X-Company - New Canadian Series

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X-Company - New Canadian Series

Post by Sunsilver »

Not sure where to put this ...new thread?

Just saw the first two episodes of X-Company, a new Canadian TV show about 4 young men and 1 woman recruited as spies, and trained at Camp X in Ontario, during WWII.

I thought it was excellent! It shows the moral problems ordinary people have to deal with when forced to do this sort of work, which often requires killing both enemies and non-enemies in cold blood, in order to get the job done. It also showed how these assignments often did NOT go off as planned (not the usual way these things are shown on TV!) For instance, at the start of the second episode, the spies' plane comes under enemy fire, and the jumpmaster is shot and killed. The plane is badly damaged, forcing them to bail out before reaching their target. One of the spies freezes and doesn't want to jump, and has to be pushed out of the plane by his buddy. Another one gets his chute tangled in a tree, and sprains an ankle when he has to jump to the ground. This means he has to stay behind while the others go on to try to complete their mission.

One of the most interesting twists is that one of the characters (Alfred) suffers from a neurological problem called synthesia, where all his senses are linked. He can taste colours and see sounds, and has an absolutely flawless memory. However, he is easily overwhelmed by too much sensory input, and gets terrified and freezes at the sound of explosions or gunfire. You can imagine what a liability that would be behind enemy lines!

I don't know if this series is being broadcast in the States, but if you can catch it, it's definitely worth a look! It kept me on the edge of my seat for a good part of the 2 hours!

Go here for more info: http://www.cbc.ca/xcompany/
When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows,
Lies the seed, that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes The Rose.
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