
For the appreciation of the glorious beauty of nature and in unexpected places.
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Post by narya »

Dear Haloferians,

I've decided to start a thread for us to write each other pithy little postcards describing recent visits or experiences. It could be a paragraph describing a place full of old memories, dazzling nature, comforting people, or inspiring music. Or just a quick note to say "having a great time, wish you were here". Comments can be returned as postcards as well. Think of it as very low level role playing meets the "What I did for my summer vacation" essay.



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Last edited by narya on Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. ~ Albert Camus
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chocolate bearer
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Post by narya »

My dear bird loving friend,

I have had such a lovely time walking the beach here at Coronado. This morning, I saw tiny, bouncy puffballs - snowy plovers - alternately zipping and freezing as they made their way through the dunes. The sandy colored birds dissolved into their background completely each time they stopped. I could not stop saying "Cute! Cute! Cute!" to myself. Next I saw a flock of long-beaked, long-legged willets looked like sewing machines as they systematically probed for worms at the water's edge. Above the waves, pelicans whirled then plunging effortlessly into the sea one by one. Their cascading dives seem almost fay. I wish you could have been here to share it all with me. I hope you are doing well. Write when you can.

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. ~ Albert Camus
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Post by Lalaith »

Dear HoF Nature Lovers,

I spent a warm, sunny (and very windy!) day at the park. The turtles were out in full force, sunning themselves in piles on rocks or on logs. We even saw one turtle log-roll a fellow turtle off into the water! Oh, and a really cute baby snapper the size of a half-dollar! The wildflowers were blooming, too! Virginia bluebells, bloodroot, Dutchman's breeches, violets, spring beauties--and so many more! The main attraction of the day were the American Toads, who were busy in the pond trilling and trying to attract mates. So fun to watch them puff out their throat sacs! We even managed to catch one.

Got a weird sunburn on my legs, though. :(

Yours Truly,

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Post by narya »

Dear Gardener,

Thank you so much for the meal last night. The watermelon vines were so succulent, they practically slid down without chewing. The pepper plants were a bit piquant, a little citrussy, and definitely worth repeating - do plant more tomorrow! The beans were mouthwatering! Much better than the ones you planted last week. And we are almost done with the pea plants, so do put those on your shopping list as well. I have one urgent request for you. Please refrain from planting so many tomatoes! You know that they are from the deadly nightshade family, don't you? My #5 son ate one last night and we almost lost him! But all in all, you have provided a great service to us, and we look forward to many more delicious buffets.

Mr. Golpher
124 Underlawn
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. ~ Albert Camus
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Post by BrianIsSmilingAtYou »

I spent the early evening outdoors in front of Seven Stones Cafe, reviewing my brother's Phd thesis-in-progress over some Tuscan Chicken Soup. The weather was a balmy 80F with word of 90F+ to come this weekend.

I ran into Mac, a buddy of mine, and his wife and a friend. Mac is the dean of a local college and an accomplished clarinet player, who I've seen at some shows and local open mics. He and his wife were sharing some sinfully delicious pastries.

Kay and Ed, whose little girl Penny is now walking, came by, and I told them about the disappointment my sister-in-law had in her recent visit to Pakistan with my two little nieces, with 100F+ temperatures everyday, unsafe conditions, absurd restrictions on women and more.

I headed down to the end of the plaza, where some of my buddies were hanging out as they do many nights, along with a mix of some high school kids and families. Hank, with his dog Chili, Garrett smoking his cigar, and others.

Hank and Chili, Dude with LiveStrong T-shirt, Garrett in wheelchair

Garrett says his custom bike is almost ready, and he will be doing another charity ride across the country. He may not have legs anymore, but his upper body is strong. He plans on doing Seattle to Key West next spring (a multi-week or multi-month venture) to raise money for charity, comparable to some other rides he's done before.

Chili looming large, Jake, a local punk rocker, in the background

I always thought Jen would have loved Chili. Her own dog, Coffee, was a bit smaller, but they would have gotten along. I was able to get a signal for my laptop and I showed Hank the video that Bob made about Jen's 5 year struggle.

I haven't asked Jen's husband Jake (not to be confused with the punk rocker) how Coffee is doing, so I probably should call.

Sometimes the "Dollar Band" practices out here on the curbside, some old-timey stuff, or Beatle's tunes--did a great version of REM's "Everybody Hurts" the other night, but they did not show up tonight unfortunately. The picture above is from last Friday, a week ago.

As the night wore on and things broke up a bit, I headed off to the open mic at the Beanery, and I caught Nathan, Jim and Steve on guitar doing a mix of original songs and standards--Geraldine "Journey" did some of her poetry--she told me that I had inspired her with my own.

Mike and Jackie were there, and they told me that they're working on a new CD, and three of the songs I wrote will be on it.

A bunch of us headed over to O'Malley's for ice cream and whiled the night away. I showed Jackie and her friend some videos from the bonfire back in 2005 where the Druids crashed the party, and a few of my poems that she hadn't seen before.

The one video was of a druid girl singing an arrangement of Henry David Thoreau's "Nature":


O nature I do not aspire
To be the highest in thy quire,
To be a meteor in the sky
Or comet that may range on high,
Only a zephyr that may blow
Among the reeds by the river low.
Give me thy most privy place
Where to run my airy race.
In some withdrawn unpublic mead
Let me sigh upon a reed,
Or in the woods with leafy din
Whisper the still evening in,
For I had rather be thy child
And pupil in the forest wild
Than be the king of men elsewhere
And most sovereign slave of care
To have one moment of thy dawn
Than share the city's year forlorn.
Some still work give me to do
Only be it near to you.

All in all, a good night.

Wish you were here.

BrianIs :) AtYou
Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou on Sat May 01, 2010 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

All of my nieces and nephews at my godson/nephew Nicholas's Medical School graduation. Now a neurosurgical resident at University of Arizona, Tucson.
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Post by Lalaith »

Me too!
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Post by Lalaith »

Me too!
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Post by Frelga »

Me three. :P
If there was anything that depressed him more than his own cynicism, it was that quite often it still wasn't as cynical as real life.

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Post by samaranth »


Hi Everyone,

I’m currently sitting on a rock. : ) J and his team are playing football at the oval at Callan Park this morning, and he’s graciously given me permission to go for a walk instead of playing spectator. So I have wandered happily for the past hour, and am now taking a breather before heading back. It’s a beautiful sunny day, the water is glittering like the proverbial diamonds. The dogs are chasing and retrieving the sticks their owners are patiently throwing into the water. Endless enthusiasm, these dogs!

Callan Park is an unusual place. Once an insane asylum, it is now a strange mix of mostly empty-becoming-derelict buildings, which have a real aura of ‘otherness’ about them. The sandstone rocks around about where I’m sitting have dates and images carved into them, presumably by the patients at the hospital. It’s not asmall complex of buildings: there are wards, chapels, and others of varying architectural styles scattered over the whole 100 something acres.

All this, plus wonderful trees, large grassy areas, and the waterfront itself including tiny Harbour beaches. The bird life is phenomenal.

I hope you are all well. I think of you often, and know that so many are facing difficult times. I hope this little glimpse of sunshine and warmth helps a little.

all the best

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Post by narya »

Dear Haloferian,

I had such a great time sending real post cards to some of you, that I decided to send a virtual one to the rest of you, from lovely Yosemite Valley.

This visit, I decided to walk the length of the Merced River, from the top of Nevada Falls to the base of El Capitan. I was rewarded at each turn by such beauty. From the stunning views of iconic Half Dome, to the intimate glimpses of fawns lurking in the shadows and dragonflies hovering over the meadows. There was a cool breeze to ripple the surface of the languid river, the scent of cedar, and the crunch of pine needles and river sand underfoot. Wish you could have been there!

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. ~ Albert Camus
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Post by Lalaith »

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