gondor, and he continued his father's naval policies. He spent much of his reign defending Umbar, the recently captured haven, against the Black Númenóreans & Haradrim. In 1015 T.A. Ciryandil was slain in Haradwaith at age 195 while Umbar was besieged. He was succeeded by his son Ciryaher, later known as Hyarmendacil I. [TG:14,Eä:4,WK:5,RF:4,JT:6,LR:1,H12:4=38pts,6indx.pgs]

#420 Vidugavia, ‘King of Rhovanion’ – northman ruling-prince
Coincidentally, he and his daughter (below) tallied the exact same score & # of indexed pages, but with slightly different apportionments. Vidugavia was the self-styled ‘King of Rhovanion’, more properly recorded as ‘the most powerful of the Northern princes’, ruling the lands between Mirkwood & the River Running. He was a friend & ally of Rómendacil II of Gondor, whom he helped in his victory over the Easterlings in 1248 T.A., and received his son Valacar as ambassador in his northern court. Valacar would eventually marry Vidumavi, Vidugavia's daughter. Vidumavi was not his only child however, as Vidugavia is recorded as a distant ancestor of Marhari of Rhovanion, whose son retreated to the Vales of Anduin and founded the line of the Éothéod . [TG:13,Eä:3,WK:3,RF:5,JT:4,MD:1,LR:1,UT:4,H12:4=38pts,7indx.pgs]

#419 Vidumavi, Queen of Gondor (f) – northman queen
Daughter of Vidugavia (above), Vidumavi is also known as Galadwen, both meaning ‘Wood-maiden’. She fell in love with, and married, Valacar Prince of Gondor and ambassador in her father’s court. They had a son Vinitharya in 1255 T.A., and 5 years later Vidumavi was welcomed in Gondor. However, not being of the Dúnedain, she died in 1344 before Valacar became king. Because of this, many Gondorians were unwilling to accept his son Vinitharya, who became King Eldacar following Valacar’s death in 1432, leading to the Kin-strife. Her & her father’s points from Drout’s Encyclopedia come from Sandra Straubhaar’s ‘Goths’ article. [TG:17,Eä:3,WK:3,RF:2,JT:1,MD:1,LR:1,UT:4,H12:6=38pts,7indx.pgs]

#418 Gimilkhâd, father of Ar-Pharazôn – númenórean prince
He was the younger son of Ar-Gimilzôr and Queen Inzilbêth. His older brother Inziladûn followed his mother, as one of the secret Faithful, and took the royal title of Tar-Palantir. But Gimilkhâd followed his father, and became leader of the King’s Men, opposing his brother. It was his son Ar-Pharazôn who usurped the Sceptre from Tar-Palantir's daughter Tar-Míriel, eventually bringing the ultimate destruction of Númenor, not to mention the shape of the World. Subjective lists likely would have him well-situated in the top-300; as it is this is an objective list, and Tolkien unfortunately wrote little of the 2nd Age. Thus the same can likely be said for the placement of his son, who sadly won’t crack the top... well you’ll see. [TG:14,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:4,JT:9,SL:2,UT:4,H12:2=38pts,10indx.pgs]

#417 Amárië, ‘beloved’ of Finrod (f) – vanya
Finrod met Amarië in Valinor, where they fell in love. When Finrod followed his siblings, uncles & cousins into exile, Amarië, an unmarried Vanya, was not permitted to go. However, Finrod's death at the hands of Sauron ironically re-united them, as it’s recorded that they lived together once again in Valinor. [TG:20,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:2,JT:5,SL:2,H11:4,H12:2=38pts,10indx.pgs]

#416 Magor Dagorlind ‘the Sword’, 3rd Lord of the 3rd House – 3rd house adan lord
Born in 341 F.A., he was the grandson of Marach, 1st Lord of the 3rd House. Magor’s warrior epithets were hasty additions to the ‘folk of Marach’ tree, which itself was repeatedly emended. So which battles gave him the name ‘Singer in Battle’ & ‘the Sword’? Perhaps when he led the larger part of Marach’s people out of Hithlum, south of the Ered Wethrin, some conflicts ensued. Or, that he proudly served no Elf-lord, like his son Hathol ‘the Axe’, might have meant frequent unaided orc-battles. Again, all hasty jottings on an ever-changing tree, which temporarily saw Hador’s genealogy advanced to his grandfather Magor’s position, to justify the name ‘House of Hador’ (mentioned in Arda Reconstructed, thus the point awarded to Magor from Kane). But the final 3rd House tree, and all of its notes, provided by CT in HoMe11, is surely that which tells the tale. [TG:11,Eä:7,WK:1,RF:2,JT:6,DK:1,SL:2,H11:8=38pts,11indx.pgs]

#415 Ioreth of Lossarnach, eldest Healer of Minas Tirith (f) – gondorian
She was from Imloth Melui in Lossarnach before she moved to Minas Tirith and worked in the Houses of the Healing. By the time of the War of the Ring she was the oldest healer there and was well versed in lore. She helped to heal Faramir, but her talkative nature tended to annoy Aragorn and Gandalf. Foster characterized her in this tactful way: “Her folk wisdom was exceeded only by her loquacity”. Her name literally means “old woman”, and she was ‘Yoreth’ in the drafts. [TG:17,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:5,JT:3,LR:1,H8:4,H9:4=38pts,15indx.pgs]

#414 Celepharn, 4th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
He was the son of Mallor, succeeding the throne in 1110 T.A. on his father’s death. During Celepharn’s rule, Fallohides & Stoors followed the Harfoots into Eriador; also Gondor reached the height of its power. He reigned for 81yrs, until 1191, and died at the age of 212. He was succeeded by his son Celebrindor. [TG:22,Eä:6,WK:5,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=39pts,2indx.pgs]

#413 Cemendur, 4th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He was actually born in the 2nd Age, but was the first King of Gondor to be born in Middle-earth, being the son of Meneldil son of Anárion son of Elendil. Cemendur succeeded his father in 158 T.A., ruled for 80yrs, and died at the age of 280. His reign was apparently a peaceful one; his name meaning ‘Earth-servant’ in Quenya. Cemendur was succeeded by his son Eärendil. [TG:21,Eä:3,WK:9,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=39pts,3indx.pgs]

#412 Arahad I, 7th Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
He succeeded his father Araglas, who died in 2455 T.A. During his reign, Sauron returned to Dol Guldur with increased strength, ending the Watchful Peace; the White Council was formed in Rivendell headed by Saruman; and orcs increased in the Misty Mountains leading to the wounding & departing of Celebrían wife of Elrond. Arahad I ruled for 68yrs, died in 2523 at the age of 158, and was followed by his son Aragost. [TG:21,Eä:4,WK:6,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,H12:2=39pts,4indx.pgs]

#411 Turambar, 9th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He succeeded his father in 541 T.A., when Rómendacil I was killed in an Easterling invasion of Ithilien. Turambar sought vengeance, not only destroying the Easterling horde, but continuing on to conquer the new territory of Rhûn for Gondor. He reigned 126yrs, the longest reign since Meneldil, as he came to the throne at a young age. Turambar died in 667 at the age of 270, and was succeeded by his son Atanatar I. [TG:18,Eä:6,WK:4,RF:3,JT:5,LR:1,H12:2=39pts,4indx.pgs]

#410 *Elmo, younger brother of Elwë & Olwë – sinda prince
CT revealed him as “a shadowy figure about whom nothing is told save that he was the younger brother of Elwë (Thingol) & Olwë, and was ‘beloved of Elwë with whom he remained’.” He was also the grandfather of Celeborn, and likely died in the Ruin of Doriath. [TG:8,EA15,WK:7,DK:1,UT:6,H11:2=39pts,4indx.pgs]

#409 Tar-Ardamin, 19th King of Númenor – númenórean king
Tar-Ardamin was the son of Tar-Calmacil, and was the last King to use a Quenya name, although in private he was known as Ar-Abattârik, "Pillar of the World". His son abandoned official tradition, and used Adûnaic in his official name, Ar-Adûnakhôr. Tar-Ardamin fails to appear in the LotR Appendix list, but CT explains this as simple scribal error. [TG:21,Eä:3,WK:7,DK:1,LR:1,UT:4,LE:2=39pts,4indx.pgs]

#408 Angbor the Fearless, Lord of Lamedon – gondorian dúnadan lord
He led the men of Lamedon during the War of the Ring in a fight against southern invaders seeking to capture Linhir & the fords of Gilrain. However, they fled on the arrival of the Army of the Dead, and Aragorn then bade Angbor to gather his folk and advance to Pelargir where "the Heir of Isildur will have need of you". Angbor’s force arrived after the Shadow Host had cleared the ships, and as Aragorn & company rowed north upon the Anduin, he led his horsemen north by land. In the debate before the march to Morannan, Aragorn assured Imrahil that new strength was on the way, stating that Angbor, whom he named "the fearless", was marching through Lossarnach with 4,000 men. [TG:16,Eä:3,WK:2,RF:5,JT:10,LR:1,H8:2=39pts,5indx.pgs]

#407 Arvegil, 11th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
Arvegil succeeded his father, Argeleb II, in 1670 T.A., and ruled for 73yrs. He witnessed the foundation of the Shire, and the spread of the Great Plague into Eriador during his father's reign. Arvegil lived 190yrs, longer than any of his descendants until Aragorn, and was succeeded by his son Arveleg II in 1743 T.A. [TG:20,Eä:8,WK:5,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=39pts,5indx.pgs]

#406 Ostoher, 7th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
Ostoher succeeded his father Anardil in 411 T.A., and ruled for 81yrs. He rebuilt and enlarged Minas Anor, which became his summer residence, establishing this as a tradition of his successors. In 490 T.A., 2yrs before Ostoher’s death, Easterlings invaded Gondor for the 1st time. His son and successor, Tarostar, eventually defeated this threat, and adopted the name Rómendacil (East-victor). [TG:14,Eä:8,WK:5,RF:4,JT:3,LR:1,H12:4=39pts,7indx.pgs]

#405 Fengel, 15th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
Fengel was the 3rd and only surviving son of Folcwine, and succeeded his father in 2903 T.A. at the age of 33. His older brothers, Folcred & Fastred, were killed fighting for Gondor, thus it is said Fengel, young & brotherless, became somewhat spoiled. He eventually became known for his greed and love of gold. His son Thengel left Rohan due to this, living in Gondor with his wife’s family. Fengel died after ruling 50yrs, and was succeeded by his son, who returned to Rohan. [TG:13,Eä:4,WK:3,RF:3,JT:5,LR:1,H8:4,H12:6=39pts,7indx.pgs]

#404 Hirgon, messenger of Gondor – gondorian messenger
Hirgon was the emissary of Gondor who set out with a companion by the command of Denethor, narrowly escaping Orcs along the way, and presented the Red Arrow to Théoden on March 9, 3019 T.A. They rode back toward Minas Tirith the next day but were caught at the Rammas Echor by Sauron’s forces, and slain. When Théoden' Riders found their bodies, they understood that their message of help never arrived. [TG:11,Eä:3,WK:2,RF:4,JT:4,LR:1,H8:14=39pts,12indx.pgs]

#403 *Egalmoth, Lord of the House of the Heavenly Arch of Gondolin – noldo lord
Egalmoth appears in the more dominant half of the leaders of the 12 Houses of Gondolin. He wore a blue mantle upon which stars were embroidered in crystal, and wielded a unique curved sword, but trusted more to his bow with which he shot “further than any among that host”. Egalmoth survived the Fall of Gondolin, fleeing with the other survivors to the Mouths of Sirion, but died in the attack by the Sons of Fëanor. There is an early note that Egalmoth actually survived to lead some of the Noldor back to Valinor, but CT notes the contradictions this brings. Perhaps, like Glorfindel, he had a hastened reincarnation. [TG:13,WK:1,H2:4,B2:14,FG:3,H11:2,H12:2=39pts,14indx.pgs]

#402 Hareth of the Haladin, mother of Húrin Thalion (f) – 2nd house adan
Born in 419 F.A., she was the elder daughter of Halmir, 3rd Lord of the Haladin. Hareth married Galdor, lord of the House of Hador, and bore him 2 sons, Húrin & Huor. Her name is likely a synonym for ‘lady’, as it appears in Tûr Haretha, ‘the Ladybarrow’ - the burial mound of Haleth. [TG:16,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:3,DK:1,SL:2,CH:2,UT:4,H11:6=39pts,15indx.pgs]

#401 Fíriel of “The Last Ship” (f) – hobbit?
She was amongst the characters I debated several posts ago (along with the Eagle-Lords & Herumors) that may or may not be one-&-the-same as other characters, and so decisions had to be made before I entered the top 300 or 400. But because Fíriel Fairbairn appeared so early on this list, I felt it would have been unjustified to leave her there as the same character from this important poem. Further, I decided to leave separate all these characters, rather than conjoin them on my own accord. So this enigmatic main character of the poem “The Last Ship” appears here, with just a personal nod to the high probability that she is none other than Fíriel Fairbairn (both only appearing in AdvsTB), the aged grand-daughter of Sam, who is rhetorically (or not) asked to join the 3 last-departing Elf-lords - Círdan, Celeborn & Thranduil – in the Last Ship to the West, on the banks of the river Lhûn, just down from her Tower Hills home, some short years following the passing of Elessar. [TG:15,WK:1,RF:5,JT:19=40pts,0indx.pgs]
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Re: The Middle-earth 1200 - master list (in process)

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#400 *Amdír Malgalad, King of Lórien, father of Amroth – sinda king
Only appearing in UT notes within the chapter ‘The History of Galadriel & Celeborn’, and never with both names conjoined, CT nonetheless equates Amdír with Malgalad, as both are separately mentioned as the Sindarin ruler leading the Silvan forces of Lórien in the Last Alliance under the command of Gil-galad and perishing in the Battle of Dagorlad. Oropher King of Greenwood, leading his own forces in the Battle, suffered the same fate. It may be speculated that Amdír, like Oropher, was also a noble Sinda who survived Doriath - both having sons of similar station that inherited their respective realms for the 3rd Age, albeit Amroth’s reign lasting only 2 millennia. A further link to equating the 2 names may be in the way they form a given-name & epithet, similar to Elwë Thingol, used separately more often than not (Malgalad possibly meaning “shining-gold”, or “golden-tree”). [TG:25,WK:9,UT:6=40pts,4indx.pgs]

#399 Hador, 7th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He succeeded his father Túrin I in 2278 T.A., and ruled for 117yrs. Hador ruled entirely during the Watchful Peace, but is most noted for making the millennial adjustment on the 300th anniversary of the Stewards’ Reckoning by adding an extra day to the calendar. He was succeeded by his son Barahir after living to the age of 150, the last Gondorian to live to such an age. [TG:19,Eä:8,WK:1,RF:3,JT:4,LR:1,H12:4=40pts,4indx.pgs]

#398 Lothíriel of Dol Amroth, Queen of Rohan (f) – gondorian dúnadan queen
She was of course the daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, and wife of Éomer after their wedding at the end of the 3rd Age, together being the parents of Elfwine the Fair, 19th King of Rohan. Her 3 older brothers were Elphir, Erchirion, & Amrothos, the eldest becoming the 23rd Prince of Dol Amroth upon the death of Imrahil in year 34 of the 4th Age. [TG:17,Eä:6,WK:4,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,UT:4,H12:2=40pts,5indx.pgs]

#397 Asfaloth, white horse of Glorfindel – equine mount
Remarkably swift, outrunning the black steeds of the Riders, Asfaloth of course carried Frodo safely beyond the Ford of Bruinen. It was Rhona Beare’s 1958 letter that ensured his ‘bridle & bit’ was appropriately changed to ‘headstall’ in future LotR editions. [TG:22,Eä:2,WK:8,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,H6:2=40pts,8indx.pgs]

#396 Folcwine, 14th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
He succeeded his father Folca the Hunter in 2864 T.A. Folcwine drove the Dunlendings out of the west-march, but also sent his twin sons Folcred & Fastred to their death in aid of Gondor against Harad in fulfillment of the Oath of Eorl. When he died at the age of 73 in 2903, his youngest son Fengel succeeded him. Folcwine was also the great-grandfather of Théoden. [TG:10,Eä:2,WK:2,RF:6,JT:7,LR:1,UT:6,H8:2,H9:2,H12:2=40pts,13indx.pgs]

#395 The Great Goblin – orc chieftain
He was around #500 until I included the Tolkien Gateway. Now he cracks the top-400, due in part to his appearance in the latest movies. Things equal out, I suppose, since characters of The Hobbit are unindexed. This Great One’s 15 indexed pages all come from Rateliff’s History of the Hobbit. [TG:22,Eä:3,WK:2,RF:4,JT:5,JR:4=40pts,15indx.pgs]

#394 Ulfang the Black – easterling chieftain
2 of his sons have appeared already, while the other won’t appear for a while; no doubt ranked by the severity of their respective epithets. [TG:10,Eä:1,WK:3,RF:6,JT:1,SL:3,H4:8,H5:4,H11:2,MD:2=40pts,34indx.pgs]

#393 Arahael, 2nd Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
He succeeded his father Aranarth in 2106 T.A., and ruled for 65yrs. Arahael was raised by Elrond in Rivendell, and ruled during the Watchful Peace. He was succeeded by his son Aranuir in 2177 after his death at the age of 165. [TG:19,Eä:6,WK:6,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,H12:4=41pts,4indx.pgs]

#392 Thorin I, King of Durin’s Folk – dwarf king
He was the great-grandson of Durin VI, and was born in Erebor, succeeding his father Thráin I in 2190 T.A. as King under the Mountain. Thorin I decided to leave the Lonely Mountain in 2210 T.A., reuniting his people with those in the Grey Mts. He was succeeded by his son Glóin after ruling 99yrs, and died in 2289 at the age of 254. [TG:19,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:3,DD:11,LR:1,H12:2=41pts,6indx.pgs]

#391 Tarondor, 27th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He became King when his uncle Telemnar & his children died of the Great Plague in 1636 T.A. Tarondor permanently relocated the king's house to Minas Anor during this time, reordering the realm, and planted a seedling of the White Tree in the citadel there. He died in 1798 at the age of 221, after reigning 162yrs, and was succeeded by his son Telumehtar Umbardacil. [TG:15,Eä:3,WK:5,RF:6,JT:9,LR:1,H12:2=41pts,7indx.pgs]

#390 Fíriel of Gondor, Queen of Arthedain (f) – gondorian dúnadan queen
This 3rd child & daughter of King Ondoher of Gondor, whose marriage to Arvedui of Arthedain in 1940 T.A. was meant to re-establish the alliance of Gondor & Arnor, is the last of the Fíriels to appear on this list. The alliance came to naught due to war upon both kingdoms, which saw the Crown of Gondor pass to the successful war-leader Eärnil, instead of Fíriel the rightful surviving heiress under Númenórean Law. In the end, through Arvedui, her line re-claimed the Crown via Aragorn. [TG:16,Eä:2,WK:7,RF:3,JT:8,LR:1,H12:4=41pts,8indx.pgs]

#389 Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys of Gondor – gondorian lord
Speaking of which (see above) it is of course Húrin of the Keys, soldier of Minas Tirith, who has the claim to fame of opening the gate to the City upon the coronation of King Elessar. [TG:11,Eä:8,WK:5,RF:6,JT:3,LR:2,H8:4,H12:2=41pts,9indx.pgs]

#388 Dagnir, outlaw companion of Barahir – 1st house adan outlaw
2 members of Barahir’s fateful band of survivors appear here in a row (see below), although their apportionment of points is quite different. [TG:11,Eä:4,WK:1,RF:3,JT:4,SL:2,H3:4,H4:8,H5:2,H11:2=41pts,9indx.pgs]

#387 Radhruin, outlaw companion of Barahir – 1st house adan outlaw
These 2 (see above) aren’t the first of Barahir’s band to appear on the list, and they certainly won’t be the last. [TG:12,Eä:5,WK:1,RF:3,JT:2,SL:2,H3:4,H4:4,H5:6,H11:2=41pts,11indx.pgs]

#386 Forlong the Fat, Lord of Lossarnach – gondorian lord
Whether Forlong is better known as “the Fat” or “the Old” is neither here nor there, as he is best known by the people of Minas Tirith as “True heart, true friend!”, and forever remembered in the ‘Song of the Mounds of Mundberg’. [TG:13,Eä:4,WK:4,RF:6,JT:8,LR:2,H8:4=41pts,12indx.pgs]

#385 Eärendur, 10th and last King of Arnor – arnorian dúnadan king
He succeeded his father Elendur in 777 T.A., and ruled 84yrs until his death in 861at the age of 221. His making the top 400 has little to do with his reign, but is largely due to his death, as his 3 squabbling sons then split Arnor into 3 Kingdoms. The eldest son and rightful heir, Amlaith of Fornost 1st King of Arthedain, successfully carried the line through to Aragorn. Eärendur is the namesake of 2 Númenóreans: the 2nd son of Tar-Amandil (inside the top 900), as well as the 15th Lord of Andúnië (inside the top 500). [TG:22,Eä:2,WK:4,RF:3,JT:4,LR:1,SL:1,H12:4=41pts,12indx.pgs]

#384 Bergil son of Beregond of Gondor – gondorian boy
Without taking stock, I suspect Bergil is one of the higher ranking children on the list. Over three-quarters of his points come from 3 sources: HoMe8, Tolkien Gateway, & Wikipedia, the latter having a combined entry of ‘Beregond & Bergil’, but each with his own heading, thus points were easily split. [TG:12,Eä:2,WK:10,RF:3,LR:2,H8:10,H12:2=41pts,18indx.pgs]

#383 *Ingil son of Ingwë, Prince of all Elves and 1st Lord of Tol Eressëa – vanya prince
He’s the 19th ranked asterisked character, existing only in HoMe. His mother remains unknown, while his legacy is to remain the High Prince of all Elves in divine perpetuity. It was Ingil who led the High Elves in the War of Wrath, winning the Battle of Eglorest upon landing, driving the Orcs from the coast. After successfully aiding the prosecution of the War, Ingil was the first to settle Eressëa, gathering there all the wisest & fairest Elves, including those of the Exiles. He had a great tower of renown built there in Kortirion. Meril-i-Turinqi, the Lady of Tol Eressëa at the time of Eriol, names Ingwë her great-grandfather, making Ingil either her grandfather or grand-uncle; and says that Ingil eventually returned to Valinor and is with Manwë, which may loosely explain the Lost Tale notebook C draft. It outlines how Morgoth at one point breaks free from imprisonment, with Sauron’s help, and comes to Eressëa to cause dissent. There he is wounded by Ingil & Telimektar son of Tulkas, and pursued up the Great Pine of Tavrobel into the sky, where they remain the keepers of perpetual watch over Morgoth: Ingil being the Blue Bee of Sirius who follows Orion, that is Telimektar. [TG:7,WK:1,JG:2,H1:11,H2:4,H4:12,H5:2,H11:2=41pts,34indx.pgs]

#382 Tar-Vanimeldë, 16th Ruler of Númenor (f) – númenórean ruling-queen
She was the 3rd and last Ruling Queen of Númenor, being the daughter of Tar-Telemmaitë. Tar-Vanimeldë left state affairs to her husband, paying little heed to government, preferring the arts. Herucalmo, of noble descent himself, effectively ruled Númenor while his wife held the Sceptre. When she died, the kingship should have passed to their son Alcarin, but Herucalmo refused to give up power, usurping the throne for 20yrs as Tar-Anducal. However, the kingship passed back to its rightful heir, Tar-Alcarin, upon the death of Herucalmo. [TG:14,Eä:7,WK:2,RF:3,JT:1,LR:1,UT:4,LE:10=42pts,2indx.pgs]

#381 Nár, companion of Thrór – dwarf adventurer
He set out as sole companion of the King of Durin’s Folk from Dunland, where Thrór's people were living at the time. Their journey brought them to Moria, where Thrór insisted on entering the old dwarf kingdom now infested by orcs, against Nár’s pleas. The old companion was to stay behind and wait for the King near the gate, but instead he was the last dwarf ever to see Thrór alive. The Orc chieftain beheaded the King, and allowed Nár to escape with the message that 'Azog rules Moria', and dwarves best stay away or suffer the same fate. Nár returned to Dunland and delivered the message, causing such anger that led to the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. [TG:18,Eä:7,WK:1,RF:3,JT:10,LR:1,H12:2=42pts,3indx.pgs]

#380 Hyarmendacil II, 24th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He was still known as Vinyarion when he succeeded his father Aldamir, who was slain by the Haradrim in 1540 T.A. Vinyarion then led Gondor's forces in avenging his father’s death. In 1551 he was victorious over the Haradrim, and adopted the name Hyarmendacil II, the 2nd to be recognized as ‘South-victor’. He died in 1621, after ruling 81yrs, and was succeeded by his son Minardil. [TG:12,Eä:6,WK:4,RF:6,JT:5,LR:1,H12:8=42pts,5indx.pgs]

#379 Eärnil I, 13th King of Gondor & 2nd Ship-king – gondorian dúnadan king
In 913 T.A. Eärnil succeeded his childless uncle Tarannon Falastur, being the son of his younger brother Tarciryan. Eärnil then continued Tarannon’s ambitious maritime policies by building a great navy, repairing the havens of Pelargir, and capturing Umbar in 933. However, at the age of 200 he was lost at sea near Umbar in 936 and was succeeded by his son Ciryandil. [TG:16,Eä:2,WK:4,RF:5,JT:12,LR:1,H12:2=42pts,6indx.pgs]

#378 Ohtar, esquire of Isildur – arnorian dúnadan squire
He served as the esquire of Isildur, and was with the King’s company when they were ambushed at the Gladden Fields. Ohtar was one of only 3 survivors of the Disaster, and rescued the shards of Narsil, returning them safely to Rivendell. Ohtar was likely an honorary title, rather than his real name. It is said he was held dear by Isildur. [TG:10,Eä:2,WK:5,RF:4,JT:10,LR:1,SL:2,UT:6,H12:2=42pts,8indx.pgs]

#377 Beren, 19th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He succeeded his father Egalmoth who died in 2743 T.A. Beren fought the Corsairs of Umbar and Harad for much of his reign, being assailed by their fleets. But during the Long Winter of 2758-9 Rohan was attacked by Dunlendings, and neither nation could help the other. Therefore Beren willingly gave Saruman the key to Orthanc when he asked for leave to dwell in Isengard. Beren died at age 108, after ruling 20yrs, and was succeeded by his son Beregond in 2763. [TG:18,Eä:1,WK:2,RF:7,JT:7,LR:1,UT:4,H12:2=42pts,9indx.pgs]

#376 Fundin, father of Balin & Dwalin – dwarf soldier
In the line of Durin’s Folk, he was great-grandson of Náin II, and the son of Farin. Fundin was likely born in Erebor, going into exile with his people after Smaug’s attack. He was killed along with his kinsman Frerin and many others in the Battle of Azanulbizar, beneath the East-gate of Moria. After the battle his body and the others were burned on a wooden pyre. Balin & Dwalin were just 36 & 27 years of age. [TG:16,Eä:2,WK:4,RF:3,JT:3,LR:2,UT:4,H6:4,H7:2,H12:2=42pts,14indx.pgs]

#375 Brand, 3rd King of (new) Dale – northman king
Of the line of the Kings of Dale, only 1 remains after Brand’s appearance here. Bard II, the 4th of the new kingdom, was back at #637; Girion, the last king of old, was #483; Bain, the 2nd of the new kingdom, was #459; and here is the king during the War of the Ring. We’ll of course have to wait a bit for the 1st king of the new kingdom to appear. [TG:20,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:3,JT:4,LR:2,UT:4,H6:4,H7:2=42pts,18indx.pgs]

#374 Nob, junior inn-keeper of The Prancing Pony – hobbit inn-keeper
A bit of discrepancy exists between when Bob appeared in the 600’s, and when Nob appears here; as Nob gets 23pts from Tolkien Gateway, which was only factored in for the 2nd half of this list. Nonetheless, Nob was going to chime in slightly ahead due to more HoMe references. Chalk it up to a junior inn-keeper outranking an ostler, with neither cracking the inviolable top 300 in the end. [TG:23,Eä:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:4,LR:2,H6:4,H7:2,H9:2=42pts,25indx.pgs]

#373 *Hardang, 7th Chieftan of the Haladin – 2nd house adan chieftan
He’s the 18th ranked asterisked character (yes a countdown within a countdown). Only one-seventh of his points come from the books (1 book actually), the rest coming from 2 internet sources: Tolkien Gateway & Wikipedia. (The Encyclopedia of Arda as a rule doesn’t recognize asterisked characters). Yet Hardang was the prime antagonist of ‘The Wanderings of Húrin’, jailing and persecuting a hero who spent 28yrs tortured by the Devil no less. He, like Brandir, Túrin, & Manthor, was a great-grandson of the 3rd Chieftain Halmir, the latter 2 descended from his daughters. Brandir was directly in line and became the 6th Chieftain. But Hardang used all persuasion to attempt to have Brandir removed, as unfit to rule. In the end, when Brandir died childless, Hardang was elected chieftain, only because he was next in line. Manthor was the more popular candidate with much of the Folk of Brethil, and was in fact Brandir’s choice as heir. Upon the return of Húrin, old & alone as he was, Hardang had no sympathy, disliking the House of Hador, and exacerbated his torment by undue trial. It was up to Manthor to defend Húrin. The result was the people’s rage towards Hardang, the burning of the Hall of Chieftains, the killing of Hardang as he tried to escape, and the end of Brethil. [TG:15,WK:21,H11:6=42pts,36indx.pgs]

#372 Hallas, 13th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He succeeded his father Cirion in 2567 T.A., but rule of Minas Tirith was not new then to Hallas, as he was committed with it as early as 2510 in his father’s absence, fighting the Balchoth. Following that victory of the Battle of the Field of Celebrant, Hallas was not only witness to Cirion gifting Calenardhon to Eorl, but actually devised the names ‘Rohan’ & ‘Rohirrim’; a claim to fame that certainly warrants a #372 ranking. He died in 2605 at the age of 125yrs and was succeeded by his son Húrin II. [TG:16,Eä:12,WK:4,RF:2,JT:2,LR:1,UT:4,H12:2=43pts,5indx.pgs]

#371 *Legolas 'Greenleaf', of the House of the Tree of Gondolin – noldo scout
He was of the house of Galdor of the Tree in Gondolin, and was the guide for the evacuees of that City after its fall. Legolas/Laiqalassë had unusually keen eyesight, and knowledge of the mountain pass of Cristhorn. He likely guided the survivors all the way to the Mouths of Sirion, and was part of that community, since he is said to have lived in Tol Eressëa in later days. Connecting the dots, knowing that Oropher was likely a Doriath survivor at the Sirion encampment, and his son Thranduil had unusual golden hair, and that Thranduil named his own son Legolas; I put forth the logic that Oropher’s unknown wife was a Noldo survivor of Gondolin, that they met & wed at the intimate cosmopolitan community at Sirion’s Havens, and that she may have been a relative (sister?) of Legolas of Gondolin, and finally, that she perhaps perished in the 3rd Kinslaying there, since she has not been recorded. An entry of note in Tolkien’s lexicon is that of ‘Tári-Laisi’ in the HoMe1 name-list, which gives a credible explanation of how Legolas can mean both ‘Greenleaf’ and ‘Keen-sight’ at the same time; as the Noldor “delighted to give two similar-sounding names of dissimilar meaning” (Galad/Galadh, Light/Tree, being a prime example, as they were one-&-the-same in the Years of the Trees - my note). One need not get rankled in canonical vexation because of an overlapping name within the legendarium. Do what Tolkien did - with his late Glorfindel essay for example (solving the riddle of one Glorfindel or two) - make sense of the magic of all he wrote and embrace the larger legendarium. But I digress, yes this Legolas is the 17th ranked asterisked character, and he will not be denied his place on this list. :) [TG:11,WK:11,H1:11,H2:10=43pts,6indx.pgs]

#370 Leaflock – ent
Leaflock, or Finglas in Sindarin, the ‘sleepy, most tree-like’ Ent, is the first to appear here of the 3 oldest Shepherds of the Trees. (And, to note, I’ve classified the occupations of all Ents as ‘shepherds’ due to that descriptive epithet, thus joining Ulbar of Hyarastorni in the list of those of that pastoral vocation). [TG:11,Eä:2,WK:4,RF:6,JT:5,DD:8,MD:1,LR:2,H7:4=43pts,6indx.pgs]

#369 Náin I, King of Durin’s Folk – dwarf king
He was the son and successor of Durin VI, who was slain after the dwarves awoke the Balrog in 1980 T.A. But Náin ruled for only one year, before he himself was slain by the Balrog in 1981 at the age of 149. He was succeeded by his son Thráin, who led his folk back to Erebor. [TG:15,Eä:6,WK:1,RF:3,JT:13,LR:1,H7:2,H12:2=43pts,8indx.pgs]

#368 Harry Goatleaf, keeper of the west-gate of Bree – northman guard
After a 2nd go-through, as I do for each character here, I’ve noticed that a 1206th character should be added to this list. Appearing nowhere else but under Harry’s index entries in HoMe’s 6 & 7, is his brother Ned Goatleaf, who apparently looked after the gate sometimes when Harry was away. In the drafts, upon the hobbits’ arrival in Bree, Harry’s remarks at the gate indicate that Ned was probably there with him at the time. 2 of Harry’s points, and 3 indexed pages, should’ve been awarded to Ned, but since he lacks an indexed entry to himself, he can be added to the zero-points characters now comprising #’s 1180-1206. [TG:11,Eä:6,WK:8,RF:4,JT:4,LR:2,H6:4,H7:4=43pts,26indx.pgs]

#367 Snowmane, steed of Théoden – meara mount
Master’s Bane, as is carved in the poem upon Snowmane’s Howe, may be a little unfair to this horse of Rohan, who was pierced by the Witch-king’s dart after all. However, Verlyn Flieger does note the poetic paradox in her analysis of that verse in Drout’s Encyclopedia. Snowmane’s sire was Lightfoot (back at #745), both of which were quite likely of the Mearas. [TG:9,Eä:1,WK:3,RF:4,JT:10,DD:7,MD:3,LR:2,H7:2,H8:2=43pts,26indx.pgs]

#366 Bór the Faithful – easterling soldier
He was leader of a tribe of Easterlings that came into Beleriand after the Battle of Sudden Flame in 455 F.A., and had 3 sons, Borlad, Borlach, & Borthand. But unlike Ulfang the Black & his sons, Bór repented his peoples’ affiliations with Morgoth, and the dark sons of Fëanor, instead swearing loyalty to Maedhros & Maglor. They faced off in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears in 472, where Bór’s sons slew 2 of Ulfang’s sons, before being killed themselves. Uldor the Accursed will be the last to appear on this list of both these families. [TG:9,Eä:3,WK:3,RF:3,JT:7,MD:2,SL:2,H4:4,H5:4,H11:4,H12:2=43pts,32indx.pgs]

#365 Tar-Amandil, 3rd King of Númenor – númenórean king
Effectively the 2nd Ruler after Elros Tar-Minyatur, as his father Vardamir declined the Sceptre and was only a titular King. Tar-Amandil ruled for 148yrs, until 590 S.A., when he abdicated in favour of his eldest son Tar-Elendil. This tradition of renouncing the Sceptre prior to death was observed by most Númenórean Kings until Tar-Atanamir. [TG:22,Eä:2,WK:4,RF:2,JT:3,LR:1,UT:6,LE:4=44pts,4indx.pgs]

#364 Emeldir the Manhearted, mother of Beren Erchamion (f) – 1st house adan
She was born in 406 F.A., and became the wife of Barahir. Following the Battle of Sudden Flame, and ruin of Dorthonion, she led the survivors of the House of Bëor to Brethil, while her husband & son became outlaws. She is listed in Anna Smol’s ‘Gender in Tolkien’s Works’ entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia, as being among those that strongly counter female stereotypes, of which Tolkien is often accused. [TG:15,Eä:2,WK:1,RF:7,JT:5,MD:2,DK:1,SL:5,H10:2,H11:4=44pts,15indx.pgs]

#363 *Galdor, Lord of the House of the Tree of Gondolin – noldo lord
Galdor appears just ahead of Legolas, also of the Tree (at #371), and is actually the 17th asterisked character remaining (I previously miscounted). He is the last asterisked Lord of the 12 Houses of Gondolin: the 5 heavies that remain all made it into the published Sil. Galdor was said to be Gondolin’s bravest, save Turgon himself. He wore green, wielded a great club or spear, and made it to the Mouths of Sirion after the Fall of the City. It’s stated that he later, like Legolas, dwelt in Tol Eressëa. Tolkien concluded that this Galdor was not the same as the character of the same name in LotR. [TG:15,WK:8,H2:6,B2:7,FG:8=44pts,16indx.pgs]

#362 & #361 Gelmir & Arminas – noldo messengers
Their points are identical, as they are usually indexed together. They were Elves of Angrod’s people living by the Mouths of Sirion, and were sent as messengers by Círdan, who had received a message from Ulmo. The message was a warning to Nargothrond to shut its doors and demolish its bridge to prevent attack. Along the way, they met Tuor, and helped him in seeking the Gate of the Noldor. When they eventually delivered their message to Orodreth, who was then relying principally on the counsel of Túrin, their advice was scorned and ignored. The result was the Sack of Nargothrond by Glaurung. Their contribution may not seem worthy of their ranking, but they appear in nearly all the tales of Túrin, from the ‘Lost Tales’ to The Children of Húrin. Plus both CT & Kane make note of the puzzling way a text of their exploits was written after the fact, apparently to be included in the ‘Grey Annals’. [TG:13,Eä:2,RF:3,JT:5,DK:1,SL:2,CH:2,H2:4,H3:2,H11:4,UT:6=44pts,21indx.pgs]

#360 Arod, horse of Legolas – equine mount
Banished this year for use of steroids, he’s expected back in the Yankee lineup next year… oh, sorry… um Éomer gave Arod to Legolas, but the swift & loyal horse probably would’ve appreciated some performance enhancing drugs to get him to willingly enter the Paths of the Dead, not to mention carrying Gimli for as long as he did! [TG:10,EoA:3,WK:9,RF:5,JT:2,MD:1,LR:2,H6:2,H7:6,H8:2,H9:2=44pts,22indx.pgs]

#359 Hasufel, horse of Aragorn – equine mount
He has identical points & indexed pages as his compatriot Arod above, but with somewhat different allotments. Hasufel was of course Aragorn’s mount, also gifted by Éomer, until he was brought his own horse Roheryn by Halbarad following the Battle of the Hornburg. [TG:7,EoA:4,WK:12,RF:2,JT:4,MD:1,LR:2,H7:6,H8:2,H9:2,H12:2=44pts,22indx.pgs]

#358 Rorimac ‘Goldfather’ Brandybuck, Master of Buckland @ – hobbit master
Also known as ‘Old Rory’, he was the oldest son of Gorbadoc and became Master of Buckland upon his death in 1363 S.R. After the drownings of his sister Primula & husband Drogo Baggins in 1380, Rorimac took on the guardianship of their son, until Frodo later moved to Bag End. Bilbo left Rory a dozen of bottles of Old Winyards on his departure. [TG:16,EoA:6,WK:1,RF:5,JT:4,LR:2,H6:8,H9:2=44pts,23indx.pgs]

#357 & #356 *Gethron & *Grithnir, companions of Túrin Turambar – 3rd house adan messengers
They were aged servants of the House of Hador, sent by Morwen to accompany Túrin to Doriath. They’re mentioned, but not named, in the published Sil. Like Gelmir & Arminas (last post), they’ve existed through multiple versions of Túrin’s tales. In his prime, Grithnir was said to have travelled Beleriand widely, coming to know its ways, and for this reason he was selected as one of the guides. In the end Túrin was brought to Doriath successfully and, after Gethron’s plea, accepted into Thingol’s court. Grithnir became sick while a guest there, and died before he could journey home. [TG:9,WK:1,CH:2,H2:4,H3:8,H4:8,H5:6,UT:6=44pts,28indx.pgs]

#355 *Alwin Arundel Lowdham, member of the Notion Club – english lecturer
He’s the 14th remaining asterisked character on the list, and the last to appear from the ‘Notion Club Papers’. Within that narrative framework, ‘Arry’ discusses his dreams about Númenor and the languages of Middle-earth; most notably Adûnaic, for which Lowdham is the primary source for Tolkien linguists. HoMe9 contains ‘Lowdham’s Report on the Adunaic Language’, which reveals Adûnaic words, noun declensions, verb conjugations, a description of the phonology/morphology, and even its relationship to Quenya & Dwarvish. Carl Hostetter calls it “an extensive story and internal historical sketch of Adûnaic”. However, like all Notion Club characters, Lowdham has no entry in Tolkien Gateway. He does get 1pt from Wikipedia in its Notion Club entry; 38pts from HoMe9, his single primary source (including 153 indexed pages); as well as 5pts from Drout’s Encyclopedia, in which he appears in no less than 4 entries: Hostetter’s ‘Elvish Compositions & Grammars’, Miryam Moreno’s ‘Latin Language’, Thomas Honegger’s ‘Ælfwine’, and Jason Fisher’s ‘Sauron Defeated’. Further, just 12 days ago, upon the 100th anniversary of Tolkien’s writing of ‘The Voyage of Éarendel’ at his aunt’s farm in Gedling, John Garth in his blog revealed the discovery that a short walk away lies the neighbouring village of… Lowdham! That he, in a Notion Club meeting, quotes from the Anglo-Saxon poem ‘Crist’ (Éarendel), the verse that initiated the legendarium, very near the town of Lowdham, is more than a coincidence according to Garth. A dispensible character? A grotesque uncanonical abomination?? I think not. Nor does John Garth or Carl Hostetter. [WK:1,MD:5,H9:38=44pts,153indx.pgs]

#354 Fastiticalon – turtle-fish
Hey, here’s a character published by Tolkien in his lifetime! (sorry, couldn’t resist). Yes, this legendary sea monster gets more than half its points courtesy of David Day. But without factoring in Day’s A-Z, all animals, creatures, & dwarves would take a significant hit, and Khamûl would drop down close to #500, whereas he’s just shy of the top 200, closer to where he ought to be. Plus, it’s the only Day book I used, so allow me that, ha. Fastiticalon also gets points from Tolkien Gateway, Wikipedia, and Foster’s Guide. [TG:11,WK:3,RF:3,DD:28=45pts,3indx.pgs]

#353 Telemnar, 26th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
Telemnar succeeded his father Minardil, who was killed in a surprise raid by Corsairs of Umbar in 1634 T.A. He then began to outfit a fleet, but was halted when the Great Plague struck. After reigning only 2yrs, Telemnar & all his children died, along with a large number of Gondorians. The White Tree also died, Osgiliath was deserted, and the watch on Mordor ceased. The Kingship then passed to Telemnar’s nephew Tarondor. Bad timing, and bad events, is likely why this King ranks so high. It’s definitely why he appears in the Sil, as well as 2 entries in Drout’s Encyclopedia. [TG:17,EoA:7,WK:5,RF:3,JT:5,MD:2,LR:1,SL:1,H12:4=45pts,11indx.pgs]

#352 Golfimbul – orc king
King of the Goblins of Mount Gram, he led an invasion of the Shire in 2747 T.A., but was defeated by Bandobras Took in the Battle of Greenfields. Whether the Bullroarer rode a horse in the battle is certainly a possibility. That he knocked down Golfimbul with a club is likewise within the realm of possibility. That he lopped off Golfimbul’s head with that club, sending it flying a hundred yards and landing in a rabbit hole, stretches the limits of believability. That this supposed incident invented our game of golf leaves the realm of believability far behind. Thus justifying the intrusion of character #1000 on this list - the narrator of The Hobbit! In the attempted 1960 rewrite, he was to be renamed Gulfimbul, and Rateliff speculates the golf-joke was to be eliminated. [TG:18,EoA:3,WK:4,RF:4,JT:6,JR:6,H9:2,H12:2=45pts,17indx.pgs]

#351 Bungo Baggins, father of Bilbo – hobbit
Okay, getting to someone we all know and love, and think he should be ranked higher - the builder of Bag End is here, just shy of the top 350. Obviously his more important creation will appear much nearer to the top, and Belladonna Took will appear nearer to 300, likely since she’s one of the Old Took’s ‘remarkable daughters’. Incidentally, the highest ranking mother to have a child ranked ahead of her, yet a husband ranked below her will be… Aredhel; though Bilbo of course ranks higher than Maeglin. [TG:24,EoA:1,WK:2,RF:4,JT:4,MD:1,JR:4,LR:1,H6:4=45pts,25indx.pgs]

#350 Mallor, 3rd King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
Born in 895 T.A., Mallor was the grandson of Amlaith of Fornost, founder of Arthedain. He succeeded his father Beleg in 1029 at the age of 134yrs and his ranking may be largely attributed to the times in which he ruled: the arrival of the Istari; the coming of halflings into Eriador; and the shadow falling on Greenwood ushering in the return of Sauron. He ruled for 81yrs, until the age of 215, and was succeeded by his son Celepharn in 1110. [TG:23,EoA:12,WK:5,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:2=46pts,3indx.pgs]

#349 Freca, father of Wulf – dunlending landowner
A lord of Rohan during the reign of Helm Hammerhand, he claimed descent from King Fréawine. Freca’s lands lay west of the Gap of Rohan on the Adorn, and he had Dunlending blood & dark hair. He obtained much wealth & power from his stronghold, and came to a council meeting in Rohan in 2754 T.A., accompanied by a retinue of men, requesting that Helm's daughter be wed to his son Wulf. The King was so incensed that after a confrontation he fatally struck Freca. Helm then declared Wulf & kin his enemies and the men fled west. Wulf will appear around #300. [TG:16,EoA:9,WK:2,RF:5,JT:11,LR:1,UT:2=46pts,3indx.pgs]

#348 Tar-Telperiën, 10th Ruler of Númenor & 2nd Ruling Queen (f) – númenórean ruling-queen
She was the eldest child of Tar-Súrion, and a proud and willful monarch. Little is known of Tar-Telperiën's reign, but she refused to wed and died without an heir. She also didn’t interfere in matters of Middle-earth, including the War of the Elves & Sauron which began during her reign. Tar-Telperiën died at the age of 411, long-lived even for one of Elros’ line, after ruling 175yrs. She was reluctant to give up power, and surrendered the Sceptre to her nephew Minastir just prior to her death. [TG:19,EoA:5,WK:4,RF:2,JT:4,LR:1,UT:4,LE:7=46pts,3indx.pgs]

#347 Náin, father of Dáin II Ironfoot – dwarf soldier
He was the son of Grór (#345 below), and lived 134yrs until 2799 T.A. when he was slain by Azog at the Battle of Azanulbizar. There, Náin led reinforcements to the Dimrill Dale, and fought his way up to the steps of the East-gate of Moria to duel with the Orc. But Náin, enraged & fatigued, was gotten the better of by Azog, who broke his neck. After the battle his body was burned, along with the rest, on wooden pyres. His son not only inherited the lordship of the Iron Hills, but eventually ruled Durin’s Folk as King Dáin II Ironfoot. [TG:20,EoA:3,WK:1,RF:3,JT:12,JR:2,LR:1,H7:2,H12:2=46pts,6indx.pgs]

#346 Ceorl, Rider of Rohan & messenger of Erkenbrand – rohirrim soldier
After the loss of the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen, Erkenbrand withdrew his Riders to Helm’s Deep. Ceorl was sent to warn Éomer of the situation, but came across Théoden’s army riding to defend the Fords. The message forced the King to reconsider his strategy, and instead rode to join Erkenbrand for the Battle of the Hornburg – a more than worthy claim to fame, I think. [TG:19,EoA:8,WK:13,RF:2,LR:1,UT:4=47pts,4indx.pgs]

#345 Grór, youngest son of Dáin I & founder of the Iron Hills – dwarf prince
He was the youngest of 3 sons of King Dáin I, who ruled in the Grey Mts during the war with the dragons. When Grór was just 26, Dáin I was killed by a Cold-drake. The 2 remaining sons then left the Grey Mts. Thrór, who inherited the Kingship, led his people back to Erebor. Grór however traveled further east and founded the realm of the Iron Hills, becoming its first Lord. During Grór’s lordship, Erebor was destroyed by Smaug, and Grór's son Náin was killed (see above). Under Grór's rule the Iron Hills became the strongest of the northern realms, their numbers boosted by many of those fleeing the Sack of Erebor. He ruled his people for 215yrs, and was succeeded by his grandson Dáin upon his death in 2805 T.A. at the age of 241. [TG:25,EoA:11,WK:2,RF:3,JT:3,LR:1,H12:2=47pts,5indx.pgs]

#344 Durin VI, King of Durin’s Folk – dwarf king
Durin VI ruled Durin's folk in Khazâd-dûm until his death at the hands of the Balrog in 1980 T.A. at the age of 249. Near the end of his reign, the Dwarves, mining for mithril, awoke the creature that would become known as ‘Durin’s Bane’. Durin's VI’s son was slain shortly thereafter, leaving his grandson Thráin I to lead Durin's folk as the survivors fled their ancestral home. [TG:18,EoA:2,WK:2,RF:3,JT:6,DD:13,LR:1,H12:2=47pts,9indx.pgs]

#343 Minardil, 25th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He succeeded his father Hyarmendacil II in 1621 T.A., but only reigned for another 13yrs, when he was killed at the age of 180. The Kin-strife had long ended with Castamir the Usurper’s escape to Umbar, and the Haradrim had been defeated by his father, but the raids continued. In 1634 Minardil visited Pelargir, thinking it safe, but spies alerted Castamir's great-grandsons Angamaitë & Sangahyando, who launched a raid ravaging Pelargir and slaying the King. More his claim to fame is that under Minardil, the House of the Stewards was founded, as Húrin of Emyn Arnen was made the 1st Steward, establishing the hereditary line. [TG:16,EoA:8,WK:4,RF:3,JT:9,LR:1,UT:4,H12:2=47pts,12indx.pgs]

#342 Telchar, smith of Nogrod – dwarf smith
One of the greatest smiths in history, this Dwarf of Nograd was trained by another great smith, Gamil Zirak. Of course among the renowned works of Telchar were the Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin, the knife Angrist, and the sword Narsil. The very little we know of him surely prevents him from ranking higher. While he appears in a large number of the sources I’ve used, he actually takes up very little space. Even the derivation of his name leaves open speculation – possibly Sindarin, since the digraph ch is not used in Khuzdul. Jim Allan does note the resemblance to the ‘Telchines’, the excellent metallurgists of Greek mythology. [TG:13,EoA:3,WK:1,RF:2,JT:5,MD:2,LR:1,SL:3,CH:1,UT:2,H2:2,H3:2,H4:2,H5:6,H11:2=47pts,17indx.pgs]

#341 Baldor the Hapless, son of Brego – rohirrim adventurer
He was the grandson of Eorl the Young, and the prideful son of Brego. With his father, Baldor came to Harrowdale and found the Paths of the Dead. There he became curious by a riddle from an old man that forbade them passage, and at the inauguration of Meduseld in 2569 T.A., he vowed to pass through the Dark Door. Baldor did so a year later, and was never seen alive again, until the Grey Company on their passing found his body, legs broken, and sword notched. [TG:11,EoA:2,WK:5,RF:8,JT:12,LR:1,H8:6,H12:2=47pts,18indx.pgs]

#340 Éomund of Eastfold, Chief Marshal of the Mark – rohirrim marshal
Parents of those that rank high on this list have already started to make appearances, sometimes when little is known of the parent at all. In this case, the father of 2 of the highest ranking Rohirrim, was given a brief obituary in the LotR Appendix A II list of Kings of the Mark, and a little more ancestry in UT ‘Battles of the Fords of Isen’ Appendix i. Éomund was the Lord of Aldburg, and a descendant of Eofor, 3rd son of Brego, the 2nd King of Rohan. He of course married Théodwyn, sister of the King to be; and, it is said, due to his rashness and hatred of Orcs, was slain in battle in the Emyn Muil in 3002 T.A. after unwisely pursuing an Orc raiding party into ambush. Théodwyn died of grief shortly after. [TG:14,EoA:2,WK:2,RF:7,JT:7,LR:3,UT:6,H7:2,H8:2,H12:2=47pts,18indx.pgs]

#339 Araval, 13th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
He succeeded his father Arveleg II upon his death in 1813 T.A., when Araval was age 102 and Arthedain had been at war with Angmar for 4 centuries. This King’s claim-to-fame is that 38yrs later, he and the Elves of Lindon & Rivendell battled Angmar and won. Arthedain then attempted to re-occupy Cardolan, but were impeded by the barrow-wights. Araval ruled for 78yrs, dying at the age of 180, and was succeeded by his son Araphant, who endured more of Angmar’s attacks before being finally defeated, and the Dúnedain scattered, in the reign of Arvedui, grandson of Araval. [TG:26,EoA:9,WK:5,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,H12:4=48pts,4indx.pgs]

#338 Tar-Calmacil, 18th Ruler of Númenor – númenórean king
He was responsible for extensive conquests along the coasts of Middle-earth, actions which forced Sauron to withdraw East. During his reign he was called Ar-Belzagar by the King’s Men, the first time a King’s name was spoken in Adûnaic. In LotR Appendix A, Ar-Adûnakhôr was listed as following Tar-Calmacil; while in UT’s ‘Line of Elros’, it was Tar-Ardamin. CT states that this was simply a mistaken omission. [TG:17,EoA:10,WK:3,RF:2,JT:1,LR:1,UT:6,LoE:8=48pts,5indx.pgs]

#337 Húrin of Emyn Arnen, 1st Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan steward
The last 2 that are named Húrin & Túrin, before the originals appear over 300 positions hence, appear together here (see below). This Húrin, founder of the House of Stewards of Gondor, came from the hill region of Emyn Arnen, and was of Númenórean descent. He was chosen to serve under King Minardil, and did so honourably during the Great Plague. The Stewardship eventually became hereditary, and was synonomous with the House of Húrin. [TG:14,EoA:12,WK:6,RF:3,JT:3,LR:2,UT:6,H12:2=48pts,5indx.pgs]

#336 Túrin II, 23rd Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
At the age of 67, Túrin succeeded his father Thorondir upon his death in 2882 T.A. During his reign, Ithilien was attacked by Mordor, forcing Gondor to withdraw, with the exception of a few rangers remaining in hiding. Túrin then had secret refuges built for his soldiers there, including Henneth Annûn; and also fortified Cair Andros. In 2885, when Ithilien was again invaded, King Folcwine of Rohan fulfilled the Oath of Eorl, and sent men to Gondor. With their aid Túrin won a victory at the crossings of Poros. He ruled for 32yrs, dying at the age of 99 in 2914 T.A., and was succeeded by his son Turgon. [TG:19,EoA:2,WK:2,RF:6,JT:16,LR:1,H12:2=48pts,7indx.pgs]

#335 Celeborn, White Tree of Tol Eressëa (n)
All of the White Trees of Gondor have already appeared, so now their ancestors begin to chime in. Celeborn was a seeding of Galathilion, the Tree of Tirion, which in turn had been made in the image of Telperion, the eldest of the Two Trees of Valinor. It is also the White Tree of Tol Eressëa, and an ancestor to the White Trees of Númenor and Gondor; a lineage that was often conveyed across the high seas, to be rooted to grow high & proud in each successive blessed land - thus the tribute below... [TG:9,EoA:8,WK:7,RF:3,JT:3,SL:2,UT:2,H5:4,H9:4,H10:4,H12:2=48pts,10indx.pgs]

Ode to Celeborn, ancestors & descendants:

#334 Dáin I, King of Durin’s Folk – dwarf king
He ruled Durin’s Folk after the death of his father Náin II, for 4yrs, from 2585 to 2589 T.A., when his people lived in the Grey Mts. Dáin had 3 sons, but both he and his 2nd son Frór were killed by a Cold-drake at the gate of his halls. After Dáin's death at the age of 149, his other 2 sons, Thrór and Grór, led Durin's folk south: Thrór led one group back to the Lonely Mtn., while Grór founded his own realm in the Iron Hills. [TG:16,EoA:2,WK:1,RF:3,JT:13,DD:10,LR:1,H12:2=48pts,11indx.pgs]

#333 Elenwë, wife of Turgon (f) – vanya
She was a Vanya, the wife of Turgon and mother of Idril Celebrindal. Elenwë had golden hair that she passed on to her daughter; and she followed her family with the departure of the Noldor from Aman. After Fëanor & and sons departed on the ships obtained in the Kinslaying, Fingolfin & Turgon took their people across Helcaraxë, and Elenwë was lost in the crossing – apparently the only full Vanya who came under the Doom of Mandos. [TG:20,EoA:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:3,DK:4,SL:2,UT:4,H2:2,H11:6,H12:2=48pts,12indx.pgs]

#332 *Tinfang Warble, Birdward of Tol Eressëa – half-elf/maia minstrel
Also known as Timpinen the Piper, this “wondrous, wise and strange creature”, as described to Eriol by Vairë in the ‘Lost Tales’, was “half a fay of [Yavanna] and half [Elf]”. As CT states, he was conceived very early in the mythology: the original poem ‘Tinfang Warble’ being written in 1914, and published in its final version in 1927. (A 2nd poem about him, ‘Over Old Hills And Far Away’, was also written from 1915-27). At first he was to be a “leprawn” (leprechaun?); then was briefly to be Thingol’s son & Lúthien’s brother; and then was to be one of the original “three most magic players of the Elves” through the 1925-31 ‘Lay of Leithian’ (reduced to only Daeron & Maglor by the published Sil). But in Tol Eressëa Tinfang Warble was the Birdward who “played and danced in summer dusks for joy of the first stars… shier than a fawn [and] swift to hide… a footstep on a twig and he is away, and his fluting will come mocking from afar”. Also it is said at times that he had “gone heart-breaking in the Great Lands” of Middle-earth with his music. [TG:10,WK:1,MD:1,JG:2,H1:8,B1:10,H2:6,B2:2,H3:4,H4:4=48pts,19indx.pgs]

#331 Otho Sackville-Baggins @ – hobbit
He was the husband of Lobelia, and the founder of the short-lived Sackville-Baggins family. Otho was representative of the ill-mannered traits of his family; and was the only child of Longo Baggins and Camellia Sackville. Through his mother, he was the head of the Sackville family, adopting the double surname; and married Lobelia Bracegirdle with whom he had a son, Lotho. Otho was also 2nd in line to the Baggins family, and would have been Bilbo’s heir were it not for his adoption of Frodo. This did not sit well with Otho and his wife, as they both dearly wanted to live in Bag End. Nevertheless, Otho was a guest at Bilbo’s party, but did not live long enough to see Bag End, as he died in 1412 S.R. at age 102. [TG:19,EoA:4,WK:1,RF:6,JT:5,LR:2,LT:1,UT:2,H6:6,H9:2=48pts,20indx.pgs]

#330 Nahar, horse of Oromë – meara? mount
The horse ridden by the Huntsman of the Valar, who alerted his master to the newly awakened Elves, had feet shod in gold and a coat of white that shimmered in silver at night. And when the Eldar hosts began their march west from the Waters of Awakening, Oromë rode Nahar at their head. Further, after Melkor & Ungoliant destroyed the Two Trees and darkness ensued, the sparks struck from the hooves of Nahar as Oromë pursued, were the first lights that returned to Valinor. (Speculation is that he was the ancestor of the Mearas). [TG:19,EoA:1,WK:1,RF:3,JT:3,DD:10,DK:1,SL:2,H3:2,H10:4,H11:2=48pts,33indx.pgs]

#329 Tolman ‘Farmer Tom’ Cotton of Bywater – hobbit farmer
Farmer Tom of Bywater's South Lane, married Lily Brown and they had five children: Young Tom, Rosie, Jolly, Nick, and Nibs. He of course had an important role in the Battle of Bywater, rallying many hobbits to fight Sharkey’s men. Only one Cotton has yet to appear… [TG:20,EoA:2,WK:2,RF:6,JT:8,LR:2,UT:2,H9:6=48pts,34indx.pgs]

#328 King Bladorthin – elf/man? king
It is primarily over-speculation that elevates this mysterious entity to his ranking. What is known is that he ruled a great kingdom in the Third Age (sometime c.1999-2770), maintaining armies and a trade relationship with Erebor: "... the spears that were made for the armies of the great King Bladorthin (long since dead), each had a thrice-forged head and their shafts were inlaid with cunning gold, but they were never delivered or paid for...". Where his kingdom was, and whether he was Man or Elf, dominates the debate. Rateliff states the name is possibly Noldorin, meaning roughly ‘Grey Master of the Plains’ (Bladorthin was also Gandalf’s name in early drafts). Foster suggests he was an Elven King and that his premature death may have prevented the trade. Tyler and Michael Martinez also assume a premature death, the latter speculating he was a King of Dale and possible ancestor of Girion. Douglas Anderson likewise suggests he was a Man. However, Andreas Moehn debunks most theories. Nonetheless, speculation being a side industry of the legendarium, Bladorthin chimes in at this spot, and the Blue Wizards still have yet to appear! [TG:28,EoA:9,RF:4,JT:6,MD:1,JR:1=49pts,5indx.pgs]

#327 Mahtan Aulendur, Servant of Aulë – noldo smith
He was the father of Nerdanel, wife of Fëanor, and a skilled smith in Valinor, Mahtan learned the arts of metal and stonework under Aulë. Fond of the metal, he wore a copper circlet around his head, and was called Urundil 'copper-lover'. He in turn taught Fëanor (as much as one could), who used this knowledge to forge armour & weapons in Valinor, much to Mahtan’s dismay. This Elf also had a beard at a relatively young stage in his lifecycle, thus a rare exception. [TG:19,EoA:4,WK:4,RF:5,JT:3,MD:1,DK:1,SL:2,H10:2,H12:8=49pts,11indx.pgs]

#326 Calimehtar, 30th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He succeeded his father Narmacil II, who died in the Battle of the Plains in 1856 T.A. While preparing for war & vengeance, Calimehtar received messengers from the Northman Marhwini, warning him of a raid on Calenardhon by the Wainriders. But word was also sent that a revolt by the enslaved Northmen could be counted on if war broke out. In 1899 the King openly led an army north, and the Wainriders came down to meet him. Fierce battle ensued upon the Dagorlad until Marhwini’s liberated éored outflanked the Wainriders. The victory afforded Gondor 45yrs of peace. Calimehtar died in 1936 at the age of 200, after reigning 80yrs. [TG:22,EoA:2,WK:5,RF:4,JT:6,LR:2,UT:6,H12:2=49pts,15indx.pgs]

#325 *Asgon of Dor-lómin, outlaw companion of Húrin – 2nd house edain
He lived in Dor-lómin when it was overrun by Easterlings following the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. There, after Túrin killed Brodda the Easterling in 496 F.A., provoking rebellion resulting in the burning of Brodda’s Hall, Asgon and his men warily followed Túrin as outlaws. It was Asgon who repudiated Túrin for thinking his kinswoman Aerin, Brodda’s wife by force, was weak, revealing it was likely her who torched the Hall. Eventually Asgon and his men were left in the mountains, where he told a departing Túrin that they would be hunted men because of his deeds. After Túrin's death, and his father’s release from Morgoth, a wandering Húrin met the men in the hills. Asgon then relayed Túrin's deeds, and his company began to follow Húrin. But on a time, at the edge of Brethil, Húrin left them while they slept. Asgon then decided to go into the forest, where they were captured by the Haladin, blindfolded, and led to their Chieftain Hardang. He looked unkindly upon them, and ordered them thrust from Brethil without their weapons. Asgon called this the justice of Easterlings not Edain, declaring that Húrin was coming, placing fear in Hardang of his elder kinsman. They were again led away blindfolded, but their weapons & gear were returned. Asgon then established his men west of Brethil, keeping watch, believing someday Húrin would come. The fate of Asgon is unknown. [TG:31,EoA:6,CH:2,UT:4,H11:6=49pts,23indx.pgs]

#324 Théodred son of Théoden, Second Marshal of the Mark – rohirrim prince
The only son and heir of King Théoden died at the age of 41 after relentless targeting by both Saruman and Gríma. His death at the First Battle of the Fords of Isen left Erkenbrand in charge of the Westfold, and of course Éomer as heir to the throne. [TG:15,EoA:1,WK:6,RF:4,JT:6,MD:1,LR:2,UT:4,H7:4,H8:4,H12:2=49pts,31indx.pgs]

#323 Holman Greenhand, gardener of Bag-End – hobbit gardener
His grandfather and namesake was Holman ‘the greenhanded’ of Hobbiton, progenitor of the line and the profession. The younger Holman became the gardener of Bag End, and took on his cousin Hamfast as an apprentice. It was in fact Holman that told Gandalf on that spring morning in 2941 that Bilbo wasn’t at home because he had gone on one of his walks, being the Elves’ New Year. This it was that apparently convinced Gandalf he had found the perfect agent for his mission to re-take Erebor. When Bilbo was away, it was Holman & Hamfast who tried to protect the estate from prying hobbits. Holman retired or died around 20yrs later when Hamfast took over the job. [TG:18,EoA:17,RF:5,JT:5,LR:1,UT:4=50pts,3indx.pgs]

#322 Elendur, 1st son of Isildur – gondorian dúnadan prince
Elendur was born in Númenor in 3299 S.A., and escaped the downfall with his family. He was the eldest and most trusted son and heir of Isildur, and was often said to be remarkably similar to his grandfather Elendil. After the Battle of Dagorlad he alone of Isildur’s sons followed him into Mordor. Elendur was the only son with knowledge of the One Ring, and it was he who argued with his father before the Gladden Fields to have the Ring sent with Ohtar, or else for Isildur to abandon the company. Of course Isildur did neither until too late, and Elendur was slain along with his father. [TG:30,EoA:1,WK:5,RF:3,JT:2,LR:1,SL:2,UT:4,H12:2=50pts,12indx.pgs]

#321 Ecthelion II, 25th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He succeeded his father Turgon on his death in 2953 T.A. Ecthelion was then 67, and known as a man of wisdom, encouraging worthy men such as the stranger Thorongil to enter into his service. As war captain Thorongil/Aragorn defeated the fleet of Corsairs at Umbar. Gandalf was also a welcome guest during his reign, which saw Cair Andros refortified and Pelargir strengthened. Ecthelion II died in 2984 at the age of 98, and was succeeded by his son Denethor II. [TG:19,EoA:4,WK:3,RF:5,JT:5,MD:1,LR:3,UT:4,H8:2,H11:2,H12:2=50pts,14indx.pgs]

#320 Primula Brandybuck>Baggins, mother of Frodo (f) – hobbit
She’s the first character to appear that receives points from the initial thread inspiring this list. ‘Primula Baggins’ herself voted to include her namesake to the thread, on the supposition that she was portented to raise Frodo to be the saviour that he became – the ‘Mother Mary element’ if you will. Drogo has already appeared just shy of the top 400. Of course the most important thing both of them did to advance the story was to die, leaving Frodo orphaned. But since it remains unclear who is to blame for that critical event, perhaps that is why both Primula & Drogo fail to crack the top 300. [TG:11,EoA:1,WK:1,RF:5,JT:4,L:2,H6:6,HF:20=50pts,20indx.pgs]

#319 Brego son of Eorl, 2nd King of Rohan – rohirrim king
He became King at the age of 33 on the death of his father Eorl in 2545 T.A. During his rule the migration of the Éothéod to Calenardhon continued. Brego also defended the borders of Rohan against the Dunlendings & Easterlings, and drove the remaining Orcs off the Wold. It was he that built the Golden Hall of Meduseld, and made Edoras the capital of Rohan. Baldor, his eldest son, went into the Paths of the Dead never to be heard from again, and Brego died of grief the next year at the age of 58. He was succeeded by his 2nd son Aldor in 2570. [TG:16,EoA:1,WK:4,RF:5,JT:8,LR:2,UT:2,H7:4,H8:6,H12:2=50pts,24indx.pgs]

#318 Brodda the Easterling – easterling warrior
He became the lord of Hithlum after Morgoth captured the land, and took to wife Aerin, kinswoman of Húrin, against her will. When Túrin returned in 495 F.A., he learned from Aerin that his mother Morwen fled Hithlum. In his rage he killed Brodda, thereby also sealing Aerin's fate, who apparently burnt herself alive in their hall. [TG:13,EoA:1,WK:5,RF:4,JT:4,MD:1,DK:1,SL:3,CoH:2,UT:6,H2:2,H4:2,H5:2,H11:4=50pts,37indx.pgs]

#317 Handir, 5th Chieftain of the Haladin – 2nd house adan chieftain
He became the leader of the Haladin after his father Haldir fell in the rearguard of Fingon’s host during its retreat from the Anfauglith. He married Beldis of the 1st House of the Edain, and they fathered Brandir the Lame. Handir was said to be a man of great prowess in battle, but was slain north of Brethil by a company of Orcs. [TG:10,EoA:2,WK:1,RF:3,JT:4,DK:1,SL:3,CoH:2,UT:4:H4:6,H5:4,H11:10=50pts,47indx.pgs]

#316 Morwen Steelsheen of Lossarnach, mother of Théoden (f) – gondorian dúnadan queen
Having many of the characteristics of her namesake, this Morwen of the kin of Dol Amroth is certainly notable in her own right. Her husband Thengel, 17yrs her elder, chose to live with her in Lossarnach until he became King upon the death of Fengel. Morwen bore 3 additional children other than Théoden & Théodwyn, and was called Steelsheen due to her grace. [TG:17,EoA:5,WK:3,RF:6,JT:15,LR:1,UT:4=51pts,3indx.pgs]

#315 Nimloth, wife of Dior Eluchíl (f) – sinda queen
This daughter of Galathil and niece of Celeborn married Dior son of King Thingol in 497 F.A. Nimloth lived with Dior for a time by the waterfall at the base of the Blue Mts. There she bore Elwing, Eluréd & Elurín. After the murder of Thingol in 504, she returned to Doriath with Dior, becoming Queen. Their reign was short-lived, as the Sons of Fëanor assaulted Menegroth and slew them both at the 2nd Kinslaying, leaving Eluréd & Elurín to die in the forest. Elwing of course escaped to the Havens of Sirion to perpetuate the line. [TG:21,EoA:2,WK:2,RF:5,JT:4,DK:2,SL:3,UT:4,H11:8=51pts,12indx.pgs]

#314 Ted Sandyman, son of Sandyman the Miller – hobbit miller
He was likely inspired by the Sarehole miller's son in Warwickshire, whom Tolkien admitted he “never liked the looks of”. From Carpenter’s Biography: "There were two millers [at Sarehole Mill], father and son. The old man had a black beard, but it was the son who frightened the boys with his white dusty clothes and sharp-eyed face. Ronald named him 'the White Ogre'. When he yelled at them to clear off they would scamper away from the yard..." [TG:20,EoA:1,WK:1,RF:4,JT:11,LR:2,H2:2,H6:6,H7:2,H9:2=51pts,15indx.pgs]

#313 Belladonna Took>Baggins, mother of Bilbo (f) – hobbit
She had 8 older brothers (& 1 younger); and was the eldest of the 3 remarkable daughters of the Old Took, along with Donnamira & Mirabella. Of course it’s the fact that she married Bungo Baggins, who built her Bag End (partly with her money) and bore their only son, which earns her this spot amongst a few other notable women. Again it was Carpenter who noted that Tolkien’s own mother was one of 3 remarkable daughters of John Suffield who lived to be nearly 100. Belladonna died 8yrs after Bungo at age 82, and 7yrs before Bilbo’s adventure. [TG:29,EoA:2,WK:2,RF:4,JT:3,MD:2,JR:4,LR:1,H6:4=51pts,16indx.pgs]

#312 Halmir, 3rd Chieftain of the Haladin – 2nd house adan chieftain
Born in 390 F.A., he was the son of Haldan, and lord of the House of Haleth at the time of the Dagor Bragollach. After that battle, with Orcs roaming unhindered in West Beleriand, Halmir called upon the aid of Thingol, who sent him warriors under the command of Beleg. Together, they destroyed the invading Orcs, halting the threat for a time. Halmir joined the Union of Maedhros but died in 471 before the next battle. He was succeeded as leader of the Haladin by his son Haldir. [TG:14,EoA:4,WK:8,RF:5,JT:1,DK:1,SL:2,CoH:2,UT:2,H3:2,H4:4,H11:6=51pts,20indx.pgs]

#311 *Andreth the Wise (f) – 1st house adan
Nearing the top ten remaining asterisked characters, I ask what the legendarium would be without Andreth? Suffice it to simply quote Arda Reconstructed in summing her up: “The Athrabeth is one of Tolkien’s most moving and powerful texts. In addition to including some of his most profound spiritual and philosophical reflections, it contains some of the best dialogue that Tolkien ever wrote. It reveals the depth of character of both Finrod and Andreth (the Wise woman of the Edain who was befriended by Finrod, and who hopelessly loved his brother Aegnor), as well as the depth of the relationships that they share with each other and with Aegnor”. Andreth was a daughter of Boromir of Ladros, lord of the 1st House. In her youth, she dwelt in the house of her uncle Belemir, learning the lore of the House of Marach from his wife, the wisewoman Adanel. During the Siege of Angband Aegnor saw her in the reflection of Aeluin and they fell in love. However, no marriages could happen during times of war according to the Laws of the Eldar. But for her sake, Aegnor would not take any Elven bride, and both remained unwed and childless. Andreth gained in knowledge, and as she grew older she was respected as a wisewoman after Adanel. She also developed a close friendship with Aegnor's brother King Finrod. He often visited her during the Siege to converse with her on the matters of Elves & Men; one such conversation of course written down as the ‘Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth’. (Kane also mentions the fact that in a late note Tolkien attributes a part of the Second Prophecy to Andreth). [TG:20,WK:8,MD:2,DK:1,H10:10,H11:4,H12:6=51pts,62indx.pgs]

#310 Argeleb II, 10th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
He succeeded his father at the age of 116 on Araphor’s death in 1589 T.A. It was Argeleb II who granted the unpopulated royal hunting grounds to the halflings Marcho & Blanco and their followers. Story-wise, having given the Shire to the Hobbits, he probably should rank even higher. But this list is 96.3% objective, and since no one thought to vote for him on the initial thread, or the few other subjective lists I used, he’s just shy of the top-quarter. The Great Plague, the continuing threat of Angmar, and the onset of the Barrow-Wights, were other notable events during his reign. Argeleb II ruled 81yrs until his death in 1670 at the age of 197, and was succeeded by his son Arvegil. [TG:22,EoA:5,WK:6,RF:4,JT:10,LR:1,H12:4=52pts,10indx.pgs]

#309 *Telimektar, son of Tulkas – ainu warrior
Only 10 asterisked characters will remain after Telimektar to grace the top 300. I was careful to scale back points resulting from the indexation of the star-constellation (Orion) which bears the same name, and early in the mythology was considered one-&-the-same with this child of a Vala. His entries in the ‘Lost Tales’ lexicons & Tolkien Gateway helps prop him up. Telimektar fought at his father's side against Melkor, and he had "a long sword girt about his waist by a silver girdle… his face and weapons gleam as silver in the dark… he has diamonds on his sword-sheath, and this will go red when he draws his sword at the Great End". Obviously Telimektar was an integral part of the earliest framework of the legendarium, along with Ingil son of Ingwë, who appeared here not long ago. It was they who kept watch over the exiled Morgoth, as the heavenly bodies Orion & Sirius, until the end of days. (Had I been a little more liberal with Ingil’s Sirius/Nelluin references, the High Prince of All Elves probably would’ve been right here alongside his companion). One of Telimektar’s final mentions is by Manwë, who tells that Sirius is "nigh the foot of Telimektar son of Tulkas whose tale is yet to tell". But it was yet another tale unfortunately never told… [TG:25,JG:1,H1:4,B1:16,H2:4,H4:2=52pts,12indx.pgs]

#308 Aragorn I, 5th Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
He was born in 2227 T.A. and succeeded his father Aravir who died in 2319. Aragorn I reigned during the Watchful Peace, and little is known of that time in the North. His major claim to fame, and a probable reason for inflated points, is of course in lending his name to his distant descendant. Aragorn I was killed by wild wolves in 2327 at the age of 100, after having ruled only 8yrs, and was succeeded by his son Araglas. [TG:18,EoA:11,WK:6,RF:3,JT:1,DD:11,LR:1,H12:2=53pts,4indx.pgs]

#307 Boromir, 11th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
Speaking of name inflation, this Boromir succeeded his father Denethor I upon his death in 2477 T.A. Boromir at age 67 inherited a realm under siege by Uruk-hai. He was a great captain whom the Witch-king even feared, and fought several campaigns to win back Ithilien. Though successful in the end, Osgiliath was ruined and its stone-bridge broken. Boromir also received a Morgul-wound in the war, numbering his days so that he ruled a mere 12yrs, dying a painful death in 2489 when he was succeeded by his son Cirion. [TG:20,EoA:10,WK:4,RF:6,JT:10,LR:1,H12:2=53pts,6indx.pgs]

#306 Artamir, son of King Ondoher of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan prince
Prince Artamir was the son of King Ondoher, and the elder brother of Faramir & Firiel. Unfortunately Gondor was at war during their time, and the King and both sons were killed outside the Black Gate from an assault from the East. The King’s nephew Minohtar, who would have been in line for the throne, was also slain leading the retreat. The result was that Gondor was left without a legitimate heir. Artamir gets most of his points here from Tolkien Gateway & Encyclopedia of Arda, largely due to commentary on the above circumstances; the latter even stating “the loss of Artamir was a turning point in the history of Middle-earth”. As such, it should probably be his younger brother Faramir’s decision to accompany the army in disguise, and against policy, which was the real turning point. Faramir appeared back at #444, and Ondoher will appropriately appear closer to #200. [TG:26,EoA:12,WK:1,RF:3,JT:4,LR:1,UT:4,H12:2=53pts,7indx.pgs]

#305 Aldor the Old, 3rd King of Rohan – rohirrim king
He was the 2nd son of King Brego, but became heir when his older brother Baldor vanished in the Paths of the Dead. When Brego died of grief in 2570 T.A., Aldor became King. During his reign the remaining Dunlendings east of the Isen were driven out, Harrowdale and other valleys were settled, and the population of the Rohirrim grew. Aldor had 3 daughters before his first son was born, and he reigned for 75yrs, the longest of any ruler of Rohan, hence his epithet. When he died in 2645 at the age of 101, he was succeeded by his son Fréa. [TG:15,EoA:7,WK:5,RF:6,JT:11,LR:1,UT:4,H8:2,H12:2=53pts,7indx.pgs]

#304 Amlach son of Imlach – 3rd house adan warrior
He was a grandson of Marach of the 3rd House, and was born in 337 F.A. Amlach’s claim to fame is that he was a pawn of subterfuge by Morgoth. Amlach, along with Bereg of the 1st House, are recorded as being leaders of discontent, unwilling to join the Elves in war against Morgoth. When a council of the Edain was called to debate the issue, Bereg voices his concerns, but then Amlach is seen to rise and speak ‘fell words that shook the hearts of all that heard him… and a shadow of fear fell’. Later however, Amlach denied he was even at the council, leading to the conclusion that Morgoth’s emissaries were present among them, and all the more reason to join with the Elves. Amlach eventually did join them, if purely out of anger towards ‘this Master of Lies’. As for what happened at that council, and why Amlach would not have chosen to be at such an important debate in the first place, especially if he was originally a leader of discontent and confederate of Bereg who goes through with leading followers away, is a mystery at all levels. Tyler, in his entry for Amlach, casts enough doubts to suggest that Amlach maybe was present, and either had a change of heart, or was in fact possessed in some way by Morgoth. Amlach’s eventual fate also remains unknown. [TG:15,EoA:10,WK:1,RF:5,JT:13,SL:3,H11:4,H12:2=53pts,8indx.pgs]

#303 Boromir of Ladros, 4th Lord of the 1st House – 1st house adan lord
He was the great-grandson of Bëor the Old, and may have been present at the council mentioned above (Bereg being a first-cousin, and all 3, including Amlach, born within 3yrs). Boromir, however, was the eldest son of Boron 3rd Lord of the 1st House, and he himself became Lord in 408 F.A. on Boron’s death. He was also given the region of Ladros in 410 by the Elves, since his House had long been loyal to them. He lived 94yrs, and he was succeeded by his son Bregor, the father of Barahir, in 432. Notable as well, Andreth the Wise was Boromir's daughter! [TG:29,EoA:7,WK:1,RF:3,JT:3,SL:2,H5:2,H10:2,H11:4,=53pts,9indx.pgs]

#302 Galathilion, the White Tree of Tirion (n)
It was made by Yavanna for the Elves of Tirion in 1142 of the Years of the Trees as an image of Telperion the Silver Tree, but it gave no light. It was known as the White Tree of Tirion, and grew in a high open courtyard beneath the Mindon Eldaliéva, the Tower of Ingwë. It was thus the first in the long line of White Trees of the Children of Ilúvatar. Galathilion had many seedlings in Eldamar, and from it came Celeborn the White Tree of Tol Eressëa, through which it became the ancestor of Nimloth of Númenor and the White Trees of Gondor - a lineage exceeding 10,000yrs! [TG:8,EoA:2,WK:1,RF:8,JT:11,MD:1,DK:2,LR:4,SL:4,H10:8,H12:4=53pts,10indx.pgs]

#301 Narmacil II, 29th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He succeeded his father Telumehtar Umbardacil in 1850 T.A. at the age of 166. During Narmacil's reign the Wainriders appeared from the East and assaulted Gondor. Narmacil brought his army into the plains south of Mirkwood and gathered what Northmen he could to meet the threat. However, these new enemies mounted in chariots were stronger, better equipped, and apparently inflamed by emissaries of Sauron. Narmacil was slain north-east of the Morannon in the Battle of the Plains after reigning only 6yrs. The people of southern and eastern Rhovanion were enslaved thereafter while the border of Gondor was withdrawn to the Anduin. Brief & unfortunate was his reign, notable only for being on the losing side of a new powerful enemy, but a fitting personage to close the 3rd quarter of this list! [TG:18,EoA:5,WK:4,RF:3,JT:15,MD:1,LR:1,UT:4,H12:2=53pts,15indx.pgs]
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Re: The Middle-earth 1200 - master list (in process)

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#300 Roäc, son of Carc – raven messenger
The top 300 begins with 2 Hobbit characters, and like all characters in that book, they get no points from its index as it has none. However, Roäc owes a 5th of his points to David Day’s A to Z. While Day may be controversial, it’s the only book of his I use as a source, because it gives necessary weight to Tolkien’s animals, dwarves, not to mention Khamûl the Easterling, who wouldn’t have been close to making the top 300 otherwise. The point Roäc gets from Drout’s Encyclopedia comes from Marjorie Burns’ entry ‘Old Norse Literature’, likening him to Odin’s news-bringing ravens Hugin & Munin. Roäc’s father Carc was character #671.

#299 William Huggins – stone-troll thief
'Bill' is, not surprisingly, the highest ranking Troll on the list; in fact the only one to crack the top 800, no doubt due to his unique surname. Lower ranking characters appearing on the list that I’ve grouped in the giant-class were trolls Bert & Tom, the Lonely Troll & the Cave-Troll of Moria; the giants Gilim & Nan; and the ogress Ulbandi. I’ve classified Bill as a thief, well, because he apparently was.

#298 Wulf, son of Freca – dunlending warrior (usurper-king)
He had mixed blood, but I classify him as a Dunlending, dominant gene being the rarer race.

#297 Uolë Kúvion, the Man in the Moon – elf explorer
The Man-in-the-Moon of the nonsensical poems of LotR & Bombadil has a long history. In fact 19 of his points come from the Book of Lost Tales I, including an entry in the lexicons under Uolë Kúvion, containing translations of the name as ‘Moonking’, ‘crescent Moon’ and ‘the orbed Moon, name of the Moon-elf’. The first Man-in-the-Moon poem was written in March 1915, and according to CT it was meant to be sung by Eriol of the Lost Tales. In the original ‘Tale of the Sun and Moon’ it’s said “an aged Elf with hoary locks stepped upon the Moon unseen… and a little white turret has he builded on the Moon where often he climbs and watches the heavens, or the world beneath, and that is Uolë Kúvion who sleepeth never. Some indeed have named him the Man in the Moon, but Ilinsor is it rather who hunts the stars”. The last phrase confirms that this character isn’t equated with Tilion, Steersman of the Moon. Way back, Tolkien had a thing for relating many of his main characters to the celestial bodies of the cosmos. The transition strictly to the whimsical character of the poem seems to have occurred when the poem was published at Leeds in 1923, and we hear no more of the elf. Nonetheless, this list constitutes the entire legendarium, and absorbs all points towards each individual character.

#296 Lorgan the Easterling – easterling warrior
Brodda, his fellow Easterling, didn’t quite make the top 300, being back at #318, but Lorgan, more importantly, is the one who had the youthful Tuor as his thrall until his escape. Tuor will appear near the top of this list, and Lorgan, being his slave-master, no doubt deserves his place in the top 300.

#295 Gilraen the Fair (f) – arnorian dúnadan
Her points all mainly arise from the ‘Tale of Aragorn and Arwen’, but mothers of important characters tend to do well on this list. Belladonna Took & Primula Brandybuck didn’t quite make the cut, being back at #313 & #320. But Aragorn will appear near the top as both of their sons do.

#294 Glóredhel, daughter of Hador Lórindol (f) – 3rd house adan
Characters that appear in Tolkien's many versions have an advantage on this list, as they’re indexed more frequently. Glóredhel appears in the Sil, UT, HoMe5&11, and CoH. The point she gets from Kane’s index, nudging her into the top 300, is regarding his noting that the Narn is in fact the only reference to the double-wedding of her & Haldir, and Galdor & Hareth.

#293 Nerdanel the Wise, wife of Fëanor (f) – noldo
This mother of 7 cracks the top 300 because she appears both in Jason Fisher’s ‘Fëanor’ article in Drout’s Encyclopedia, as he speculates “Fëanor wedded Nerdanel, probably with the explicit purpose of learning from her father Mahtan, a great craftsman and favorite of Aulë”; and her many references in Kane’s Arda Reconstructed. In it, Kane notes that Nerdanel “was not among the fairest of her people… strong, and free of mind, and filled with the desire of knowledge”, and that they met ‘because, like him, she loved to wander by the sea and in the mountains, and they were companions on many journeys’. Kane goes on to say “These details regarding Fëanor and Nerdanel’s relationship and her character are important, showing that Fëanor was not one to be influenced by surface charms; they give more depth to their relationship by showing how they met and what he saw in her. It is just the kind of character development that would have greatly added to the story”. Alas, due to CT’s omissions, she is merely #293.

#292 Belegund, brother of Barahir – 1st house adan warrior
He’s another character that appears in many versions, going back to the Lays in HoMe3, and including CoH. Kane has many references to Belegund, most notably pointing out that on the Sil’s family tree, Belegund misleadingly appears to be the older brother, not Baragund; not to mention the fact that their older sister Beleth doesn’t even appear. Only 3 more of Barahir’s outlaw band remain on the list, all others have already appeared.

#291 Valandil, 1st Lord of Andúnië – númenórean lord
[TG:29,EoA:10,Wik:3,RF:2,JT:3,LR:1,UT:4,LoE:1,H12:2=55pts,8indx.pgs] ... Ani%C3%AB)
Ah, if only the laws were different at the time, Valandil would’ve been King. As it was, he removed to Andúnië on the seaside, producing a line that would become the Faithful. In time, the people of Númenor would turn away…so far away…

#290 Skinbark/Fladrif – ent
He gets significant points from Day, but again his A-Z was necessary to bring any ents & animals in good position. Skinbark also gets a point from Matthew Dickerson’s ‘Treebeard’ entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia.

#289 Narmacil I, 17th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
J.E.A. Tyler gives this king many of his points with his entry: “although Gondor still seemed all-powerful by the time he came to the Throne, most of his family did little to preserve this power, being for the most part hedonists who surrounded themselves with luxury and ignored their first duty: to govern…”, etc.

#288 Eärwen the swan-maiden, Princess of Alqualondë (f) – falmari princess
One of this Olwë’s daughter’s points comes from her mention in Michael Drout’s own article on ‘Finrod’ in his Encyclopedia. Unrelated, but in that very article Drout mentions that Finrod collaborated to create the Nauglamír, “composed of jewels brought back from Valinor”. Oops. Yet another article Mr. Drout should have left to me…

#287 Guilin of Nargothrond – noldo lord
His son Gelmir appeared at #507; his son Gwindor will appear near the top 100. Gelmir was mutilated and strung in front of Gwindor’s elven host prior to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

#286 Hirilorn, Tree of the Lady (n) – beech-tree
I have to give a disclaimer here, as I’ve had detractors: trees are included in this list, as long as they are named, indexed & or appear in an entry. Tolkien had a special affinity for trees; his favourite was cut down very recently, and we have ents, huorns, willows, & rowan-trees in his secondary world to attest for their place. I’ve attempted to include anything approaching a sentient character on this list: including a purse, a sword, the 2 watchers of Cirith Ungol, and a couple others yet to appear. There are those - check the internet - that will swear by the hormonal sentience of trees in our world, so I certainly won’t deny them their place in Tolkien’s! And I have a better song for Old Toby, coming soon, so I chose this one here…

#285 Araphant, 14th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
His reign saw a rapprochement with Gondor, needing help to combat the surrounding evil forces…

#284 Grimbold of Grimslade – rohirrim marshal
He was acting marshal, and no doubt a witness to the lighted beacons…

#283 Bregolas, 6th Lord of the First House & 3rd Lord of Ladros – 1st house adan
It’s his sons Belegund & Baragund that are reversed in the Sil genealogies, as Kane notes in Arda Reconstructed. Nonetheless, he fell beside Angrod & Aegnor during the Dagor Bragollach…

#282 Vardamir Nólimon, 2nd King of Númenor – númenórean king
Most of his points come from Unfinished Tales, particularly the ‘Line of Elros’ list.

#281 Durin III, King of Durin’s Folk & Khazâd-dûm – dwarf king
Thankfully he owes David Day a fifth of his points, being the initial ringbearer of the dwarves, thus deserving his place in the top 300. Only one Durin remains…

#280 Will ‘Old Flourdumpling’ Whitfoot, Mayor of the Shire – hobbit mayor
J.E.A. Tyler’s lengthy entry supplies much of his points, second only to Tolkien Gateway (above).

#279 *Ilverin ‘Littleheart’, gong-warden of Mar Vanwa Tyaliéva, son of Voronwë – noldo explorer/warden
Only 10 asterisked characters remain (as per UT’s index – those characters not appearing previously in Hobbit/LotR/AdvsTB/Sil), and Littleheart is the first (or 10th last). His standing may be considered a bit of an anomaly since he receives a lot of his points due to the number of names he had in the early mythology (but I count all names & epithets, indexed & entried, as I do with Aragorn, Túrin, Thingol, Sauron, etc., to register a proper tally). However, since he sailed with Eärendil and awoke the Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl; was the gong-warden in Tol Eressëa at the time of Eriol and told the tale of ‘The Fall of Gondolin’, the only full tale we have of it; and, as Gilfanon states, was the last survivor to have seen “that most glorious thing”, the Nauglafring, then he rightly deserves place #279! And I rest my case if you ask what is the Nauglafring? To note, in the early tales high elves were often called fairies, and with all of Littleheart’s seafaring, it might be assumed that he utilized requisite footwear…

#278 & #277 Eluréd & Elurín, twin sons of Dior – sinda princes
Each [TG:21,EoA:2,Wik:2,RF:3,JT:2,DK:2,Sil:2,H4:6,H5:6,H11:4,H12:8=58pts,26indx.pgs]éd
Kane notes that it was not until ‘The Problem of Ros’ (HoMe12) that the names Eluréd & Elurín were established, morphing from earlier names Elrún & Eldún, used as late as the ‘Tale of Years’. They had a brief life and little impact, but as victims a Kinslaying, the ‘cruelest of the slayings of Elf by Elf’, and as uncles of Elrond, with their sister surviving to her lofty station, they deserve their place, and remain hallowed brothers. Some of the songs here can adopt an ‘American Pie’ lyrical analysis, with similar accuracy: to wit, the following, as Mark Knopfler sings as Elwing from on high in Aman, remembering the tragic events at the Havens in the First Age.…
And another solemn requiem, as there were 2 brothers…

#276 Halbarad, standard-bearer of Aragorn – arnorian dúnadan ranger/herald
Picture this as a plea sung to his lord’s lady as he packs her banner before setting out with her brothers & the Grey Company, not knowing truly what her plans are for the future…

#275 Amlaith of Fornost, 1st King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
You can tell Steve Perry’s a little dazed here - he means to say ‘broken in three, in three, in three!’…

#274 Argeleb I, 7th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
With Amlaith, 1st King of Arthedain, directly followed by his great-great-great-great grandson Argeleb, arguably the last King solely of Arthedain, I can’t resist the double-shot and new beginning - the lands of Arnor having become strangers along the East-West road, with Angmar now bringing their shadows searching in the night, but the success of the line going on and on… (Oprah, I can’t explain, just like Bombadil)

u]#273[/u] Bolg of the North, son of Azog – orc warrior
He probably owes David Day more of his points than Peter Jackson (as Tolkien Gateway comprises the movies as well). But rightly so; Tolkien and The Hobbit ultimately place him here, and many orcs yet remain, including his father. But, yes, Jackson did influence this song choice, but then I’m Canadian…

#272 Indis the Fair, 2nd wife of Finwë (f) – vanya queen
Kane notes the removal of this passage from the published Sil, “In Indis was first proved true the saying: The loss of one may be the gain of another; but this saying also she found true: The house remembers the builder, though others may dwell in it after”. Moving on, I’ve heard them called the elder kings before, but the Eldar Kings? Sure, Stephen Stills makes a fabulous Finwë; as for the others, I have my own thoughts on who are Ingwë, Elwë, & Olwë…

#271 Thuringwëthil, messenger of Sauron (f) – vampire-bat messenger
[The link, at this point, is not being accurate in its denial, if that's what you are getting. I've tried & tried again, but if you go directly to Tolkien Gateway, there is a page for this being. So who knows, but this is beyond me!]
She's the first 60-point character, clearly averaging more than a point from every resource I used. Yes, most of her points come from Day, again being a creature, but surely no one argues with the placing. And I think I can stop over-building-up the musical interludes. From here on in you can do your own ‘American Pie’ type lyric analysis…

#270 Fimbrethil ‘Wandlimb’ (f) – entwife
Naturally she’s the only Entwife on the entire list. Without Day’s A-Z she’d be just shy of the top 400, let alone #270. Justifiable, I think, considering how much literature & speculation has been amassed due to her presence (or rather lack thereof).

#269 Tar-Ciryatan ‘the Shipbuilder’, 12th King of Númenor – númenórean king
Several kings represent the various stages in the corruption of Númenor, most yet to appear. However, Tar-Ciryatan is generally considered the one to initiate the onset of the Shadow, as he first spoke openly against the Ban of the Valar.

#268 Atanatar II, ‘Alcarin the Glorious’, 16th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He reigned at the plateau of Gondor’s power, due to the victories & expansion of his father (and the preceding 3 Ship-kings). Atanatar II was first after the line of Ship-kings, and (similar to the king above of a different realm & age) he initiated, if not a growing shadow, then certainly a decline due to his lethargy.

#267 Ghân-Buri-Ghân, Chieftain of the Woses – drúadan chieftain
As Tolkien’s later writings suggest, I’ve classified one other, yet to appear shortly, as a Druadan (or will classify him with a dual status, we’ll see), by the rule that the rarer gene is dominant, all things being equal.

#266 Haldir, 4th Chieftain Of the Haladin – 2nd house adan chieftain
[TG:13,EoA:4,Wik:7,RF:6,JT:7,DK:1,Sil:3,CoH:3,UT:4,H11:12=60pts,24indx.pgs] ... e_Haladin)
Kane references Haldir, as he did his wife Glóredhel (#294 above), due to the Narn being the only text that appears to mention the double-wedding. Speaking of doubles, the double death of Haldir, in battle, and Glóredhel in grief shortly afterwards, leaving behind a son Handir, and a 7yr old grandson Brandir, is notable.

#265 Gorbag – uruk captain
The point he receives from Drout’s Encyclopedia comes from a mention in Brian Rosebury’s entry ‘Race in Tolkien Films’. That, and a little bit in Tolkien Gateway, establishes that Jackson does manage to squeak in some influence on this list here & there. As for the song, well there’s gonna be some here that are a bit of a stretch, but sometimes it’s just to witness that every legend makes at least one appearance…

#264 Bill Ferny, the ‘Chief’s Big Man’ – northman ruffian/gatekeeper
Here’s why sometimes this list is appropriately spot on. Under some of Ferny’s indices in HoMe comes a semi-coloned section of additional indexed pages after “(his pony)”. In most cases of other characters where this happens, such as “(his sword)” or “(her gifts)”, I readily include them in their totals; and so I did in Ferny’s case. CT normally shows separate characters who don’t garner their own index entry, italicized after a period-stop under the main character, such as the Wife of Valandil under Valandil in UT. However, Bill the Pony, despite his listings by CT as moreless a ‘possession’ of Ferny, certainly qualifies as a separate character on this list; and so Bill Ferny was probably awarded some points that should’ve been extracted from his total. But note, as I carefully double-check this list on its final run through, characters can be upgraded, but it’s far too late to downgrade them. (Continued with Bill the Pony below).

#263 Bill the Pony – pony
(See Bill Ferny above). So there is some duplication in proper points resulting in Ferny’s placement, but not of Bill the Pony’s, in fact he may actually be owed some. However I certainly don’t want to further any duplication of points, thus they both sit at their 60 points from my previous calculations. Going to my first tie-breaker on this final run-through, I tally the total # of indexed pages each character has in all of the source books used. When I did this, I properly separated each indexed page for both Bills, and amazingly the total for each was 44! My next tie-breaker is the # of books used, and again they were the same for both Bills: LotR + HoMe’s 6-9. However, although HoMe8 added points to Ferny (erringly in hindsight), it added no indexed pages since the index line reads thus - “Ferny, Bill 219 (his pony).” – which is 1 for the Pony, and 0 for Ferny. Thus on a legit technicality, after the 2nd tie-breaker, Bill the Pony just edges his former master. How apropos is this to the tale!

#262 *Oropher, 1st King of the Woodland Realm – sinda king
Most of his points arise from Tolkien Gateway which is likely unique in giving such a thorough biography of this father of Thranduil and grandfather of Legolas, who founded his realm & city in Greenwood (at the time) the Great. In none of this line of 3 do we know anything of their women, yet procreation obviously took place. What we do know is that Oropher was a Doriath survivor who presumably escaped to the Havens of Sirion with the rest of the survivors, including those from Gondolin. Legolas Greenleaf of the House of the Tree of Gondolin was also a survivor at the Havens. Oropher’s son Thranduil was quite likely born at the Havens before their eastern migration led them both to Greenwood; he has golden hair, a rarity for the Sindar, but not the Noldor; and his son he named Legolas. Do the math…

#261 Araphor, 9th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
Succeeding his father at age 18, when he died in battle; and then avenging his father in victories, to live & rule for another 180 years, certainly makes Araphor worthy of his place.

#260 Vorondil the Hunter, 3rd Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan steward
One has to be patient to acknowledge the connection with this song, unless of course one is already a Zeppelin fan (& here they go east to Denmark, as Vorondil did to the Sea of Rhun).

#259 Gamling the Old – rohirrim lieutenant
His point from Kane is due to an omitted passage from the Akallabêth describing the Númenóreans teaching language to the Men of Middle-earth, who “were fallen into brutishness, and they cried like harsh birds, or snarled like savage beasts”; and how this sounds much like the passage in LotR, ‘in which Gamling recognizes the tongue of the Dunlendings, while to Éomer “they are only the screams of birds and the bellowing of beasts”.’

#258 Tarannon Falastur, 12th King of Gondor & 1st Ship-king – gondorian dúnadan king
It’s not known exactly when, in his 259 years, he cast his “nefarious, solitary, and loveless wife” Berúthiel adrift at sea; but he never did land a second wife, and was the first king to die without an heir.

#257 Urwen Lalaith, daughter of Húrin Thalion (f) – 3rd house adan
This song was a likely candidate for this sister of Túrin, even before Rod the Mod’s dedicating it to his 3 children, thereby sealing it…

#256 Landroval, brother of Gwaihir – eagle vassal
Day supplies much of his points, while Kane’s points derive from the history that both Gwaihir & Landroval have going back to the First Age. His name means ‘broad-winged’, roval meaning ‘wing’ in Sindarin; but he is the lesser of the 2 brothers.

#255 Marach, 1st Lord of the 3rd House – 3rd house adan lord
He’s the progenitor of the 3rd House, the largest house of the Edain in the 1st Age of the Sun; and was a contemporary of Bëor of the 1st House, both fulfilling the destiny of the Secondborn of the Music of the Ainur in their westward migration.

#254 & #253 Alatar & Pallando, the Blue Wizards – maiar istari
[TG:38,Wik:18,MD:1,UT:2,H12:4=63pts,6indx.pgs each]
Also known as Morinehtar ‘Darkness-slayer’…
And Rómestámo ‘East-helper’… ... wSZvHqf9qM

#252 Telumehtar Umbardacil, 28th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He got outta town goin’ on a boat south to Umbar…

#251 Fréaláf Hildeson, 10th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
When the Dunlendings attacked, he took refuge in Dunharrow. But the death of King Helm & sons left nephew Fréaláf as heir, who then launched a surprise attack that recaptured Edoras.

#250 Eldarion, 2nd King of the Reunited Kingdom – dúnadan king
53 of his points come from the 3 online sources. He’s given a face by Jackson, though little is known of him; but he deservingly commences the top-250. And about time we heard from this band…

#249 Malach Aradan, 2nd Lord of the Third House – 3rd house adan lord
He led some of his people west from Estolad, to settle in Hithlum in the service of Fingolfin, where he learned Sindarin. Malach & his wife Zimrahin were given Sindarin names.

#248 Haldad, father of Haleth the Hunter – 2nd house adan warrior/leader
The progenitor of the Haladin, the Second House of the Edain, is of course most notable for fathering Haleth, recognized as their first Chieftain.

#247 Azaghâl, Lord of Belegost – dwarf lord
Not totally sure why it takes Day’s A-Z to equalize prominent dwarves, animals, & creatures on this list, but it does, and is why this source was included. As for the song, maybe not a top-300 contender, but can’t resist Satchmo, and Azaghâl's weapon of choice…

#246 Salmar Noldorin, maker of the Ulumúri – maia minstrel
Lirillo was another early name attributed to Salmar, vassal of Ulmo. Garth speculates Tolkien “was perhaps declaring his own literary ambitions as Lirillo, god of song” early on. In a following footnote he states that Tolkien names the 1st half of January Lirillon in honour of his own birthday; the 2nd half, Erintion, in honour of Edith’s Jan 21 birthday (likening her to the Maia Erinti/Ilmarë); and February as Amillion in honour of his brother Hilary’s (likening him to the Maia Ómar/Amillo). Regardless, Salmar is a holdover from earlier times, even though CT included him in his Sil, thus not an asterisked character. (The horns, they're blowin' that sound...)

#245 Denethor I, 10th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
Occasionally marshals, princes, queens, & kings appear here, with little to set them apart. So I defer to Marshall Tucker, Prince, Queen, & the King, Elvis, to supply their song. In the case of a rather nondescript Steward/Stewart, I can either go with Rod or the sixth Stone…

#244 Tar-Ancalimon, 14th Ruler of Númenor – númenórean king
He’s the son of Tar-Atanamir the Great, and “in his time the rift became wider between the King’s Men (the larger part) and those who maintained their friendship with the Eldar”.

#243 Shagrat – orc captain
Gorbag’s last 3 letters in his name lent his song (back at #265), and so shall competitor Shagrat…

#242 Thorin III Stonehelm, King of Durin’s Folk – dwarf king
Again we have Day to thank (perhaps because of Durin’s Day), but this son of Dain Ironfoot earns his place.

#241 Tobold ‘Old Toby’ Hornblower – hobbit farmer
Ah, so many songs, but I had to choose one…

#240 Scatha the Worm – cold-drake/long-worm dragon
3 dragons remain after Scatha. The Cold-drake of Ered Mithrin appeared at the start of the list, as an unnamed/unindexed entity. Likewise, I think I’ll add the old dragon of the poem ‘The Hoard’ to bring the list soon to 1210, for a total of 6 Middle-earth dragons appearing.

#239 Finduilas of Dol Amroth (f) – gondorian dúnadan
[TG:20,EoA:1,Wik:8,RF:7,JT:5,MD:1,LR:2,UT:6,H8:2,H9:10,H12:4=66pts,17indx.pgs] ... _Denethor)
I’m not sure what the title of a sister of a Ruling Prince is, nor the wife of a Ruling Steward. However, most women will eventually be classified as either children, wives, or mothers, due to the nature of Tolkien’s world. Nonetheless, this Finduilas died way too young…

#238 Lenwë/Dân, 1st Lord of the Nandor – nando lord
My namesake is awarded 4pts from Kane due largely to his multiple names. In Arda Reconstructed Kane asks & answers the question: “Denethor’s father is Dân (or Nano) in both the Annals of Aman and the ‘later Quenta’, so where did the name ‘Lenwë’ come from? The answer is, from the essay Quendi and Eldar published in [HoMe11, where CT] confirms in a footnote to that essay that Lenwë replaced the ‘long-standing name Dân of Denethor’s father”.

#237 Aerin, wife of Brodda the Easterling – 3rd house adan
She has a long history, going back to the ‘Lost Tales’, as Airin; and is included in the lexicons, under her Gnomish name Faiglindra ‘long-tressed’, which provides 5 of her points. In the Narn it was added that as Túrin and company fled Brodda’s hall, they looked back and saw the red light. “They have fired the hall”, said Túrin. “To what purpose is that?” “They? No, lord: she, I guess,” said one, Asgon by name. “Many a man of arms misreads patience and quiet. She did much good among us at much cost. Her heart was not faint, and patience will break at the last”.

#236 Elfhelm, Marshal of the East-mark of Rohan – rohirrim marshal
No word if Elfhelm had a woman that treated him bad, but Marshall Tucker’s best song must accompany the highest ranking marshal..

#235 Gerontius ‘the Old’ Took, 26th Thain of the Shire – hobbit thain
I think Bob Seger is actually approaching 130yrs old here…

#234 Brytta Léofa, 11th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
This king’s name is loosely translated as ‘burning love’…

#233 Silmariën, mother of Valandil 1st Lord of Andúnië (f) – númenórean princess
Well, she should have been queen, under other laws. But her heirlooms & progeny survived the fall…

#232 Thrain I, King of Durin’s Folk – dwarf king
When he founded the mighty kingdom-to-be, Erebor, in 1999 T.A., and then discovered his prize, the Arkenstone, a party must have ensued…

#231 Valandil, 3rd King of Arnor – arnorian dúnadan king
As the last surviving son of Isildur, who had to wait 8yrs to be of age for kingship, and then ruled for 239yrs, a reign not matched in the history of either Kingdom, he knew the importance of survival…

#230 Draugluin, lord & sire of the werewolves of Angband – werewolf lord
His point from Drout’s Encyclopedia comes from Marjorie Burns’ ‘Old Norse Literature’ entry, in which she likens Thû/Sauron feeding Draugluin the “flesh of Man and Elf” in the Lay of Leithian, to Odin’s feeding his wolves the flesh of the battle fallen. She also notes the effectiveness of the “harsher and more pointed image” in the Lay, than that of the published Silmarillion.

#229 Vairë the Weaver, wife of Mandos (f) – vala queen
She’s the first Vala on this list, and the first of 4 non-Aratar Valier that will appear next. Her 2pts from Drout’s Encyclopedia come from Matthew Dickerson’s entry ‘The Valar’, and Marjorie Burns’ ‘Old Norse Literature’ entry, in which she compares Vairë, “who ‘weaves all things’ into her ‘storied webs’ [to] the three Norse Norns, who are sometimes described as weaving the world’s destiny”.

#228 Dorlas of Brethil – 2nd house adan woodman
What can be said of Dorlas, other than he was human. His high-note, I guess, was having a grief-stricken Túrin carried back to his stockade after he relayed the truth to him, and brought him to the grave of Finduilas. But Dorlas subsequently laid into Túrin, and then to his own people, for not doing enough to lead the charge. When it was only Túrin, Hunthor, and him, volunteering to set out to confront Glaurung, father of all dragons, Dorlas eventually ran away and hid in abject fear. Not evil, not deceptive, just suffering from abundant humanity, and perhaps a little ofermode. I’m glad Hunthor appears a few points below. I chose this song over Burton Cummings’ ‘I’m Scared’, not wanting to inundate Canadiana upon all…

#227 Baragund, companion of Barahir – 1st house adan soldier/outlaw
His point from Kane’s Arda Reconstructed, in addition to the genealogical family-tree error switch with his brother Belegund, comes from an interesting edit/non-edit that transpired in CT’s Sil. In the 2nd paragraph of chapter 18, CT rightly changed “fifth generation of Men after Bëor” to 6th generation, correcting an error on Tolkien’s part. However, CT admits in HoMe11 that he did not further edit the erroneous follow-up that this 6th generation “were not yet come to full manhood”, as Baragund & Belegund, of that generation, were 35 and 33 years old respectively.

#226 Tar-Elendil ‘Parmaitë’, 4th King of Númenor – númenórean king
Kane’s point here is due to an omission from the published ‘Akallabêth’ that states “if the later law holding that the oldest child would be heir to the throne regardless of gender – which was adopted when Tar-Ankalimë became the first ruling queen – had been in place earlier, the lords of Andúnië would have held the sceptre, since they were descended from Silmariën, the oldest child of Tar-Elendil”. Maybe if he had a more forceful hand to implement the change centuries earlier, rather than acquiring the nickname Parmaitë (Book-handed), lover of making books, Arda might still be flat!

#225 Grishnákh – orc captain
His point from Drout’s Encyclopedia comes from Brian Rosebury’s ‘Race in Tolkien Films’ entry. Thus, admittedly, a fraction of this list is inflated by appearances in various multimedia outlets. Tolkien Gateway even notes role-playing games, and omissions from films (see Haldir below). Rosebury does state the case that Jackson’s Orcs “are more nearly human, and often more European, in appearance than the black, prognathous, red-eyed beasts and ghouls of Bakshi’s” animated version. Having said that, this performance, I think, is a no-brainer…

#224 Haldir, marchwarden of Lothlórien – silvan-elf warden
[TG:24,EoA:2,Wik:26,RF:4,JT:2,LR:2,H7:10=pts,70pts,45indx.pgs] ... C3%B3rien)
It appears Haldir had a Wikipedia entry which gave him his most points at the time of my initial tabulations. Jackson probably had an influence on this. Wiki does change, as can Tolkien Gateway, and I think this likely. But for perspective, no more than 3 of Haldir’s TG points come from referencing Jackson; while at least 2pts are awarded by TG’s mention of Haldir’s omission from Bakshi’s film and his portrayal in the 1981 radio series by Haydn Wood. At any rate, if this was a Jackson Movie list, Craig Parker’s character would probably make the top 25. As it is, the real thing’s just #224.

#223 ’Moneybags’, Master of Lake-town – northman master
50 of his points come from the 3 online sources. Being a Hobbit character, he’s unindexed in anything other than Drout’s Encyclopedia, in which he’s mentioned, not surprisingly, in Hal Colebatch’s entry on ‘[Tolkien &] Capitalism’.

#222 Arveleg I, 8th King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
As a listed king, he gets most of his points from the standard 7 sources, but is noted most for advancing the frontier, along with ally Cardolan, against Angmar & Rhudaur. The result was a strong 50-year respite in which Weathertop was the occupied tri-border fortress of King Arveleg & the prince of Cardolan (of the red-hill country). However they both succumbed to the Witch-king’s returning forces in T.A. 1409. So, you can do an ‘American Pie’ analysis of these lyrics:
“The black queen chants the funeral march / the cracked brass bell will ring,
To summon back the fire witch / to the court of the crimson king.”
and the other stanzas, including who the yellow jester, the gardener, the pattern juggler, and the purple piper are, if you will... Well, the yellow jester should be obvious...

#221 Hunthor, companion of Túrin Turambar – 2nd house adan
[TG:26,EoA:3,Wik:1,RF:6,JT:3,DK:1,Sil:3,CoH:2,UT:4,H2:2,H11:20=71pts,34indx.pgs each]
Túrin & Hunthor, being the only 2 companions left after Dorlas bowed out in fear, himself initially chastising the Men of Brethil for declining to embark on the pursuit of Glaurung, leaves only one choice for this song…

#220 Pelendur, 2nd Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan steward
Sizable entries in both Tyler & Wikipedia give this critical arbiter much of his points. Tyler calls him, “in a sense”, the first Ruling Steward, though that title would not be officially adopted until Pelendur’s grandson. (I went with Ian Stewart & the Stones for the last Steward that appeared, Denethor I. Now its Stu & Zeppelin…)

#219 Estë the Healer, wife of Lórien (f) – vala queen
The 2pts she’s awarded from Drout, are due to Marjorie Burns’ ‘Old Norse Literature’ entry in which Estë is compared to “the Norse healing goddess Eir”; and Matthew Dickerson’s ‘Valar’ entry.

#218 Nessa, wife of Tulkas (f) – vala queen
Her 2pts from Drout come from the same 2 entries as Estë (above), with Burns likening Nessa to the Norse giantess Skaldi, who marries a god. She’s listed as the least of the Queens of the Valar.

#217 Hyarmendacil I, 15th King of Gondor & 4th Ship-king – gondorian dúnadan king
I think it safe to say that the kings remaining on this list didn’t acquire their ranking by happenstance. Gondor’s greatest war-leader Ciryaher, re-named himself ‘South-victor’ after his conquests. Gondor would never again reach the heights of his reign in the Third Age.

#216 Berúthiel, Queen of Gondor (f) – black-númenórean southron queen
While Burns likens Nessa (above) with the Norse giantess Skaldi, Tolkien himself likened Berúthiel to Skaldi, for different reasons of course: in the latter case, due to both’s dislike of “seaside life”. Online sources contribute most of her points, but I wish I could’ve awarded another for Ted Nasmith’s song ‘Berúthiel’, having witnessed him perform it. (I checked, and it wasn’t available on you-tube, so I had to go with this one…)

#215 Tar-Minastir, 11th King of Númenor – númenórean king
He’s another great war-leader king, like Hyarmendacil I (above); but this time of Númenor, as he sent the great fleet to aid Gil-galad and defeat Sauron prior to Númenor establishing their dominions in Middle-earth. (The geography isn’t at all the same, but the spirit definitely is…)

#214 Bregalad ‘Quickbeam’ – ent
He’s the first to appear with points (2) awarded from a few online favourite character lists that I initially used, as I thought them relevant to a minimal degree: the overall total of which is a mere .01% of the list.

#213 Ilmarë, handmaid of Varda (f) – maia handmaid
She’s one of the few Maiar to have made it into the Valaquenta of the published Sil. However, she’s been a character since the ‘Lost Tales’, and Garth notes her early incarnations as Erinti, Vala of Love, representing Edith. Upon my final go-through, I found it necessary to transfer 2 of Nessa’s points (above & adjusted accordingly) to Ilmarë, as CT notes in the lexicons under the name Nessa, that in QL it’s a name of Erinti, as “there was clearly much early shifting among the goddesses”. Thus she ranks right amongst the non-Aratar Valier, one of which remains. (Ilmarë is translated most often as ‘Starlight’…)

#212 *Sador Labadal, servant of Húrin – adan (drúadan?) woodman/carpenter
He’s the 8th last asterisked character (followed by the 7th last below), as he doesn’t appear before UT. As such he gets no points from Foster or Tyler, and only 2 from Encyclopedia of Arda. As for his racial classification, CT does state in UT: “It was my father’s intention ultimately to transform Sador, the old serving-man in Húrin’s house in Dor-lómin, into a Drûg”. The tone of this, given all of CT’s writings, seems more unequivocal than ephemeral; nonetheless the listing above is how I present Sador here. How I tally the final 1210+ totals, will probably see 2 drúedain appear, for the additional reason that CT’s same footnote above lends enough skepticism as to which House, if any, of the Edain Sador had belonged. No doubt, Tolkien was in the process of bringing his earlier mythology, with an eye for publication (sadly undone), more in line with LotR. (If Bilbo’s blade Sting had qualified to make this list, Bobby Darin would’ve certainly supplied the song; as it is, he can still appear, here in another pre-classic rock number…)

#211 *Khamûl the Black Easterling, 2nd Chief of the Nazgûl – ringwraith
Yes, without Day’s A-Z he’s right off the map. So does Khamûl belong here, and does Day’s book contribute justifiably? This is the culmination of that thesis.

#210 Erkenbrand, Lord of the Westfold – rohirrim lord
It was he who was entrusted with the western defences of Rohan, and fortifying the Hornburg, following the emergence of Saruman as the ‘Judas’ Wizard. Fortunately Erkenbrand met and rode with Gandalf to the Battle of Helm’s Deep before the dawn of the rising sun…

#209 Aranarth, 1st Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
This king without a kingdom, who was descended from both Isildur & Anárion, acquired 64 of his points from the 3 online sources, where it seems his legacy has been most notably elaborated.

#208 Gorlim the Unhappy, outlaw companion of Barahir – 1st house adan warrior/outlaw
No less than 13 sources contribute to his standing. His point from Drout’s Encyclopedia comes from Thomas Honegger’s entry on ‘Treason’. In it, he notes the resistance to torture Gorlim endures to not betray his comrades, and the difficult choice he faced upon the offer to be reunited with his wife. Kane, for his part, cites the sources that preceded the version in the published Sil, and notes that in both the ‘Lay of Leithian’ and the original QS text, “Gorlim’s treachery [was] much more deliberate than in the final story”.

#207 Thengel, 16th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
Tyler’s thorough entry gives this King, whom Aragorn once served, his most points. Little is known of his mother or 2 elder sisters, but it’s within the realm of possibility that when Thengel came of age, and had to get outta Rohan due to the intolerable situation with his father, he appealed to at least one of his sisters to escape with him…

#206 Elanor the Fair, daughter of Sam Gamgee (f) – hobbit
Her point from Letters is from Tolkien’s October 1955 response to Katherine Farrer, following the release of RotK, in which he states “I still feel the picture incomplete without something on Samwise and Elanor, but I could not devise anything that would not have destroyed the ending”. Of course 6 of her points derive from the Epilogue in HoMe9 in which she plays her largest role, with dialogue.

#205 Hama, Captain of the King’s Guard of Rohan – rohirrim captain
The Battle of Helm’s Deep, a victory in the end for Rohan, left brutal scars; including the only ever breach, due to Saruman’s explosives, of the Deeping Wall, as well as the hewing of Hama’s body before the Gate.

#204 Felaróf ‘Mansbane’, horse of Eorl – meara mount
The first of the Mearas, he was tamed only by Eorl.

#203 Ar-Gimilzôr, 23rd King of Númenor – númenórean king
“He was the greatest enemy of the Faithful that had yet arisen; and forbade utterly the use of the Eldarin tongues, and would not permit any of the Eldar to come to the land, and punished those that welcomed them”: as stated in UT’s ‘Line of Elros’.

#202 *Andróg, outlaw companion of Túrin Turambar – 3rd house adan outlaw
It was he who spoke up for Túrin’s joining his band of outlaws, and for a brief time, Andróg, Túrin, Beleg, & Mîm lived together on Bar-en-Danwedh, and oooh the dysfunction…

#201 Tar-Ancalimë, 7th Ruler of Númenor & 1st Ruling Queen (f) – númenórean ruling-queen
To produce an heir, she had a loveless marriage with Hallatan of Hyarastorni, who died 74 years before her; she neglected her father’s policy of lending aid to Gil-galad; and she forbade her serving women to marry. But it’s not like she literally killed anyone…
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Re: The Middle-earth 1200 (plus 5) - master list (in process

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#200 *Erendis Tar-Elestirnë, Lady of the Westlands, Queen of Númenor (f) – númenórean queen
She’s indexed under 5 names & epithets in UT, the source of most of her points; including Uinéniel ‘Daughter of Uinen’. “Call me by no such name!” Erendis said aloud after Valandil, Lord of Andúnië, named her so at a feast, “I am no daughter of Uinen: rather she is my foe”. (I couldn’t find songs that attempt to accurately depict this dysfunctional relationship, for both Erendis, and Aldarion later, without opening a serious gender debate – thus in both cases their songs represent the wishes that each may have preferred).

#199 *Pengolod the Wise, of Gondolin – noldo loremaster
As Erendis above, Pengolod is an asterisked character, of which only 3 now remain. 2 of his points, and 11 of his indexed pages come from Kane, who notes that much was lost in the extraction of Pengolod from the published Sil due to his dialogue, observations, and ‘poetic prose’. His point from Drout comes from David Bratman’s entry on HoMe12, particularly the ‘Teachings of Pengolod’, “written by Tolkien in the 1950’s [that] addresses the question of how immortal Elves can have a language that changes and develops”.

#198 Paladin II Took, 31st Thain of the Shire – hobbit thain
He appears in Janet Brennan Croft’s ‘Pippin’ entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia. (Paladin, Aladdin, may be a stretch, but this song needs to appear somewhere…)

#197 Uglúk – orc soldier
Nearly half his points come from his thorough Tolkien Gateway entry (above), in which his many media depictions are given.

#196 Bandobras ‘Bullroarer’ Took – hobbit warrior
This founder of the North-Tooks gets more than half his points from Tolkien Gateway, which includes his appearance in Jackson’s ‘Hobbit’ (above).

#195 Déagol – stoor fisherman
He gets points from the initial thread that inspired this list, voting for characters that were deemed most important to the story that is the legendarium. Déagol certainly had his 15 minutes of fame.

#194 Valacar, 20th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He was sent North to Rhovanion (and Johnny Horton can make an appearance on any list of mine…)

#193 Nori, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
He’s the first of Thorin’s company to appear. The rest will be spread out rather evenly for the remainder of the list.

#192 Tilion, Steersman of the Moon – maia hunter/adventurer
Garth, Drout, & Kane all appear amongst the 17 sources that contribute to this cosmic Maia’s ranking. Kane notes that Tilion was drawn to the splendour of Arien’s beauty, as fair as she was, that is until CT got the trimming shears out.

#191 Rómendacil I, 8th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He ordered the ‘Tradition of Isildur’ set down in a sealed scroll to be delivered by the Steward before the crowning of the King. And he was the first King that headed East…

#190 Ondoher, 31st King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
What is Ondoher’s claim to fame? Hmm. He, in Gondor, and Araphant in Arthedain, perceived a common enemy intent on the destruction of their kingdoms. As enemies were preparing to attack, neither could coordinate an alliance. Ondoher split his forces, taking command of the Northern Army, with his eldest son, to meet the Wainriders of the east. They were met and Gondor’s forces destroyed, including the King & his son. Ondoher’s only remaining son, and his nephew, were both slain in the ensuing onslaught. The leader of the Southern Army, Eärnil, defeated the Wainriders in the Battle of the Camp, but Gondor was left without an heir, other than Ondoher’s son-in-law Arvedui. He, however, putting forth 2 claims to throne, as King of Arthedain, and husband of the daughter of the King of Gondor, was denied either by Gondor’s Stewardship; as naturally, a second claim will tend to put into question the validity of the first! Gondor’s Kingship was thus entrusted to the victorious war-leader Eärnil, but his son would die without an heir. Meanwhile the North-kingdom had been destroyed, along with Arvedui. So Ondoher’s claim is nothing short of… the end…

#189 Tar-Atanamir the Great, 13th King of Númenor – númenórean king
Under him the Shadow came upon Númenor, and it’s peoples became estranged from their hallowed halls. Tar-Atanamir died in 2221 S.A., but was alive in 2112, and he encouraged the dedication to the temples of the kings…

#188 Uldor the Accursed – easterling chieftain
Tyler gives him nearly half his points from a long and thorough entry. Kane & Drout do him service too, despite his deeds….

#187 Nimrodel, Lady of the White Grotto (f) – sylvan lady
She appears in Verlyn Flieger’s lengthy entry ‘Poems By Tolkien’ in Drout’s Encyclopedia.

#186 Watcher in the Water – kraken(?) guard(?)
Classified as a ‘Kraken’ by David Day, I’m not sure if that’s an accurate assessment, but we know he existed in black water…

#185 Ancalagon the Black – dragon
Mmm. Couldn’t go with Peter, Paul & Mary. Couldn’t do Ram Jam. Had to go with the left-handed master, due to greatness, not race…

#184 Rían, wife of Huor (f) – 1st house adan
She was the mother of Tuor, and wife of Huor, and deserves her place.

#183 Rúmil the Sage, of Tirion – noldo loremaster
21 sources contribute to his standing, including multiple indexing in Drout’s Encyclopedia; in Arden Smith’s ‘Alphabets’ entry, Matthew Dickerson’s ‘Elves: Kindreds & Migrations’ entry, Carl Hostetter’s ‘Elvish Compositions & Grammars’ entry, Bradford Lee Eden’s ‘Music in Middle-earth’ entry, and David Bratman’s ‘Posthumous Publications’ entry. I think it’s only Christopher that limits his ranking.

#182 Celebrían, wife of Elrond (f) – elda
Feeling kind of seasick, she headed for the coast…

#181 Fredegar ‘Fatty’ Bolger @ – hobbit
Rateliff notes that “Bombur is not Tolkien’s only obese character; other examples of his rather cruel sense of humor… are Fatty Bolger” and “Fattie Dorkins in Mr. Bliss… however… Farmer Giles and Bilbo himself – are distinctly on the tubby side”.

#180 Nimloth the Fair, White Tree of Númenor – tree
Nimloth is the highest ranking tree of the lineage of the White Trees, beyond Telperion: Galathilion, Celeborn, & the White Trees of Gondor have all already appeared.

#179 Arathorn II, 15th Chieftain of the Dúnedain – arnorian dúnadan chieftain
His wife Gilraen wore a ceremonial bejewelled headgarb. As Arathorn’s widow, this may have been altered into a long black veil…

#178 Haleth the Hunter, 1st Chieftain of the Haladin (f) – 2nd house adan chieftain/ruling-lady
Kane & Drout give requisite attention to Haleth, along with the 3 internet sources that account for a third of her points. An interesting mention is within Anna Smol’s ‘Gender in Tolkien’s Works’ entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia, in which Haleth is listed amongst those “strong female characters [who] challenge stereotypical gender roles”, but she adds the belief of some that “even exceptional women [in Tolkien] do not escape their engendered roles: Éowyn, for example, after fighting heroically on the battlefield, opts for a traditional feminine life of healing and marriage”. To which Smol challenges this assumption with the character of Shelob. As neither wife, nor mother, and being a founding Chieftain, Haleth definitely lands on the other side of that argument.

#177 Mardil Voronwë, 1st Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
J.E.A. Tyler’s entry is responsible for most of his points, outside of Tolkien Gateway. In it, Tyler gives a thorough biography of just how important this son of Vorondil the Hunter was for transitioning the governing of Gondor from Kingship to Stewardship, and also instituting the ‘Steward’s Reckoning’ calendar innovations. He should also be the last Steward to need a Stewart to give him his song...

#176 Vána the Ever-young (f) – vala queen/gardener
She’s the last of the non-Aratar Valier to appear. From the houses of the Valar in Aman, she asks the question, “can I make your garden grow?”

#175 Bifur, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
Rateliff notes that as the drafts developed for The Hobbit, “Tolkien’s decision to focus the active roles on only a few of the dwarves [meant] that some of the dwarves are relegated to such obscurity that they have virtually no speaking parts at all”. With respect to Bifur, Jackson took this another step completely…

#174 Dori, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
He was the strongest dwarf of Thorin’s company, wore a purple hood, and when he was called upon to rescue Bilbo from the wolves climbing up the trees, he didn’t know if he was comin’ up or down…

#173 Malbeth the Seer, counsellor of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan counsellor
Once again J.E.A. Tyler gives the most thorough biography for this royal counsellor noted for not one, but two, prophecies..

#172 Barliman Butterbur, keeper of the Prancing Pony – northman inn-keeper
Frodo’s journey to the Hotel Prancing Pony of course ended with an attempt to stab him with steely blades…

#171 Cirion, 12th Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan ruling-steward
He lived from 2449 to 2567, when the world of Man was under attack…

#170 Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul – orc lieutenant
[TG:35,EoA:17,Wik:28,RF:4,JT:6,LR:1,Sil:2,B1:1,H2:2,B2:1,H9:2=99pts,3indx.pgs] ... of_Morgul)
As far as what Gothmog was, I’ll let Jackson of all people be the adjudicator here, and classify him as an orc. Anything else, I deem, would be a step too far. An orc master, however, and second only to the highest ranking orc (3 below)…

#169 Castamir the Usurper, 22nd King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
I almost classified him as a southron usurper, rather than a gondorian dúnadan king, but then thought better of it.

#168 Lotho ‘Pimple’ Sackville-Baggins @ – hobbit
Maybe it’s the pimpled teen thing, but this song just seems to fit…

#167 Azog the Goblin – orc chieftain
With Azog, we begin 100+ point characters. He’s the highest ranking orc, and I don’t think Jackson has a great deal to do with this, with only Tolkien Gateway giving him a few extra points.

#166 *Manthor, brother of Hunthor of the Haladin – 2nd house adan lawyer
Only 2 asterisked characters remain after him. Manthor’s claim to fame is of course being the saviour of Húrin in the ‘Wanderings of Húrin’. His profession could be that of master, captain, or even, briefly, chieftain, but I can’t resist adding another lawyer to this list, after Sir Gerard Manface of the Notion Club that is.

#165 Denethor, Lord of the Laiquendi – nando lord
The son of my namesake, and lord of the Green-elves of Ossiriand beyond the River Gelion, is not even the highest ranking Nando on this list (see 4 below)…

#164 Farmer ‘Muddy-feet’ Maggot, of the Marish – hobbit farmer
This band needs to appear, and muddy water turns to wine…

#163 Angrod, 2nd son of Finarfin – noldo prince
He’s the grandfather of Gil-galad, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. His name loosely translates to ‘Iron Man’…

#162 Rose ‘Rosie’ Cotton>Gamgee – hobbit
The majority of her points come from Tolkien Gateway, and she deserves no less of a place than #162.

#161 Saeros/Orgol, counsellor of Doriath – nando counsellor
Saeros, it seems, was an epithet loosely meaning ‘bitter rain’ in Sindarin. CT admits Tolkien intended his name to be Orgol (meaning pride), resembling his previous names, Orleg/Orgof from earlier versions. Yet another mistake that “it seems to me too late now to” fix, says CT.

#160 Ar-Adûnakhôr, 20th Ruler of Númenor – númenórean king
Tar-Herunúmen was his Quenya name, still inscribed in the scrolls out of fear of the Valar. In fact, his Adûnaic name, meaning ‘Lord of the West’ was so blasphemous, I at first included that translation after his name above, then a brief chill of fear came over me, and I removed it.

#159 Helm Hammerhand, 9th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
3 Kings of Rohan remain after Helm.

#158 Amroth son of Amdír Malgalad, 2nd King of Lórien – sinda king
His father, the first King of Lórien, appeared back at #400. I discard the ephemeral notion that Amroth was a son of Galadriel and Celeborn. Possibly their arrival in Lothlórien, while he was king without a father, meant an adoptive sort of relationship. However, since his beloved, Nimrodel, had no love for High Elves (thus helping to negate the theory that he was a son of Galadriel), and wanted him to take them away to a peaceful haven, the Sinda King Amroth left Lórien to the rule of Celeborn and Galadriel.

#157 Tar-Míriel – númenórean queen
I couldn’t think of an appropriate title for her, so I just went with her name above. The title she should have had, after Royal Princess, was of course Ruling Queen, but such was not the case. Perhaps I could have gone with ‘Last Survivor Upon Númenor’. Helge Fauskanger of Ardalambion has (or once had) a link on his site to an essay he wrote, positing that a Tolkien movie prequel about Númenor would have been a superior alternative to The Hobbit, if only it could have been done. After reading it, I’ve always envisioned the Titanic-like climax as Míriel drowns while scaling Meneltarma. I have to agree with Fauskanger, that the Second Age may be Tolkien’s most powerful story of the 3 Ages, but unfortunately never made it into a novel of its own. (Substitute Nú-menor here for New Orleans…)

#156 Ori, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer/scribe
His claim of course was writing the last pages of the Book of Mazarbul.

#155 & #154 Amrod & Amras, twin youngest sons of Fëanor – noldo princes
[each: TG:35,EoA:4,Wik:7,RF:8,JT:12,DK:4,Sil:2,H2:4,H3:2,H4:6,H5:4,H10:4,H11:6,H12:10=108pts,63indx.pgs]
Although these 2 red-haired twins had near identical points (I rounded, to even them up), they had much different fates. Amrod apparently lost his life at Losgar attempting to sail back to his mother Nerdanel, who pleaded for one of her twin sons to remain in Aman, but was denied by Fëanor. (Here, another pioneer makes an appropriate appearance…)
Unlike his brother, Amras survived to travel the distances of Beleriand, eventually dying in the attack upon the Havens of Sirion. The love between the brothers was said to be great, and their parting must have been tragic.

#153 Mablung of the Heavy Hand – sinda captain
[TG:40,EoA:1,Wik:7,RF:10,JT:14,DK:1,Sil:4,CoH:2,UT:6,H2:4,B2:3,H3:4,H4:4,H5:2,H6:2,H11:4=108pts,92indx.pgs] ... Heavy_Hand
Well, heavy is the word for this elf of Túrin’s story. It was he who fished out the hand of Beren holding the Silmaril from the body of Carcharoth. And it was Mablung who was entrusted with the care of Morwen on her way to Nargothrond to seek her son. In the end Glaurung, who found Mablung, mocked him but spared his life, informing him he had lost both Morwen and Nienor. Eventually it was Mablung who had to tell Túrin that his wife was actually his sister. (If the Music of the Ainur was a character, I’d have the Abbey Road album be its song; but as it is, only the last song on the 1st side, and the 1st song on the last side, the greatest transition IMO in rock history, will be separated from that masterpiece to make this list. Optimistic & inspirational will appear with a character soon, but for now, dark & heavy…)

#152 Old Man Willow – willow-tree/huorn(?)
He’s the first to appear that has an entry of his own in Drout’s Encyclopedia, thus accounting for nearly half his points.

#151 Aegnor, 3rd son of Finarfin – noldo prince
Ah, the lover of Andreth, denied by a law of the Eldar prohibiting such a thing during time of war; and thus he left for the Dagor Bragollach, and his ‘death’.

#150 Kili, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
Well, the top-eighth of the overall master-list of 1200 begins appropriately with another one of the 13 dwarves of Thorin’s party. He had a blue hood, and played the fiddle, along with Fili. (Musical numbers could have been found to accentuate the latter facts, but I’ll once again use Jackson, and his version of Kili, to squeeze in this classic, that otherwise wouldn’t have a character connection).

#149 Tar-Meneldur, 5th King of Númenor – númenórean king
As noted in Kane’s Arda Reconstructed (although for reasons of CT's meddling with the name & lineage), Tar-Meneldur was the recipient of the critical letter from Gil-galad, entrusted to Aldarion, Meneldur’s son, which led to his renouncing the Sceptre. The letter warned of the Shadow emerging in Middle-earth, called for whatever aid Númenor could provide, and explained Aldarion’s long absences due to his invaluable service to the High-King of the Noldor in Middle-earth. Tar-Meneldur, who took his name due to his love of star-lore, was King instead of his older sister Silmarien because of the existing Númenórean law. Placed unwittingly in the limelight, he resigned well before his time was due…

#148 Beregond, Captain of the Guard of the Citadel – gondorian captain
[TG:51,EoA:3,Wik:15,RF:8,JT:7,LR:5,H8:12,H9:4,H12:4,HoF+:2=111pts,66indx.pgs] ... of_Gondor)
“I’m no captain” proclaimed Beregond to Pippin, yet that’s just what Aragorn made him after becoming King. He later served Faramir in Emyn Arnen, which brought him closer to his ancestors home in Ithilien…

#147 Arien Urwendi, Mistress of the Sun (f) – maia
Back at #153 was Mablung of the Heavy-hand, which inspired the last song of the first side of Abbey Road. Now we flip the record, to the first song of the last side…

#146 Shadowfax, steed of Gandalf – meara mount
So, why does the highest ranking horse appear so low here, when 2 Eagles, 2 Canines, 2 Spiders, 2 Dragons, and a bear, whale, & cat (if shape-shifting counts) will yet appear? My guess is that in Tolkien’s world, horses, as great as even the Mearas may be, are still subservient mounts. Some, as in the last few on the list, may push those boundaries in very select episodes, but they remain essentially dependant, unlike the animals that will yet appear.

#145 Eldacar, 21st King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
Eldacar was a king that had tradition, destiny, and public opinion all against him, but succeeded in the end. His enemy was Castamir, Captain of Ships and usurper King, who put Eldacar’s son to death. Eldacar returned, however, and when Castamir attempted to flee, he was killed in the Battle of the Crossings of Erui.

#144 Lobelia Bracegirdle>Sackville-Baggins (f) @ – hobbit
[TG:33,EoA:2,Wik:3,RF:15,JT:43,MD:2,JR:1,LR:4,H6:6,H7:2,H9:2=113pts,43indx.pgs] ... le-Baggins
Ah, Lobelia! She walked like a woman and talked like a man…

#143 Eärnil II, 32nd King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He was a war-leader, and not of the royal line. Yet when desperate times fell upon Gondor, and the ruling house was all but slain, the royalty and privilege that Arvedui of Arthedain attempted to use in an attempt to become the next King of Gondor, was overruled by the Council and the Steward Pelendur, and Eärnil was awarded the throne.

#142 Eonwë, herald of Manwë – maia herald
He has been a fixture since the beginning of the mythology. Granted, he gradually morphed from Fionwë, son of Manwë & Varda, to eventually be the steadfast herald of the Gods, leading the Host of Valinor in the War of Wrath. He’s seen it all…

#141 Voronwë Aranwion of Gondolin – noldo mariner/guide
What can I say?

#140 Óin, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
All of Thorin’s company are coming in steadily now, each with varying scores, as Fili below will attest. Óin was one of Balin’s companions too, which saw his return to the Misty Mountains…

#139 Fili, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
With many other brothers (see below), I slightly rounded some of their scores to align, because they were nearly identical, and the characters essentially belong together. In this case, Fili happens to appear, with dialogue, in UT’s ‘The Quest of Erebor’, unlike Kili (who appeared back at #150). So he gets some added points, despite Jackson’s over-attention on the latter. However, like Kili, he wore a blue hood, accompanied most likely by a blue collar…

#138 & #137 Elladan & Elrohir, twin sons of Elrond Half-elven – peredhil rangers
[each: TG:37,EoA:23,Wik:6,RF:8,JT:9,DD:17,MD:1,LR:6,Let:1,H8:6,H9:2,H12:6=122pts,63indx.pgs]
I classified their occupation as rangers, since those are who they were in the company of, and worked with, most often, at least in LotR. (The titles, not the subjects, of the songs apply...)

#136 Gildor Inglorion of Rivendell – noldo
His home was Rivendell, although he’s not really a part of any Rivendell episodes during LotR.

#135 Amandil, 18th and last Lord of Andúnië – númenórean lord
[TG:32,EoA:10,Wik:8,RF:7,JT:34,DK:1,LR:1,Sil:4,UT:4,H5:2,H9:12,H12:8=123pts,45indx.pgs] ... Ani%C3%AB)
History recalls how great the fall can be, while everybody's sleeping, the boats put out to sea…

#134 Gwindor of Nargothrond – noldo prince
Like any player appearing in the Túrin-story since the start, Gwindor earns his place, and then some. He witnessed the gruesome slaying of his brother, initiating the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, in which he was captured, and his followers slain. After he escaped 14yrs in Morgoth’s mines, he became the guard and friend of Túrin after his slaying of Beleg, and aided his admittance into Nargothrond. But soon, he heard his beloved Finduilas was seen with Gwindor’s good-time buddy drinkin’ at some crosstown bar...

#133 *Ottor ‘Eriol the Wanderer’ Wǽfre – anglo-saxon mariner
This 2nd-last asterisked character has the most indexed pages so far at 150, which includes Garth, Flieger, Honegger, Smol, Rateliff, Carpenter, and of course CT. Not light company when it comes to the legendarium. When I last presented an early draft of this list, I erringly combined Eriol with Ælfwine of England as one character, and he (they) made the top 100. They clearly are not the same character, given all my criteria - separated by 5 centuries, with completely different frameworks - and neither will crack the top-100 here. As such, I parsed the ‘Ælfwine’ entry in Drout between Eriol and Ælfwine of England, who will appear soon, and did so likewise, as best I could, with all HoMe references. Eriol can be most noted for recording the only full tales of the Fall of Gondolin, and the Ruin of Doriath. When coming upon Tol Eressëa for the first time, he “for many days had wandered its roads… then thought Eriol… ‘The hour of rest is at hand, and though I know not even the name of this fair-seeming town upon a little hill here I will seek rest…’

#132 Uinen, Lady of the Seas (f) – maia
As she, from time to time, undertook the form of a whale, I’m sure her mate, Ossë, did so likewise…

#131 Mouth of Sauron, Lieutenant of Barad-dûr – black-númenórean lieutenant/sorcerer
How he managed to perpetuate his existence without being a Ring-bearer is a matter of debate, although Sauron was no doubt instrumental in the ensuing sorcery. The Mouth, the only name we know him by (other than Mordu, in drafts), was a servant of the Red Eye, and the messenger through the Black Gate…

#130 Tar-Palantir, 24th King of Númenor – númenórean king
He attempted major changes, in line with the Faithful allegiance of his mother, but by his time, the Elves, the West, and the Valar had all but forsaken Númenor, and Tar-Palantir left the sceptre to his daughter upon his death.

#129 Galdor the Tall, 6th Lord of the 3rd House – 3rd house adan lord
As eldest son of Hador Goldenhead, and participant in the ‘double marriage’ of he and Hareth, & sister Glóredhel ‘the Golden’ and Haldir, the 2 latter of the Haladin, at the great feast; the following years, until the Fell Year of 455 and the Battle of Sudden Flame, must have been considered the golden years of the Edain…

#128 Hamfast ‘Gaffer’ Gamgee, gardener of Bag-End – hobbit gardener
His son will no doubt finish much closer to the top, but the Gaffer certainly deserves his placing here.

#127 Tar-Aldarion ‘The Mariner’, 6th King of Númenor – númenórean king
His main claim-to-fame, amongst others, was changing Númenórean law, which would see his daughter inherit the sceptre. (When Erendis appeared back at #200, I declared her corresponding classic-rock song to be representative of that which she may have ultimately desired, rather than alternatives possibly inspiring a heated gender debate. The same goes here for Anardil…)

#126 Thrór, grandfather of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf king
A cold-drake killed his father & brother in the Grey Mts, to which he led his people back to Erebor where he became ‘King under the Mountain’ and his other brother went on to found the realm of the Iron Hills. Thrór befriended the Northmen who founded Dale, and all were prosperous until Smaug came, in which the King and kin fled to Dunland. His last move was to attempt to reclaim Moria. It was his Ring, along with his map & key to the Lonely Mountain, displaying the places he remembered, which he left to his son Thráin…

#125 Dwalin, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
He was the first dwarf to arrive at Bilbo’s door that fateful day, but Dwalin kept the reason he came calling, and the journey upon which the hobbit was to embark, a mystery until all had arrived…

#124 Bofur, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
He was in the tree in the wolves’ glade with cousin Bifur, brother Bombur, and Thorin; and in Mirkwood he helped prop Bombur out of the spiders’ webbing: both jungle-type situations which could have seen him wounded and not even dead. Bofur played the clarinet, and clarinetist Adolphe Sax invented the related instrument to which he gave his name...

#123 Mîm the Fatherless – petty-dwarf
His sons Ibun & Khîm appeared back in the 500’s. This Petty-dwarf broke down many times after his meeting with Túrin’s company, especially with the death of Khîm.

#122 Rómendacil II, 19th King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
He expanded Gondor’s realm east of the Sea of Rhûn, built the Pillars of the Argonath, and befriended King Vidugavia of the Northmen unwittingly leading to the Kin-strife. (Left with no clear song choice for this King, the recent passing of the King of the river-blues, and his teaming up with one of northeastern stock, became the obvious choice…)

#121 Irmo Lórien, Olofantur, Master of Dreams – vala master
This lesser of the brothers Fëanturi is the 2nd-last non-Aratar vala that will appear.

#120 Caradhras the Cruel (n) – mountain
Yes, this admittedly pushes the limits of those entities that display a hint of sentience in order to make my list. But stone-giants in The Hobbit, and the Fellowship questioning whether the Enemy’s arm could unbelievably have grown long enough to affect a mountain, leaves the possibility marginally open. Furthermore, it has an epithet that at least denotes sadistic sentience. Nonetheless, it chimes in at #120, well short of the top-100.

#119 Daeron, Minstrel of Doriath – sinda minstrel
Well, he did invent the Cirth alphabet, and was one of the greatest minstrels ever, so deserves his place, if not higher.

#118 Eärnur, 33rd and last King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
Oh, Eärnur, what were you thinking? I guess you were hoping that… “We, are, coming… home!” But, in reality, you told your men, before embarking… “We’re off to the Witch, we may never, never, never, come home…”

#117 Durin I, the Deathless – dwarf king
He’s of course the last Durin that will appear, though far from the last Dwarf.

#116 *Ælfwine of England – old-english mariner
Here he is, the last asterisked character. Tolkien started writing the story of this 9th-century Englishman about 1920, and never gave up. He wrote about him well past LotR, and included his story in the ‘Notion Club Papers’ framework. By all accounts, he was to be the ultimate conduit of the tales of Tolkien’s mythology, having discourse with such luminaries as Pengolodh the Wise, and Dirhaval composer of the Narn. His influence is illustrated in David Oberhelman’s ‘Oral Tradition’ entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia, who cites Flieger as expressing Ælfwine as being “a transmitter of lost poetic traditions and legends”; and extensively uses Wynne & Hostetter to back up the fact that Ælfwine employs a verse form “that is probably a Sindarin equivalent to Old English alliterative verse”. Garth and Rateliff also greatly note the importance of Ælfwine. But of course it is Kane who states “In his foreword to the first volume of [HoMe] Christopher admits that it was an error that there was no ‘framework’ for The Silmarillion, but claims that “in the latest writing there is no trace or suggestion of any ‘device’ or ‘framework’ in which it was to be set” (BoLT1,5). This is not entirely true. Although no ‘framework’ is described in the later version of the Quenta Silmarillion itself, there are similar attributions in other “Silmarillion” texts… Christopher evidently concluded that the best solution to this confusion was to eliminate any reference to the context of all the works. Although this decision is understandable, I believe Christopher would have better served his father’s interest to retain (and perhaps even, where necessary, further expand upon) this ‘framework’, and it appears from the doubts that he expressed when he first began [HoMe] that he might agree”.

#115 Gwaihir the Windlord – eagle lord
After Gwaihir, one eagle remains (for Steve Miller to honour).

#114 Ossë, Lord of the Inner Seas – maia
Only a good woman keeps this madman in line…

#113 Anárion, 2nd King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
His older brother will appear much later, but Anárion will always be remembered as one of the 2 Pillars of the Argonath.

#112 Bard the Bowman, 1st King of (new) Dale – northman king
Hobbit characters don’t do quite as well on this list, maybe as they should, since the novel had no index. But I think some of them, including Bard, were nudged ahead slightly by Jackson since I first did this list.

#111 Imrahil, 22nd Prince of Dol Amroth – gondorian dúnadan ruling-prince
He’s the Ruling Prince of Dol Amroth! (Not the Lord, formerly known as a Prince…)

#110 Meneldil, 3rd King of Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
Meneldil may be a bit of an anomaly. Nearly half his points derive from the Encyclopedia of Arda, because of his lengthy entry devoted to the historical ramifications of his line securing a separate Kingship in the South. Regardless of this, and when & how his line laid legitimate claim to Gondor, Meneldil’s legacy can’t be denied. He was the last of the kings to be born in Númenor, and his line was given authority to rule what became the greater kingdom, which only Aragorn II could eventually reclaim. (He may not have gone by the nickname ‘Men’, but to the early kings of Arnor, Gondor would have been viewed as the land down under…)

#109 Eorl the Young, 1st King of Rohan – rohirrim king
Eorl is a character who benefits slightly from points I awarded to votes garnered in the initial HOF thread that inspired this list. I believe it was one MithLuin who cast her vote for Eorl as a character vitally important to the Story that is the legendarium. (And he had white horses…)

#108 Balan ‘Bëor the Old’, 1st Lord of the First House of the Edain – 1st house adan lord
The Young and the Old, appear back to back, as both fall just short of cracking the top-100.

#107 Curufin the Crafty, 5th son of Fëanor – noldo prince
The twins Amrod & Amras appeared back at #155 & #154, while the eldest 4 sons of Fëanor all make the top-100. Curufin may not quite rank there, but his son definitely will. (And he is generally counted the baddest of the 7 sons…)

#106 Bombur, companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
He scores the most points so far from Tolkien Gateway, and will do so until we reach Radagast. Yes, Hobbit characters get buoyed somewhat from the movies, but they are also deprived from a lack of index. Only 2 dwarves from Thorin’s company now remain, apart from Thorin himself.

#105 Brandir the Lame, 6th Chieftain of the Haladin – 2nd house adan chieftain
If Nienor had known Túrin was her brother, would things have been any different between her and Brandir? Not likely, but he certainly would have hoped…

#104 Huan, Hound of Valinor – canine hunting/guide-dog
He’s not the last canine we’ll see, and it’s too bad he doesn’t appear higher. (I also couldn’t choose Zep’s Black Dog over this classic…)

#103 Ecthelion of Gondolin, Lord of the House of the Fountain – noldo lord
[TG:75,EoA:7,Wik:11,RF:4,JT:7,Sil:3,CoH:1,UT:4,H1:2,H2:6,B2:7,FoG:5,H4:2,H5:2,H8:2,H11:2,HoF+:20=160pts,37indx.pgs] ... e_Fountain
7 Lords of the 12 Houses of Gondolin have already appeared, so 4 remain after Ecthelion. (And as we’re still outside the top-100, I’ll let the last of the pioneers, the Chairman, chime in…)

#102 Gurthang, black-sword of Túrin Turambar – meteoritic sword
Only 2 entities of questionable sentience remain after Gurthang, but they can both be classified as being alive. This sword, crafted from a meteorite, is attributed a brief spurt of dialogue, and so, I think, deserves its place; though it can be safely said that no mineral entities make Tolkien’s Top-100. (Gurthang can be substituted for Andúril in this piece…)

#101 Arvedui, 15th and last King of Arthedain – arnorian dúnadan king
Because of prophecy, he was crowned with a spike right through his head. Because of circumstance, he was drowned, and washed-up, left for dead…
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Re: The Middle-earth 1200 (plus 5) - master list (in process

Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

#100 Barahir, 7th Lord of the First House of the Edain – 1st-house adan lord
He was the father of Beren One-Hand, leader of his band of outlaws, and, oh yeah, had a Ring that survived as an heirloom to Aragorn..

#99 Tulkas Astaldo, the Valiant – vala champion
He was the last of the Valar to appear in Arda, and is also the last non-Aratar Vala to appear on this list.

#98 Nienna, Mistress of Tears – vala queen
The sister of the Fëanturi is the first to appear of the Aratar, the most exclusive club in Arda. Having said that, all 9 members of the Fellowship, all 3 Elf Ambassadors, as well as the entire immediate family of King Thingol, have yet to appear – exclusive clubs in themselves! (This mistress of grief & sorrow, is also acquainted with pity & courage, and was the teacher of Gandalf, no less: sing for the laughter, sing for the tears…)

#97 Gloin, father of Gimli, and companion of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf adventurer
6 dwarves make the top-100. Gloin’s son will appear much nearer the top, likewise for the next dwarf appearing below. (This could have been sung for all of Thorin’s companions, but of course literally only applies to Balin and Thorin himself: of mountain-tops, rooftops, egos, & break-ups…)

#96 Caranthir the Dark, 4th son of Fëanor – noldo prince
The 2 Elves with the epithet of ‘the Dark’, appear here back to back. (If Caranthir had the opportunity to dance with his mother Nerdanel late in life, he may not have been so dark…)

#95 Eöl, the Dark Elf – sinda smith/inventor
Like Húrin & Thingol, the immediate family of Eöl all make the top-100, although none near the top. Forging Anglachel would have to be at the top of his (mainly notorious) claims to fame. (He took whatever he wanted, including Aredhel…)

#94 Olwë, 2nd King of the Teleri – falmari king
With the exception of Tulkas, everyone in this batch of 10 have one or more family members that will yet appear. (Though Olwë waited as long as he could for his brother, he could hear the ocean’s roar, and had no time to pack his bags…)

#93 Thrain II, father of Thorin Oakenshield – dwarf king
Thrain’s life was certainly one filled with anger, struggle, and righteous cause. Unfortunate was his fate, but his claim to fame is of course passing on the map & key to Gandalf.

#92 Laurelin the Golden, younger of the Two Trees of Valinor (n) – tree
I have one last disclaimer: while we’re done with handbags, statues, mountains, & swords, and all other entities of questionable sentience; 2 trees still appear. They, of course, being the Two Trees of Valinor! However, their scores only reflect references to their individual identities, as all indexed references to the ‘Two Trees of Valinor’ were discounted. Arien the Maia, Mistress of the Sun was back at #147, but the Sun itself will not appear on this list, though it was a fruit of Laurelin.

#91 Goldberry the River-daughter, wife of Tom Bombadil (f) – water-spirit?
Nearly half her points come from being the 2nd character to appear on this list with an entire entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia devoted to her (the 1st being Old Man Willow).

#90 Finduilas, Princess of Nargothrond (f) – noldo princess
I’ve said it many times, but characters in the story of Túrin do well on this list primarily because it was a story that meant the most to Tolkien, as far as the number of times he rewrote it, culminating in CT’s Children of Húrin. (This song is of course from the perspective of Gwindor…)

#89 Dain II Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills & King Under the Mountain – dwarf king
Jackson probably bumped him up a few notches, via Tolkien Gateway, but he still gets the requisite points from the mainstays on the list, especially Rateliff, Day, Foster & Tyler. Whether he’s deserving of the #4 Dwarf on this list is of course open to debate.

#88 Huor, brother of Húrin & father of Tuor – 3rd house adan soldier
What can be said of Huor, other than he fought the good fight, and fathered one of the greatest of men…

#87 Dior Eluchíl, 2nd King of Doriath – sinda king
His place is certainly secure due to circumstance and lineage, but his life was brief, Doriath during his kingship being on the eve of destruction…

#86 Idril Celebrindal, Princess of Gondolin (f) – noldo princess
The mother of Eärendil probably deserves to rank even higher. She saw the building of the tunnel out of Gondolin; she married Tuor, lived at the Havens, and her fate is said to be that she & Tuor eventually passed into Aman. Whether she was the Sleeper-in-the-Tower-of-Pearl is another debate, but she certainly displayed magic at every turn…

#85 Beorn, bee-keeper of the Carrock – northman werebear
He’s a Hobbit character, who principally relies on Tolkien Gateway, Rateliff, Day, and Drout’s entry by John Walsh to supply his points. But it would be a shame if he didn’t make the top-100, animal that he was...

#84 Orodreth/Arothir, 2nd King of Nargothrond – noldo king
The reason Tolkien Gateway is given a large percentage of the points on this list can be seen right here with Orodreth. His entry begins that he was the son of Angrod, in rightful contrast to CT's Sil; but TG always gives the history of all versions. (And since his real name is Arothir…)

#83 Elros Tar-Minyatur, 1st King of Númenor – númenórean king
The brother of Elrond chose the fate of Men…

#82 Míriel Serindë, 1st wife of Finwë and mother of Fëanor (f) – noldo queen
Little is said about Fëanor and the absence of his mother in all his ensuing deeds, except for that said by Míriel herself upon her deathbed. Could a case be made that he always resented her fateful decision?

#81 Durin’s Bane, the Balrog of Moria – maia balrog
The percentage of points he gets from the 3 online sources is astounding, but they offset the few points he gets from traditional sources. (I have to go with 2 song entries here; the first is my logical choice, #177 on the recent Memorial-Day top-500 classic-rock-song list that I listened to, and appropriate with lyrics, title, & everything; but the second is a tribute to the facilitator of this list, and is a damn good song in its own right, no pun intended. I even discarded a Doors song that is a perennial top-100…)

#80 Beleg Cúthalion, chief of the marchwardens of Doriath – sinda soldier
A healthy amount of points awarded to him across the board, including 3pts from several favourite-character lists that I included way back. His legacy is bolstered whenever I attempt to order a Cúthalion on tap at a bar, and then explain why that means a Strongbow cider…

#79 Fingon the Valiant, 5th King of the Noldor – noldo king
Rescuing Maedhros is obviously his main claim to fame. Note that in Tolkien Gateway, Fingon as the father of Gil-galad is mentioned only under ‘Other versions of the Legendarium’, and is rightly labelled an “editorial mistake”. Fingon’s ultimate slayer appears just below. (The storm of evil threatened his very life every day…)

#78 Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs – maia balrog lord
He’s the highest ranking, and third Balrog to appear on this list, after Durin’s Bane just a few spots back, and the Balrog of the Echoriath, one of the added unindexed characters back near #1200. Maybe there were only 3. Perhaps 7. Maybe, as the tale of the Fall of Gondolin reads, there were Greater and Lesser balrogs in abundance. And perhaps Gothmog was, as his original story reads, the son of Morgoth and the ogress Ulbandi. Nonetheless, as villains go in the First Age, he certainly ranks with Sauron himself.

#77 Thorondor, Lord of the Eagles – eagle lord
Speaking of the highest-ranking of their species…

#76 Ingwë, High King of all the Elves – vanya king
No surprise that this character acquires the most points from UT & HoMe so far at 115. Not until the Doomsman of the Valar appears will that be exceeded. (In a place you only dream of, where your soul is always free, silver stages, golden curtains, fill my head as plain as could be… now if I let you see this place, where stories all ring true… it’s not for me to ask this question as though I were a king… for you have to love, believe, and feel before the burst of tambourines take you there…)

#75 Elwing the White, Princess of Doriath (f) – sinda princess
The survivor of Doriath, and mother of Elrond & Elros, appears well before her husband, for better or worse. (Their respective songs also overlap, as the contexts, but not the genders, in both cases, are applicable…)

#74 Carcharoth, Wolf of Angband – wolf guard
Speaking, again, of the highest-ranking of their species… (And as I previously devoted a Dead song because I couldn’t decide between 2, and wanted to honour the Overseer of this list, I’ll do so again – especially noting this being the last weekend they will ever perform, so they say…)

#73 Telperion the White, eldest of the Two Trees of Valinor (n) – tree
Once again, this is the last and highest-ranking Tree, though one-&-a-half Tree-like entities will still appear. (And the connection being the colour, this is for sador of TORN…)

#72 Radagast the Brown, the Bird-tamer – maia istar wizard
Yes, Tolkien Gateway (and that means Jackson), affords him an inordinate amount of points that won’t be exceeded until Balin chimes in. But Jackson aside, this member of the Istari was an original Hobbit character, and played a role in LotR. (And as one of the secret elders of a gentle race, all he sees turns to Brown…).

#71 Shelob the Great, ‘Her Ladyship’ (f) – spider (guard?)
Unlike those above, she’s not the last of her species that will appear. (Not necessarily a top-100 contender, but a natural choice from my favourite band…)

#70 Thranduil the Elvenking, 2nd King of the Woodland Realm – sinda king
Almost half his points come from Tolkien Gateway, bolstered by Jackson no doubt. But Tyler devotes a page-&-a-half to him also, resulting in a quarter of his points. He can’t be denied, though he longed for yesterday…

#69 Aredhel the White Lady of the Noldor, Princess of Gondolin – noldo princess
Seven points from Kane for this Princess, who appears ahead of her ‘husband’, but just below her son…

#68 Maglor the Minstrel, 2nd son of Fëanor – noldo prince/minstrel
In the ‘Lay of Leithian’ Maglor is cited as one of the 3 greatest minstrels, along with Daeron (back at #119) and Tinfang Warble (at #332).

#67 Nienor, sister of Túrin Turambar – 3rd-house adan
I have no words for this unfortunate character (but I have the song…)

#66 Maeglin, Lord of the House of the Mole of Gondolin – noldo lord
So, 3 Lords of the Houses of Gondolin remain after Maeglin of the Mole…

#65 Hador Lórindol, 5th Lord of the Third House of the Edain – 3rd-house adan lord
I think he’s one of the most underrated characters in all of the Legendarium, but #65 ain’t bad. (And he was Golden-haired…)

#64 Morwen ‘Elfsheen’, mother of Túrin Turambar – 1st-house adan
Kane is regularly adding 3 or more pts to each character from here on in, especially the women. Morwen is no exception. (Túrin and John Lennon certainly have a few things in common…)

#63 Aulë the Smith – vala smith
He’s the first to appear of the big 3 shapers of Arda, the Valar of Land, Air & Sea: Aulë, of course, shaping the land. (In and around the lake, mountains come out of the sky, and they stand there…)
#62 Gríma Wormtongue, counsellor of Rohan – rohirrim counsellor
From here on in, most characters get their own entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia; Gríma being no exception as Janet Brennan Croft does a good job of describing this villain.

#61 Celegorm the Fair, 3rd son of Fëanor – noldo prince
He’s the Fair of the sons, and had his eyes on Lúthien. (Of them all, maybe he needed somebody to love…)

#60 Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion and the Gwaith-i-Mírdain – noldo lord/smith
We begin the top 60 with the greatest craftsman outside of his grandfather Fëanor. Celebrimbor crafted the Three Elven Rings, and co-crafted the Seven, the Nine, and the Doors of Durin (as well as, possibly, an Elessar). Certainly important, but as with most Second Age characters he lacks the narratives that would tend to rank him much higher. Most of what we know about him (outside of the LotR Appendices) is contained in the ‘History of Galadriel and Celeborn’ from UT; in which we get deep dialogue between him and Galadriel. To her he says “you know that I love you (though you turned to Celeborn of the Trees), and for that love I will do what I can, if haply by my art your grief can be lessened”. And so the love of Galadriel inspired most of his creations (and he would have loved to have met her daddy, his grand-uncle in Aman, who appears below…)

#59 Finarfin, 3rd son of Finwë and 7th King of the Noldor – noldo king
As Fëanor and the successive High Kings of the Noldor took their realm into Middle-earth, Finarfin remained the King of the Noldor in Aman while the lines of his older brothers carried the title of High King. But upon the death of Turgon, Finarfin would have been the undisputed 7th High King of the Noldor. CT seriously messed with the lineage, making Gil-galad the son of Fingon. But Gil-galad was a grandson of Finarfin, and although he may have been the 2nd High-king of all the Eldar of Middle-earth after Thingol, while his grandfather was alive in Aman, the High-kingship (which followed Finwë into Aman) would have passed to Finarfin. As Tolkien Gateway states “he presumably still rules the few remaining Noldor in Valinor”. (Elves never truly die, but one can picture Finarfin, after his nephew Turgon was slain in Gondolin, proclaiming this to his people in Aman…)

#58 Yavanna Kementári, Queen of the Earth (f) – valier queen
She’s the first of 2 of the Valier that will rank above their husbands, which should help dispel any myths that Tolkien was a misogynist. And she’s almost the last tree-like character to appear on this list, as she apparently spent a great number of years as a giant tree inhabiting Middle-earth. Which brings us finally to the character below…

#57 Treebeard – ent ‘shepherd’
Fangorn he was, and the Eldest, and the last of the trees to appear on this list. We’ll enter the top-50 with no more wood; just completely fictional characters written on the very real substance that trees provide. ;) (He once had an entwife, or should I say, she once had him…)

#56 Oromë the Great Rider, Huntsman of the Valar and Lord of Forests – vala lord
He had many names, and loved horses, hounds, horns, and hunts. But being the primary Vala to traverse Middle-earth, discovering the Elves, and leading the Eldar through to Beleriand are his ultimate claims to fame. (Note that at the last minute I didn’t go with my favourite band’s ‘Who Are You’, as it pertains to the moment of discovering the Elves, but had to go with this…)

#55 Námo Mandos, Doomsman of the Valar – vala master
He has the most points acquired so far from any separate column of my spreadsheet, and that is 148pts from UT/HoMe. When you’re the timeless soul that he is, you’re always, at least, there…

#54 Balin, Lord of Moria and King of Khazâd-dûm – dwarf king
If Tolkien Gateway had afforded him 2 less points, then what I said about Mandos above would have applied to Balin a spot ago, as he has, to this point, the most points from TG at 132; which will be swept away by a dragon next post anyway. (His Chamber of Mazarbul was at one time well-lit from the light-shaft, and coloured white upon black tapestries, so I’m told…)

#53 Celeborn the Wise, Lord of Lothlórien – sinda lord
Again, a husband that falls short of his wife’s ranking, countering any argument for misogyny with Tolkien. I however am a big Celeborn fan unlike many, as he is Thingol as he should have been, much the same as Galadriel is Fëanor as he should have been, and they bridge the distance of a Sea, uniting Calaquendi and Moriquendi. (Their parting at the end of Third Age would have been emotional to say the least…)

#52 Ungoliant (f) – spider
At one brief point was she the most powerful entity under Eru? Who knows, but maybe?

#51 Turgon, King of Gondolin and 6th King of the Noldor – noldo king
Reluctant follower he was…

#50 Smaug the Golden – winged dragon
Who else could kick off the top 50, just half a year beyond his short reign as a film-star? Nearly half his points come from Tolkien Gateway, the full entry of which is linked above.

#49 Finwë, 1st King of the Noldor – noldo king
He’s the middle of the 3 Elf Ambassadors to Valinor to appear on the list; appropriate as he was the leader of the middle host.

#48 Théoden Ednew, 17th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
On a previous run-through of this list, both he and Denethor ended in a tie. Here Théoden has slipped a bit, but his eventual heir finishes just ahead of Denethor’s firstborn son, below. (The first song I’ll call the actual #48 classic rock song, somewhat appropriate for the pre-Gandalf-revived Théoden; the 2nd is the more appropriate song for Théoden upon his Ride to the “Battle of Pelennor” – which can be substituted here for ‘Border-of Mexico’…)

#47 Ar-Pharazôn the Golden, 25th and last King Of Númenor – númenórean king
Again, the lack of a Second-Age novel based upon Númenor surely keeps him out of the top 10 or 20. Otherwise he would be much nearer to the top 4 baddies. He does get votes, however, from the initial thread which inspired this list, boosting him into the top-50 at least.

#46 Ulmo the Ancient Mariner, King of the Sea – vala king
So Aulë was back at #63, while the 2 other Kings of the elements of Arda appear here back-to-back. Ulmo also finds himself appropriately ranking in the middle of the 2 respective couples, as Yavanna was back at #58. (I seem to have made it a policy now to sometimes go with 2 songs, and Ulmo is no exception: the 1st is a brief intro to a mega-album that has no other songs appearing, so an appropriate composite, unfortunately containing Townsend-styled narrative; the 2nd a lengthy metal piece, whose title also fits the Lord of Waters, and which I’ll have to label classic rock song #46…)

#45 Manwë Súlimo, Elder King of Arda – vala king
He equals the highest total so far for points acquired by UT & HoMe, tied with his compatriot Mandos. They will however soon be eclipsed by another Vala. Some have speculated that it was Manwë, Lord of the Air and Winds, who was responsible for all of the coincidental changes in the winds and weather during LotR…

#44 Denethor II, 26th and last Ruling Steward of Gondor – gondorian dúnedan ruling-steward
Both his sons appear after him, his firstborn just below.

#43 Boromir, 1st son of Denethor II and Captain of the White Tower – gondorian dúnedan captain
So the Fellowship begins to chime in, with the ill-fated Boromir. Was he more important than Legolas? Tolkien said as much when he declared that Legolas accomplished the least of the 9. Does Boromir have more of a stage presence within the Legendarium? I think not, and I’ll have to stick to that.

#42 Maedhros, 1st son of Fëanor and 3rd King of the Noldor – noldo king
He’s the highest-ranking son of Fëanor to appear, as he should be.

#41 Éomer Eadig, 18th King of Rohan – rohirrim king
The gaps between the characters points are now reaching wide margins on average. Fluctuations in online entries and any rounding, or errors, occurring in my tabulations should be highly minimized at this point. Éomer now sets the record at 161pts for any column entry in my spreadsheet, due to Tolkien Gateway; which will happen to be eclipsed with the next entry. (Upon exile, he fought for his meals on the fields of Rohan, the wizard’s wasteland…)

#40 Varda Elbereth, Lady of the Stars (f) – valier queen
She drops a bit from the last run-through of this list, because well, Tolkien Gateway awards her no more points than Tyler. But she is still the highest ranking Vala outside of he who possibly ultimately became evil incarnate because of her rejections of him. You don’t suppose, had Varda been a bit shallower and less discerning, Arda would have been a world of bliss from the beginning. There wouldn’t be much stories to tell, however! (As it is, from Manwë's standpoint, she’s definitely the Lady…)

#39 Éowyn, White Lady of Rohan and the Lady of Ithilien (f) – rohirrim lady
I’m glad she chimes in as the top person of Rohan, her brother just on the other side of the top-40. She’s also the highest-ranking person to have no hint of extraneous life: all dúnedain and númenoreans of course have extended lifespans; Húrin & Túrin early in the cosmology are painted as immortals of the sky, like Eärendil; and Tuor is hinted at being accepted as an Elf, in the end. Then there’s Éowyn, who gets 30pts, not from votes on the initial thread of ‘important’ characters that inspired this list, but on the several favourite-character lists that I included way back (making her the 8th favourite, in fact). Well-earned and deserved I say. (Her song, while conceived to be derogatory, I think appropriately encapsulates her love-life…)

#38 Eru Ilúvatar, the One – god all-father
God being at #38 proves this is not the list of the most important entities of the Legendarium. He plays a significant role, but lacks of course in stage presence! Where he would be #1 on such another list, and is called The One, and ‘One’ is a song by both U2 and Metallica (different songs) that usually rank high, and I considered them both for the longest time; there was only ONE choice for the #38 classic rock song of all time, and that comes from the quiet Beatle…

#37 Elendil the Tall, High King of Arnor & Gondor – arnorian dúnadan king
Who surpasses God in the Legendarium? Well, 37 characters apparently, that the Story could not have been told without! Elendil’s father was back around #120; his son is still to come; as is a distant descendant. (When the Island sinks, we’ve got somewhere to go…)

#36 Melian the Maia, Queen of Doriath and mother of Lúthien (f) – maia queen
I can only assume, as a mother, that you would want a daughter to be all she could be, and more than you. Consider that fulfilled. But Melian was much more important to the Story than just that. She was a Maia who entered Middle-earth, waylaid and married one of the 3 Elf ambassadors on his way to Valinor, was a Queen and Protector of Doriath until it fell, advising against the Silmaril-seduced leanings of her husband and King, ultimately witnessing a dwarf-lord parade into her chamber bearing his decapitated head, and finally escaping Middle-earth in heartache as her daughter and son-in-law were dealing with life, death, immortality, a Silmaril, and the Fate of the World!

#35 Gil-galad, 2nd High King of the Elves of Middle-earth – noldo king
His lineage, and the controversies, probably boost his standing, rather than detract from it. He did however become High King of the Elves in Middle-earth after Thingol for an Age (parts of 3), however you want to do the math; was an original Ring-bearer, possibly a holder of 2 of the 3 for a time; fought Sauron in combat, perishing; and even made it into Jackson’s movies! Not a bad résumé. (For almost all of his life, his homes have been, well you know the geography…)

#34 Glaurung the Golden, Father of Dragons and the Great Worm of Morgoth – fire-drake
Yes, right here at #34! If he can’t be any higher, he certainly shouldn’t be any lower. (Speaking to any member of the family of Húrin…)

#33 Fingolfin, 2nd son of Finwë and 4th King of the Noldor – noldo king
His 35pts from the favourite-character lists I used way back rank him 6th place on that account. He isn’t ignored either by all resources, including Rateliff, Kane, Day, Drout, Foster, and especially Tyler, who gives him the most points (3pgs in my copy), the first sentences of each paragraph reading thusly: “Fingolfin was accounted by the Noldor the bravest of the three sons of Finwë… The long story of the deeds of the Elves’ first High King in Exile is stirring, yet ultimately tragic and wasteful… Fingolfin was proclaimed High King of the Noldor in the first Year of the Sun…Fingolfin and his people now occupied Hithlum and Mithrim as their realm… Alone of the High-elven kings of old, Finwë wedded twice…”. And the concluding sentence: “And in the deeds which followed [Finwë’s] murder (for such it was) Finwë’s house was laid low, and two of his three sons were slain, even as he had been, and by the same foe, and for the same cause – the Silmarils”. (An exception to a top-100 ranking, I couldn’t resist this band having not appeared yet, though it being at the risk of editing-out by some parties ;) ...)

#32 Thorin II Oakenshield, King of Durin’s Folk and King Under The Mountain – dwarf king
He’s the first character to accumulate 400pts here, almost averaging 10pts per resource I used. Well, one dwarf remains, so no surprise who it will be…

#31 Círdan the Shipwright, Lord of the Falathrim – sinda lord/mariner
Most of what I said of Gil-galad almost applies to this legend. (But a better, and more appropriate song than Gil-galad’s, I’ve had pegged for this Lord waiting by the Sea for 3, 4, 5(?) Ages…)

#30 Faramir, Prince of Ithilien – gondorian dúnadan ruling-prince
Making the top-30 might seem pretty high for this younger brother, but let’s not forget he is who Tolkien likened himself to the most. Garth even notes this in his Tolkien and the Great War, following it up by saying “Faramir, of course, is an officer but also a scholar, with a reverence for the old histories and sacred values that helps him through the bitter war”. Along with entries in Drout and Day, Faramir even makes Carpenter’s Biography, as he notes letters written to CT in 1944: “A new character has come on the scene (I am sure I did not invent him, I did not even want him, though I like him, but there he came walking into the woods of Ithilien) - Faramir, the brother of Boromir – and he is holding up the ‘catastrophe’ by a lot of stuff about the history of Gondor and Rohan. If he goes on much more, a lot of him will have to be removed to the appendices”. I think he deserves his place.

#29 Arwen Undómiel, Queen of the Re-United Kingdom of Arnor & Gondor (f) – noldo queen
Is her standing boosted slightly, on Tolkien Gateway & Wikipedia, due to Jackson’s use of her? Possibly. (But it also makes my song choice, with Arwen’s ‘other’ dad, rather easy, though the lyrics certainly don’t apply…)

#28 Isildur, 2nd High King of Arnor & Gondor – gondorian dúnadan king
Of his line (after Elrond), he is the 2nd last who’ll appear. No question, one of the most important characters to the Story. In fact, getting 4 votes on the initial thread of most important characters in the Legendarium; only 4 characters getting more votes! That it was he who preserved the line of the White Trees, and that Sauron no doubt would have remembered his faithful deeds back in Númenor, furthers his importance, and in a positive light, not the negative one that he ultimately displays.

#27 Húrin Thalion, 7th Lord of the Third House – 3rd-house adan lord
He gets the most points awarded thus far from Kane’s Arda Reconstructed. Surprisingly, he gets no points from the initial thread of most important-characters, though he gets a healthy 25pts from the favourite-character lists. I don’t think I added to those lists, but Húrin would’ve gotten a 2nd place vote from me if I had.

#26 Tuor Eladar, father of Eärendil and Lord of the House of the Wing of Gondolin – 3rd-house adan lord
The largest jump in points is now taken, as Tuor surpasses Húrin by 48! With Faramir, Arwen, Húrin and Tuor in the same batch of 5, I think this can be considered a class of valedictorians. And since Isildur was only stained by the Ring, as were others of prominence, he can join arm-in-arm here with the other band members. (No not a Beatles song, but if you can’t connect these lyrics with Tuor, you’re really not trying very hard…)

#25 Legolas ‘Greenleaf’, Prince of the Woodland Realm – sinda prince
He who, according to Tolkien, accomplished the least of the Fellowship, opens the top-25, and also begins those characters exceeding 500pts! His 192pts from Tolkien Gateway is the most tallied thus far in a single segment of my spreadsheet, and will take character #20 to equal that number from UT/HoMe, and character #17 to surpass it with 213pts from the Encyclopedia of Arda. Legolas is followed just below by his eventual brother-in-arms. (Both of whom gave me the most difficulty coming up with the perfects songs, so although this is not a usual top-100 classic-rock contender, I owe this next late suggestion for Mr. Greenleaf to Sador of TORN…)

#24 Gimli ‘Elf-friend’, Lord of ‘the Glittering Caves’ of Aglarond – dwarf lord
He’s exactly tied in points with Legolas, appropriately enough, though Gimli has more points from the literary sources that provide indexed pages, thus he has the tie-breaker. His 40pts from the favourite-character lists I used ranks him 4th overall on that account! (The first song is the perfect one for Gimli in my opinion, as the older Bradley Delp even had a certain dwarvish resemblance, but the second would probably be a better candidate for 24th greatest classic rock-song...)

#23 Glorfindel, Lord of the House of the Golden Flower of Gondolin – noldo lord
I guess I had more than an objective role in influencing his points, as it was I who wrote his entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia. But I was given a word-limit! In it, I reference Tolkien’s late conclusion (HoMe12), that Glorfindel of Rivendell was one and the same entity, though reincarnated, as Glorfindel of Gondolin; so all resources totalled ‘both’ of their points. I’m not sure that any other character comes close to having 2 roles as vital as Glorfindel, saving heroes central to the stories of the First and Third Ages, along with their respective quests, companions, and items. (Just consider Garfunkel of Gondolin, and Simon of Rivendell…)

#22 Peregrin I ‘Pippin’ Took, 32nd Thain of the Shire @ – hobbit thain
Like Legolas & Gimli above, Pippin and Merry follow each other, coming just shy of the top-20. (And since I seem to be honouring those that have passed on recently...)

#21 Meriadoc the Magnificent ‘Merry’ Brandybuck, Master of Buckland @ – hobbit master
If you’ve always thought that Merry was an awkward name that took a little getting used to, consider that he was Marmaduke Brandybuck for the longest time in the drafts! His references under that name maybe contributed to him just beating Pippin. (This song-choice was virtually a dead heat, as lyrics apply in both, and both are among the greats. It was probably Wilko185’s comments in this TORC thread that began my swaying back-&-forth: ... 7&t=107069…)

#20 Finrod Felagund, 1st King of Nargothrond – noldo king
Finrod is worthy of his top-20 status; his role in the ‘Athrabeth Finrod Ah Andreth’ being the main reason, I deem. He’s the second character to have scores in every column of my spreadsheet; Elendil at #37 was the first, due to his 1pt acquired from Kane. Finrod also now equals Legolas’ entry on Tolkien Gateway as the highest amount of points from any one segment of my spreadsheet at 192pts from UT/HoMe. He also has his own entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia, written by none other than Michael Drout himself, overlooking his Nauglamír inaccuracies. In it, Drout states “Finrod is in some ways the best of the High-elves: he is noble, generous, kind, valiant, mindful of his oaths, and genuinely devoted to Men”. (He certainly longed for a peace between all peoples…)

#19 Beren Erchamion, 8th Lord of the 1st House of the Edain – 1st-house adan lord
His entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia by Paul Edmund Thomas, reads, “Tolkien referred to the story of Beren and his beloved Lúthien as ‘the kernel of the mythology’ and said it ‘arose from a small woodland glade filled with hemlocks (or other white umbellifers) near Roos on the Holderness Peninsula – to which I occasionally went when free from regimental duties while in the Humber Garrison in 1918’.” The character’s origin, as Thomas suggests, was actually earlier than that, as the ‘Tale of Tinúviel’ was written in 1917, but in it Beren was a Gnome, not a Man. Of course the lasting legacy of Beren can be considered his inscription on Tolkien’s gravestone. The ‘Wolvercote Cemetery’ entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia was written by none other than my own brother, an archivist of the Presbyterian Church of Canada; and his concluding paragraph reads, “Unlike the Silmarillion, however, in which 'none saw Beren and Lúthien leave the world, or marked where at last their bodies lay' (S 188), Edith and Ronald are buried in plot L2-211. Small, simple way-markers point the way along the cemetery path to their grave”. (Since an original name for Melian was Wendelin, one can only assume that Beren’s pet-name for Lúthien was ‘Wendy’; and don't ignore the imagery of B dropping dead on stage, before continuing…)

#18 Elrond Half-elven, Lord of Rivendell – peredhil lord
He ranks 5th, with 106pts, on the grouping of the initial-thread + favourite-character lists: another Elf, 2 Hobbits, and a Maia, only outrank him. The fact that Celebrían departed oversea first, even though Elrond’s great-great-grandmother was a Maia, was ironic in a way. But Celebrían’s great-grandmother was a niece of Ingwë. (And so, this can be considered a devotion from Elrond to his estranged wife…)

#17 Tom Bombadil, Master of the Old Forest – ??? master
Yes, his entry in the Encyclopedia of Arda is gargantuan, and worth the most points of anything yet! But it may be proof why a composite of all sources I’ve used is desirable to generate a fair ranking. Tom may be, in some circles, only peripheral to the Story; but he is definitely one who possibly generates the most debate in all of the Legendarium. He also preceded a large part of it - as he was but a doll of Tolkien’s children. (Though his mind is not for rent, to any God or Government, don’t put him down as arrogant / his reserve is a quiet defense, riding out the day’s events / The River!! / Catch the mist, catch the myth, catch the mystery, catch the drift...)

#16 Eärendil the Mariner, Lord of Arvernien – peredhil lord
One of his sons was 2 spots ago, and the other was back at #83. He is considered to be the one who inspired all of this! In 1914, Tolkien was inspired to seek out who he was from Old English Literature, specifically the poem Crist, and first wrote about this enigma in his own poem ‘The Voyage of Eärendel’ in September of that year. The rest is history; or pseudo-history, if you will. (His wife Elwing’s song was Skynyrd’s ‘Free Bird’, the imagery, though not the gender, being accurate. Likewise here…)

#15 Lúthien Tinúviel, Princess of Doriath (f) – sinda/maia princess
[TG:77,EoA:25,Wik:22,RF:43,JT:90,MD:82,DD:75,DK:11,JR:14,JG:2,HC:1,Let:2,LR/SL/CH:40,UT/HM:102,HoF+:87=673pts] ... %C3%BAviel
Not the last female that’ll appear, but close. If a story of Beren & Lúthien itself was published, then maybe she would have made the top-10. Her roots through Melian can be traced to the very beginning, as well as her lineage to Eldarion in the Fourth Age. That Tolkien constructed a World where she is only #15 is what’s ultimately impressive!

#14 Witch-king of Angmar, Lord of the Nazgûl – ringwraith king
Yes he gets 428 of his points from online sources, setting a new high of 225pts from Tolkien Gateway, but note he gets only 1pt from Drout’s Encyclopedia, and none from Garth, Carpenter, Kane or Rateliff. I once again claim that he was to be the 3rd Dark Lord, that of the Fourth Age if Tolkien had gone ahead with his ‘New Shadow’ story. As is stated in LotR, upon his slaying by Merry and Éowyn, the Witch-king “was swallowed up and was never heard again in that age of the world”; and in a footnote to Letter #246, regarding his passing, Tolkien states the “Witch-king had been reduced to impotence”. This is a door left wide open. Fantasy writer Harry Turtledove goes even further in his article in ‘Meditations on Middle-earth’, as he wrote a manuscript in 1967 about the Witch-king in the Fourth Age, but claims he was not the individual from the December 1966 Letter #292!

#13 Elwë Thingol, 1st High King of the Elves of Middle-earth – sinda king
Just as the Witch-king sets a record at 225 from Tolkien Gateway, Thingol eclipses it at 251pts from UT/HoMe! Early in the mythology, it was he alone who was the rebellious, prideful elf, more than Fëanor, as the latter had not been developed quite yet. But Thingol deserves his place, nearly astride the 2 other Elves of a prideful nature, that make it near the top of this list. (A song, not usually ranked this high, but since it's virtually the same title as a poem by Tolkien early in the mythology, and the lyrics are appropriate, we'll go with it...)

#12 Galadriel, Lady of Lothlórien (f) – noldo princess/ruling-lady
Her entry in Drout's Encylopedia was written by Jason Fisher. In it he states "Understanding the evolution of Galadriel's personal history is fraught with challenges... Initially [Tolkien] depicted Galadriel as a willing participant in the Noldor's rebellion against the Valar... much like Fëanor - 'proud, strong, and self-willed' - but she disliked and distrusted him. However, she was moved by his entreaties because she 'had dreams of far lands and dominations that might be her own to order as she would without tutelage' (Peoples, 387). (This video should be forever edited in Jackson’s movie over the part when Galadriel goes nuclear. A young prideful Galadriel and her struggles in Middle-earth, searching for her proper way to come home: Timpinen the Piper is calling her to join him in Eressëa, and when you have a rock like Nenya, you’ve got to roll with it…)

#11 Fëanor, 2nd King of the Noldor and maker of the Silmarils – noldo king
He got the most votes on the initial thread that inspired this list, as most important to the Legendarium, and may very well be. He just edges out Galadriel in points, someone who even Tolkien spoke about being almost as great an Elf in the end. Elves don’t make Tolkien’s top-10, neither will Zeppelin or Floyd. (Hey Valar, leave Eru’s Children alone!)

#10 Saruman the White, Head of the White Council and Chief of the Istari – maia wizard/chief
He sets a new high of 290pts from any one source, that being Tolkien Gateway here, as the link above will attest. Of course it is exceeded again by the character below. (It will no doubt be frowned upon by some, but in my opinion no better choice…)

#9 Bilbo Baggins @ – hobbit landowner/burglar
We now surpass 800pts per character, and by the 4th Hobbit below, we’re nearly at 1000! Bilbo’s giving up the One Ring willingly has to be atop the list of his many achievements. Of course being urged by Gandalf, and having retirement in Rivendell to look forward to didn’t hurt either. (So because of this one monumental act, I attribute to him this song…)

#8 Sméagol ‘Gollum’ – stoor-hobbit outlaw/thief
Bilbo may have surpassed him, if The Hobbit had an index. But of course Gollum would have gotten a few more points too. (The singer's name should not be overlooked in the mix either...)

#7 Samwise Gamgee, 7-time Mayor of the Shire – hobbit gardener/mayor
Sam places 2nd for points on both the initial ‘important-character’ thread that inspired this list, as well as the composite of ‘favourite-character lists’ that I used. First place on each belongs to a different character, however. One can argue that he is the real hero of the Story. Of course this list is more objective than that. (Sam was not his mother’s only son, but then neither was Ronnie Van Zant…)

#6 Frodo Baggins @ – hobbit ring-bearer
He’s the only one that I’ve specifically attributed the occupation of ‘Ring-bearer’, as it was a reluctant task that he willingly undertook, and truly was his main life’s work. Interestingly, the only source that gives Frodo more points than any other character is Drout’s Encyclopedia, with the 3-page article written by Michael N. Stanton. He scores 3rd on the initial ‘important-character’ thread, 6th on the ‘favourite-character’ lists, and is of course the highest-ranking Hobbit here. (This choice was just an extension of Bilbo's, acknowledging the hardships endured by the younger generation in both cases...)

#5 Túrin Turambar, the Black Sword and Bane of Glaurung – 3rd-house adan outlaw/counsellor
He’s the first character to reach a 1000pts, and has the largest entry on Wikipedia, just edging out Aragorn below. The number of stories we have of Túrin, stretching back to the beginning of the mythology add to his score, along with the number of names and epithets he has gone by. His 18pts from Kane is the most thus far, and he ranks 5th on the ‘favourite-characters’ lists composite. The only column of my spreadsheet having 0pts for Túrin is the initial ‘important-character’ thread. Seeing as the Second Prophecy of Mandos was never passed on by CT in any of the main novels, I suppose his role in it, only slaying the original Dark Lord at the end of time, gets overlooked. His entry in Drout’s Encyclopedia is by Richard C. West, and it finishes with “Tolkien’s mythology provided for an ultimate happy ending after the apocalyptic ending of the world, when it is prophesied that Túrin and his sister will be cleansed of their sin, and Túrin will assist the forces of Good in overthrowing Morgoth and the forces of Evil”. (Tolkien had a Devil put aside for him…)

#4 Aragorn II, King Elessar, 1st King of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor & Gondor – arnorian dúnadan ranger/king
Each character is now surpassing the next by over a hundred points. That Aragorn scores higher than Túrin is probably poetic justice, Aragorn being the 63rd great-grandson of Túrin’s first cousin. They can duke it out separately over who has the most monikers in total! Incidentally, all of Trotter’s indexed points were absorbed by Aragorn, being essentially the same character in terms of role. Interesting how Túrin remained very much the same character over nearly 50yrs of Tolkien’s writings, yet Aragorn morphed from a hobbit with wooden shoes to his eventual pseudo-Arthurian status rather late in the scheme of things. (Okay I’ll say it, we have the return of the King, and a tribute to Arwen…)

#3 Melkor the Morgoth, the Black Foe of the World – ainu/fallen-vala lord
A new height is reached, as the first Dark Lord acquires 350pts from UT & HoMe. And, yes, his 24pts are the most to any individual from Kane. Prior to the release of The Hobbit (the novel), he was the undisputed mover & shaker in Tolkien’s writings. And even HoMe10, post-LotR material, is named after, and further explores, him. (There are better versions, but the context of the real-life tragedy is everything here; and VtF will no doubt note how the Dead took the high road here…)

#2 Sauron the Deceiver, the ‘Nameless’ Enemy and Dark Lord of Mordor – maia lord
He is the Lord of the Rings, after all, and of many more names and disguises. Tevildo, Prince of Cats, was an early one, whose points were included in Sauron’s. He’s demoted from his #1 status on the last run-through of this list, and it is poetic justice indeed, by he who supplants him. (Just be glad I didn’t use Lords of the Ring by Styx. Nine lives, cat’s eyes…)

#1 Gandalf the Grey/White @ – maia wizard
When all is said and done, by end of LotR and of the Third Age, Tolkien’s Story can be thought of as Gandalf’s story. Not until I included Tolkien Gateway did he stride atop this list. His 511pts, seen in the massive link above, establishes the highest single score awarded on this list. Sauron eluded his ultimate defeat in the Second Age with sorcerous cunning. Gandalf was sent by the Lords of the West to make sure this didn’t happen again. (I have heard this as #1 on a list long ago, and of course liked how it followed Stairway. The last line of course parallels Sauron’s replacing Morgoth as the new dark boss, certainly not Gandalf’s replacing Saruman…)


*=as in CT's indexing in UT (ie. characters not appearing in Hobbit/LotR/AdvTB/Sil)
@=guest at Bilbo’s Farewell Party
(f)=female (n)=neutral

POINTS: TG=Tolkien Gateway,EoA=Encyclopedia of Arda,Wik=Wikipedia,RF=Robert Foster’s Complete Guide to Middle-earth,JT=J.E.A. Tyler’s Tolkien Companion,DD=David Day’s A-Z of Tolkien,HC=Humphrey Carpenter’s Biography,JG=John Garth’s Tolkien and the Great War,JR=John Rateliff’s History of The Hobbit,DK=Douglas Kane’s Arda Reconstructed,MD=Michael Drout’s Tolkien Encyclopedia,Let=Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,LR/SL/CH=Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, Children of Húrin,UT/HM=Unfinished Tales, History of Middle-earth,HoF+=votes from the Hall of Fire thread that initiated this project + a composite of selected favourite character lists.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."